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synced 2024-11-19 02:03:33 +01:00
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#' Bot for creating limit orders in response to market movements
#' Description
#' @param url.townforged TODO
#' @param url.wallet TODO
#' @param commodity.id TODO
#' @param bot.account.id TODO
#' @param order.quantity TODO
#' @param price.increment TODO
#' @param price.steps TODO
#' @param init.midpoint.price TODO
#' @param loop.sleep.time TODO
#' @param ... TODO
#' @details TODO
#' @export
mm_daemon <- function(
# URL for TF RPC connection
url.townforged = "", # ""
url.wallet = "",
cancel.all.orders.and.exit = FALSE,
loop.sleep.time = 10,
verbose = FALSE,
...) {
if (cancel.all.orders.and.exit) {
order.bk.df <- TownforgeR::tf_parse_markets(url = url.townforged)
order.bk.df <- order.bk.df[order.bk.df$account == bot.account.id & order.bk.df$id == commodity.id, , drop = FALSE]
for (i in order.bk.df$nonce) {
TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.wallet, method = "cc_cancel_nonce",
params = list(nonce = i ))
current.height <- TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.townforged, method ="get_block_count",
params = list(), num.as.string = FALSE)$result$count
lookback.height <- min(2 * 60 * 24, current.height)
# Look at most recent 24 hours of blocks just to be safe.
# TODO: every X% of times, look back all the way, with runif()
TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.townforged, method ="cc_get_account", params = list(id = 7))
# initiate liquidity
bid.price <- init.midpoint.price - price.increment * seq_len(price.steps)
ask.price <- init.midpoint.price + price.increment * seq_len(price.steps)
for (i in bid.price) {
# i <- bid.price[1]
print(TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.wallet, method ="cc_trade_item",
params = list(
bid = TRUE,
id = commodity.id,
amount = order.quantity,
price = formatC(i * 1e+08, format = "fg")),
num.as.string = TRUE))
for (i in ask.price) {
# i <- bid.price[1]
print(TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.wallet, method ="cc_trade_item",
params = list(
bid = FALSE,
id = commodity.id,
amount = order.quantity,
price = formatC(i * 1e+08, format = "fg")),
num.as.string = TRUE))
# data.table::%chin%
existing.nonces <- TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.townforged, method ="cc_get_game_events",
params = list(cmd = 7, item = commodity.id), num.as.string = TRUE)$result$events
existing.nonces <- sapply(existing.nonces, FUN = function(x) {
if (substr(x[["event"]], 1, 4) == "Sold") {
} else {
existing.nonces <- unlist(existing.nonces)
while (TRUE) {
#data.table::`%chin%`("a" , "a" )
#data.table::fsetdiff("a" , "a" )
current.height <- TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.townforged, method ="get_block_count",
params = list(), num.as.string = FALSE)$result$count
recent.trades <- TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.townforged, method ="cc_get_game_events",
params = list(cmd = 7, min_height = current.height - lookback.height,
item = commodity.id), num.as.string = TRUE)$result$events
new.nonces <- sapply(recent.trades, FUN = function(x) {
if (substr(x[["event"]], 1, 4) == "Sold") {
} else {
new.nonces <- unlist(new.nonces)
if (length(setdiff(new.nonces, existing.nonces)) == 0 ) { next }
existing.nonces <- unique(c(new.nonces, existing.nonces))
recent.trades <- sapply(recent.trades, FUN = function(x) {
if (substr(x[["event"]], 1, 4) == "Sold") {
stopifnot(length(x$items) == 1) # Not sure what to do if there are multiple items here
return(c(cost = x$balance, quantity = x$items[[1]][["amount"]], height = x$height))
} else {
# do.call(rbind.data.frame, c(recent.trades, list(deparse.level = 1)))
recent.trades <- do.call(rbind, recent.trades)
mode(recent.trades) <- "numeric"
recent.trades <- recent.trades[recent.trades[, "height"] == max(recent.trades[, "height"]), , drop = FALSE]
# only trades included in most recent block where trades occurred
midpoint.price <- round(sum(recent.trades[, "cost"]) / sum(recent.trades[, "quantity"]))
# get the average price, weighted by the quantity sold at each price
# would be the same as
# weighted.mean((recent.trades[, "cost"] / recent.trades[, "quantity"]), recent.trades[, "quantity"])
midpoint.price <- midpoint.price / 1e+08
bid.price <- sort(midpoint.price - price.increment * seq_len(price.steps))
ask.price <- midpoint.price + price.increment * seq_len(price.steps)
order.bk.df <- TownforgeR::tf_parse_markets(url = url.townforged)
order.bk.df <- order.bk.df[order.bk.df$account == bot.account.id & order.bk.df$id == commodity.id, , drop = FALSE]
bid.bk.df <- order.bk.df[ order.bk.df$bid, , drop = FALSE]
ask.bk.df <- order.bk.df[ ! order.bk.df$bid, , drop = FALSE]
order.iter <- 1
while ( nrow(ask.bk.df) > 0 | nrow(bid.bk.df) > 0 |
order.iter <= length(bid.price) | order.iter <= length(ask.price)
) {
# TODO: clean up this while condition
# while there are still orders in the original order book
# while current price step is less than...price.steps
# TODO: could also have a "safer" mode in which it confirms that a nonce is canceled
# before initiating a new limit order
if (nrow(bid.bk.df) > 0) {
TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.wallet, method = "cc_cancel_nonce",
params = list(nonce = bid.bk.df$nonce[ which.min(bid.bk.df$price) ]))
bid.bk.df <- bid.bk.df[ (-1) * which.min(bid.bk.df$price), , drop = FALSE]
if (order.iter <= length(bid.price)) {
TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.wallet, method ="cc_trade_item",
params = list(
bid = TRUE,
id = commodity.id,
amount = order.quantity,
price = formatC(bid.price[order.iter] * 1e+08, format = "fg")))
if (nrow(ask.bk.df) > 0) {
TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.wallet, method = "cc_cancel_nonce",
params = list(nonce = ask.bk.df$nonce[ which.max(ask.bk.df$price) ]))
ask.bk.df <- ask.bk.df[ (-1) * which.max(ask.bk.df$price), , drop = FALSE]
if (order.iter <= length(ask.price)) {
TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.wallet, method ="cc_trade_item",
params = list(
bid = FALSE,
id = commodity.id,
amount = order.quantity,
price = formatC(ask.price[order.iter] * 1e+08, format = "fg")))
# TODO: There are a lot of assumptions about these broadcasted transactions actually being mined
# TODO: This while loop checks if a new block has been found, but we will
# encounter problems if network is unstable. maybe best to check if previous TX want through
initial.height <- new.height <- TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.townforged, method ="get_block_count",
params = list(), num.as.string = FALSE)$result$count
while (initial.height == new.height) {
new.height <- TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.townforged, method ="get_block_count",
params = list(), num.as.string = FALSE)$result$count
Sys.sleep(ceiling(loop.sleep.time / 2))
# TODO: determine the best sleep time. maybe this command is why Im getting
# "Exception at while refreshing, what=no connection to daemon"
} # keep checking for a new block. can probably have a small sys.sleep here
order.iter <- order.iter + 1