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synced 2024-11-19 02:03:33 +01:00
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#' Bot for creating limit orders in response to market movements
#' Description
#' @param url.townforged TODO
#' @param url.wallet TODO
#' @param commodity.id TODO
#' @param bot.account.id TODO
#' @param loop.sleep.time TODO
#' @param verbose TODO
#' @param ... TODO
#' @details TODO
#' @export
share_issuer_daemon <- function(
# URL for TF RPC connection
url.townforged = "", # ""
url.wallet = "",
loop.sleep.time = 10, # Time in seconds
verbose = FALSE,
...) {
# NOTE: Do not turn on the bot until it has gotten at least one contrib each in gold and commodity
shares.to.be.sent.pending.in.mempool <- c()
gold.shares.to.create.pending.in.mempool <- c()
commodity.shares.to.create.pending.in.mempool <- c()
while (TRUE) {
custom.items.df <- get_custom_items(url.townforged = url.townforged)
# NOTE: Destroyed shares will appear here. This fact prevents shares
# from being re-issued after being destroyed. The "amount" column
# will be zero for destroyed items
nonces.issued.gold.shares <- gsub("(^.*[{])([0-9]+)([}].*$)", "\\2",
custom.items.df$pdesc[custom.items.df$gold.contrib & (! custom.items.df$is_group) ])
nonces.issued.commodity.shares <- gsub("(^.*[{])([0-9]+)([}].*$)", "\\2",
custom.items.df$pdesc[custom.items.df$commodity.contrib & (! custom.items.df$is_group) ])
gold.contribs.df <- get_gold_contribs(url.townforged = url.townforged,
bot.account.id = bot.account.id)
commodity.contribs.df <- get_commodity_contribs(url.townforged = url.townforged,
commodity.id = commodity.id, bot.account.id = bot.account.id)
gold.shares.to.create <- setdiff(gold.contribs.df$nonce, nonces.issued.gold.shares)
commodity.shares.to.create <- setdiff(commodity.contribs.df$nonce, nonces.issued.commodity.shares)
gold.shares.to.create <- setdiff(gold.shares.to.create, gold.shares.to.create.pending.in.mempool)
commodity.shares.to.create <- setdiff(commodity.shares.to.create, commodity.shares.to.create.pending.in.mempool)
# These are in the form of nonces
for (gold.nonce in gold.shares.to.create) {
# This loop will skip if gold.shares.to.create is of length zero
gold.contribs.df.single <- gold.contribs.df[
gold.contribs.df$nonce == gold.nonce, , drop = FALSE]
url.townforged = url.townforged,
url.wallet = url.wallet,
commodity.id = commodity.id, # commodity.id is actually irrelevant when contrib.type = "gold"
bot.account.id = bot.account.id,
contrib.type = "gold",
contrib.quantity = gold.contribs.df.single$item.quantity,
contrib.transaction.height = gold.contribs.df.single$height,
contrib.nonce = gold.nonce,
contrib.investor = gold.contribs.df.single$investor.id,
verbose = verbose)
gold.shares.to.create.pending.in.mempool <- c(gold.shares.to.create.pending.in.mempool, gold.nonce)
for (commodity.nonce in commodity.shares.to.create) {
commodity.contribs.df.single <- commodity.contribs.df[
commodity.contribs.df$nonce == commodity.nonce, , drop = FALSE]
url.townforged = url.townforged,
url.wallet = url.wallet,
commodity.id = commodity.id,
bot.account.id = bot.account.id,
contrib.type = "commodity",
contrib.quantity = commodity.contribs.df.single$item.quantity,
# TODO: how much to divide by?
contrib.transaction.height = commodity.contribs.df.single$height,
contrib.nonce = commodity.nonce,
contrib.investor = commodity.contribs.df.single$investor.id,
verbose = verbose)
commodity.shares.to.create.pending.in.mempool <- c(commodity.shares.to.create.pending.in.mempool, commodity.nonce)
# browser()
# Ok this second part below checks for (recently created) items in the bot's
# possession that should be sent to investors and then sends them
# if they exist
bot.possessed.items.df <- TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.townforged,
method ="cc_get_account",
params = list(id = as.numeric(bot.account.id)), num.as.string = TRUE)$result$item_balances
bot.possessed.items.df <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(bot.possessed.items.df), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
colnames(bot.possessed.items.df) <- c("quantity", "item.id")
extant.shares.df <- custom.items.df[custom.items.df$creator == bot.account.id &
(custom.items.df$commodity.contrib | custom.items.df$gold.contrib), , drop = FALSE]
unsent.shares.id <- intersect(bot.possessed.items.df$item.id, extant.shares.df$id)
unsent.shares.id <- setdiff(unsent.shares.id, shares.to.be.sent.pending.in.mempool)
for ( share.to.be.sent in unsent.shares.id) {
# Will not loop if unsent.shares.id is empty
recipient.id <- gsub("(^.*[[])([0-9]+)([]].*$)", "\\2",
extant.shares.df$pdesc[extant.shares.df$id == share.to.be.sent])
recipient.pub.key <- TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.townforged,
method ="cc_get_account",
params = list(id = as.numeric(recipient.id)), num.as.string = TRUE)$result$public_key
# BTW, the COMMAND_RPC_CC_LOOKUP_ACCOUNT takes public key as input and returns player ID
# browser()
TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(url = url.wallet,
method ="cc_give",
params = list(
public_key = recipient.pub.key,
items = "<VERBATIMREPLACE1>"), # c(type = as.numeric(share.to.be.sent), amount = 1)
verbatim.replace =
paste0("[{\"type\": ", share.to.be.sent, ", \"amount\": ", 1, "}] ")
if (verbose) {
cat(base::date(), "\n\tItem ", share.to.be.sent, " sent to player ", recipient.id, "\n\n", sep = "")
shares.to.be.sent.pending.in.mempool <- c(shares.to.be.sent.pending.in.mempool, share.to.be.sent)