mirror of
synced 2024-11-19 01:33:33 +01:00
218 lines
9.0 KiB
218 lines
9.0 KiB
serverFaucet <- function(input, output, session) {
collect.ip <- FALSE
Sys.setenv(TZ = "UTC")
thematic::thematic_shiny(font = "auto")
beowulf.txt <- xml2::read_xml("data/Perseus_text_2003.01.0003.xml")
beowulf.txt <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(beowulf.txt, ".//l"))
passage.num.lines <- 6
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747715/how-to-check-the-os-within-r
system("townforged --testnet --non-interactive --rpc-bind-port 28881", wait = FALSE,
ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
# This will send a command o start townforged regardless of if it is running.
# If it is running, the command will merely fail.
# Make sure to have townforged in /usr/local/bin
csv.files <- c("undispensed-invitations.csv", "dispensed-invitations.csv", "recipient-ip-addresses.csv")
for (i in csv.files) {
if ( ! any(list.files(recursive = TRUE) == paste0("data/", i))) {
file.copy(paste0("data/templates/", i), paste0("data/", i))
light <- bslib::bs_theme(bootswatch = "cosmo")
dark <- bslib::bs_theme(bootswatch = "cosmo", bg = "black", fg = "white", primary = "purple")
if (isTRUE(input$dark_mode)) {dark} else {light}
# https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/articles/bslib.html#dynamic-theming
passage.start <- sample(length(beowulf.txt) - (passage.num.lines - 1), 1)
# passage.start <- which.max(nchar(beowulf.txt))
# Test for text clipping
passage <- beowulf.txt[passage.start:(passage.start + (passage.num.lines - 1))]
session.vars <- shiny::reactiveValues(already.dispensed = FALSE)
# output$passage_verification_display <- renderText( {list.files(recursive = TRUE)})
# output$passage_verification_display <- renderText( {"TEST"})
if (collect.ip) {
IP <- reactive({ input$getIP })
output$passage_verification_display <- renderText( {
if (length(IP()$ip) == 0) {
"WARNING: Failed to obtain IP address. Requesting an invitation code will fail. The most likely cause is using TOR. VPNs should work."
} else {
} })
} else {
output$passage_verification_display <- renderText("")
output$passage_image <- shiny::renderPlot({
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
plot(0, 0, type = "n", ylim = c((-1) * (passage.num.lines + 1), 0), xlim = c(0, 10),
axes = FALSE, ylab = "", xlab = "")
text(x = rep(0, passage.num.lines), y = (-1) * (1:passage.num.lines),
labels = passage, pos = 4, family = "mono", cex = 1.5)
shiny::observeEvent(input$submit_passage, {
shiny::withProgress(message = "Submission in progress...", {
# Sys.sleep(5)
if (isolate(input$submit_passage) > 5) {
output$passage_verification_display <- renderText( {"Too many attempts."})
if (isolate(session.vars$already.dispensed)) {
output$passage_verification_display <- renderText( {"Already dispensed an invitation code this session."})
if (tolower(gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "", paste0(passage, collapse = ""))) ==
tolower(gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "", isolate(input$user_passage_input))) ) {
# TODO: maybe instead of exact comparison, do a comparison of edit distance
if (collect.ip) {
ip.addresses.df <- read.csv("data/recipient-ip-addresses.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
colClasses = c("character", class(Sys.time())[1] ))
write.csv(unique(ip.addresses.df[(ip.addresses.df$time.dispensed + 60 * 60 * 24) > Sys.time(), , drop = FALSE]),
"data/recipient-ip-addresses.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# Purge IP addresses if they have been around for more than 24 hours
# TODO: This is not a cron job, so only runs when someone triggers a submission. Maybe turn it into a cron job.
# TODO: Specify colClasses for other read.csv() uses
user.ip.address <- isolate(IP()$ip)
if (length(user.ip.address) == 0) {
output$passage_verification_display <- renderText( {
"Failed to obtain IP address. IP addresses are logged to prevent overuse of the service. The most likely cause is using TOR. VPNs should work."})
most.recent.time.dispensed <- max(ip.addresses.df$time.dispensed[ip.addresses.df$ip.address == user.ip.address])
if ( is.finite(most.recent.time.dispensed) && (most.recent.time.dispensed + 60 * 60 * 24) > Sys.time() ) {
output$passage_verification_display <- renderText( {
wait.time <- most.recent.time.dispensed + 60 * 60 * 24 - Sys.time()
paste0("Only one invitation code per 24 hours per user.\nWait for ",
round(wait.time, 1), " more ", attr(wait.time, "units"), " before trying again." )
inv.codes.df <- read.csv("data/undispensed-invitations.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (nrow(inv.codes.df) == 0) {
output$passage_verification_display <- renderText( {"Invitation pool currently empty. Try again in a few hours or days."})
inv.codes.df <- inv.codes.df[sample(nrow(inv.codes.df)), , drop = FALSE]
inv.code.to.display.index <- sample(nrow(inv.codes.df), 1)
inv.code.to.display.txt <- inv.codes.df[inv.code.to.display.index, "invitation.code"]
dispensed.inv.codes.df <- read.csv("data/undispensed-invitations.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
write.csv(unique(rbind(dispensed.inv.codes.df, inv.codes.df[inv.code.to.display.index, , drop = FALSE])),
"data/dispensed-invitations.csv", row.names = FALSE)
inv.codes.df <- inv.codes.df[ (-1) * inv.code.to.display.index, , drop = FALSE]
write.csv(unique(inv.codes.df), "data/undispensed-invitations.csv", row.names = FALSE)
if (collect.ip) {
ip.addresses.df <- read.csv("data/recipient-ip-addresses.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
colClasses = c("character", class(Sys.time())[1] ))
ip.addresses.df <- rbind(ip.addresses.df,
data.frame(ip.address = user.ip.address, time.dispensed = Sys.time(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) )
write.csv(unique(ip.addresses.df), "data/recipient-ip-addresses.csv", row.names = FALSE)
session.vars$already.dispensed <- TRUE
output$passage_verification_display <- renderText( {
gsub("|", "\n", inv.code.to.display.txt, fixed = TRUE)
} else {
output$passage_verification_display <- renderText( {"Input does not match text."})
shiny::observeEvent(input$submit_invitation, {
shiny::withProgress(message = "Submission in progress...", {
# Sys.sleep(5)
invitation.input.txt <- isolate(input$user_invitation_input)
invitation.input.txt <- gsub("(^[^[:alnum:]]+)|([^[:alnum:]]+$)", "", invitation.input.txt)
# Trim whitespace before and after
invitation.input.txt <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]*\n[^[:alnum:]]*", "\n", invitation.input.txt)
# Sanitize any issue with paragraph returns
inv.validation.check <- TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl(method = "cc_is_invitation_used",
url = "",
params = list(invitation = invitation.input.txt ))
# NOTE: townforged must be on port 28881
if (length(inv.validation.check$error > 1)) {
output$invitation_submission_display <- shiny::renderText( {
"Invitation submission is malformed. Submission rejected." })
if (inv.validation.check$result$used ) {
output$invitation_submission_display <- shiny::renderText( {
"Invitation has already been redeemed. Submission rejected." })
if ( ! inv.validation.check$result$balance_ok ) {
output$invitation_submission_display <- shiny::renderText( {
"Funds in inviting account are insufficient for redemption of invitation. Submission rejected." })
if ( (! inv.validation.check$result$used) & inv.validation.check$result$balance_ok ) {
# TODO: Want to check block expiration height
invitation.input.txt <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]*\n[^[:alnum:]]*", "|", invitation.input.txt)
inv.codes.df <- read.csv("data/undispensed-invitations.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
inv.codes.df <- rbind(inv.codes.df, data.frame(invitation.code = invitation.input.txt, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) )
write.csv(unique(inv.codes.df), "data/undispensed-invitations.csv", row.names = FALSE)
output$invitation_submission_display <- shiny::renderText( {
"Invitation successfully submitted to pool."})