Refactored nodes and components to write their type & ID when saving, instead of the parent node doing that.
Do not save attribute types into the XML format scene, as they are known.
When loading a node hierarchy, store also the root node reference into the SceneResolver.
Fixed bugs in async binary scene loading.
Removed the redundant .dat file extension filter from the editor. Instead .bin should be always used for binary scenes.
Fixed missing script bindings to the zone ambient gradient & camera override flags.
Added a default bounding box size for newly created zones.
Added documentation on zones.
Removed ambient + lit pass combining for less shader permutations, and to prime the Z-buffer with a lightweight pass in case there is a large amount of overdraw.
Moved ambient light calculation to the ambient pass vertex shader.
Added render mode toggle to the editor settings.
Note: OpenGL rendering is currently broken.
Find the zone at far clip plane and use it for the background color.
Added zone mask for drawables, allowing to select which zones they can belong to.
When zone moves or changes its bounding box, clear the cached zone from all drawables that were inside.
Added ray-frustum intersection test.
Added accurate raycasts for point and spot lights. Directional light now never returns a raycast result, as it has an "infinite" bounding box.
Added better debug visualization of a point light.
Reorganization of the editor script code.
Do not render light to stencil if camera is inside the light volume.
Added optimization for directional light shadow casters that are fully occluded by another shadow caster: do not render the lit pass for them.
Removed the alpha masking hint. Alpha test no longer gives the batch a lower priority.
Optimized shaders to do more work in the vertex shader.
Deferred rendering removed, at least for now.
Switched to RGB normal maps, with specular intensity in the alpha channel. Removed NormalMapTool.
Optimization of light influence on objects by stencil masking.
Split shadowed lights are now rendered in one pass. A virtual shadow depth cube texture is used for point lights.
Refactored shadow map allocation. Allow to use lower resolution shadow maps than quarter size.
Added the Polyhedron math object, used for improved shadow map focusing.
Reversed the convention for the plane intercept parameter.
Math-related code cleanup.
Fixed spotlight wrong size in deferred rendering.
Removed "first light" optimization pass due to buggy interactions with alpha blending.
Fixed morphWeights property naming on AnimatedModel.
Fixed missing shader combinations.
Ported the GraphicsTest example from Urho3D 1.0.
Capsule and cylinder shapes are now upright by default.
Fixed geometry offset staying if it was first set, but then zeroed after assigning the rigid body.
Fixed geometry offset not updating after the rigid body is assigned.
Attributes reorganized for editing. Accessor attributes used more for verifying correct value ranges.
More editor settings, including rendering quality.
PhysicsWorld raycast returns CollisionShapes instead of Nodes.
Fixed LineEdit cursor not showing when at text start.
Script API fixes.
Various networking and script API bugfixes.
Fixed kNet profiling compile errors due to STL -> Container library conversion.
Fixed loading of textures failing in headless mode (just return success without doing anything.)
The E_CLIENTCONNECTED and E_CLIENTDISCONNECTED events now also come from the Connection in question, to allow using GetSender() for convenience, instead of looking up the connection from event data.
Added simple network traffic statistics logging to Connection.
Fixed missing default arguments in the script API.
Fixed crash if a script file is unloaded while executing a script function.
Fixed Urho3D.exe not correcting the script file name to internal format (slashes instead of backslashes.)
Use black default background for the Direct3D9 window.
Refactored SendMessage API in Connection & Network, allowing the user to specify message priority.
Split Network library internal messages into 3 priority categories.
Added commented out package download test code to
Increased kNet's UDP send rate upper limit and aggressiveness in increasing the send rate.
Fixed being unable to do sparse seeks in files when writing.
Container library bugfixes.
Fixed loading of materials in headless mode (just return success while doing nothing.)
Fixed EventType parameter of SendRemoteEvent() / BroadcastRemoteEvent() in the script API, should be a string.
Added smoothed motion for nodes in network client scene.
Added enum CreateMode to CreateChild() & CreateComponent() which replaces the "local" bool parameter.
Added possibility for client to spawn physics boxes in networked TestScene.