Instead, assume the GCC (cross-)compiler toolchain will have the "--enable-multiarch" enabled and the toolchain has a triplet matching the CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE_REGEX which is set to "[a-z0-9_]+(-[a-z0-9_]+)?-linux-gnu[a-z0-9_]*" as of this writing. If so, CMake will automatically initialize the CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE with a right value and CMake will use it when searching for libraries, not requiring the build script to spell out the extra path suffixes manually.
Remove hardcoding of indirect dependency libraries list in the FindUrho3D.cmake module. Instead we now rely on the linker to find those indirect dependencies automatically with our hint via "-runpath-link" linker flag, especially when cross-compiling.
Also setup GLESv2 (and GLESv1_CM) for Raspberry-Pi in the same manner as generic ARM and Android platforms.
- Revert back commits from PR #191. The media keys support on Linux/x11 platform will be reinvestigated later.
- Add additional include dir for RPI platform. This change is to keep the original SDL/src/video/raspberry/SDL_rpivideo.h header file happy. Previously we were using a slightly altered header file.
- Merge changes from SDL's android-project template.
- Add new source files for Android platform into SDL's CMakeLists.txt. Use new SDL hint to separate mouse and touch events on Android platform. Strangely though a similar hint does not exist on iOS platform, so we retain our local changes to suppress emulated events on iOS platform.
- Adjust OSX and iOS linker flags to include more frameworks.
- Turn ARC on when compiling Objective-C on iOS platform.
- Enable SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI on all Apple platforms. Replace all the SDL_WindowGetSize() call with SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize() call in all the graphics backend implementation classes. The former now returns the number in screen coordinates while the latter returns the number in pixels suitable for setting up the glViewport.
- Always use fullscreen mode for iOS platform. Revert back local changes in SDL src/video/uikit/SDL_uikitviewcontroller.m.