Added ray-frustum intersection test.
Added accurate raycasts for point and spot lights. Directional light now never returns a raycast result, as it has an "infinite" bounding box.
Added better debug visualization of a point light.
Reorganization of the editor script code.
Fixed font size inconsistencies in the editor node window. Increased attribute name font size.
Merged Light's cascade split attributes into one Vector4 attribute.
Show local ID's in the editor in a more readable way.
Instead of double buffered VBOs, avoid glMapBuffer & glUnmapBuffer in "discard" mode and use a CPU-side buffer instead.
Reduce UI & DebugRenderer vertex buffer size if grossly too large.
Updated documentation. Suggest AMD's Compressonator utility for normal map processing.
Added tracking of last assigned shader parameter per hardware register to D3D9Graphics. This allows reusing shader registers for different parameters in different shaders.
Removed the ElapsedTime shader parameter, as wrapping it is problematic depending on the calculations it would be used for.
Removed support for bool & int shader parameters from Graphics, as bool constants are not supported in OpenGL 2.0, and int parameters are not (at least currently) needed, and can lead to worse performance.
Do not render light to stencil if camera is inside the light volume.
Added optimization for directional light shadow casters that are fully occluded by another shadow caster: do not render the lit pass for them.
Removed the alpha masking hint. Alpha test no longer gives the batch a lower priority.
Fixed light's bounding box not updating on light type, range, fov or aspect ratio change.
Fixed possible light stencil volume clipping bug when approaching a point light.
Fall back to non-specular or non-shadowed shaders if the desired light shader variation does not exist.
Unified order of light vertex & pixel shader variations.
Added support for enum accessor attributes.
Added light stencil mask toggle in the editor.
Optimized shaders to do more work in the vertex shader.
Deferred rendering removed, at least for now.
Switched to RGB normal maps, with specular intensity in the alpha channel. Removed NormalMapTool.
Optimization of light influence on objects by stencil masking.
Split shadowed lights are now rendered in one pass. A virtual shadow depth cube texture is used for point lights.
Refactored shadow map allocation. Allow to use lower resolution shadow maps than quarter size.
Added the Polyhedron math object, used for improved shadow map focusing.
Reversed the convention for the plane intercept parameter.
Math-related code cleanup.
Fixed spotlight wrong size in deferred rendering.
Removed "first light" optimization pass due to buggy interactions with alpha blending.
Fixed morphWeights property naming on AnimatedModel.
Fixed missing shader combinations.
Ported the GraphicsTest example from Urho3D 1.0.
Optimized physics debug geometry drawing.
Branch only in expensive pixel shaders (shadowing or specular lighting.)
Added more default colors to Color class.
Removed light prepass rendering support, as it has implementation difficulties under OpenGL and is often unsatisfactory in performance and specular lighting quality.
Removed the shader subdirectories.
Added option to specify whether single-channel images are to be interpreted as luminance or alpha, when loading into a texture.
Coding convention changed.
Large refactoring of the object model, scene model and script API.
Rendering improvements, including automatic instancing.
High-level network protocol and scene editor need reimplementation.
Re-added fast square root & fast inverse square root, and fast variations of normalizing vectors & quaternions.
Skinning & instancing vertex shaders are now chosen automatically without the material having to specify them.
Refactored Button logic.