
26 lines
1000 B

function writeMaterial material outFile =
local t, matname, mat;
mat = material ;
if (mat != undefined) then
matname = material.name ;
format "3ds/%\n" matname to:outFile ;
format "{\n" ;
format(" ambient % % %\n") (mat.ambient.r/255.0) (mat.ambient.g/255.0) (mat.ambient.b/255.0) to:outFile ;
format(" diffuse % % %\n") (mat.diffuse.r/255.0) (mat.diffuse.g/255.0) (mat.diffuse.b/255.0) to:outFile ;
format(" specular % % % %\n") (mat.specular.r/255.0) (mat.specular.g/255.0) (mat.specularLevel*100.0) to:outFile ;
format(" emissive % % % %\n") (mat.selfIllumColor.r/255.0) (mat.selfIllumColor.g/255.0) (mat.selfIllumColor.b/255.0) (mat.selfIllumAmount) to:outFile ;
-- if mesh has a material: reading the diffuse map:
if ((mat.diffusemap != undefined) and (iskindof mat.diffusemap Bitmaptexture)) then
t = filterstring mat.diffusemap.filename "\\" ;
format "{\n texture % \n}" t[arrayLength t] to:outFile ;
format "}\n" ;