Yao Wei Tjong 姚伟忠 60dad27d5f Fix Mac OS X and iOS build from external CMake project.
Since the CMake minimum is bumped up, set the policy CMP0022 to NEW. Incidentally it is also required to be so to stop the static libraries dependency from being transitively get included to other targets that links to Urho3D shared library.
2013-12-17 08:00:11 +08:00

43 lines
1.7 KiB

This version of tolua++ uses SCons to compile (http://www.scons.org). SCons uses
pythin. If you don't want to install python, check "Installation without scons"
* Installation
1. Edit the "config" file for your platform to suit your environment,
if at all necessary (for cygwin, mingw, BSD and mac OSX use
2. Then, type "scons".
You can use 'scons -h' to see a list of available command line options.
* What you get
If "scons" succeeds, you get:
* an executable to generate binding code in ./bin;
* the C library to be linked in your application in ./lib;
* the include file needed to compile your application in ./include.
These are the only directories you need for development, besides Lua.
You can use 'scons install' to install the files, see the 'prefix' option.
* Installation without scons
The instructions for building tolua++ without scons depend on the particular
compiler you are using.
The simplest way is to create a folder with all .c and .h files except
'toluabind_default.c', and then create a project for the executable and the
library, as follows:
tolua.exe: all *.c *.h in src/bin (except toluabind_default.c)
tolua.lib: all *.c *.h in src/lib.
* Installation with Microsoft Visual Studio
The directory 'win32' contains project files for Microsoft Visual Studio 7
(contributed by Makoto Hamanaka). The project has 4 different build options:
withLua50_Release, withLua51_Release, withLua50_Debug and withLua51_Debug.
They all expect the lua library names used by the LuaBinaries packages
(http://luabinaries.luaforge.net/). The resulting files are built on /lib and
/bin (for the library and tolua++.exe).