2017-04-09 22:17:34 +03:00

397 lines
16 KiB

// Vehicle example.
// This sample demonstrates:
// - Creating a heightmap terrain with collision
// - Constructing a physical vehicle with rigid bodies for the hull and the wheels, joined with constraints
// - Saving and loading the variables of a script object, including node & component references
#include "Scripts/Utilities/Sample.as"
const int CTRL_FORWARD = 1;
const int CTRL_BACK = 2;
const int CTRL_LEFT = 4;
const int CTRL_RIGHT = 8;
const float CAMERA_DISTANCE = 10.0f;
const float YAW_SENSITIVITY = 0.1f;
const float ENGINE_POWER = 10.0f;
const float DOWN_FORCE = 10.0f;
const float MAX_WHEEL_ANGLE = 22.5f;
Node@ vehicleNode;
void Start()
// Execute the common startup for samples
// Create static scene content
// Create the controllable vehicle
// Create the UI content
// Set the mouse mode to use in the sample
// Subscribe to necessary events
void CreateScene()
scene_ = Scene();
// Create scene subsystem components
// Create camera and define viewport. Camera does not necessarily have to belong to the scene
cameraNode = Node();
Camera@ camera = cameraNode.CreateComponent("Camera");
camera.farClip = 500.0f;
renderer.viewports[0] = Viewport(scene_, camera);
// Create static scene content. First create a zone for ambient lighting and fog control
Node@ zoneNode = scene_.CreateChild("Zone");
Zone@ zone = zoneNode.CreateComponent("Zone");
zone.ambientColor = Color(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f);
zone.fogColor = Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.7f);
zone.fogStart = 300.0f;
zone.fogEnd = 500.0f;
zone.boundingBox = BoundingBox(-2000.0f, 2000.0f);
// Create a directional light to the world. Enable cascaded shadows on it
Node@ lightNode = scene_.CreateChild("DirectionalLight");
lightNode.direction = Vector3(0.3f, -0.5f, 0.425f);
Light@ light = lightNode.CreateComponent("Light");
light.lightType = LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL;
light.castShadows = true;
light.shadowBias = BiasParameters(0.00025f, 0.5f);
light.shadowCascade = CascadeParameters(10.0f, 50.0f, 200.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
light.specularIntensity = 0.5f;
// Create heightmap terrain with collision
Node@ terrainNode = scene_.CreateChild("Terrain");
terrainNode.position = Vector3::ZERO;
Terrain@ terrain = terrainNode.CreateComponent("Terrain");
terrain.patchSize = 64;
terrain.spacing = Vector3(2.0f, 0.1f, 2.0f); // Spacing between vertices and vertical resolution of the height map
terrain.smoothing = true;
terrain.heightMap = cache.GetResource("Image", "Textures/HeightMap.png");
terrain.material = cache.GetResource("Material", "Materials/Terrain.xml");
// The terrain consists of large triangles, which fits well for occlusion rendering, as a hill can occlude all
// terrain patches and other objects behind it
terrain.occluder = true;
RigidBody@ body = terrainNode.CreateComponent("RigidBody");
body.collisionLayer = 2; // Use layer bitmask 2 for static geometry
CollisionShape@ shape = terrainNode.CreateComponent("CollisionShape");
// Create 1000 mushrooms in the terrain. Always face outward along the terrain normal
const uint NUM_MUSHROOMS = 1000;
for (uint i = 0; i < NUM_MUSHROOMS; ++i)
Node@ objectNode = scene_.CreateChild("Mushroom");
Vector3 position(Random(2000.0f) - 1000.0f, 0.0f, Random(2000.0f) - 1000.0f);
position.y = terrain.GetHeight(position) - 0.1f;
objectNode.position = position;
// Create a rotation quaternion from up vector to terrain normal
objectNode.rotation = Quaternion(Vector3::UP, terrain.GetNormal(position));
StaticModel@ object = objectNode.CreateComponent("StaticModel");
object.model = cache.GetResource("Model", "Models/Mushroom.mdl");
object.material = cache.GetResource("Material", "Materials/Mushroom.xml");
object.castShadows = true;
RigidBody@ body = objectNode.CreateComponent("RigidBody");
body.collisionLayer = 2;
CollisionShape@ shape = objectNode.CreateComponent("CollisionShape");
shape.SetTriangleMesh(object.model, 0);
void CreateVehicle()
vehicleNode = scene_.CreateChild("Vehicle");
vehicleNode.position = Vector3(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f);
// Create the vehicle logic script object
Vehicle@ vehicle = cast<Vehicle>(vehicleNode.CreateScriptObject(scriptFile, "Vehicle"));
// Create the rendering and physics components
void CreateInstructions()
// Construct new Text object, set string to display and font to use
Text@ instructionText = ui.root.CreateChild("Text");
instructionText.text = "Use WASD keys to drive, mouse/touch to rotate camera\n"
"F5 to save scene, F7 to load";
instructionText.SetFont(cache.GetResource("Font", "Fonts/Anonymous Pro.ttf"), 15);
// The text has multiple rows. Center them in relation to each other
instructionText.textAlignment = HA_CENTER;
// Position the text relative to the screen center
instructionText.horizontalAlignment = HA_CENTER;
instructionText.verticalAlignment = VA_CENTER;
instructionText.SetPosition(0, ui.root.height / 4);
void SubscribeToEvents()
// Subscribe to Update event for setting the vehicle controls before physics simulation
SubscribeToEvent("Update", "HandleUpdate");
// Subscribe to PostUpdate event for updating the camera position after physics simulation
SubscribeToEvent("PostUpdate", "HandlePostUpdate");
// Unsubscribe the SceneUpdate event from base class as the camera node is being controlled in HandlePostUpdate() in this sample
void HandleUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
if (vehicleNode is null)
Vehicle@ vehicle = cast<Vehicle>(vehicleNode.scriptObject);
if (vehicle is null)
// Get movement controls and assign them to the vehicle component. If UI has a focused element, clear controls
if (ui.focusElement is null)
vehicle.controls.Set(CTRL_FORWARD, input.keyDown[KEY_W]);
vehicle.controls.Set(CTRL_BACK, input.keyDown[KEY_S]);
vehicle.controls.Set(CTRL_LEFT, input.keyDown[KEY_A]);
vehicle.controls.Set(CTRL_RIGHT, input.keyDown[KEY_D]);
// Add yaw & pitch from the mouse motion. Used only for the camera, does not affect motion
if (touchEnabled)
for (uint i = 0; i < input.numTouches; ++i)
TouchState@ state = input.touches[i];
if (state.touchedElement is null) // Touch on empty space
Camera@ camera = cameraNode.GetComponent("Camera");
if (camera is null)
vehicle.controls.yaw += TOUCH_SENSITIVITY * camera.fov / graphics.height * state.delta.x;
vehicle.controls.pitch += TOUCH_SENSITIVITY * camera.fov / graphics.height * state.delta.y;
vehicle.controls.yaw += input.mouseMoveX * YAW_SENSITIVITY;
vehicle.controls.pitch += input.mouseMoveY * YAW_SENSITIVITY;
// Limit pitch
vehicle.controls.pitch = Clamp(vehicle.controls.pitch, 0.0f, 80.0f);
// Check for loading / saving the scene
if (input.keyPress[KEY_F5])
File saveFile(fileSystem.programDir + "Data/Scenes/VehicleDemo.xml", FILE_WRITE);
if (input.keyPress[KEY_F7])
File loadFile(fileSystem.programDir + "Data/Scenes/VehicleDemo.xml", FILE_READ);
// After loading we have to reacquire the vehicle scene node, as it has been recreated
// Simply find by name as there's only one of them
vehicleNode = scene_.GetChild("Vehicle", true);
vehicle.controls.Set(CTRL_FORWARD | CTRL_BACK | CTRL_LEFT | CTRL_RIGHT, false);
void HandlePostUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
if (vehicleNode is null)
Vehicle@ vehicle = cast<Vehicle>(vehicleNode.scriptObject);
if (vehicle is null)
// Physics update has completed. Position camera behind vehicle
Quaternion dir(vehicleNode.rotation.yaw, Vector3::UP);
dir = dir * Quaternion(vehicle.controls.yaw, Vector3::UP);
dir = dir * Quaternion(vehicle.controls.pitch, Vector3::RIGHT);
Vector3 cameraTargetPos = vehicleNode.position - dir * Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, CAMERA_DISTANCE);
Vector3 cameraStartPos = vehicleNode.position;
// Raycast camera against static objects (physics collision mask 2)
// and move it closer to the vehicle if something in between
Ray cameraRay(cameraStartPos, (cameraTargetPos - cameraStartPos).Normalized());
float cameraRayLength = (cameraTargetPos - cameraStartPos).length;
PhysicsRaycastResult result = scene_.physicsWorld.RaycastSingle(cameraRay, cameraRayLength, 2);
if (result.body !is null)
cameraTargetPos = cameraStartPos + cameraRay.direction * (result.distance - 0.5f);
cameraNode.position = cameraTargetPos;
cameraNode.rotation = dir;
// Vehicle script object class
// When saving, the node and component handles are automatically converted into nodeID or componentID attributes
// and are acquired from the scene when loading. The steering member variable will likewise be saved automatically.
// The Controls object can not be automatically saved, so handle it manually in the Load() and Save() methods
class Vehicle : ScriptObject
Node@ frontLeft;
Node@ frontRight;
Node@ rearLeft;
Node@ rearRight;
Constraint@ frontLeftAxis;
Constraint@ frontRightAxis;
RigidBody@ hullBody;
RigidBody@ frontLeftBody;
RigidBody@ frontRightBody;
RigidBody@ rearLeftBody;
RigidBody@ rearRightBody;
// Current left/right steering amount (-1 to 1.)
float steering = 0.0f;
// Vehicle controls.
Controls controls;
void Load(Deserializer& deserializer)
controls.yaw = deserializer.ReadFloat();
controls.pitch = deserializer.ReadFloat();
void Save(Serializer& serializer)
void Init()
// This function is called only from the main program when initially creating the vehicle, not on scene load
StaticModel@ hullObject = node.CreateComponent("StaticModel");
hullBody = node.CreateComponent("RigidBody");
CollisionShape@ hullShape = node.CreateComponent("CollisionShape");
node.scale = Vector3(1.5f, 1.0f, 3.0f);
hullObject.model = cache.GetResource("Model", "Models/Box.mdl");
hullObject.material = cache.GetResource("Material", "Materials/Stone.xml");
hullObject.castShadows = true;
hullBody.mass = 4.0f;
hullBody.linearDamping = 0.2f; // Some air resistance
hullBody.angularDamping = 0.5f;
hullBody.collisionLayer = 1;
frontLeft = InitWheel("FrontLeft", Vector3(-0.6f, -0.4f, 0.3f));
frontRight = InitWheel("FrontRight", Vector3(0.6f, -0.4f, 0.3f));
rearLeft = InitWheel("RearLeft", Vector3(-0.6f, -0.4f, -0.3f));
rearRight = InitWheel("RearRight", Vector3(0.6f, -0.4f, -0.3f));
frontLeftAxis = frontLeft.GetComponent("Constraint");
frontRightAxis = frontRight.GetComponent("Constraint");
frontLeftBody = frontLeft.GetComponent("RigidBody");
frontRightBody = frontRight.GetComponent("RigidBody");
rearLeftBody = rearLeft.GetComponent("RigidBody");
rearRightBody = rearRight.GetComponent("RigidBody");
Node@ InitWheel(const String&in name, const Vector3&in offset)
// Note: do not parent the wheel to the hull scene node. Instead create it on the root level and let the physics
// constraint keep it together
Node@ wheelNode = scene.CreateChild(name);
wheelNode.position = node.LocalToWorld(offset);
wheelNode.rotation = node.worldRotation * (offset.x >= 0.0f ? Quaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, -90.0f) :
Quaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f));
wheelNode.scale = Vector3(0.8f, 0.5f, 0.8f);
StaticModel@ wheelObject = wheelNode.CreateComponent("StaticModel");
RigidBody@ wheelBody = wheelNode.CreateComponent("RigidBody");
CollisionShape@ wheelShape = wheelNode.CreateComponent("CollisionShape");
Constraint@ wheelConstraint = wheelNode.CreateComponent("Constraint");
wheelObject.model = cache.GetResource("Model", "Models/Cylinder.mdl");
wheelObject.material = cache.GetResource("Material", "Materials/Stone.xml");
wheelObject.castShadows = true;
wheelBody.friction = 1;
wheelBody.mass = 1;
wheelBody.linearDamping = 0.2f; // Some air resistance
wheelBody.angularDamping = 0.75f; // Could also use rolling friction
wheelBody.collisionLayer = 1;
wheelConstraint.constraintType = CONSTRAINT_HINGE;
wheelConstraint.otherBody = node.GetComponent("RigidBody");
wheelConstraint.worldPosition = wheelNode.worldPosition; // Set constraint's both ends at wheel's location
wheelConstraint.axis = Vector3::UP; // Wheel rotates around its local Y-axis
wheelConstraint.otherAxis = offset.x >= 0.0f ? Vector3::RIGHT : Vector3::LEFT; // Wheel's hull axis points either left or right
wheelConstraint.lowLimit = Vector2(-180.0f, 0.0f); // Let the wheel rotate freely around the axis
wheelConstraint.highLimit = Vector2(180.0f, 0.0f);
wheelConstraint.disableCollision = true; // Let the wheel intersect the vehicle hull
return wheelNode;
void FixedUpdate(float timeStep)
float newSteering = 0.0f;
float accelerator = 0.0f;
if (controls.IsDown(CTRL_LEFT))
newSteering = -1.0f;
if (controls.IsDown(CTRL_RIGHT))
newSteering = 1.0f;
if (controls.IsDown(CTRL_FORWARD))
accelerator = 1.0f;
if (controls.IsDown(CTRL_BACK))
accelerator = -0.5f;
// When steering, wake up the wheel rigidbodies so that their orientation is updated
if (newSteering != 0.0f)
steering = steering * 0.95f + newSteering * 0.05f;
steering = steering * 0.8f + newSteering * 0.2f;
Quaternion steeringRot(0.0f, steering * MAX_WHEEL_ANGLE, 0.0f);
frontLeftAxis.otherAxis = steeringRot * Vector3::LEFT;
frontRightAxis.otherAxis = steeringRot * Vector3::RIGHT;
if (accelerator != 0.0f)
// Torques are applied in world space, so need to take the vehicle & wheel rotation into account
Vector3 torqueVec = Vector3(ENGINE_POWER * accelerator, 0.0f, 0.0f);
frontLeftBody.ApplyTorque(node.rotation * steeringRot * torqueVec);
frontRightBody.ApplyTorque(node.rotation * steeringRot * torqueVec);
rearLeftBody.ApplyTorque(node.rotation * torqueVec);
rearRightBody.ApplyTorque(node.rotation * torqueVec);
// Apply downforce proportional to velocity
Vector3 localVelocity = hullBody.rotation.Inverse() * hullBody.linearVelocity;
hullBody.ApplyForce(hullBody.rotation * Vector3::DOWN * Abs(localVelocity.z) * DOWN_FORCE);
// Create XML patch instructions for screen joystick layout specific to this sample app
String patchInstructions = "";