2016-08-05 17:43:30 +08:00

1134 lines
37 KiB

// Remake of NinjaSnowWar in script
#include "Scripts/NinjaSnowWar/FootSteps.as"
#include "Scripts/NinjaSnowWar/LightFlash.as"
#include "Scripts/NinjaSnowWar/Ninja.as"
#include "Scripts/NinjaSnowWar/Player.as"
#include "Scripts/NinjaSnowWar/Potion.as"
#include "Scripts/NinjaSnowWar/SnowBall.as"
#include "Scripts/NinjaSnowWar/SnowCrate.as"
#include "Scripts/Utilities/Network.as"
const float mouseSensitivity = 0.125;
const float touchSensitivity = 2.0;
const float joySensitivity = 0.5;
const float joyMoveDeadZone = 0.333;
const float joyLookDeadZone = 0.05;
const float cameraMinDist = 0.25;
const float cameraMaxDist = 5;
const float cameraSafetyDist = 0.3;
const int initialMaxEnemies = 5;
const int finalMaxEnemies = 25;
const int maxPowerups = 5;
const int incrementEach = 10;
const int playerHealth = 20;
const float enemySpawnRate = 1;
const float powerupSpawnRate = 15;
const float spawnAreaSize = 5;
Scene@ gameScene;
Node@ gameCameraNode;
Node@ musicNode;
Camera@ gameCamera;
Text@ scoreText;
Text@ hiscoreText;
Text@ messageText;
BorderImage@ healthBar;
BorderImage@ sight;
BorderImage@ moveButton;
BorderImage@ fireButton;
SoundSource@ musicSource;
Controls playerControls;
Controls prevPlayerControls;
bool singlePlayer = true;
bool gameOn = false;
bool drawDebug = false;
bool drawOctreeDebug = false;
int maxEnemies = 0;
int incrementCounter = 0;
float enemySpawnTimer = 0;
float powerupSpawnTimer = 0;
uint clientNodeID = 0;
int clientScore = 0;
int screenJoystickID = -1;
int screenJoystickSettingsID = -1;
bool touchEnabled = false;
Array<Player> players;
Array<HiscoreEntry> hiscores;
void Start()
if (engine.headless)
if (runServer || runClient)
singlePlayer = false;
SubscribeToEvent(gameScene, "SceneUpdate", "HandleUpdate");
if (gameScene.physicsWorld !is null)
SubscribeToEvent(gameScene.physicsWorld, "PhysicsPreStep", "HandleFixedUpdate");
SubscribeToEvent(gameScene, "ScenePostUpdate", "HandlePostUpdate");
SubscribeToEvent("PostRenderUpdate", "HandlePostRenderUpdate");
SubscribeToEvent("KeyDown", "HandleKeyDown");
SubscribeToEvent("Points", "HandlePoints");
SubscribeToEvent("Kill", "HandleKill");
SubscribeToEvent("ScreenMode", "HandleScreenMode");
if (singlePlayer)
engine.pauseMinimized = true;
void InitAudio()
if (engine.headless)
// Lower mastervolumes slightly.
audio.masterGain[SOUND_MASTER] = 0.75;
audio.masterGain[SOUND_MUSIC] = 0.9;
if (!nobgm)
Sound@ musicFile = cache.GetResource("Sound", "Music/Ninja Gods.ogg");
musicFile.looped = true;
// Note: the non-positional sound source component need to be attached to a node to become effective
// Due to networked mode clearing the scene on connect, do not attach to the scene itself
musicNode = Node();
musicSource = musicNode.CreateComponent("SoundSource");
musicSource.soundType = SOUND_MUSIC;
void InitConsole()
if (engine.headless)
XMLFile@ uiStyle = cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/DefaultStyle.xml");
ui.root.defaultStyle = uiStyle;
Console@ console = engine.CreateConsole();
console.defaultStyle = uiStyle;
console.background.opacity = 0.8;
debugHud.defaultStyle = uiStyle;
void InitScene()
gameScene = Scene("NinjaSnowWar");
// Enable access to this script file & scene from the console
script.defaultScene = gameScene;
script.defaultScriptFile = scriptFile;
// For the multiplayer client, do not load the scene, let it load from the server
if (runClient)
// On mobile devices render the shadowmap first for better performance, adjust the cascaded shadows
String platform = GetPlatform();
if (platform == "Android" || platform == "iOS" || platform == "Raspberry Pi")
renderer.reuseShadowMaps = false;
// Adjust the directional light shadow range slightly further, as only the first
// cascade is supported
Node@ dirLightNode = gameScene.GetChild("GlobalLight", true);
if (dirLightNode !is null)
Light@ dirLight = dirLightNode.GetComponent("Light");
dirLight.shadowCascade = CascadeParameters(15.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.9f);
// Precache shaders if possible
if (!engine.headless && cache.Exists("NinjaSnowWarShaders.xml"))
void InitNetworking()
network.updateFps = 25; // 1/4 of physics FPS
// Remote events sent between client & server must be explicitly registered or else they are not allowed to be received
if (runServer)
// Disable physics interpolation to ensure clients get sent physically correct transforms
gameScene.physicsWorld.interpolation = false;
SubscribeToEvent("ClientIdentity", "HandleClientIdentity");
SubscribeToEvent("ClientSceneLoaded", "HandleClientSceneLoaded");
SubscribeToEvent("ClientDisconnected", "HandleClientDisconnected");
if (runClient)
VariantMap identity;
identity["UserName"] = userName;
network.updateFps = 50; // Increase controls send rate for better responsiveness
network.Connect(serverAddress, serverPort, gameScene, identity);
SubscribeToEvent("PlayerSpawned", "HandlePlayerSpawned");
SubscribeToEvent("UpdateScore", "HandleUpdateScore");
SubscribeToEvent("UpdateHiscores", "HandleUpdateHiscores");
SubscribeToEvent("NetworkUpdateSent", "HandleNetworkUpdateSent");
void InitTouchInput()
touchEnabled = true;
screenJoystickID = input.AddScreenJoystick(cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/ScreenJoystick_NinjaSnowWar.xml"));
void CreateCamera()
// Note: the camera is not in the scene
gameCameraNode = Node();
gameCameraNode.position = Vector3(0, 2, -10);
gameCamera = gameCameraNode.CreateComponent("Camera");
gameCamera.nearClip = 0.5;
gameCamera.farClip = 160;
if (!engine.headless)
renderer.viewports[0] = Viewport(gameScene, gameCamera);
audio.listener = gameCameraNode.CreateComponent("SoundListener");
void CreateOverlays()
if (engine.headless || runServer)
int height = graphics.height / 22;
if (height > 64)
height = 64;
sight = BorderImage();
sight.texture = cache.GetResource("Texture2D", "Textures/NinjaSnowWar/Sight.png");
sight.SetAlignment(HA_CENTER, VA_CENTER);
sight.SetSize(height, height);
Font@ font = cache.GetResource("Font", "Fonts/BlueHighway.ttf");
scoreText = Text();
scoreText.SetFont(font, 13);
scoreText.SetAlignment(HA_LEFT, VA_TOP);
scoreText.SetPosition(5, 5);
scoreText.colors[C_BOTTOMLEFT] = Color(1, 1, 0.25);
scoreText.colors[C_BOTTOMRIGHT] = Color(1, 1, 0.25);
@hiscoreText = Text();
hiscoreText.SetFont(font, 13);
hiscoreText.SetAlignment(HA_RIGHT, VA_TOP);
hiscoreText.SetPosition(-5, 5);
hiscoreText.colors[C_BOTTOMLEFT] = Color(1, 1, 0.25);
hiscoreText.colors[C_BOTTOMRIGHT] = Color(1, 1, 0.25);
@messageText = Text();
messageText.SetFont(font, 13);
messageText.SetAlignment(HA_CENTER, VA_CENTER);
messageText.SetPosition(0, -height * 2);
messageText.color = Color(1, 0, 0);
BorderImage@ healthBorder = BorderImage();
healthBorder.texture = cache.GetResource("Texture2D", "Textures/NinjaSnowWar/HealthBarBorder.png");
healthBorder.SetAlignment(HA_CENTER, VA_TOP);
healthBorder.SetPosition(0, 8);
healthBorder.SetSize(120, 20);
healthBar = BorderImage();
healthBar.texture = cache.GetResource("Texture2D", "Textures/NinjaSnowWar/HealthBarInside.png");
healthBar.SetPosition(2, 2);
healthBar.SetSize(116, 16);
if (GetPlatform() == "Android" || GetPlatform() == "iOS")
// On mobile platform, enable touch by adding a screen joystick
else if (input.numJoysticks == 0)
// On desktop platform, do not detect touch when we already got a joystick
SubscribeToEvent("TouchBegin", "HandleTouchBegin");
void SetMessage(const String&in message)
if (messageText !is null)
messageText.text = message;
void StartGame(Connection@ connection)
// Clear the scene of all existing scripted objects
Array<Node@> scriptedNodes = gameScene.GetChildrenWithScript(true);
for (uint i = 0; i < scriptedNodes.length; ++i)
gameOn = true;
maxEnemies = initialMaxEnemies;
incrementCounter = 0;
enemySpawnTimer = 0;
powerupSpawnTimer = 0;
if (singlePlayer)
playerControls.yaw = 0;
playerControls.pitch = 0;
void SpawnPlayer(Connection@ connection)
Vector3 spawnPosition;
if (singlePlayer)
spawnPosition = Vector3(0, 0.97, 0);
spawnPosition = Vector3(Random(spawnAreaSize) - spawnAreaSize * 0.5, 0.97, Random(spawnAreaSize) - spawnAreaSize);
Node@ playerNode = SpawnObject(spawnPosition, Quaternion(), "Ninja");
// Set owner connection. Owned nodes are always updated to the owner at full frequency
playerNode.owner = connection;
playerNode.name = "Player";
// Initialize variables
Ninja@ playerNinja = cast<Ninja>(playerNode.scriptObject);
playerNinja.health = playerNinja.maxHealth = playerHealth;
playerNinja.side = SIDE_PLAYER;
// Make sure the player can not shoot on first frame by holding the button down
if (connection is null)
playerNinja.controls = playerNinja.prevControls = playerControls;
playerNinja.controls = playerNinja.prevControls = connection.controls;
// Check if player entry already exists
int playerIndex = -1;
for (uint i = 0; i < players.length; ++i)
if (players[i].connection is connection)
playerIndex = i;
// Does not exist, create new
if (playerIndex < 0)
playerIndex = players.length;
players.Resize(players.length + 1);
players[playerIndex].connection = connection;
if (connection !is null)
players[playerIndex].name = connection.identity["UserName"].GetString();
// In multiplayer, send current hiscores to the new player
players[playerIndex].name = "Player";
// In singleplayer, create also the default hiscore entry immediately
HiscoreEntry newHiscore;
newHiscore.name = players[playerIndex].name;
newHiscore.score = 0;
players[playerIndex].nodeID = playerNode.id;
players[playerIndex].score = 0;
if (connection !is null)
// In multiplayer, send initial score, then send a remote event that tells the spawned node's ID
// It is important for the event to be in-order so that the node has been replicated first
VariantMap eventData;
eventData["NodeID"] = playerNode.id;
connection.SendRemoteEvent("PlayerSpawned", true, eventData);
// Create name tag (Text3D component) for players in multiplayer
Node@ textNode = playerNode.CreateChild("NameTag");
textNode.position = Vector3(0, 1.2, 0);
Text3D@ text3D = textNode.CreateComponent("Text3D");
Font@ font = cache.GetResource("Font", "Fonts/BlueHighway.ttf");
text3D.SetFont(font, 19);
text3D.color = Color(1, 1, 0);
text3D.text = players[playerIndex].name;
text3D.horizontalAlignment = HA_CENTER;
text3D.verticalAlignment = VA_CENTER;
text3D.faceCameraMode = FC_ROTATE_XYZ;
void HandleUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
float timeStep = eventData["TimeStep"].GetFloat();
if (engine.headless)
String command = GetConsoleInput();
if (command.length > 0)
if (debugHud.mode != DEBUGHUD_SHOW_NONE)
Node@ playerNode = FindOwnNode();
if (playerNode !is null)
debugHud.SetAppStats("Player Pos", playerNode.worldPosition.ToString());
debugHud.SetAppStats("Player Yaw", Variant(playerNode.worldRotation.yaw));
void HandleFixedUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
float timeStep = eventData["TimeStep"].GetFloat();
// Spawn new objects, singleplayer or server only
if (singlePlayer || runServer)
void HandlePostUpdate()
void HandlePostRenderUpdate()
if (engine.headless)
if (drawDebug)
if (drawOctreeDebug)
void HandleTouchBegin(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
// On some platforms like Windows the presence of touch input can only be detected dynamically
void HandleKeyDown(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
int key = eventData["Key"].GetInt();
if (key == KEY_ESCAPE)
if (!console.visible)
console.visible = false;
if (key == KEY_F1)
if (key == KEY_F2)
if (key == KEY_F3)
drawDebug = !drawDebug;
if (key == KEY_F4)
drawOctreeDebug = !drawOctreeDebug;
if (key == KEY_F5)
// Take screenshot
if (key == KEY_F6)
Image@ screenshot = Image();
// Here we save in the Data folder with date and time appended
screenshot.SavePNG(fileSystem.programDir + "Data/Screenshot_" +
time.timeStamp.Replaced(':', '_').Replaced('.', '_').Replaced(' ', '_') + ".png");
// Allow pause only in singleplayer
if (key == KEY_P && singlePlayer && !console.visible && gameOn)
gameScene.updateEnabled = !gameScene.updateEnabled;
if (!gameScene.updateEnabled)
// Open the settings joystick only if the controls screen joystick was already open
if (screenJoystickID >= 0)
// Lazy initialization
if (screenJoystickSettingsID < 0)
screenJoystickSettingsID = input.AddScreenJoystick(cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/ScreenJoystickSettings_NinjaSnowWar.xml"));
input.screenJoystickVisible[screenJoystickSettingsID] = true;
// Hide the settings joystick
if (screenJoystickSettingsID >= 0)
input.screenJoystickVisible[screenJoystickSettingsID] = false;
void HandlePoints(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
if (eventData["DamageSide"].GetInt() == SIDE_PLAYER)
// Get node ID of the object that should receive points -> use it to find player index
int playerIndex = FindPlayerIndex(eventData["Receiver"].GetInt());
if (playerIndex >= 0)
players[playerIndex].score += eventData["Points"].GetInt();
bool newHiscore = CheckHiscore(playerIndex);
if (newHiscore)
void HandleKill(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
if (eventData["DamageSide"].GetInt() == SIDE_PLAYER)
// Increment amount of simultaneous enemies after enough kills
if (incrementCounter >= incrementEach)
incrementCounter = 0;
if (maxEnemies < finalMaxEnemies)
void HandleClientIdentity(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
Connection@ connection = GetEventSender();
// If user has empty name, invent one
if (connection.identity["UserName"].GetString().Trimmed().empty)
connection.identity["UserName"] = "user" + RandomInt(1000);
// Assign scene to begin replicating it to the client
connection.scene = gameScene;
void HandleClientSceneLoaded(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
// Now client is actually ready to begin. If first player, clear the scene and restart the game
Connection@ connection = GetEventSender();
if (players.empty)
void HandleClientDisconnected(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
Connection@ connection = GetEventSender();
// Erase the player entry, and make the player's ninja commit seppuku (if exists)
for (uint i = 0; i < players.length; ++i)
if (players[i].connection is connection)
players[i].connection = null;
Node@ playerNode = FindPlayerNode(i);
if (playerNode !is null)
Ninja@ playerNinja = cast<Ninja>(playerNode.scriptObject);
playerNinja.health = 0;
playerNinja.lastDamageSide = SIDE_NEUTRAL; // No-one scores from this
void HandlePlayerSpawned(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
// Store our node ID and mark the game as started
clientNodeID = eventData["NodeID"].GetInt();
gameOn = true;
// Copy initial yaw from the player node (we should have it replicated now)
Node@ playerNode = FindOwnNode();
if (playerNode !is null)
playerControls.yaw = playerNode.rotation.yaw;
playerControls.pitch = 0;
// Disable the nametag from own character
Node@ nameTag = playerNode.GetChild("NameTag");
nameTag.enabled = false;
void HandleUpdateScore(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
clientScore = eventData["Score"].GetInt();
scoreText.text = "Score " + clientScore;
void HandleUpdateHiscores(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
VectorBuffer data = eventData["Hiscores"].GetBuffer();
for (uint i = 0; i < hiscores.length; ++i)
hiscores[i].name = data.ReadString();
hiscores[i].score = data.ReadInt();
String allHiscores;
for (uint i = 0; i < hiscores.length; ++i)
allHiscores += hiscores[i].name + " " + hiscores[i].score + "\n";
hiscoreText.text = allHiscores;
void HandleNetworkUpdateSent()
// Clear accumulated buttons from the network controls
if (network.serverConnection !is null)
network.serverConnection.controls.Set(CTRL_ALL, false);
int FindPlayerIndex(uint nodeID)
for (uint i = 0; i < players.length; ++i)
if (players[i].nodeID == nodeID)
return i;
return -1;
Node@ FindPlayerNode(int playerIndex)
if (playerIndex >= 0 && playerIndex < int(players.length))
return gameScene.GetNode(players[playerIndex].nodeID);
return null;
Node@ FindOwnNode()
if (singlePlayer)
return gameScene.GetChild("Player", true);
return gameScene.GetNode(clientNodeID);
bool CheckHiscore(int playerIndex)
for (uint i = 0; i < hiscores.length; ++i)
if (hiscores[i].name == players[playerIndex].name)
if (players[playerIndex].score > hiscores[i].score)
hiscores[i].score = players[playerIndex].score;
return true;
return false; // No update to individual hiscore
// Not found, create new hiscore entry
HiscoreEntry newHiscore;
newHiscore.name = players[playerIndex].name;
newHiscore.score = players[playerIndex].score;
return true;
void SortHiscores()
for (int i = 1; i < int(hiscores.length); ++i)
HiscoreEntry temp = hiscores[i];
int j = i;
while (j > 0 && temp.score > hiscores[j - 1].score)
hiscores[j] = hiscores[j - 1];
hiscores[j] = temp;
void SendScore(int playerIndex)
if (!runServer || playerIndex < 0 || playerIndex >= int(players.length))
VariantMap eventData;
eventData["Score"] = players[playerIndex].score;
players[playerIndex].connection.SendRemoteEvent("UpdateScore", true, eventData);
void SendHiscores(int playerIndex)
if (!runServer)
VectorBuffer data;
for (uint i = 0; i < hiscores.length; ++i)
VariantMap eventData;
eventData["Hiscores"] = data;
if (playerIndex >= 0 && playerIndex < int(players.length))
players[playerIndex].connection.SendRemoteEvent("UpdateHiscores", true, eventData);
network.BroadcastRemoteEvent(gameScene, "UpdateHiscores", true, eventData); // Send to all in scene
Node@ SpawnObject(const Vector3&in position, const Quaternion&in rotation, const String&in className)
XMLFile@ xml = cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "Objects/" + className + ".xml");
return scene.InstantiateXML(xml, position, rotation);
Node@ SpawnParticleEffect(const Vector3&in position, const String&in effectName, float duration, CreateMode mode = REPLICATED)
Node@ newNode = scene.CreateChild("Effect", mode);
newNode.position = position;
// Create the particle emitter
ParticleEmitter@ emitter = newNode.CreateComponent("ParticleEmitter");
emitter.effect = cache.GetResource("ParticleEffect", effectName);
// Create a GameObject for managing the effect lifetime. This is always local, so for server-controlled effects it
// exists only on the server
GameObject@ object = cast<GameObject>(newNode.CreateScriptObject(scriptFile, "GameObject", LOCAL));
object.duration = duration;
return newNode;
Node@ SpawnSound(const Vector3&in position, const String&in soundName, float duration)
Node@ newNode = scene.CreateChild();
newNode.position = position;
// Create the sound source
SoundSource3D@ source = newNode.CreateComponent("SoundSource3D");
Sound@ sound = cache.GetResource("Sound", soundName);
source.SetDistanceAttenuation(200, 5000, 1);
// Create a GameObject for managing the sound lifetime
GameObject@ object = cast<GameObject>(newNode.CreateScriptObject(scriptFile, "GameObject", LOCAL));
object.duration = duration;
return newNode;
void SpawnObjects(float timeStep)
// If game not running, run only the random generator
if (!gameOn)
// Spawn powerups
powerupSpawnTimer += timeStep;
if (powerupSpawnTimer >= powerupSpawnRate)
powerupSpawnTimer = 0;
int numPowerups = gameScene.GetChildrenWithScript("SnowCrate", true).length + gameScene.GetChildrenWithScript("Potion", true).length;
if (numPowerups < maxPowerups)
const float maxOffset = 40;
float xOffset = Random(maxOffset * 2.0) - maxOffset;
float zOffset = Random(maxOffset * 2.0) - maxOffset;
SpawnObject(Vector3(xOffset, 50, zOffset), Quaternion(), "SnowCrate");
// Spawn enemies
enemySpawnTimer += timeStep;
if (enemySpawnTimer > enemySpawnRate)
enemySpawnTimer = 0;
int numEnemies = 0;
Array<Node@> ninjaNodes = gameScene.GetChildrenWithScript("Ninja", true);
for (uint i = 0; i < ninjaNodes.length; ++i)
Ninja@ ninja = cast<Ninja>(ninjaNodes[i].scriptObject);
if (ninja.side == SIDE_ENEMY)
if (numEnemies < maxEnemies)
const float maxOffset = 40;
float offset = Random(maxOffset * 2.0) - maxOffset;
// Random north/east/south/west direction
int dir = RandomInt() & 3;
dir *= 90;
Quaternion rotation(0, dir, 0);
Node@ enemyNode = SpawnObject(rotation * Vector3(offset, 10, -120), rotation, "Ninja");
// Initialize variables
Ninja@ enemyNinja = cast<Ninja>(enemyNode.scriptObject);
enemyNinja.side = SIDE_ENEMY;
@enemyNinja.controller = AIController();
RigidBody@ enemyBody = enemyNode.GetComponent("RigidBody");
enemyBody.linearVelocity = rotation * Vector3(0, 10, 30);
void CheckEndAndRestart()
// Only check end of game if singleplayer or client
if (runServer)
// Check if player node has vanished
Node@ playerNode = FindOwnNode();
if (gameOn && playerNode is null)
gameOn = false;
SetMessage("Press Fire or Jump to restart!");
// Check for restart (singleplayer only)
if (!gameOn && singlePlayer && playerControls.IsPressed(CTRL_FIRE | CTRL_JUMP, prevPlayerControls))
void UpdateControls()
if (singlePlayer || runClient)
prevPlayerControls = playerControls;
playerControls.Set(CTRL_ALL, false);
if (touchEnabled)
for (uint i = 0; i < input.numTouches; ++i)
TouchState@ touch = input.touches[i];
if (touch.touchedElement is null)
// Touch on empty space
playerControls.yaw += touchSensitivity * gameCamera.fov / graphics.height * touch.delta.x;
playerControls.pitch += touchSensitivity * gameCamera.fov / graphics.height * touch.delta.y;
if (input.numJoysticks > 0)
JoystickState@ joystick = touchEnabled ? input.joysticks[screenJoystickID] : input.joysticksByIndex[0];
if (joystick.numButtons > 0)
if (joystick.buttonDown[0])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_JUMP, true);
if (joystick.buttonDown[1])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_FIRE, true);
if (joystick.numButtons >= 6)
if (joystick.buttonDown[4])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_JUMP, true);
if (joystick.buttonDown[5])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_FIRE, true);
if (joystick.numHats > 0)
if (joystick.hatPosition[0] & HAT_LEFT != 0)
playerControls.Set(CTRL_LEFT, true);
if (joystick.hatPosition[0] & HAT_RIGHT != 0)
playerControls.Set(CTRL_RIGHT, true);
if (joystick.hatPosition[0] & HAT_UP != 0)
playerControls.Set(CTRL_UP, true);
if (joystick.hatPosition[0] & HAT_DOWN != 0)
playerControls.Set(CTRL_DOWN, true);
if (joystick.numAxes >= 2)
if (joystick.axisPosition[0] < -joyMoveDeadZone)
playerControls.Set(CTRL_LEFT, true);
if (joystick.axisPosition[0] > joyMoveDeadZone)
playerControls.Set(CTRL_RIGHT, true);
if (joystick.axisPosition[1] < -joyMoveDeadZone)
playerControls.Set(CTRL_UP, true);
if (joystick.axisPosition[1] > joyMoveDeadZone)
playerControls.Set(CTRL_DOWN, true);
if (joystick.numAxes >= 4)
float lookX = joystick.axisPosition[2];
float lookY = joystick.axisPosition[3];
if (lookX < -joyLookDeadZone)
playerControls.yaw -= joySensitivity * lookX * lookX;
if (lookX > joyLookDeadZone)
playerControls.yaw += joySensitivity * lookX * lookX;
if (lookY < -joyLookDeadZone)
playerControls.pitch -= joySensitivity * lookY * lookY;
if (lookY > joyLookDeadZone)
playerControls.pitch += joySensitivity * lookY * lookY;
// For the triggered actions (fire & jump) check also for press, in case the FPS is low
// and the key was already released
if (console is null || !console.visible)
if (input.keyDown[KEY_W])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_UP, true);
if (input.keyDown[KEY_S])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_DOWN, true);
if (input.keyDown[KEY_A])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_LEFT, true);
if (input.keyDown[KEY_D])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_RIGHT, true);
if (input.keyDown[KEY_LCTRL] || input.keyPress[KEY_LCTRL])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_FIRE, true);
if (input.keyDown[' '] || input.keyPress[' '])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_JUMP, true);
if (input.mouseButtonDown[MOUSEB_LEFT] || input.mouseButtonPress[MOUSEB_LEFT])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_FIRE, true);
if (input.mouseButtonDown[MOUSEB_RIGHT] || input.mouseButtonPress[MOUSEB_RIGHT])
playerControls.Set(CTRL_JUMP, true);
playerControls.yaw += mouseSensitivity * input.mouseMoveX;
playerControls.pitch += mouseSensitivity * input.mouseMoveY;
playerControls.pitch = Clamp(playerControls.pitch, -60.0, 60.0);
// In singleplayer, set controls directly on the player's ninja. In multiplayer, transmit to server
if (singlePlayer)
Node@ playerNode = gameScene.GetChild("Player", true);
if (playerNode !is null)
Ninja@ playerNinja = cast<Ninja>(playerNode.scriptObject);
playerNinja.controls = playerControls;
else if (network.serverConnection !is null)
// Set the latest yaw & pitch to server controls, and accumulate the buttons so that we do not miss any presses
network.serverConnection.controls.yaw = playerControls.yaw;
network.serverConnection.controls.pitch = playerControls.pitch;
network.serverConnection.controls.buttons |= playerControls.buttons;
// Tell the camera position to server for interest management
network.serverConnection.position = gameCameraNode.worldPosition;
if (runServer)
// Apply each connection's controls to the ninja they control
for (uint i = 0; i < players.length; ++i)
Node@ playerNode = FindPlayerNode(i);
if (playerNode !is null)
Ninja@ playerNinja = cast<Ninja>(playerNode.scriptObject);
playerNinja.controls = players[i].connection.controls;
// If player has no ninja, respawn if fire/jump is pressed
if (players[i].connection.controls.IsPressed(CTRL_FIRE | CTRL_JUMP, players[i].lastControls))
players[i].lastControls = players[i].connection.controls;
void UpdateCamera()
if (engine.headless)
// On the server, use a simple freelook camera
if (runServer)
Node@ playerNode = FindOwnNode();
if (playerNode is null)
Vector3 pos = playerNode.position;
Quaternion dir;
// Make controls seem more immediate by forcing the current mouse yaw to player ninja's Y-axis rotation
if (playerNode.vars["Health"].GetInt() > 0)
playerNode.rotation = Quaternion(0, playerControls.yaw, 0);
dir = dir * Quaternion(playerNode.rotation.yaw, Vector3(0, 1, 0));
dir = dir * Quaternion(playerControls.pitch, Vector3(1, 0, 0));
Vector3 aimPoint = pos + Vector3(0, 1, 0);
Vector3 minDist = aimPoint + dir * Vector3(0, 0, -cameraMinDist);
Vector3 maxDist = aimPoint + dir * Vector3(0, 0, -cameraMaxDist);
// Collide camera ray with static objects (collision mask 2)
Vector3 rayDir = (maxDist - minDist).Normalized();
float rayDistance = cameraMaxDist - cameraMinDist + cameraSafetyDist;
PhysicsRaycastResult result = gameScene.physicsWorld.RaycastSingle(Ray(minDist, rayDir), rayDistance, 2);
if (result.body !is null)
rayDistance = Min(rayDistance, result.distance - cameraSafetyDist);
gameCameraNode.position = minDist + rayDir * rayDistance;
gameCameraNode.rotation = dir;
void UpdateFreelookCamera()
if (console is null || !console.visible)
float timeStep = time.timeStep;
float speedMultiplier = 1.0;
if (input.keyDown[KEY_LSHIFT])
speedMultiplier = 5.0;
if (input.keyDown[KEY_LCTRL])
speedMultiplier = 0.1;
if (input.keyDown[KEY_W])
gameCameraNode.Translate(Vector3(0, 0, 10) * timeStep * speedMultiplier);
if (input.keyDown[KEY_S])
gameCameraNode.Translate(Vector3(0, 0, -10) * timeStep * speedMultiplier);
if (input.keyDown[KEY_A])
gameCameraNode.Translate(Vector3(-10, 0, 0) * timeStep * speedMultiplier);
if (input.keyDown[KEY_D])
gameCameraNode.Translate(Vector3(10, 0, 0) * timeStep * speedMultiplier);
playerControls.yaw += mouseSensitivity * input.mouseMoveX;
playerControls.pitch += mouseSensitivity * input.mouseMoveY;
playerControls.pitch = Clamp(playerControls.pitch, -90.0, 90.0);
gameCameraNode.rotation = Quaternion(playerControls.pitch, playerControls.yaw, 0);
void UpdateStatus()
if (engine.headless || runServer)
if (singlePlayer)
if (players.length > 0)
scoreText.text = "Score " + players[0].score;
if (hiscores.length > 0)
hiscoreText.text = "Hiscore " + hiscores[0].score;
Node@ playerNode = FindOwnNode();
if (playerNode !is null)
int health = 0;
if (singlePlayer)
GameObject@ object = cast<GameObject>(playerNode.scriptObject);
health = object.health;
// In multiplayer the client does not have script logic components, but health is replicated via node user variables
health = playerNode.vars["Health"].GetInt();
healthBar.width = 116 * health / playerHealth;
void HandleScreenMode()
int height = graphics.height / 22;
if (height > 64)
height = 64;
sight.SetSize(height, height);
messageText.SetPosition(0, -height * 2);