![Lasse Öörni](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
commit 06f4d6afab933e32eaf3428dd080766b11a87f82
Author: Lasse Öörni <loorni@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Dec 18 18:31:39 2016 +0200
Black variant of logo.
commit 8fa11f888de023fcc76f26908e2ea77ebfd3146b
Author: Lasse Öörni <loorni@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Dec 18 17:12:14 2016 +0200
New logo in Lua samples.
commit 1283e38db1164a1c1e5db7d1042feabf996031fb
Merge: 4062553
Author: Lasse Öörni <loorni@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Dec 18 16:51:04 2016 +0200
Merge remote-tracking branch 'Modanung/new-logo'
commit 4f5a2ea104feeac12b87d3fb89d116e1866c2513
Author: Modanung <frode@lindeijer.nl>
Date: Sun Dec 18 05:36:37 2016 +0100
Also replaced logo in angelscript samples
commit 7c6e5e90c4dc82705883806e46b0957a44fbc787
Author: Modanung <frode@lindeijer.nl>
Date: Sun Dec 18 03:34:31 2016 +0100
Changed logo in samples to fishbone logo
340 lines
11 KiB
340 lines
11 KiB
// Common sample initialization as a framework for all samples.
// - Create Urho3D logo at screen;
// - Set custom window title and icon;
// - Create Console and Debug HUD, and use F1 and F2 key to toggle them;
// - Toggle rendering options from the keys 1-8;
// - Take screenshots with key 9;
// - Handle Esc key down to hide Console or exit application;
// - Init touch input on mobile platform using screen joysticks (patched for each individual sample)
Sprite@ logoSprite;
Scene@ scene_;
uint screenJoystickIndex = M_MAX_UNSIGNED; // Screen joystick index for navigational controls (mobile platforms only)
uint screenJoystickSettingsIndex = M_MAX_UNSIGNED; // Screen joystick index for settings (mobile platforms only)
bool touchEnabled = false; // Flag to indicate whether touch input has been enabled
bool paused = false; // Pause flag
bool drawDebug = false; // Draw debug geometry flag
Node@ cameraNode; // Camera scene node
float yaw = 0.0f; // Camera yaw angle
float pitch = 0.0f; // Camera pitch angle
const float TOUCH_SENSITIVITY = 2;
MouseMode useMouseMode_ = MM_ABSOLUTE;
void SampleStart()
if (GetPlatform() == "Android" || GetPlatform() == "iOS" || input.touchEmulation)
// On mobile platform, enable touch by adding a screen joystick
else if (input.numJoysticks == 0)
// On desktop platform, do not detect touch when we already got a joystick
SubscribeToEvent("TouchBegin", "HandleTouchBegin");
// Create logo
// Set custom window Title & Icon
// Create console and debug HUD
// Subscribe key down event
SubscribeToEvent("KeyDown", "HandleKeyDown");
// Subscribe key up event
SubscribeToEvent("KeyUp", "HandleKeyUp");
// Subscribe scene update event
SubscribeToEvent("SceneUpdate", "HandleSceneUpdate");
void InitTouchInput()
touchEnabled = true;
XMLFile@ layout = cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/ScreenJoystick_Samples.xml");
if (!patchInstructions.empty)
// Patch the screen joystick layout further on demand
XMLFile@ patchFile = XMLFile();
if (patchFile.FromString(patchInstructions))
screenJoystickIndex = input.AddScreenJoystick(layout, cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/DefaultStyle.xml"));
input.screenJoystickVisible[0] = true;
void SampleInitMouseMode(MouseMode mode)
useMouseMode_ = mode;
if (GetPlatform() != "Web")
if (useMouseMode_ == MM_FREE)
input.mouseVisible = true;
if (useMouseMode_ != MM_ABSOLUTE)
input.mouseMode = useMouseMode_;
if (console.visible)
input.SetMouseMode(MM_ABSOLUTE, true);
input.mouseVisible = true;
SubscribeToEvent("MouseButtonDown", "HandleMouseModeRequest");
SubscribeToEvent("MouseModeChanged", "HandleMouseModeChange");
void SetLogoVisible(bool enable)
if (logoSprite !is null)
logoSprite.visible = enable;
void CreateLogo()
// Get logo texture
Texture2D@ logoTexture = cache.GetResource("Texture2D", "Textures/FishBoneLogo.png");
if (logoTexture is null)
// Create logo sprite and add to the UI layout
logoSprite = ui.root.CreateChild("Sprite");
// Set logo sprite texture
logoSprite.texture = logoTexture;
int textureWidth = logoTexture.width;
int textureHeight = logoTexture.height;
// Set logo sprite scale
logoSprite.SetScale(256.0f / textureWidth);
// Set logo sprite size
logoSprite.SetSize(textureWidth, textureHeight);
// Set logo sprite hot spot
logoSprite.SetHotSpot(textureWidth, textureHeight);
// Set logo sprite alignment
logoSprite.SetAlignment(HA_RIGHT, VA_BOTTOM);
// Make logo not fully opaque to show the scene underneath
logoSprite.opacity = 0.9f;
// Set a low priority for the logo so that other UI elements can be drawn on top
logoSprite.priority = -100;
void SetWindowTitleAndIcon()
Image@ icon = cache.GetResource("Image", "Textures/UrhoIcon.png");
graphics.windowIcon = icon;
graphics.windowTitle = "Urho3D Sample";
void CreateConsoleAndDebugHud()
// Get default style
XMLFile@ xmlFile = cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/DefaultStyle.xml");
if (xmlFile is null)
// Create console
Console@ console = engine.CreateConsole();
console.defaultStyle = xmlFile;
console.background.opacity = 0.8f;
// Create debug HUD
DebugHud@ debugHud = engine.CreateDebugHud();
debugHud.defaultStyle = xmlFile;
void HandleKeyUp(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
int key = eventData["Key"].GetInt();
// Close console (if open) or exit when ESC is pressed
if (key == KEY_ESCAPE)
if (console.visible)
console.visible = false;
if (GetPlatform() == "Web")
input.mouseVisible = true;
if (useMouseMode_ != MM_ABSOLUTE)
input.mouseMode = MM_FREE;
void HandleKeyDown(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
int key = eventData["Key"].GetInt();
// Toggle console with F1
if (key == KEY_F1)
// Toggle debug HUD with F2
else if (key == KEY_F2)
// Common rendering quality controls, only when UI has no focused element
else if (ui.focusElement is null)
// Preferences / Pause
if (key == KEY_SELECT && touchEnabled)
paused = !paused;
if (screenJoystickSettingsIndex == M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
// Lazy initialization
screenJoystickSettingsIndex = input.AddScreenJoystick(cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/ScreenJoystickSettings_Samples.xml"), cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/DefaultStyle.xml"));
input.screenJoystickVisible[screenJoystickSettingsIndex] = paused;
// Texture quality
else if (key == '1')
int quality = renderer.textureQuality;
if (quality > QUALITY_HIGH)
quality = QUALITY_LOW;
renderer.textureQuality = quality;
// Material quality
else if (key == '2')
int quality = renderer.materialQuality;
if (quality > QUALITY_HIGH)
quality = QUALITY_LOW;
renderer.materialQuality = quality;
// Specular lighting
else if (key == '3')
renderer.specularLighting = !renderer.specularLighting;
// Shadow rendering
else if (key == '4')
renderer.drawShadows = !renderer.drawShadows;
// Shadow map resolution
else if (key == '5')
int shadowMapSize = renderer.shadowMapSize;
shadowMapSize *= 2;
if (shadowMapSize > 2048)
shadowMapSize = 512;
renderer.shadowMapSize = shadowMapSize;
// Shadow depth and filtering quality
else if (key == '6')
ShadowQuality quality = renderer.shadowQuality;
quality = ShadowQuality(quality + 1);
renderer.shadowQuality = quality;
// Occlusion culling
else if (key == '7')
bool occlusion = renderer.maxOccluderTriangles > 0;
occlusion = !occlusion;
renderer.maxOccluderTriangles = occlusion ? 5000 : 0;
// Instancing
else if (key == '8')
renderer.dynamicInstancing = !renderer.dynamicInstancing;
// Take screenshot
else if (key == '9')
Image@ screenshot = Image();
// Here we save in the Data folder with date and time appended
screenshot.SavePNG(fileSystem.programDir + "Data/Screenshot_" +
time.timeStamp.Replaced(':', '_').Replaced('.', '_').Replaced(' ', '_') + ".png");
void HandleSceneUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
// Move the camera by touch, if the camera node is initialized by descendant sample class
if (touchEnabled && cameraNode !is null)
for (uint i = 0; i < input.numTouches; ++i)
TouchState@ state = input.touches[i];
if (state.touchedElement is null) // Touch on empty space
if (state.delta.x !=0 || state.delta.y !=0)
Camera@ camera = cameraNode.GetComponent("Camera");
if (camera is null)
yaw += TOUCH_SENSITIVITY * camera.fov / graphics.height * state.delta.x;
pitch += TOUCH_SENSITIVITY * camera.fov / graphics.height * state.delta.y;
// Construct new orientation for the camera scene node from yaw and pitch; roll is fixed to zero
cameraNode.rotation = Quaternion(pitch, yaw, 0.0f);
// Move the cursor to the touch position
Cursor@ cursor = ui.cursor;
if (cursor !is null && cursor.visible)
cursor.position = state.position;
void HandleTouchBegin(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
// On some platforms like Windows the presence of touch input can only be detected dynamically
// If the user clicks the canvas, attempt to switch to relative mouse mode on web platform
void HandleMouseModeRequest(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
if (console !is null && console.visible)
if (useMouseMode_ == MM_ABSOLUTE)
input.mouseVisible = false;
else if (useMouseMode_ == MM_FREE)
input.mouseVisible = true;
input.mouseMode = useMouseMode_;
void HandleMouseModeChange(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
bool mouseLocked = eventData["MouseLocked"].GetBool();