Johnathan Jenkins d78fc4020f minor typos
2016-10-28 13:07:14 -07:00

596 lines
16 KiB

include "ogre/lib/ogreSkeletonLib_usefulfns.ms"
-- gets keyframes from the controllers animation
function getTimeList obj firstframe lastframe samplerate IKsamplerate =
local list,rotContr,posContr,e ;
list = #(firstframe) ;
list2 = #() ; -- this is the list which will be returned.
-- Biped Bones and the root: Bip01 for example don't have the same controller
-- Root : Bip01
if (isPelvis obj) then (
-- vertical controller
for e in obj.controller.vertical.controller.keys do (
t =e.time ;
if (t>firstFrame and t<=lastFrame) then (
append list t ;
--print t ;
-- horizontal controller
for e in obj.controller.horizontal.controller.keys do (
t =e.time ;
if (t>firstFrame and t<=lastFrame) then
append list t ;
-- turn controller
for e in obj.controller.turning.controller.keys do (
t =e.time ;
if (t>firstFrame and t<=lastFrame) then
append list t ;
sort list ;
-- Biped Bones
else if (isKindOf obj Biped_Object) then (
for e in obj.controller.keys do (
t =e.time ;
if (t>firstFrame and t<=lastFrame) then
append list t ;
-- Standard Bones
--print obj.name;
--print (classof obj.controller) ;
if (classof obj.controller == prs) then -- standard controller
rotContr = obj.rotation.controller ;
posContr = obj.pos.controller ;
for e in rotContr.keys do
t = e.time ;
if (t>firstFrame and t<=lastFrame) then
append list t ;
for e in posContr.keys do
t = e.time ;
if (t>firstFrame and t<=lastFrame) then
append list t ;
else if ((classof obj.controller == IK_ControllerMatrix3Controller) or (classof obj.controller == IKControl)) then -- IK controller
local IKSR = IKsamplerate;
if (IKSR == 0.0) then
IKSR = 1.0;
i=firstFrame as Float;
while (i<=lastFrame) do
append list (i as Float);
i = i + IKSR;
append list (firstFrame as Float); -- add a keyframe on the first frame
append list (lastFrame as Float); -- add a keyframe on then last frame
if (samplerate > 0) then -- sample the animation by adding keyframes on regular intervals
i=firstFrame as Float;
while (i<=lastFrame) do
append list (i as Float);
i = i + samplerate;
sort list ;
-- if several keyframes have the same value, we keep just one
keepLoneValues list list2 ;
list2 ;
-- write <track />
-- Selected keys belongs to [firstframe,lastFrame]
-- time = (key.time - firstFrame)*length/(lastFrame-firstFrame)
-- (e.g. first key has time 0.)
function writeTrack bone_name boneId firstframe lastframe samplerate IKsamplerate length scale flipYZ outFile=
local angle,timef,i,bname,d,mref,mparent ;
-- displays information in the maxscript listener
if (not g_MAX) then
format "retrieving key information for % ...\n" (bone_name) ;
-- gets bone according to the parameter boneId
bname = bone_name ;
replaceSpaces bname ;
d = getNodeByName bname ;
-- gets keyframe list
timelist = getTimeList d firstframe lastframe samplerate IKsamplerate;
-- track header
format("\t\t\t\t<track bone = \"%\">\n") bname to:outFile ;
format("\t\t\t\t\t<keyframes>\n") to:outFile ;
-- gets initial transform at frame 0f
at time 0f (
initTform = d.transform ;
if (not isRootUniversal2 d) then (
mparent = d.parent.transform ;
initTform = initTform*inverse(mparent) ;
else if (flipYZ) then (
if (not g_MAX) then
format " - flipping root track..." ;
-- we add the bip Transform
--initTform = initTform * d.controller.rootNode.transform ;
initTform = flipYZTransform initTform ;
-- for each frame in the list
for i in timelist do
-- moves slider time and compute OGRE time
at time i (
timef = ((float) (i-firstFrame)*length)/(lastframe - firstframe ) ;
-- First, rotation which depends on initial transformation
Tform = d.transform ;
-- if this is the pelvis
if (isRootUniversal2 d) then (
mparent = matrix3 1 ;
-- if flipYZ == true
if (flipYZ) then
Tform = flipYZTransform Tform ;
mparent = d.parent.transform ;
-- computes rotation
mref = initTform*mparent ;
Tform = Tform*inverse(mref) ;
-- rotation part is saved.
--rot = Tform.rotation as angleaxis ;
--angle = - degToRad (rot.angle) ; -- don't know why there must be this minus :((((((
rot = toAngleAxis Tform.rotation ;
axis = rot.axis;
angle = - rot.angle;
-- Then, position which depends on parent
Tform=d.transform ;
Tform=Tform*inverse(mparent) ;
-- if this is the root bone and flipYZ == true
if (isRootUniversal2 d and flipYZ) then (
Tform = flipYZTransform Tform ;
-- subtracts position of the initial transform
Tform.pos -= initTform.pos ;
Tform.pos = Tform.pos * scale ;
pos = Tform.pos ;
-- writes them !
if (abs(pos.x)<1e-5) then pos.x = 0 ;
if (abs(pos.y)<1e-5) then pos.y = 0 ;
if (abs(pos.z)<1e-5) then pos.z = 0 ;
format("\t\t\t\t\t\t<keyframe time=\"%\">\n") timef to: outFile ;
format("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<translate x=\"%\" y=\"%\" z=\"%\" />\n") pos.x pos.y pos.z to: outFile ;
format("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<rotate angle=\"%\">\n") angle to:outFile ;
format("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<axis x=\"%\" y=\"%\" z=\"%\" />\n") (axis.x) (axis.y) (axis.z) to:outFile ;
format("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</rotate>\n") to:outFile ;
format("\t\t\t\t\t\t</keyframe>\n") to:outFile ;
-- track end
format("\t\t\t\t\t</keyframes>\n") to:outFile ;
format("\t\t\t\t</track>\n") to: outFile ;
------------------------------------------- WRITE SKELETON --------------------------------------
-- List of bones in the hierarchy
global BonesList=#()
global RootsList=#()
-- helper functions to build skeleton
-- recursive function to build the list of bones for the skeleton
function computeBList b sk phy exportHelpers =
bname = b ;
bone = getNodeByName bname ;
if (findItem BonesList bname == 0) then
if (isKindOf bone BoneGeometry or iskindOf bone Biped_Object or (exportHelpers and (isPartOfModifier bone sk phy)) ) then
append BonesList bname ;
childrenArray = bone.children ;
for i=1 to childrenArray.count do
if (isKindOf bone BoneGeometry or iskindOf bone Biped_Object or (exportHelpers and (isPartOfModifier bone sk phy))) then
computeBList (replaceSpaces childrenArray[i].name) sk phy exportHelpers;
function addHelpersToHierarchy phy sk =
if (sk != undefined) then
for i=1 to (skinOps.GetNumberBones sk) do
bname = skinOps.GetBoneName sk i 1 ;
replaceSpaces bname ;
d = getNodeByName bname ;
if (iskindof d helper) then
append BonesList bname ;
else if (phy != undefined) then
for i=1 to (physiqueOps.GetBoneCount $) do
bname = (physiqueOps.GetBones $)[i].name;
replaceSpaces bname ;
d = getNodeByName bname ;
if (iskindof d helper) then
append BonesList bname ;
-- find the root(s) of the rhierarchy
function getHierarchyRoots phy sk exportHelpers =
local rootstab=#();
if (sk != undefined) then
for i=1 to (skinOps.GetNumberBones sk) do
bname= skinOps.GetBoneName sk i 1 ;
replaceSpaces bname ;
d = getNodeByName bname ;
while (d.parent!=undefined and (iskindof d.parent BoneGeometry or iskindOf d.parent Biped_Object or (exportHelpers and (isPartOfModifier d.parent sk phy)) )) do
d = d.parent
trouve = 0;
--format("new potential root bone \"%\"\n") (replaceSpaces d.name) ;
for j=1 to rootstab.count do
if (rootstab[j]!=undefined and (rootstab[j]==(replaceSpaces d.name)))then
trouve = 1;
if trouve==0 then
if (iskindof d BoneGeometry or iskindOf d Biped_Object or (exportHelpers and (isPartOfModifier d sk phy)) ) then
if (not g_MAX) then
format("new root bone \"%\"\n") (replaceSpaces d.name) ;
rootstab[rootstab.count+1] = (replaceSpaces d.name) ;
else if (phy != undefined) then -- physique modifier
for i=1 to (physiqueOps.GetBoneCount $) do
bname = (physiqueOps.GetBones $)[i].name;
replaceSpaces bname ;
d = getNodeByName bname ;
while (d.parent!=undefined and (iskindof d.parent BoneGeometry or iskindOf d.parent Biped_Object or (exportHelpers and (isPartOfModifier d.parent sk phy)) )) do
d = d.parent
trouve = 0;
--format("new potential root bone \"%\"\n") (replaceSpaces d.name) ;
for j=1 to rootstab.count do
if (rootstab[j]!=undefined and (rootstab[j]==(replaceSpaces d.name)))then
trouve = 1;
if trouve==0 then
if (iskindof d BoneGeometry or iskindOf d Biped_Object or (exportHelpers and (isPartOfModifier d sk phy))) then
if (not g_MAX) then
format("new root bone \"%\"\n") (replaceSpaces d.name) ;
rootstab[rootstab.count+1] = (replaceSpaces d.name) ;
-- function to build the list of bones for the skeleton
function computeBonesList phy sk exportHelpers =
RootsList = getHierarchyRoots phy sk exportHelpers; -- find the roots of the current hierarchy
print RootsList;
for b in RootsList do
computeBList b sk phy exportHelpers;
-- add the nodes that are parts of the skin (or physique) modifier but are neither biped_object nor standard bones
-- only helpers (Point, Dummy) at the moment...
-- addHelpersToHierarchy phy sk ;
-- write <bones />
function writeB bone_name id scale flipYZ outFile =
-- gets bone according to the parameter boneId
bname = bone_name ;
replaceSpaces bname;
d = getNodeByName bname ;
-- gets initial transform at frame 0f
format("\t\t<bone id=\"%\" name=\"%\">\n") (id-1) bname to:outFile ;
slidertime = 0f ;
Tform = d.transform ;
if (not isRootUniversal2 d) then (
mparent = d.parent.transform ;
Tform = Tform*inverse(mparent) ;
Tform.pos = Tform.pos * scale ;
if ((isRootUniversal2 d) and flipYZ) then (
if (not g_MAX) then
format "- Flipping root... \n" ;
Tform = flipYZTransform Tform ;
pos = Tform.pos ;
--rot = Tform.rotation as angleaxis ;
--angle = - degToRad (rot.angle) ; -- don't know why there must be this minus :((((((
rot = toAngleAxis Tform.rotation ;
angle = - rot.angle ;
-- if (abs(pos.x)<1e-5) then pos.x = 0 ;
-- if (abs(pos.y)<1e-5) then pos.y = 0 ;
-- if (abs(pos.z)<1e-5) then pos.z = 0 ;
-- Only object.transform was taken into account, but when mirror is applied
-- object.scale is modified and become [-1,-1,-1] that's why we do what follows:
if ((d.parent != undefined) and (hasproperty d.parent "scale")) then (
pos = pos * d.parent.scale ;
format("\t\t\t<position x=\"%\" y=\"%\" z=\"%\" />\n") pos.x pos.y pos.z to:outFile ;
format("\t\t\t<rotation angle=\"%\">\n") angle to:outFile ;
format("\t\t\t\t<axis x=\"%\" y=\"%\" z=\"%\" />\n") rot.axis.x rot.axis.y rot.axis.z to:outFile ;
format("\t\t\t</rotation>\n") to:outFile ;
format("\t\t</bone>\n") to:outFile ;
-- write Bones (using writeB)
function writeBones phy sk scale flipYZ exportHelpers outFile =
local i ;
OgreExportObject.exportProgress.value = 0;
if (BonesList.count == 0) then
computeBonesList phy sk exportHelpers;
format("\t<bones>\n") to:outFile;
i = 0 ;
for i=1 to BonesList.count do
OgreExportObject.exportProgress.value = (100.0*i/BonesList.count);
writeB BonesList[i] i scale flipYZ outFile ;
format("\t</bones>\n") to:outFile;
OgreExportObject.exportProgress.value = 100;
-- write <bonehierarchy />
function writeH b outFile =
if (not isRootUniversal2 b) then
p = b.parent ;
format("\t\t<boneparent bone=\"%\" parent=\"%\" />\n") (replaceSpaces b.name) (replaceSpaces p.name) to:outFile ;
function writeHierarchy outFile =
OgreExportObject.exportProgress.value = 0;
local bname,pelvis
format("\t<bonehierarchy>\n") to:outFile ;
for i=1 to BonesList.count do
OgreExportObject.exportProgress.value = (100.0*i/BonesList.count);
b = getNodeByName BonesList[i] ;
writeH b outFile ;
format("\t</bonehierarchy>\n") to:outFile ;
OgreExportObject.exportProgress.value = 100;
-- write <animations />
function writeAnim Anims samplerate IKsamplerate scale flipYZ outFile =
local i,n ;
OgreExportObject.exportProgress.value = 0;
format("\t<animations>\n") to: outFile ;
for anm=1 to Anims.names.count do
format("\t\t<animation name=\"%\" length=\"%\">\n") Anims.names[anm] Anims.lengths[anm] to:outFile ;
format("\t\t\t<tracks>\n") to:outFile
n = BonesList.count ;
for i = 1 to n do
OgreExportObject.exportProgress.value = (100.0*i/BonesList.count)/Anims.names.count;
writeTrack BonesList[i] i Anims.startframes[anm] Anims.endframes[anm] samplerate IKsamplerate Anims.lengths[anm] scale flipYZ outFile ;
format("\t\t\t</tracks>\n") to:outFile
format("\t\t</animation>\n") to: outFile ;
format("\t</animations>\n") to: outFile ;
OgreExportObject.exportProgress.value = 100;
-- write <skeleton /> main function
-- write the animation in the file out_name + ".skeleton.xml"
-- between the frame firstFrame and lastFrame
-- and scale time according to length
function writeSkeleton pmesh exportOptions Anims out_name =
local sk,n,keys,initialKeys,messages,phy ;
sk = getSkin pmesh ;
phy = getPhysique pmesh ;
if (sk == undefined and phy == undefined) then
MessageBox "There is no skin or physique modifier for this object" ;
return false;
-- in order to perform, skin should be opened
max modify mode ;
if (sk != undefined) then
modPanel.setCurrentObject pmesh.modifiers[#Skin] ;
else -- physique
modPanel.setCurrentObject pmesh.modifiers[#Physique] ;
if (not g_MAX) then
format "------------------------------------------\n"
format "------ OGRE skeleton Exporter Log ------\n"
format "------------------------------------------\n"
format "Exporter options :\n"
for i=1 to Anims.names.count do
format "Anim % - firstFrame: % - lastFrame: %\n" Anims.names[i] Anims.startframes[i] Anims.endframes[i] ;
-- creates the output file
outFile = createfile (out_name + ".skeleton.xml") ;
if (g_MAX_use_listener) then
format("<ogrestartfile>%</ogrestartfile><ogrestartdata>\n") (outName + ".skeleton.xml");
outFile = listener;
-- writes header
format("<skeleton>\n") to:outFile ;
if (not g_MAX) then
format "Writing bones :\n" ;
writeBones phy sk exportOptions.scale exportOptions.flipYZ exportOptions.exportHelpers outFile ;
if (not g_MAX) then
format "Writing bone hierarchy.\n" ;
writeHierarchy outFile ;
if (not g_MAX) then
format "Writing bone tracks.\n" ;
writeAnim Anims exportOptions.sampleRate exportOptions.ikSampleRate exportOptions.scale exportOptions.flipYZ outFile ;
-- ecriture, fin des balises
format("</skeleton>\n") to: outFile ;
if (not g_MAX) then
format "------------------------------------------\n"
format "---------- END ---------\n"
format "------------------------------------------\n"
close outFile ;
if (g_MAX_use_listener) then
format("</ogrestartdata>\n") to: outFile;
messageBox "Exporting skeleton successful !"
return true;