
281 lines
7.7 KiB

-- write into "outfile" the selected OgreMaterial
-- precondition: iskindof material OgreMAterial == true.
-- Use export OgreMaterial.
function writeOgreMaterial material outname =
local t, matname, mat, ext ;
mat = material ;
local outFile ;
if (mat != undefined) then
matname = material.name ;
ext = ".material" ;
fname = outname +"_"+ matname + ext ;
outFile = createfile fname ;
format "<material>\n" to:outFile ;
local tname="NoTexture" ;
if ((material.diffusemap != undefined) and (iskindof material.diffusemap Bitmaptexture)) then
tname = "Diff" ;
if ((material.bumpMap != undefined) and (iskindof material.bumpMap Bitmaptexture)) then
tname = tname + "Normal" ;
if (material.specularLevel != 0.0) then
tname = tname + "Spec" ;
if ((material.opacityMap != undefined) and (iskindof material.opacityMap Bitmaptexture)) then
tname = tname + "AlphaMask" ;
if (material.specularLevel != 0.0) then
tname = tname + "Spec" ;
if ((material.opacityMap != undefined) and (iskindof material.opacityMap Bitmaptexture)) then
tname = tname + "AlphaMask" ;
format " <technique name=\"Techniques/%.xml\" />\n" (tname) to:outFile ;
if (material.opacity != 100.0) then
tname = tname + "Alpha" ;
format " <technique name=\"Techniques/%.xml\" />\n" (tname) to:outFile ;
format " <parameter name=\"MatDiffColor\" value=\"% % % %\" />\n" (material.diffuse.r/255.0) (material.diffuse.g/255.0) (material.diffuse.b/255.0) ((100-material.opacity)/100.0) to:outFile ;
format " <parameter name=\"MatSpecColor\" value=\"% % % %\" />\n" (material.specular.r/255.0) (material.specular.g/255.0) (material.specular.b/255.0) (material.specularLevel*100.0) to:outFile ;
if ((material.diffusemap != undefined) and (iskindof material.diffusemap Bitmaptexture)) then
t = filterstring material.diffusemap.filename "\\" ;
format " <texture unit=\"diffuse\" name=\"textures/%\" />\n" t[arrayLength t] to:outFile ;
if ((material.bumpMap != undefined) and (iskindof material.bumpMap Bitmaptexture)) then
t = filterstring material.diffusemap.filename "\\" ;
format " <texture unit=\"normal\" name=\"textures/%\" />\n" t[arrayLength t] to:outFile ;
if ((material.opacityMap != undefined) and (iskindof material.opacityMap Bitmaptexture)) then
tname = tname + "AlphaMask" ;
if (material.twoSided == true) then
format " <cull value=\"none\" />\n" to:outFile ;
format "</material>\n" to:outFile ;
close outFile ;
function exportOgreMaterial material outName =
local outFile ;
if (classof material == OgreMaterial or classof material == ogreMaterial) then
--outFile = createfile outName ;
writeOgreMaterial material outname ;
--close outFile ;
messageBox "You have to choose an OgreMaterial." ;
-- Writes a standard material in a material script
-- prefix will be before material name. (prefix+name)
-- used for multi material
function writeStandardMaterial material outname =
local outFile ;
local t, matname, mat, ext, fname ;
matname = replaceSpaces material.name ;
ext = ".material" ;
fname = outname + "_" + matname + ext ;
outFile = createfile fname ;
format "<material>\n" to:outFile ;
local tname="NoTexture" ;
if ((material.diffusemap != undefined) and (iskindof material.diffusemap Bitmaptexture)) then
tname = "Diff" ;
if ((material.bumpMap != undefined) and (iskindof material.bumpMap Bitmaptexture)) then
tname = tname + "Normal" ;
if (material.specularLevel != 0.0) then
tname = tname + "Spec" ;
if ((material.opacityMap != undefined) and (iskindof material.opacityMap Bitmaptexture)) then
tname = tname + "AlphaMask" ;
if (material.specularLevel != 0.0) then
tname = tname + "Spec" ;
if ((material.opacityMap != undefined) and (iskindof material.opacityMap Bitmaptexture)) then
tname = tname + "AlphaMask" ;
format " <technique name=\"Techniques/%.xml\" />\n" (tname) to:outFile ;
if (material.opacity != 100.0) then
tname = tname + "Alpha" ;
format " <technique name=\"Techniques/%.xml\" />\n" (tname) to:outFile ;
format " <parameter name=\"MatDiffColor\" value=\"% % % %\" />\n" (material.diffuse.r/255.0) (material.diffuse.g/255.0) (material.diffuse.b/255.0) ((100-material.opacity)/100.0) to:outFile ;
format " <parameter name=\"MatSpecColor\" value=\"% % % %\" />\n" (material.specular.r/255.0) (material.specular.g/255.0) (material.specular.b/255.0) (material.specularLevel*100.0) to:outFile ;
if ((material.diffusemap != undefined) and (iskindof material.diffusemap Bitmaptexture)) then
t = filterstring material.diffusemap.filename "\\" ;
format " <texture unit=\"diffuse\" name=\"textures/%\" />\n" t[arrayLength t] to:outFile ;
if ((material.bumpMap != undefined) and (iskindof material.bumpMap Bitmaptexture)) then
t = filterstring material.diffusemap.filename "\\" ;
format " <texture unit=\"normal\" name=\"textures/%\" />\n" t[arrayLength t] to:outFile ;
if ((material.opacityMap != undefined) and (iskindof material.opacityMap Bitmaptexture)) then
tname = tname + "AlphaMask" ;
if (material.twoSided == true) then
format " <cull value=\"none\" />\n" to:outFile ;
format "</material>\n" to:outFile ;
close outFile ;
-- Exports a standard material
-- PRE: material is a standard material
-- Use exportMaterial function.
function exportStandardMaterial material outname =
local sub,i,matname ;
matname = replaceSpaces material.name ;
writeStandardMaterial material outname ;
-- Exports a multi material
-- PRE: material is a multi material
-- Use exportMaterial function.
function exportMultiMaterial material outname=
local sub,i,matname ;
matname = replaceSpaces material.name ;
i=0 ;
for sub in material.materiallist do
i+=1 ;
writeStandardMaterial sub outname ;
--format "\n" to:outFile ;
-- Exports a material
-- call the fonction linked to the material type
function exportMaterial material outname =
local outFile ;
if (material!=undefined and classof material == MultiMaterial) then
exportMultiMaterial material outname ;
if (material!=undefined and classof material == StandardMaterial) then
exportStandardMaterial material outname ;
messageBox "You have to choose a Standard Material or a MultiMaterial." ;
return 0 ;
--messageBox "Exporting material successful !" ;
-- Exports all the materials used in the scene
function exportAllSceneMaterials outname =
for material in sceneMaterials do
if (material!=undefined and classof material == MultiMaterial) then
exportMultiMaterial material outname ;
else (
if (material!=undefined and classof material == StandardMaterial) then
exportStandardMaterial material outname ;
format "\n" to:outFile ;
-- messageBox "Exporting all materials in the scene successful !" ;