613 lines
27 KiB
613 lines
27 KiB
-- CrowdNavigation example.
-- This sample demonstrates:
-- - Generating a dynamic navigation mesh into the scene
-- - Performing path queries to the navigation mesh
-- - Adding and removing obstacles/agents at runtime
-- - Raycasting drawable components
-- - Crowd movement management
-- - Accessing crowd agents with the crowd manager
-- - Using off-mesh connections to make boxes climbable
-- - Using agents to simulate moving obstacles
require "LuaScripts/Utilities/Sample"
local INSTRUCTION = "instructionText"
local useStreaming = false
local streamingDistance = 2
local navigationTiles = {}
local addedTiles = {}
function Start()
-- Execute the common startup for samples
-- Create the scene content
-- Create the UI content
-- Setup the viewport for displaying the scene
-- Set the mouse mode to use in the sample
-- Hook up to the frame update and render post-update events
function CreateScene()
scene_ = Scene()
-- Create octree, use default volume (-1000, -1000, -1000) to (1000, 1000, 1000)
-- Also create a DebugRenderer component so that we can draw debug geometry
-- Create scene node & StaticModel component for showing a static plane
local planeNode = scene_:CreateChild("Plane")
planeNode.scale = Vector3(100.0, 1.0, 100.0)
local planeObject = planeNode:CreateComponent("StaticModel")
planeObject.model = cache:GetResource("Model", "Models/Plane.mdl")
planeObject.material = cache:GetResource("Material", "Materials/StoneTiled.xml")
-- Create a Zone component for ambient lighting & fog control
local zoneNode = scene_:CreateChild("Zone")
local zone = zoneNode:CreateComponent("Zone")
zone.boundingBox = BoundingBox(-1000.0, 1000.0)
zone.ambientColor = Color(0.15, 0.15, 0.15)
zone.fogColor = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.7)
zone.fogStart = 100.0
zone.fogEnd = 300.0
-- Create a directional light to the world. Enable cascaded shadows on it
local lightNode = scene_:CreateChild("DirectionalLight")
lightNode.direction = Vector3(0.6, -1.0, 0.8)
local light = lightNode:CreateComponent("Light")
light.lightType = LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL
light.castShadows = true
light.shadowBias = BiasParameters(0.00025, 0.5)
-- Set cascade splits at 10, 50 and 200 world units, fade shadows out at 80% of maximum shadow distance
light.shadowCascade = CascadeParameters(10.0, 50.0, 200.0, 0.0, 0.8)
-- Create randomly sized boxes. If boxes are big enough, make them occluders. Occluders will be software rasterized before
-- rendering to a low-resolution depth-only buffer to test the objects in the view frustum for visibility
local boxGroup = scene_:CreateChild("Boxes")
for i = 1, 20 do
local boxNode = boxGroup:CreateChild("Box")
local size = 1.0 + Random(10.0)
boxNode.position = Vector3(Random(80.0) - 40.0, size * 0.5, Random(80.0) - 40.0)
local boxObject = boxNode:CreateComponent("StaticModel")
boxObject.model = cache:GetResource("Model", "Models/Box.mdl")
boxObject.material = cache:GetResource("Material", "Materials/Stone.xml")
boxObject.castShadows = true
if size >= 3.0 then
boxObject.occluder = true
-- Create a DynamicNavigationMesh component to the scene root
local navMesh = scene_:CreateComponent("DynamicNavigationMesh")
-- Set small tiles to show navigation mesh streaming
navMesh.tileSize = 32
-- Enable drawing debug geometry for obstacles and off-mesh connections
navMesh.drawObstacles = true
navMesh.drawOffMeshConnections = true
-- Set the agent height large enough to exclude the layers under boxes
navMesh.agentHeight = 10
-- Set nav mesh cell height to minimum (allows agents to be grounded)
navMesh.cellHeight = 0.05
-- Create a Navigable component to the scene root. This tags all of the geometry in the scene as being part of the
-- navigation mesh. By default this is recursive, but the recursion could be turned off from Navigable
-- Add padding to the navigation mesh in Y-direction so that we can add objects on top of the tallest boxes
-- in the scene and still update the mesh correctly
navMesh.padding = Vector3(0.0, 10.0, 0.0)
-- Now build the navigation geometry. This will take some time. Note that the navigation mesh will prefer to use
-- physics geometry from the scene nodes, as it often is simpler, but if it can not find any (like in this example)
-- it will use renderable geometry instead
-- Create an off-mesh connection for each box to make it climbable (tiny boxes are skipped).
-- Note that OffMeshConnections must be added before building the navMesh, but as we are adding Obstacles next, tiles will be automatically rebuilt.
-- Creating connections post-build here allows us to use FindNearestPoint() to procedurally set accurate positions for the connection
CreateBoxOffMeshConnections(navMesh, boxGroup)
-- Create some mushrooms as obstacles. Note that obstacles are non-walkable areas
for i = 1, 100 do
CreateMushroom(Vector3(Random(90.0) - 45.0, 0.0, Random(90.0) - 45.0))
-- Create a CrowdManager component to the scene root (mandatory for crowd agents)
local crowdManager = scene_:CreateComponent("CrowdManager")
local params = crowdManager:GetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0)
-- Set the params to "High (66)" setting
params.velBias = 0.5
params.adaptiveDivs = 7
params.adaptiveRings = 3
params.adaptiveDepth = 3
crowdManager:SetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0, params)
-- Create some movable barrels. We create them as crowd agents, as for moving entities it is less expensive and more convenient than using obstacles
-- Create Jack node as crowd agent
SpawnJack(Vector3(-5, 0, 20), scene_:CreateChild("Jacks"))
-- Create the camera. Limit far clip distance to match the fog. Note: now we actually create the camera node outside
-- the scene, because we want it to be unaffected by scene load / save
cameraNode = Node()
local camera = cameraNode:CreateComponent("Camera")
camera.farClip = 300.0
-- Set an initial position for the camera scene node above the plane and looking down
cameraNode.position = Vector3(0.0, 50.0, 0.0)
pitch = 80.0
cameraNode.rotation = Quaternion(pitch, yaw, 0.0)
function CreateUI()
-- Create a Cursor UI element because we want to be able to hide and show it at will. When hidden, the mouse cursor will
-- control the camera, and when visible, it will point the raycast target
local style = cache:GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/DefaultStyle.xml")
local cursor = Cursor:new()
ui.cursor = cursor
-- Set starting position of the cursor at the rendering window center
cursor:SetPosition(graphics.width / 2, graphics.height / 2)
-- Construct new Text object, set string to display and font to use
local instructionText = ui.root:CreateChild("Text", INSTRUCTION)
instructionText.text = "Use WASD keys to move, RMB to rotate view\n"..
"LMB to set destination, SHIFT+LMB to spawn a Jack\n"..
"MMB or O key to add obstacles or remove obstacles/agents\n"..
"F5 to save scene, F7 to load\n"..
"Tab to toggle navigation mesh streaming\n"..
"Space to toggle debug geometry\n"..
"F12 to toggle this instruction text"
instructionText:SetFont(cache:GetResource("Font", "Fonts/Anonymous Pro.ttf"), 15)
-- The text has multiple rows. Center them in relation to each other
instructionText.textAlignment = HA_CENTER
-- Position the text relative to the screen center
instructionText.horizontalAlignment = HA_CENTER
instructionText.verticalAlignment = VA_CENTER
instructionText:SetPosition(0, ui.root.height / 4)
function SetupViewport()
-- Set up a viewport to the Renderer subsystem so that the 3D scene can be seen
local viewport = Viewport:new(scene_, cameraNode:GetComponent("Camera"))
renderer:SetViewport(0, viewport)
function SubscribeToEvents()
-- Subscribe HandleUpdate() function for processing update events
SubscribeToEvent("Update", "HandleUpdate")
-- Subscribe HandlePostRenderUpdate() function for processing the post-render update event, during which we request debug geometry
SubscribeToEvent("PostRenderUpdate", "HandlePostRenderUpdate")
-- Subscribe HandleCrowdAgentFailure() function for resolving invalidation issues with agents, during which we
-- use a larger extents for finding a point on the navmesh to fix the agent's position
SubscribeToEvent("CrowdAgentFailure", "HandleCrowdAgentFailure")
-- Subscribe HandleCrowdAgentReposition() function for controlling the animation
SubscribeToEvent("CrowdAgentReposition", "HandleCrowdAgentReposition")
-- Subscribe HandleCrowdAgentFormation() function for positioning agent into a formation
SubscribeToEvent("CrowdAgentFormation", "HandleCrowdAgentFormation")
function SpawnJack(pos, jackGroup)
local jackNode = jackGroup:CreateChild("Jack")
jackNode.position = pos
local modelObject = jackNode:CreateComponent("AnimatedModel")
modelObject.model = cache:GetResource("Model", "Models/Jack.mdl")
modelObject.material = cache:GetResource("Material", "Materials/Jack.xml")
modelObject.castShadows = true
-- Create a CrowdAgent component and set its height and realistic max speed/acceleration. Use default radius
local agent = jackNode:CreateComponent("CrowdAgent")
agent.height = 2.0
agent.maxSpeed = 3.0
agent.maxAccel = 5.0
function CreateMushroom(pos)
local mushroomNode = scene_:CreateChild("Mushroom")
mushroomNode.position = pos
mushroomNode.rotation = Quaternion(0.0, Random(360.0), 0.0)
mushroomNode:SetScale(2.0 + Random(0.5))
local mushroomObject = mushroomNode:CreateComponent("StaticModel")
mushroomObject.model = cache:GetResource("Model", "Models/Mushroom.mdl")
mushroomObject.material = cache:GetResource("Material", "Materials/Mushroom.xml")
mushroomObject.castShadows = true
-- Create the navigation Obstacle component and set its height & radius proportional to scale
local obstacle = mushroomNode:CreateComponent("Obstacle")
obstacle.radius = mushroomNode.scale.x
obstacle.height = mushroomNode.scale.y
function CreateBoxOffMeshConnections(navMesh, boxGroup)
boxes = boxGroup:GetChildren()
for i, box in ipairs(boxes) do
local boxPos = box.position
local boxHalfSize = box.scale.x / 2
-- Create 2 empty nodes for the start & end points of the connection. Note that order matters only when using one-way/unidirectional connection.
local connectionStart = box:CreateChild("ConnectionStart")
connectionStart.worldPosition = navMesh:FindNearestPoint(boxPos + Vector3(boxHalfSize, -boxHalfSize, 0)) -- Base of box
local connectionEnd = connectionStart:CreateChild("ConnectionEnd")
connectionEnd.worldPosition = navMesh:FindNearestPoint(boxPos + Vector3(boxHalfSize, boxHalfSize, 0)) -- Top of box
-- Create the OffMeshConnection component to one node and link the other node
local connection = connectionStart:CreateComponent("OffMeshConnection")
connection.endPoint = connectionEnd
function CreateMovingBarrels(navMesh)
local barrel = scene_:CreateChild("Barrel")
local model = barrel:CreateComponent("StaticModel")
model.model = cache:GetResource("Model", "Models/Cylinder.mdl")
model.material = cache:GetResource("Material", "Materials/StoneTiled.xml")
model.material:SetTexture(TU_DIFFUSE, cache:GetResource("Texture2D", "Textures/TerrainDetail2.dds"))
model.castShadows = true
for i = 1, 20 do
local clone = barrel:Clone()
local size = 0.5 + Random(1)
clone.scale = Vector3(size / 1.5, size * 2, size / 1.5)
clone.position = navMesh:FindNearestPoint(Vector3(Random(80.0) - 40.0, size * 0.5 , Random(80.0) - 40.0))
local agent = clone:CreateComponent("CrowdAgent")
agent.radius = clone.scale.x * 0.5
agent.height = size
agent.navigationQuality = NAVIGATIONQUALITY_LOW
function SetPathPoint(spawning)
local hitPos, hitDrawable = Raycast(250.0)
if hitDrawable then
local navMesh = scene_:GetComponent("DynamicNavigationMesh")
local pathPos = navMesh:FindNearestPoint(hitPos, Vector3.ONE)
local jackGroup = scene_:GetChild("Jacks")
if spawning then
-- Spawn a jack at the target position
SpawnJack(pathPos, jackGroup)
-- Set crowd agents target position
scene_:GetComponent("CrowdManager"):SetCrowdTarget(pathPos, jackGroup)
function AddOrRemoveObject()
-- Raycast and check if we hit a mushroom node. If yes, remove it, if no, create a new one
local hitPos, hitDrawable = Raycast(250.0)
if hitDrawable then
local hitNode = hitDrawable.node
if hitNode.name == "Mushroom" then
elseif hitNode.name == "Jack" then
function Raycast(maxDistance)
local pos = ui.cursorPosition
-- Check the cursor is visible and there is no UI element in front of the cursor
if (not ui.cursor.visible) or (ui:GetElementAt(pos, true) ~= nil) then
return nil, nil
local camera = cameraNode:GetComponent("Camera")
local cameraRay = camera:GetScreenRay(pos.x / graphics.width, pos.y / graphics.height)
-- Pick only geometry objects, not eg. zones or lights, only get the first (closest) hit
local octree = scene_:GetComponent("Octree")
local result = octree:RaycastSingle(cameraRay, RAY_TRIANGLE, maxDistance, DRAWABLE_GEOMETRY)
if result.drawable ~= nil then
return result.position, result.drawable
return nil, nil
function MoveCamera(timeStep)
input.mouseVisible = input.mouseMode ~= MM_RELATIVE
mouseDown = input:GetMouseButtonDown(MOUSEB_RIGHT)
-- Override the MM_RELATIVE mouse grabbed settings, to allow interaction with UI
input.mouseGrabbed = mouseDown
-- Right mouse button controls mouse cursor visibility: hide when pressed
ui.cursor.visible = not mouseDown
-- Do not move if the UI has a focused element (the console)
if ui.focusElement ~= nil then
-- Movement speed as world units per second
local MOVE_SPEED = 20.0
-- Mouse sensitivity as degrees per pixel
-- Use this frame's mouse motion to adjust camera node yaw and pitch. Clamp the pitch between -90 and 90 degrees
-- Only move the camera when the cursor is hidden
if not ui.cursor.visible then
local mouseMove = input.mouseMove
yaw = yaw + MOUSE_SENSITIVITY * mouseMove.x
pitch = pitch + MOUSE_SENSITIVITY * mouseMove.y
pitch = Clamp(pitch, -90.0, 90.0)
-- Construct new orientation for the camera scene node from yaw and pitch. Roll is fixed to zero
cameraNode.rotation = Quaternion(pitch, yaw, 0.0)
-- Read WASD keys and move the camera scene node to the corresponding direction if they are pressed
if input:GetKeyDown(KEY_W) then
cameraNode:Translate(Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep)
if input:GetKeyDown(KEY_S) then
cameraNode:Translate(Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep)
if input:GetKeyDown(KEY_A) then
cameraNode:Translate(Vector3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep)
if input:GetKeyDown(KEY_D) then
cameraNode:Translate(Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep)
-- Set destination or spawn a jack with left mouse button
if input:GetMouseButtonPress(MOUSEB_LEFT) then
-- Add new obstacle or remove existing obstacle/agent with middle mouse button
elseif input:GetMouseButtonPress(MOUSEB_MIDDLE) or input:GetKeyPress(KEY_O) then
-- Check for loading/saving the scene from/to the file Data/Scenes/CrowdNavigation.xml relative to the executable directory
if input:GetKeyPress(KEY_F5) then
elseif input:GetKeyPress(KEY_F7) then
-- Toggle debug geometry with space
elseif input:GetKeyPress(KEY_SPACE) then
drawDebug = not drawDebug
-- Toggle instruction text with F12
elseif input:GetKeyPress(KEY_F12) then
instruction = ui.root:GetChild(INSTRUCTION)
instruction.visible = not instruction.visible
function ToggleStreaming(enabled)
local navMesh = scene_:GetComponent("DynamicNavigationMesh")
if enabled then
local maxTiles = (2 * streamingDistance + 1) * (2 * streamingDistance + 1)
local boundingBox = BoundingBox(navMesh.boundingBox)
navMesh:Allocate(boundingBox, maxTiles)
function UpdateStreaming()
local navMesh = scene_:GetComponent("DynamicNavigationMesh")
-- Center the navigation mesh at the jacks crowd
local averageJackPosition = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
local jackGroup = scene_:GetChild("Jacks")
if jackGroup then
for i = 0,jackGroup:GetNumChildren()-1 do
averageJackPosition = averageJackPosition + jackGroup:GetChild(i).worldPosition
averageJackPosition = averageJackPosition / jackGroup:GetNumChildren()
local jackTile = navMesh:GetTileIndex(averageJackPosition)
local beginTile = VectorMax(IntVector2(0, 0), jackTile - IntVector2(1, 1) * streamingDistance)
local endTile = VectorMin(jackTile + IntVector2(1, 1) * streamingDistance, navMesh.numTiles - IntVector2(1, 1))
-- Remove tiles
local numTiles = navMesh.numTiles
for i,tileIdx in pairs(addedTiles) do
if not (beginTile.x <= tileIdx.x and tileIdx.x <= endTile.x and beginTile.y <= tileIdx.y and tileIdx.y <= endTile.y) then
addedTiles[i] = nil
-- Add tiles
for z = beginTile.y, endTile.y do
for x = beginTile.x, endTile.x do
local i = z * numTiles.x + x
if not navMesh:HasTile(IntVector2(x, z)) and navigationTiles[i] then
addedTiles[i] = IntVector2(x, z)
function SaveNavigationData()
local navMesh = scene_:GetComponent("DynamicNavigationMesh")
navigationTiles = {}
addedTiles = {}
local numTiles = navMesh.numTiles
for z = 0, numTiles.y - 1 do
for x = 0, numTiles.x - 1 do
local i = z * numTiles.x + x
navigationTiles[i] = navMesh:GetTileData(IntVector2(x, z))
function HandleUpdate(eventType, eventData)
-- Take the frame time step, which is stored as a float
local timeStep = eventData["TimeStep"]:GetFloat()
-- Move the camera, scale movement with time step
-- Update streaming
if input:GetKeyPress(KEY_TAB) then
useStreaming = not useStreaming
if useStreaming then
function HandlePostRenderUpdate(eventType, eventData)
if drawDebug then
-- Visualize navigation mesh, obstacles and off-mesh connections
-- Visualize agents' path and position to reach
function HandleCrowdAgentFailure(eventType, eventData)
local node = eventData["Node"]:GetPtr("Node")
local agentState = eventData["CrowdAgentState"]:GetInt()
-- If the agent's state is invalid, likely from spawning on the side of a box, find a point in a larger area
if agentState == CA_STATE_INVALID then
-- Get a point on the navmesh using more generous extents
local newPos = scene_:GetComponent("DynamicNavigationMesh"):FindNearestPoint(node.position, Vector3(5, 5, 5))
-- Set the new node position, CrowdAgent component will automatically reset the state of the agent
node.position = newPos
function HandleCrowdAgentReposition(eventType, eventData)
local WALKING_ANI = "Models/Jack_Walk.ani"
local node = eventData["Node"]:GetPtr("Node")
local agent = eventData["CrowdAgent"]:GetPtr("CrowdAgent")
local velocity = eventData["Velocity"]:GetVector3()
local timeStep = eventData["TimeStep"]:GetFloat()
-- Only Jack agent has animation controller
local animCtrl = node:GetComponent("AnimationController")
if animCtrl ~= nil then
local speed = velocity:Length()
if animCtrl:IsPlaying(WALKING_ANI) then
local speedRatio = speed / agent.maxSpeed
-- Face the direction of its velocity but moderate the turning speed based on the speed ratio and timeStep
node.rotation = node.rotation:Slerp(Quaternion(Vector3.FORWARD, velocity), 10.0 * timeStep * speedRatio)
-- Throttle the animation speed based on agent speed ratio (ratio = 1 is full throttle)
animCtrl:SetSpeed(WALKING_ANI, speedRatio * 1.5)
animCtrl:Play(WALKING_ANI, 0, true, 0.1)
-- If speed is too low then stop the animation
if speed < agent.radius then
animCtrl:Stop(WALKING_ANI, 0.5)
function HandleCrowdAgentFormation(eventType, eventData)
local index = eventData["Index"]:GetUInt()
local size = eventData["Size"]:GetUInt()
local position = eventData["Position"]:GetVector3()
-- The first agent will always move to the exact position, all other agents will select a random point nearby
if index > 0 then
local crowdManager = GetEventSender()
local agent = eventData["CrowdAgent"]:GetPtr("CrowdAgent")
eventData["Position"] = crowdManager:GetRandomPointInCircle(position, agent.radius, agent.queryFilterType)
-- Create XML patch instructions for screen joystick layout specific to this sample app
function GetScreenJoystickPatchString()
"<patch>" ..
" <add sel=\"/element\">" ..
" <element type=\"Button\">" ..
" <attribute name=\"Name\" value=\"Button3\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Position\" value=\"-120 -120\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Size\" value=\"96 96\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Horiz Alignment\" value=\"Right\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Vert Alignment\" value=\"Bottom\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Texture\" value=\"Texture2D;Textures/TouchInput.png\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Image Rect\" value=\"96 0 192 96\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Hover Image Offset\" value=\"0 0\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Pressed Image Offset\" value=\"0 0\" />" ..
" <element type=\"Text\">" ..
" <attribute name=\"Name\" value=\"Label\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Horiz Alignment\" value=\"Center\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Vert Alignment\" value=\"Center\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Color\" value=\"0 0 0 1\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Text\" value=\"Spawn\" />" ..
" </element>" ..
" <element type=\"Text\">" ..
" <attribute name=\"Name\" value=\"KeyBinding\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Text\" value=\"LSHIFT\" />" ..
" </element>" ..
" <element type=\"Text\">" ..
" <attribute name=\"Name\" value=\"MouseButtonBinding\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Text\" value=\"LEFT\" />" ..
" </element>" ..
" </element>" ..
" <element type=\"Button\">" ..
" <attribute name=\"Name\" value=\"Button4\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Position\" value=\"-120 -12\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Size\" value=\"96 96\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Horiz Alignment\" value=\"Right\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Vert Alignment\" value=\"Bottom\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Texture\" value=\"Texture2D;Textures/TouchInput.png\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Image Rect\" value=\"96 0 192 96\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Hover Image Offset\" value=\"0 0\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Pressed Image Offset\" value=\"0 0\" />" ..
" <element type=\"Text\">" ..
" <attribute name=\"Name\" value=\"Label\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Horiz Alignment\" value=\"Center\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Vert Alignment\" value=\"Center\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Color\" value=\"0 0 0 1\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Text\" value=\"Obstacles\" />" ..
" </element>" ..
" <element type=\"Text\">" ..
" <attribute name=\"Name\" value=\"MouseButtonBinding\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Text\" value=\"MIDDLE\" />" ..
" </element>" ..
" </element>" ..
" </add>" ..
" <remove sel=\"/element/element[./attribute[@name='Name' and @value='Button0']]/attribute[@name='Is Visible']\" />" ..
" <replace sel=\"/element/element[./attribute[@name='Name' and @value='Button0']]/element[./attribute[@name='Name' and @value='Label']]/attribute[@name='Text']/@value\">Set</replace>" ..
" <add sel=\"/element/element[./attribute[@name='Name' and @value='Button0']]\">" ..
" <element type=\"Text\">" ..
" <attribute name=\"Name\" value=\"MouseButtonBinding\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Text\" value=\"LEFT\" />" ..
" </element>" ..
" </add>" ..
" <remove sel=\"/element/element[./attribute[@name='Name' and @value='Button1']]/attribute[@name='Is Visible']\" />" ..
" <replace sel=\"/element/element[./attribute[@name='Name' and @value='Button1']]/element[./attribute[@name='Name' and @value='Label']]/attribute[@name='Text']/@value\">Debug</replace>" ..
" <add sel=\"/element/element[./attribute[@name='Name' and @value='Button1']]\">" ..
" <element type=\"Text\">" ..
" <attribute name=\"Name\" value=\"KeyBinding\" />" ..
" <attribute name=\"Text\" value=\"SPACE\" />" ..
" </element>" ..
" </add>" ..