
21 lines
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-- Script to recursively compile lua files located in specified rootFolder to luc (bytecode)
-- Usage: require "LuaScripts/Utilities/LuaScriptCompiler"
-- Set root folder containing lua files to convert
local rootFolder = "Data/LuaScripts/" -- Starting from bin folder
if not fileSystem:DirExists(rootFolder) then log:Write(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot find " .. rootFolder) return end -- Ensure that rootFolder exists
-- Get lua files recursively
local files = fileSystem:ScanDir(fileSystem:GetProgramDir() .. rootFolder, "*.lua", SCAN_FILES, true)
if table.maxn(files) == 0 then log:Write(LOG_WARNING, "No lua file found in " .. rootFolder .. " and subfolders") return end -- Ensure that at least one file was found
-- Compile each lua file found in rootFolder and subfolders to luc
for i=1, table.maxn(files) do
local filename = rootFolder .. files[i] -- Get file with its path
if not fileSystem:FileExists(filename) then log:Write(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot find " .. filename) return end
print(filename .. "\n")
local args = {"-b", filename, ReplaceExtension(filename, ".luc")} -- Set arguments to pass to the luajit command line app
fileSystem:SystemRun(fileSystem:GetProgramDir() .. "luajit", args) -- Compile lua file to luc