2017-04-09 22:17:34 +03:00

168 lines
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// Animating 3D scene example.
// This sample demonstrates:
// - Creating a 3D scene and using a script component to animate the objects
// - Controlling scene ambience with the Zone component
// - Attaching a light to an object (the camera)
#include "Scripts/Utilities/Sample.as"
void Start()
// Execute the common startup for samples
// Create the scene content
// Create the UI content
// Setup the viewport for displaying the scene
// Set the mouse mode to use in the sample
// Hook up to the frame update events
void CreateScene()
scene_ = Scene();
// Create the Octree component to the scene so that drawable objects can be rendered. Use default volume
// (-1000, -1000, -1000) to (1000, 1000, 1000)
// Create a Zone component into a child scene node. The Zone controls ambient lighting and fog settings. Like the Octree,
// it also defines its volume with a bounding box, but can be rotated (so it does not need to be aligned to the world X, Y
// and Z axes.) Drawable objects "pick up" the zone they belong to and use it when rendering; several zones can exist
Node@ zoneNode = scene_.CreateChild("Zone");
Zone@ zone = zoneNode.CreateComponent("Zone");
// Set same volume as the Octree, set a close bluish fog and some ambient light
zone.boundingBox = BoundingBox(-1000.0f, 1000.0f);
zone.ambientColor = Color(0.05f, 0.1f, 0.15f);
zone.fogColor = Color(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f);
zone.fogStart = 10.0f;
zone.fogEnd = 100.0f;
// Create randomly positioned and oriented box StaticModels in the scene
const uint NUM_OBJECTS = 2000;
for (uint i = 0; i < NUM_OBJECTS; ++i)
Node@ boxNode = scene_.CreateChild("Box");
boxNode.position = Vector3(Random(200.0f) - 100.0f, Random(200.0f) - 100.0f, Random(200.0f) - 100.0f);
// Orient using random pitch, yaw and roll Euler angles
boxNode.rotation = Quaternion(Random(360.0f), Random(360.0f), Random(360.0f));
StaticModel@ boxObject = boxNode.CreateComponent("StaticModel");
boxObject.model = cache.GetResource("Model", "Models/Box.mdl");
boxObject.material = cache.GetResource("Material", "Materials/Stone.xml");
// Add the Rotator script object which will rotate the scene node each frame, when the scene sends its update event.
// This requires the C++ component ScriptInstance in the scene node, which acts as a container. We need to tell the
// script file and class name to instantiate the object (scriptFile is a global property which refers to the currently
// executing script file.) There is also a shortcut for creating the ScriptInstance component and the script object,
// which is shown in a later sample, but this is what happens "under the hood."
ScriptInstance@ instance = boxNode.CreateComponent("ScriptInstance");
instance.CreateObject(scriptFile, "Rotator");
// Retrieve the created script object and set its rotation speed member variable
Rotator@ rotator = cast<Rotator>(instance.scriptObject);
rotator.rotationSpeed = Vector3(10.0f, 20.0f, 30.0f);
// Create the camera. Let the starting position be at the world origin. As the fog limits maximum visible distance, we can
// bring the far clip plane closer for more effective culling of distant objects
cameraNode = scene_.CreateChild("Camera");
Camera@ camera = cameraNode.CreateComponent("Camera");
camera.farClip = 100.0f;
// Create a point light to the camera scene node
Light@ light = cameraNode.CreateComponent("Light");
light.lightType = LIGHT_POINT;
light.range = 30.0f;
void CreateInstructions()
// Construct new Text object, set string to display and font to use
Text@ instructionText = ui.root.CreateChild("Text");
instructionText.text = "Use WASD keys and mouse to move";
instructionText.SetFont(cache.GetResource("Font", "Fonts/Anonymous Pro.ttf"), 15);
// Position the text relative to the screen center
instructionText.horizontalAlignment = HA_CENTER;
instructionText.verticalAlignment = VA_CENTER;
instructionText.SetPosition(0, ui.root.height / 4);
void SetupViewport()
// Set up a viewport to the Renderer subsystem so that the 3D scene can be seen. We need to define the scene and the camera
// at minimum. Additionally we could configure the viewport screen size and the rendering path (eg. forward / deferred) to
// use, but now we just use full screen and default render path configured in the engine command line options
Viewport@ viewport = Viewport(scene_, cameraNode.GetComponent("Camera"));
renderer.viewports[0] = viewport;
void MoveCamera(float timeStep)
// Do not move if the UI has a focused element (the console)
if (ui.focusElement !is null)
// Movement speed as world units per second
const float MOVE_SPEED = 20.0f;
// Mouse sensitivity as degrees per pixel
const float MOUSE_SENSITIVITY = 0.1f;
// Use this frame's mouse motion to adjust camera node yaw and pitch. Clamp the pitch between -90 and 90 degrees
IntVector2 mouseMove = input.mouseMove;
yaw += MOUSE_SENSITIVITY * mouseMove.x;
pitch += MOUSE_SENSITIVITY * mouseMove.y;
pitch = Clamp(pitch, -90.0f, 90.0f);
// Construct new orientation for the camera scene node from yaw and pitch. Roll is fixed to zero
cameraNode.rotation = Quaternion(pitch, yaw, 0.0f);
// Read WASD keys and move the camera scene node to the corresponding direction if they are pressed
if (input.keyDown[KEY_W])
cameraNode.Translate(Vector3::FORWARD * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep);
if (input.keyDown[KEY_S])
cameraNode.Translate(Vector3::BACK * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep);
if (input.keyDown[KEY_A])
cameraNode.Translate(Vector3::LEFT * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep);
if (input.keyDown[KEY_D])
cameraNode.Translate(Vector3::RIGHT * MOVE_SPEED * timeStep);
void SubscribeToEvents()
// Subscribe HandleUpdate() function for processing update events
SubscribeToEvent("Update", "HandleUpdate");
void HandleUpdate(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
// Take the frame time step, which is stored as a float
float timeStep = eventData["TimeStep"].GetFloat();
// Move the camera, scale movement with time step
// Rotator script object class. Script objects to be added to a scene node must implement the empty ScriptObject interface
class Rotator : ScriptObject
Vector3 rotationSpeed;
// Update is called during the variable timestep scene update
void Update(float timeStep)
node.Rotate(Quaternion(rotationSpeed.x * timeStep, rotationSpeed.y * timeStep, rotationSpeed.z * timeStep));
// Create XML patch instructions for screen joystick layout specific to this sample app
String patchInstructions = "";