2018-08-11 20:35:09 +08:00

135 lines
4.3 KiB

// This first example, maintaining tradition, prints a "Hello World" message.
// Furthermore it shows:
// - Using the Sample utility functions as a base for the application
// - Adding a Text element to the graphical user interface
// - Subscribing to and handling of update events
#include "Scripts/Utilities/Sample.as"
Button@ startServer;
Button@ stopServer;
Button@ refreshServerList;
Text@ serverList;
const int SERVER_PORT = 54654;
void Start()
// Execute the common startup for samples
// Create "Hello World" Text
// Set the mouse mode to use in the sample
// Finally, hook-up this HelloWorld instance to handle update events
void CreateText()
XMLFile@ uiStyle = cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/DefaultStyle.xml");
// Set style to the UI root so that elements will inherit it
ui.root.defaultStyle = uiStyle;
int marginTop = 20;
CreateLabel("1. Start server", IntVector2(20, marginTop-20));
startServer = CreateButton("Start server", 160, IntVector2(20, marginTop));
stopServer = CreateButton("Stop server", 160, IntVector2(20, marginTop));
stopServer.visible = false;
// Create client connection related fields
marginTop += 80;
CreateLabel("2. Discover LAN servers", IntVector2(20, marginTop-20));
refreshServerList = CreateButton("Search...", 160, IntVector2(20, marginTop));
marginTop += 80;
CreateLabel("Local servers:", IntVector2(20, marginTop - 20));
serverList = CreateLabel("", IntVector2(20, marginTop));
void SubscribeToEvents()
SubscribeToEvent("NetworkHostDiscovered", "HandleNetworkHostDiscovered");
SubscribeToEvent(startServer, "Released", "HandleStartServer");
SubscribeToEvent(stopServer, "Released", "HandleStopServer");
SubscribeToEvent(refreshServerList, "Released", "HandleDoNetworkDiscovery");
Text@ CreateLabel(const String&in text, IntVector2 pos)
// Create log element to view latest logs from the system
Font@ font = cache.GetResource("Font", "Fonts/Anonymous Pro.ttf");
Text@ label = ui.root.CreateChild("Text");
label.SetFont(font, 12);
label.color = Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
label.SetPosition(pos.x, pos.y);
label.text = text;
return label;
Button@ CreateButton(const String&in text, int width, IntVector2 pos)
Font@ font = cache.GetResource("Font", "Fonts/Anonymous Pro.ttf");
Button@ button = ui.root.CreateChild("Button");
button.SetPosition(pos.x, pos.y);
Text@ buttonText = button.CreateChild("Text");
buttonText.SetFont(font, 12);
buttonText.SetAlignment(HA_CENTER, VA_CENTER);
buttonText.text = text;
return button;
void HandleNetworkHostDiscovered(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
log.Info("Server discovered!");
String text = serverList.text;
VariantMap data = eventData["Beacon"].GetVariantMap();
text += "\n" + data["Name"].GetString() + "(" + String(data["Players"].GetInt()) + ")" + eventData["Address"].GetString() + ":" + String(eventData["Port"].GetInt());
serverList.text = text;
void HandleStartServer(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
if (network.StartServer(SERVER_PORT)) {
VariantMap data;
data["Name"] = "Test server";
data["Players"] = 100;
/// Set data which will be sent to all who requests LAN network discovery
startServer.visible = false;
stopServer.visible = true;
void HandleStopServer(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
startServer.visible = true;
stopServer.visible = false;
void HandleDoNetworkDiscovery(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
/// Pass in the port that should be checked
serverList.text = "";
// Create XML patch instructions for screen joystick layout specific to this sample app
String patchInstructions =
"<patch>" +
" <add sel=\"/element/element[./attribute[@name='Name' and @value='Hat0']]\">" +
" <attribute name=\"Is Visible\" value=\"false\" />" +
" </add>" +