urho3d-travis-ci 78c449655a Travis CI: API documentation update at 2019-08-02 17:02:34 UTC.
[ci package]

Commit: 6a17259fa0

Message: contributors list updated
2019-08-02 17:02:34 +00:00

18012 lines
488 KiB

namespace Urho3D
\page EventList Event list
## %Audio events
### SoundFinished
- %Node : Node pointer
- %SoundSource : SoundSource pointer
- %Sound : Sound pointer
## %Core events
### BeginFrame
- %FrameNumber : unsigned
- %TimeStep : float
### Update
- %TimeStep : float
### PostUpdate
- %TimeStep : float
### RenderUpdate
- %TimeStep : float
### PostRenderUpdate
- %TimeStep : float
### EndFrame
## %Database events
### DbCursor
- %DbConnection : DbConnection pointer
- %ResultImpl : Underlying result object pointer (cannot be used in scripting)
- %SQL : String
- %NumCols : unsigned
- %ColValues : VariantVector
- %ColHeaders : StringVector
- %Filter : bool [in]
- %Abort : bool [in]
## %Drawable events
### BoneHierarchyCreated
- %Node : Node pointer
### AnimationTrigger
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Animation : Animation pointer
- %Name : String
- %Time : Float
- %Data : User-defined data type
### AnimationFinished
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Animation : Animation pointer
- %Name : String
- %Looped : Bool
### ParticleEffectFinished
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Effect : ParticleEffect pointer
### TerrainCreated
- %Node : Node pointer
## %Engine events
### ConsoleCommand
- %Command : String
- %Id : String
## %Graphics events
### ScreenMode
- %Width : int
- %Height : int
- %Fullscreen : bool
- %Borderless : bool
- %Resizable : bool
- %HighDPI : bool
- %Monitor : int
- %RefreshRate : int
### WindowPos
- %X : int
- %Y : int
### RenderSurfaceUpdate
### BeginRendering
### EndRendering
### BeginViewUpdate
- %View : View pointer
- %Texture : Texture pointer
- %Surface : RenderSurface pointer
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Camera : Camera pointer
### EndViewUpdate
- %View : View pointer
- %Texture : Texture pointer
- %Surface : RenderSurface pointer
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Camera : Camera pointer
### BeginViewRender
- %View : View pointer
- %Texture : Texture pointer
- %Surface : RenderSurface pointer
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Camera : Camera pointer
### ViewBuffersReady
- %View : View pointer
- %Texture : Texture pointer
- %Surface : RenderSurface pointer
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Camera : Camera pointer
### ViewGlobalShaderParameters
- %View : View pointer
- %Texture : Texture pointer
- %Surface : RenderSurface pointer
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Camera : Camera pointer
### EndViewRender
- %View : View pointer
- %Texture : Texture pointer
- %Surface : RenderSurface pointer
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Camera : Camera pointer
### EndAllViewsRender
### RenderPathEvent
- %Name : String
### DeviceLost
### DeviceReset
## %IK events
### IKEffectorTargetChanged
- %EffectorNode : (Node*) The effector node that has changed targets
- %TargetNode : (Node*) The new target node. NOTE: Can be NULL (means no target)
## %IO events
### LogMessage
- %Message : String
- %Level : int
### AsyncExecFinished
- %RequestID : unsigned
- %ExitCode : int
## %Input events
### MouseButtonDown
- %Button : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### MouseButtonUp
- %Button : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### MouseMove
- %X : int (only when mouse visible)
- %Y : int (only when mouse visible)
- %DX : int
- %DY : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### MouseWheel
- %Wheel : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### KeyDown
- %Key : int
- %Scancode : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
- %Repeat : bool
### KeyUp
- %Key : int
- %Scancode : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### TextInput
- %Text : String
### TextEditing
- %Composition : String
- %Cursor : int
- %SelectionLength : int
### JoystickConnected
- %JoystickID : int
### JoystickDisconnected
- %JoystickID : int
### JoystickButtonDown
- %JoystickID : int
- %Button : int
### JoystickButtonUp
- %JoystickID : int
- %Button : int
### JoystickAxisMove
- %JoystickID : int
- %Button : int
- %Position : float
### JoystickHatMove
- %JoystickID : int
- %Button : int
- %Position : int
### TouchBegin
- %TouchID : int
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %Pressure : float
### TouchEnd
- %TouchID : int
- %X : int
- %Y : int
### TouchMove
- %TouchID : int
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %DX : int
- %DY : int
- %Pressure : float
### GestureRecorded
- %GestureID : unsigned
### GestureInput
- %GestureID : unsigned
- %CenterX : int
- %CenterY : int
- %NumFingers : int
- %Error : float
### MultiGesture
- %CenterX : int
- %CenterY : int
- %NumFingers : int
- %DTheta : float (degrees)
- %DDist : float
### DropFile
- %FileName : String
### InputFocus
- %Focus : bool
- %Minimized : bool
### MouseVisibleChanged
- %Visible : bool
### MouseModeChanged
- %Mode : MouseMode
- %MouseLocked : bool
### ExitRequested
### SDLRawInput
- %SDLEvent : SDL_Event*
- %Consumed : bool
### InputBegin
### InputEnd
## %Navigation events
### NavigationMeshRebuilt
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Mesh : NavigationMesh pointer
### NavigationAreaRebuilt
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Mesh : NavigationMesh pointer
- %BoundsMin : Vector3
- %BoundsMax : Vector3
### NavigationTileAdded
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Mesh : NavigationMesh pointer
- %Tile : IntVector2
### NavigationTileRemoved
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Mesh : NavigationMesh pointer
- %Tile : IntVector2
### NavigationAllTilesRemoved
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Mesh : NavigationMesh pointer
### CrowdAgentFormation
- %Node : Node pointer
- %CrowdAgent : CrowdAgent pointer
- %Index : unsigned
- %Size : unsigned
- %Position : Vector3 [in/out]
### CrowdAgentNodeFormation
- %Node : Node pointer
- %CrowdAgent : CrowdAgent pointer
- %Index : unsigned
- %Size : unsigned
- %Position : Vector3 [in/out]
### CrowdAgentReposition
- %Node : Node pointer
- %CrowdAgent : CrowdAgent pointer
- %Position : Vector3
- %Velocity : Vector3
- %Arrived : bool
- %TimeStep : float
### CrowdAgentNodeReposition
- %Node : Node pointer
- %CrowdAgent : CrowdAgent pointer
- %Position : Vector3
- %Velocity : Vector3
- %Arrived : bool
- %TimeStep : float
### CrowdAgentFailure
- %Node : Node pointer
- %CrowdAgent : CrowdAgent pointer
- %Position : Vector3
- %Velocity : Vector3
- %CrowdAgentState : int
- %CrowdTargetState : int
### CrowdAgentNodeFailure
- %Node : Node pointer
- %CrowdAgent : CrowdAgent pointer
- %Position : Vector3
- %Velocity : Vector3
- %CrowdAgentState : int
- %CrowdTargetState : int
### CrowdAgentStateChanged
- %Node : Node pointer
- %CrowdAgent : CrowdAgent pointer
- %Position : Vector3
- %Velocity : Vector3
- %CrowdAgentState : int
- %CrowdTargetState : int
### CrowdAgentNodeStateChanged
- %Node : Node pointer
- %CrowdAgent : CrowdAgent pointer
- %Position : Vector3
- %Velocity : Vector3
- %CrowdAgentState : int
- %CrowdTargetState : int
### NavigationObstacleAdded
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Obstacle : Obstacle pointer
- %Position : Vector3
- %Radius : float
- %Height : float
### NavigationObstacleRemoved
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Obstacle : Obstacle pointer
- %Position : Vector3
- %Radius : float
- %Height : float
## %Network events
### ServerConnected
### ServerDisconnected
### ConnectFailed
### ConnectionInProgress
### ClientConnected
- %Connection : Connection pointer
### ClientDisconnected
- %Connection : Connection pointer
### ClientIdentity
- %Connection : Connection pointer
- %Allow : bool
### ClientSceneLoaded
- %Connection : Connection pointer
### NetworkMessage
- %Connection : Connection pointer
- %MessageID : int
- %Data : Buffer
### NetworkUpdate
### NetworkUpdateSent
### NetworkSceneLoadFailed
- %Connection : Connection pointer
### RemoteEventData
- %Connection : Connection pointer
### NetworkBanned
### NetworkInvalidPassword
### NetworkHostDiscovered
- %Address : String
- %Port : int
- %Beacon : VariantMap
### NetworkNatPunchtroughSucceeded
- %Address : String
- %Port : int
### NetworkNatPunchtroughFailed
- %Address : String
- %Port : int
### NetworkNatMasterConnectionFailed
- %Address : String
- %Port : int
### NetworkNatMasterConnectionSucceeded
- %Address : String
- %Port : int
## %Physics2D events
### PhysicsUpdateContact2D
- %World : PhysicsWorld2D pointer
- %BodyA : RigidBody2D pointer
- %BodyB : RigidBody2D pointer
- %NodeA : Node pointer
- %NodeB : Node pointer
- %ShapeA : CollisionShape2D pointer
- %ShapeB : CollisionShape2D pointer
- %Enabled : bool [in/out]
### PhysicsBeginContact2D
- %World : PhysicsWorld2D pointer
- %BodyA : RigidBody2D pointer
- %BodyB : RigidBody2D pointer
- %NodeA : Node pointer
- %NodeB : Node pointer
- %ShapeA : CollisionShape2D pointer
- %ShapeB : CollisionShape2D pointer
### PhysicsEndContact2D
- %World : PhysicsWorld2D pointer
- %BodyA : RigidBody2D pointer
- %BodyB : RigidBody2D pointer
- %NodeA : Node pointer
- %NodeB : Node pointer
- %ShapeA : CollisionShape2D pointer
- %ShapeB : CollisionShape2D pointer
### NodeUpdateContact2D
- %Body : RigidBody2D pointer
- %OtherNode : Node pointer
- %OtherBody : RigidBody2D pointer
- %Shape : CollisionShape2D pointer
- %OtherShape : CollisionShape2D pointer
- %Enabled : bool [in/out]
### NodeBeginContact2D
- %Body : RigidBody2D pointer
- %OtherNode : Node pointer
- %OtherBody : RigidBody2D pointer
- %Shape : CollisionShape2D pointer
- %OtherShape : CollisionShape2D pointer
### NodeEndContact2D
- %Body : RigidBody2D pointer
- %OtherNode : Node pointer
- %OtherBody : RigidBody2D pointer
- %Shape : CollisionShape2D pointer
- %OtherShape : CollisionShape2D pointer
## %Physics events
### PhysicsPreStep
- %World : PhysicsWorld pointer
- %TimeStep : float
### PhysicsPostStep
- %World : PhysicsWorld pointer
- %TimeStep : float
### PhysicsCollisionStart
- %World : PhysicsWorld pointer
- %NodeA : Node pointer
- %NodeB : Node pointer
- %BodyA : RigidBody pointer
- %BodyB : RigidBody pointer
- %Trigger : bool
### PhysicsCollision
- %World : PhysicsWorld pointer
- %NodeA : Node pointer
- %NodeB : Node pointer
- %BodyA : RigidBody pointer
- %BodyB : RigidBody pointer
- %Trigger : bool
### PhysicsCollisionEnd
- %World : PhysicsWorld pointer
- %NodeA : Node pointer
- %NodeB : Node pointer
- %BodyA : RigidBody pointer
- %BodyB : RigidBody pointer
- %Trigger : bool
### NodeCollisionStart
- %Body : RigidBody pointer
- %OtherNode : Node pointer
- %OtherBody : RigidBody pointer
- %Trigger : bool
### NodeCollision
- %Body : RigidBody pointer
- %OtherNode : Node pointer
- %OtherBody : RigidBody pointer
- %Trigger : bool
### NodeCollisionEnd
- %Body : RigidBody pointer
- %OtherNode : Node pointer
- %OtherBody : RigidBody pointer
- %Trigger : bool
## %Resource events
### ReloadStarted
### ReloadFinished
### ReloadFailed
### FileChanged
- %FileName : String
- %ResourceName : String
### LoadFailed
- %ResourceName : String
### ResourceNotFound
- %ResourceName : String
### UnknownResourceType
- %ResourceType : StringHash
### ResourceBackgroundLoaded
- %ResourceName : String
- %Success : bool
- %Resource : Resource pointer
### ChangeLanguage
## %Scene events
### SceneUpdate
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %TimeStep : float
### SceneSubsystemUpdate
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %TimeStep : float
### UpdateSmoothing
- %Constant : float
- %SquaredSnapThreshold : float
### SceneDrawableUpdateFinished
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %TimeStep : float
### TargetPositionChanged
### TargetRotationChanged
### AttributeAnimationUpdate
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %TimeStep : float
### AttributeAnimationAdded
- %ObjectAnimation : Object animation pointer
- %AttributeAnimationName : String
### AttributeAnimationRemoved
- %ObjectAnimation : Object animation pointer
- %AttributeAnimationName : String
### ScenePostUpdate
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %TimeStep : float
### AsyncLoadProgress
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Progress : float
- %LoadedNodes : int
- %TotalNodes : int
- %LoadedResources : int
- %TotalResources : int
### AsyncLoadFinished
- %Scene : Scene pointer
### NodeAdded
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Parent : Node pointer
- %Node : Node pointer
### NodeRemoved
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Parent : Node pointer
- %Node : Node pointer
### ComponentAdded
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Component : Component pointer
### ComponentRemoved
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Component : Component pointer
### NodeNameChanged
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Node : Node pointer
### NodeEnabledChanged
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Node : Node pointer
### NodeTagAdded
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Tag : String tag
### NodeTagRemoved
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Tag : String tag
### ComponentEnabledChanged
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Component : Component pointer
### TemporaryChanged
- %Serializable : Serializable pointer
### NodeCloned
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Node : Node pointer
- %CloneNode : Node pointer
### ComponentCloned
- %Scene : Scene pointer
- %Component : Component pointer
- %CloneComponent : Component pointer
### InterceptNetworkUpdate
- %Serializable : Serializable pointer
- %TimeStamp : unsigned (0-255)
- %Index : unsigned
- %Name : String
- %Value : Variant
## %UI events
### UIMouseClick
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %Button : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### UIMouseClickEnd
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %BeginElement : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %Button : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### UIMouseDoubleClick
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %XBegin : int
- %YBegin : int
- %Button : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### Click
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %Button : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### ClickEnd
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %BeginElement : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %Button : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### DoubleClick
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %XBegin : int
- %YBegin : int
- %Button : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### DragDropTest
- %Source : UIElement pointer
- %Target : UIElement pointer
- %Accept : bool
### DragDropFinish
- %Source : UIElement pointer
- %Target : UIElement pointer
- %Accept : bool
### FocusChanged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %ClickedElement : UIElement pointer
### NameChanged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
### Resized
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Width : int
- %Height : int
- %DX : int
- %DY : int
### Positioned
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
### VisibleChanged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Visible : bool
### Focused
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %ByKey : bool
### Defocused
- %Element : UIElement pointer
### LayoutUpdated
- %Element : UIElement pointer
### Pressed
- %Element : UIElement pointer
### Released
- %Element : UIElement pointer
### Toggled
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %State : bool
### SliderChanged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Value : float
### SliderPaged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Offset : int
- %Pressed : bool
### ProgressBarChanged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Value : float
### ScrollBarChanged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Value : float
### ViewChanged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
### ModalChanged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Modal : bool
### TextEntry
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Text : String [in/out]
### TextChanged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Text : String
### TextFinished
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Text : String
- %Value : Float
### MenuSelected
- %Element : UIElement pointer
### ItemSelected
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Selection : int
### ItemDeselected
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Selection : int
### SelectionChanged
- %Element : UIElement pointer
### ItemClicked
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Item : UIElement pointer
- %Selection : int
- %Button : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### ItemDoubleClicked
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Item : UIElement pointer
- %Selection : int
- %Button : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### UnhandledKey
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %Key : int
- %Buttons : int
- %Qualifiers : int
### FileSelected
- %FileName : String
- %Filter : String
- %OK : bool
### MessageACK
- %OK : bool
### ElementAdded
- %Root : UIElement pointer
- %Parent : UIElement pointer
- %Element : UIElement pointer
### ElementRemoved
- %Root : UIElement pointer
- %Parent : UIElement pointer
- %Element : UIElement pointer
### HoverBegin
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %ElementX : int
- %ElementY : int
### HoverEnd
- %Element : UIElement pointer
### DragBegin
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %ElementX : int
- %ElementY : int
- %Buttons : int
- %NumButtons : int
### DragMove
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %DX : int
- %DY : int
- %ElementX : int
- %ElementY : int
- %Buttons : int
- %NumButtons : int
### DragEnd
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %ElementX : int
- %ElementY : int
- %Buttons : int
- %NumButtons : int
### DragCancel
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %ElementX : int
- %ElementY : int
- %Buttons : int
- %NumButtons : int
### UIDropFile
- %FileName : String
- %Element : UIElement pointer
- %X : int
- %Y : int
- %ElementX : int (only if element is non-null)
- %ElementY : int (only if element is non-null)
## %Urho2D events
### ParticlesEnd
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Effect : ParticleEffect2D pointer
### ParticlesDuration
- %Node : Node pointer
- %Effect : ParticleEffect2D pointer
\page AttributeList Attribute list
### AnimatedModel
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Model : ResourceRef
- %Material : ResourceRefList
- %Is %Occluder : bool
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Cast %Shadows : bool
- %Update %When %Invisible : bool
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Distance : float
- %LOD %Bias : float
- %Animation %LOD %Bias : float
- %Max %Lights : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
- %Animation %States : VariantVector
### AnimatedSprite2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Layer : int
- %Order %in %Layer : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Flip X : bool
- %Flip Y : bool
- %Color : Color
- %Custom %material : ResourceRef
- %Hot %Spot : Vector2
- %Use %Hot %Spot : bool
- %Draw %Rectangle : Rect
- %Use %Draw %Rectangle : bool
- %Texture %Rectangle : Rect
- %Use %Texture %Rectangle : bool
- %Speed : float
- %Entity : String
- %Animation %Set : ResourceRef
- %Animation : String
- %Loop %Mode : int
### AnimationController
- %Is %Enabled : bool
### BillboardSet
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Relative %Position : bool
- %Relative %Scale : bool
- %Sort %By %Distance : bool
- %Fixed %Screen %Size : bool
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Cast %Shadows : bool
- %Face %Camera %Mode : int
- %Min %Angle : float
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Distance : float
- %Animation %LOD %Bias : float
- %Max %Lights : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
- %Billboards : VariantVector
### BorderImage
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
### Button
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Pressed %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Disabled %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pressed %Child %Offset : IntVector2
- %Repeat %Delay : float
- %Repeat %Rate : float
### Camera
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Near %Clip : float
- %Far %Clip : float
- %FOV : float
- %Aspect %Ratio : float
- %Fill %Mode : int
- %Auto %Aspect %Ratio : bool
- %Orthographic : bool
- %Orthographic %Size : float
- %Zoom : float
- %LOD %Bias : float
- %View %Mask : int
- %View %Override %Flags : int
- %Projection %Offset : Vector2
- %Reflection %Plane : Vector4
- %Clip %Plane : Vector4
- %Use %Reflection : bool
- %Use %Clipping : bool
### CheckBox
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Is %Checked : bool
- %Checked %Image %Offset : IntVector2
### CollisionBox2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Size : Vector2
- %Center : Vector2
- %Angle : float
- %Trigger : bool
- %Category %Bits : int
- %Mask %Bits : int
- %Group %Index : int
- %Density : float
- %Friction : float
- %Restitution : float
### CollisionChain2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Loop : bool
- %Trigger : bool
- %Category %Bits : int
- %Mask %Bits : int
- %Group %Index : int
- %Density : float
- %Friction : float
- %Restitution : float
- %Vertices : Buffer
### CollisionCircle2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Radius : float
- %Center : Vector2
- %Trigger : bool
- %Category %Bits : int
- %Mask %Bits : int
- %Group %Index : int
- %Density : float
- %Friction : float
- %Restitution : float
### CollisionEdge2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Vertex 1 : Vector2
- %Vertex 2 : Vector2
- %Trigger : bool
- %Category %Bits : int
- %Mask %Bits : int
- %Group %Index : int
- %Density : float
- %Friction : float
- %Restitution : float
### CollisionPolygon2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Trigger : bool
- %Category %Bits : int
- %Mask %Bits : int
- %Group %Index : int
- %Density : float
- %Friction : float
- %Restitution : float
- %Vertices : Buffer
### CollisionShape
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Shape %Type : int
- %Size : Vector3
- %Offset %Position : Vector3
- %Offset %Rotation : Quaternion
- %Model : ResourceRef
- %LOD %Level : int
- %Collision %Margin : float
- %CustomGeometry %ComponentID : int
### Constraint
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Constraint %Type : int
- %Position : Vector3
- %Rotation : Quaternion
- %Other %Body %Position : Vector3
- %Other %Body %Rotation : Quaternion
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
- %High %Limit : Vector2
- %Low %Limit : Vector2
- %ERP %Parameter : float
- %CFM %Parameter : float
- %Disable %Collision : bool
### ConstraintDistance2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Owner %Body %Anchor : Vector2
- %Other %Body %Anchor : Vector2
- %Frequency %Hz : float
- %Damping %Ratio : float
- %Length : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### ConstraintFriction2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Force : float
- %Max %Torque : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### ConstraintGear2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Ratio : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### ConstraintMotor2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Linear %Offset : Vector2
- %Angular %Offset : float
- %Max %Force : float
- %Max %Torque : float
- %Correction %Factor : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### ConstraintMouse2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Target : Vector2
- %Max %Force : float
- %Frequency %Hz : float
- %Damping %Ratio : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### ConstraintPrismatic2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Anchor : Vector2
- %Axis : Vector2
- %Enable %Limit : bool
- %Lower %translation : float
- %Upper %translation : float
- %Enable %Motor : bool
- %Max %Motor %Force : float
- %Motor %Speed : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### ConstraintPulley2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Owner %Body %Ground %Anchor : Vector2
- %Other %Body %Ground %Anchor : Vector2
- %Owner %Body %Anchor : Vector2
- %Other %Body %Anchor : Vector2
- %Ratio : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### ConstraintRevolute2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Anchor : Vector2
- %Enable %Limit : bool
- %Lower %Angle : float
- %Upper %Angle : float
- %Enable %Motor : bool
- %Motor %Speed : float
- %Max %Motor %Torque : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### ConstraintRope2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Owner %Body %Anchor : Vector2
- %Other %Body %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Length : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### ConstraintWeld2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Anchor : Vector2
- %Frequency %Hz : float
- %Damping %Ratio : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### ConstraintWheel2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Anchor : Vector2
- %Axis : Vector2
- %Enable %Motor : bool
- %Max %Motor %Torque : float
- %Motor %Speed : float
- %Frequency %Hz : float
- %Damping %Ratio : float
- %Collide %Connected : bool
- %Other %Body %NodeID : int
### CrowdAgent
- %Target %Position : Vector3
- %Target %Velocity : Vector3
- %Requested %Target %Type : int
- %Update %Node %Position : bool
- %Max %Accel : float
- %Max %Speed : float
- %Radius : float
- %Height : float
- %Query %Filter %Type : int
- %Obstacle %Avoidance %Type : int
- %Navigation %Pushiness : int
- %Navigation %Quality : int
### CrowdManager
- %Max %Agents : int
- %Max %Agent %Radius : float
- %Navigation %Mesh : int
- %Filter %Types : VariantVector
- %Obstacle %Avoidance %Types : VariantVector
### Cursor
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Use %System %Shapes : bool
- %Shapes : VariantVector
### CustomGeometry
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Dynamic %Vertex %Buffer : bool
- %Materials : ResourceRefList
- %Is %Occluder : bool
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Cast %Shadows : bool
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Distance : float
- %LOD %Bias : float
- %Max %Lights : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
### DebugRenderer
- %Line %Antialias : bool
### DecalSet
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Max %Vertices : int
- %Max %Indices : int
- %Optimize %Buffer %Size : bool
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Max %Lights : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
### DropDownList
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Pressed %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Disabled %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pressed %Child %Offset : IntVector2
- %Repeat %Delay : float
- %Repeat %Rate : float
- %Popup %Offset : IntVector2
- %Selection : int
- %Resize %Popup : bool
### DynamicNavigationMesh
- %Tile %Size : int
- %Cell %Size : float
- %Cell %Height : float
- %Agent %Height : float
- %Agent %Radius : float
- %Agent %Max %Climb : float
- %Agent %Max %Slope : float
- %Region %Min %Size : float
- %Region %Merge %Size : float
- %Edge %Max %Length : float
- %Edge %Max %Error : float
- %Detail %Sample %Distance : float
- %Detail %Sample %Max %Error : float
- %Bounding %Box %Padding : Vector3
- %Partition %Type : int
- %Draw %OffMeshConnections : bool
- %Draw %NavAreas : bool
- %Max %Obstacles : int
- %Max %Layers : int
- %Draw %Obstacles : bool
### IKEffector
- %Target %Node : String
- %Chain %Length : int
- %Target %Position : Vector3
- %Target %Rotation : Vector3
- %Weight : float
- %Rotation %Weight : float
- %Rotation %Decay : float
- %Nlerp %Weight : bool
- %Inherit %Parent %Rotation : bool
### IKSolver
- %Algorithm : int
- %Max %Iterations : int
- %Convergence %Tolerance : float
- %Joint %Rotations : bool
- %Target %Rotations : bool
- %Update %Original %Pose : bool
- %Update %Active %Pose : bool
- %Use %Original %Pose : bool
- %Enable %Constraints : bool
- %Auto %Solve : bool
### Light
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Light %Type : int
- %Color : Color
- %Specular %Intensity : float
- %Brightness %Multiplier : float
- %Temperature : float
- %Use %Physical %Values : bool
- %Radius : float
- %Length : float
- %Range : float
- %Spot %FOV : float
- %Spot %Aspect %Ratio : float
- %Attenuation %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Light %Shape %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Cast %Shadows : bool
- %Per %Vertex : bool
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Fade %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Fade %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Intensity : float
- %Shadow %Resolution : float
- %Focus %To %Scene : bool
- %Non-uniform %View : bool
- %Auto-Reduce %Size : bool
- %CSM %Splits : Vector4
- %CSM %Fade %Start : float
- %CSM %Bias %Auto %Adjust : float
- %View %Size %Quantize : float
- %View %Size %Minimum : float
- %Depth %Constant %Bias : float
- %Depth %Slope %Bias : float
- %Normal %Offset : float
- %Near/Farclip %Ratio : float
- %Max %Extrusion : float
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
### LineEdit
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Max %Length : int
- %Is %Cursor %Movable : bool
- %Is %Text %Selectable : bool
- %Is %Text %Copyable : bool
- %Cursor %Blink %Rate : float
- %Echo %Character : int
### ListView
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %View %Position : IntVector2
- %Scroll %Step : float
- %Page %Step : float
- %Auto %Show/Hide %Scrollbars : bool
- %Scroll %Deceleration : float
- %Scroll %Snap %Epsilon : float
- %Auto %Disable %Children : bool
- %Auto %Disable %Threshold : float
- %Highlight %Mode : int
- %Multiselect : bool
- %Hierarchy %Mode : bool
- %Base %Indent : int
- %Clear %Sel. %On %Defocus : bool
- %Select %On %Click %End : bool
### LuaScriptInstance
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Script %File : ResourceRef
- %Script %Object %Type : String
### Menu
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Pressed %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Disabled %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pressed %Child %Offset : IntVector2
- %Repeat %Delay : float
- %Repeat %Rate : float
- %Popup %Offset : IntVector2
### NavArea
- %Bounding %Box %Min : Vector3
- %Bounding %Box %Max : Vector3
- %Area %ID : int
### Navigable
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Recursive : bool
### NavigationMesh
- %Tile %Size : int
- %Cell %Size : float
- %Cell %Height : float
- %Agent %Height : float
- %Agent %Radius : float
- %Agent %Max %Climb : float
- %Agent %Max %Slope : float
- %Region %Min %Size : float
- %Region %Merge %Size : float
- %Edge %Max %Length : float
- %Edge %Max %Error : float
- %Detail %Sample %Distance : float
- %Detail %Sample %Max %Error : float
- %Bounding %Box %Padding : Vector3
- %Partition %Type : int
- %Draw %OffMeshConnections : bool
- %Draw %NavAreas : bool
### NetworkPriority
- %Base %Priority : float
- %Distance %Factor : float
- %Minimum %Priority : float
- %Always %Update %Owner : bool
### Node
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Name : String
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Position : Vector3
- %Rotation : Quaternion
- %Scale : Vector3
- %Variables : VariantMap
### Obstacle
- %Radius : float
- %Height : float
### Octree
- %Bounding %Box %Min : Vector3
- %Bounding %Box %Max : Vector3
- %Number %of %Levels : int
### OffMeshConnection
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Endpoint %NodeID : int
- %Radius : float
- %Bidirectional : bool
- %Flags %Mask : int
- %Area %Type : int
### ParticleEmitter
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Effect : ResourceRef
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Cast %Shadows : bool
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Distance : float
- %Animation %LOD %Bias : float
- %Is %Emitting : bool
- %Autoremove %Mode : int
- %Max %Lights : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
- %Serialize %Particles : bool
### ParticleEmitter2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Layer : int
- %Order %in %Layer : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Particle %Effect : ResourceRef
- %Sprite : ResourceRef
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Is %Emitting : bool
### PhysicsWorld
- %Gravity : Vector3
- %Physics %FPS : int
- %Max %Substeps : int
- %Solver %Iterations : int
- %Net %Max %Angular %Vel. : float
- %Interpolation : bool
- %Internal %Edge %Utility : bool
- %Split %Impulse : bool
### PhysicsWorld2D
- %Draw %Shape : bool
- %Draw %Joint : bool
- %Draw %Aabb : bool
- %Draw %Pair : bool
- %Draw %CenterOfMass : bool
- %Allow %Sleeping : bool
- %Warm %Starting : bool
- %Continuous %Physics : bool
- %Sub %Stepping : bool
- %Gravity : Vector2
- %Auto %Clear %Forces : bool
- %Velocity %Iterations : int
- %Position %Iterations : int
### ProgressBar
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Orientation : int
- %Range : float
- %Value : float
- %Show %Percent %Text : bool
### RaycastVehicle
- %Wheel %data : VariantVector
- %Maximum %side %slip %threshold : float
- %RPM %for %wheel %motors %in %air (0=calculate) : float
- %Coordinate %system : IntVector3
### RibbonTrail
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Max %Lights : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Emitting : bool
- %Update %Invisible : bool
- %Trail %Type : int
- %Base %Velocity : Vector3
- %Tail %Lifetime : float
- %Tail %Column : int
- %Vertex %Distance : float
- %Width : float
- %Start %Scale : float
- %End %Scale : float
- %Start %Color : Color
- %End %Color : Color
- %Animation %LOD %Bias : float
- %Sort %By %Distance : bool
### RigidBody
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Mass : float
- %Friction : float
- %Anisotropic %Friction : Vector3
- %Rolling %Friction : float
- %Restitution : float
- %Linear %Velocity : Vector3
- %Angular %Velocity : Vector3
- %Linear %Factor : Vector3
- %Angular %Factor : Vector3
- %Linear %Damping : float
- %Angular %Damping : float
- %Linear %Rest %Threshold : float
- %Angular %Rest %Threshold : float
- %Collision %Layer : int
- %Collision %Mask : int
- %Contact %Threshold : float
- %CCD %Radius : float
- %CCD %Motion %Threshold : float
- %Collision %Event %Mode : int
- %Use %Gravity : bool
- %Is %Kinematic : bool
- %Is %Trigger : bool
- %Gravity %Override : Vector3
### RigidBody2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Body %Type : int
- %Mass : float
- %Inertia : float
- %Mass %Center : Vector2
- %Use %Fixture %Mass : bool
- %Linear %Damping : float
- %Angular %Damping : float
- %Allow %Sleep : bool
- %Fixed %Rotation : bool
- %Bullet : bool
- %Gravity %Scale : float
- %Awake : bool
- %Linear %Velocity : Vector2
- %Angular %Velocity : float
### Scene
- %Name : String
- %Time %Scale : float
- %Smoothing %Constant : float
- %Snap %Threshold : float
- %Elapsed %Time : float
- %Variables : VariantMap
### ScriptInstance
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Script %File : ResourceRef
- %Class %Name : String
### ScrollBar
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Orientation : int
- %Range : float
- %Value : float
- %Scroll %Step : float
- %Step %Factor : float
- %Left %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Right %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Up %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Down %Image %Rect : IntRect
### ScrollView
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %View %Position : IntVector2
- %Scroll %Step : float
- %Page %Step : float
- %Auto %Show/Hide %Scrollbars : bool
- %Scroll %Deceleration : float
- %Scroll %Snap %Epsilon : float
- %Auto %Disable %Children : bool
- %Auto %Disable %Threshold : float
### Skybox
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Model : ResourceRef
- %Material : ResourceRefList
- %Is %Occluder : bool
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Cast %Shadows : bool
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Distance : float
- %LOD %Bias : float
- %Max %Lights : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
- %Occlusion %LOD %Level : int
### Slider
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Orientation : int
- %Range : float
- %Value : float
- %Repeat %Rate : float
### SoundListener
- %Is %Enabled : bool
### SoundSource
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Sound : ResourceRef
- %Type : String
- %Frequency : float
- %Gain : float
- %Attenuation : float
- %Panning : float
- %Is %Playing : bool
- %Autoremove %Mode : int
- %Play %Position : int
### SoundSource3D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Sound : ResourceRef
- %Type : String
- %Frequency : float
- %Gain : float
- %Is %Playing : bool
- %Autoremove %Mode : int
- %Play %Position : int
- %Near %Distance : float
- %Far %Distance : float
- %Inner %Angle : float
- %Outer %Angle : float
- %Rolloff %Factor : float
### SplinePath
- %Interpolation %Mode : int
- %Speed : float
- %Controlled : int
- %Control %Points : VariantVector
### Sprite
- %Name : String
- %Position : Vector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Hotspot : IntVector2
- %Scale : Vector2
- %Rotation : float
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Variables : VariantMap
### StaticModel
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Model : ResourceRef
- %Material : ResourceRefList
- %Is %Occluder : bool
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Cast %Shadows : bool
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Distance : float
- %LOD %Bias : float
- %Max %Lights : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
- %Occlusion %LOD %Level : int
### StaticModelGroup
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Model : ResourceRef
- %Material : ResourceRefList
- %Is %Occluder : bool
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Cast %Shadows : bool
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Distance : float
- %LOD %Bias : float
- %Max %Lights : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
- %Occlusion %LOD %Level : int
- %Instance %Nodes : VariantVector
### StaticSprite2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Layer : int
- %Order %in %Layer : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Sprite : ResourceRef
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Flip X : bool
- %Flip Y : bool
- %Color : Color
- %Custom %material : ResourceRef
- %Hot %Spot : Vector2
- %Use %Hot %Spot : bool
- %Draw %Rectangle : Rect
- %Use %Draw %Rectangle : bool
- %Texture %Rectangle : Rect
- %Use %Texture %Rectangle : bool
### StretchableSprite2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Layer : int
- %Order %in %Layer : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Sprite : ResourceRef
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Flip X : bool
- %Flip Y : bool
- %Color : Color
- %Custom %material : ResourceRef
- %Hot %Spot : Vector2
- %Use %Hot %Spot : bool
- %Draw %Rectangle : Rect
- %Use %Draw %Rectangle : bool
- %Texture %Rectangle : Rect
- %Use %Texture %Rectangle : bool
- %Border : IntRect
### Terrain
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Height %Map : ResourceRef
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %North %Neighbor %NodeID : int
- %South %Neighbor %NodeID : int
- %West %Neighbor %NodeID : int
- %East %Neighbor %NodeID : int
- %Vertex %Spacing : Vector3
- %Patch %Size : int
- %Max %LOD %Levels : int
- %Smooth %Height %Map : bool
- %Is %Occluder : bool
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Cast %Shadows : bool
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Shadow %Distance : float
- %LOD %Bias : float
- %Max %Lights : int
- %View %Mask : int
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
- %Occlusion %LOD %level : int
### Text
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Selection %Color : Color
- %Hover %Color : Color
- %Font : ResourceRef
- %Font %Size : float
- %Text : String
- %Text %Alignment : int
- %Row %Spacing : float
- %Word %Wrap : bool
- %Auto %Localizable : bool
- %Text %Effect : int
- %Shadow %Offset : IntVector2
- %Stroke %Thickness : int
- %Round %Stroke : bool
- %Effect %Color : Color
### Text3D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Font : ResourceRef
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Font %Size : float
- %Text : String
- %Text %Alignment : int
- %Row %Spacing : float
- %Word %Wrap : bool
- %Can %Be %Occluded : bool
- %Fixed %Screen %Size : bool
- %Face %Camera %Mode : int
- %Min %Angle : float
- %Draw %Distance : float
- %Width : int
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Text %Effect : int
- %Shadow %Offset : IntVector2
- %Stroke %Thickness : int
- %Round %Stroke : bool
- %Effect %Color : Color
- %Effect %Depth %Bias : float
### TileMap2D
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Tmx %File : ResourceRef
### ToolTip
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Delay : float
### UIElement
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
### UISelectable
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Selection %Color : Color
- %Hover %Color : Color
### View3D
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Resize %Border : IntRect
- %Is %Movable : bool
- %Is %Resizable : bool
- %Fixed %Width %Resizing : bool
- %Fixed %Height %Resizing : bool
- %Modal %Shade %Color : Color
- %Modal %Frame %Color : Color
- %Modal %Frame %Size : IntVector2
- %Auto %Update : bool
### Window
- %Name : String
- %Position : IntVector2
- %Size : IntVector2
- %Min %Size : IntVector2
- %Max %Size : IntVector2
- %Horiz %Alignment : int
- %Vert %Alignment : int
- %Min %Anchor : Vector2
- %Max %Anchor : Vector2
- %Min %Offset : IntVector2
- %Max %Offset : IntVector2
- %Pivot : Vector2
- %Enable %Anchor : bool
- %Clip %Border : IntRect
- %Priority : int
- %Opacity : float
- %Color : Color
- %Top %Left %Color : Color
- %Top %Right %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Left %Color : Color
- %Bottom %Right %Color : Color
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Is %Editable : bool
- %Is %Selected : bool
- %Is %Visible : bool
- %Bring %To %Front : bool
- %Bring %To %Back : bool
- %Clip %Children : bool
- %Use %Derived %Opacity : bool
- %Focus %Mode : int
- %Drag %And %Drop %Mode : int
- %Layout %Mode : int
- %Layout %Spacing : int
- %Layout %Border : IntRect
- %Layout %Flex %Scale : Vector2
- %Indent : int
- %Indent %Spacing : int
- %Variables : VariantMap
- %Tags : StringVector
- %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Image %Rect : IntRect
- %Border : IntRect
- %Image %Border : IntRect
- %Hover %Image %Offset : IntVector2
- %Tiled : bool
- %Blend %Mode : int
- %Material : ResourceRef
- %Resize %Border : IntRect
- %Is %Movable : bool
- %Is %Resizable : bool
- %Fixed %Width %Resizing : bool
- %Fixed %Height %Resizing : bool
- %Modal %Shade %Color : Color
- %Modal %Frame %Color : Color
- %Modal %Frame %Size : IntVector2
### Zone
- %Is %Enabled : bool
- %Bounding %Box %Min : Vector3
- %Bounding %Box %Max : Vector3
- %Ambient %Color : Color
- %Fog %Color : Color
- %Fog %Start : float
- %Fog %End : float
- %Fog %Height : float
- %Fog %Height %Scale : float
- %Height %Fog %Mode : bool
- %Override %Mode : bool
- %Ambient %Gradient : bool
- %Priority : int
- %Zone %Texture : ResourceRef
- %Light %Mask : int
- %Shadow %Mask : int
- %Zone %Mask : int
\page ScriptAPI Scripting API
\section ScriptAPI_TableOfContents Table of contents
\ref ScriptAPI_ClassList "Class list"<br>
\ref ScriptAPI_Classes "Classes"<br>
\ref ScriptAPI_Enums "Enumerations"<br>
\ref ScriptAPI_GlobalFunctions "Global functions"<br>
\ref ScriptAPI_GlobalProperties "Global properties"<br>
\ref ScriptAPI_GlobalConstants "Global constants"<br>
\section ScriptAPI_ClassList Class list
<a href="#Class_Animatable"><b>Animatable</b></a>
<a href="#Class_AnimatedModel"><b>AnimatedModel</b></a>
<a href="#Class_AnimatedSprite2D"><b>AnimatedSprite2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Animation"><b>Animation</b></a>
<a href="#Class_AnimationControl"><b>AnimationControl</b></a>
<a href="#Class_AnimationController"><b>AnimationController</b></a>
<a href="#Class_AnimationKeyFrame"><b>AnimationKeyFrame</b></a>
<a href="#Class_AnimationSet2D"><b>AnimationSet2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_AnimationState"><b>AnimationState</b></a>
<a href="#Class_AnimationTrack"><b>AnimationTrack</b></a>
<a href="#Class_AnimationTriggerPoint"><b>AnimationTriggerPoint</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Array"><b>Array</b></a>
<a href="#Class_AttributeInfo"><b>AttributeInfo</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Audio"><b>Audio</b></a>
<a href="#Class_BiasParameters"><b>BiasParameters</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Billboard"><b>Billboard</b></a>
<a href="#Class_BillboardSet"><b>BillboardSet</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Bone"><b>Bone</b></a>
<a href="#Class_BorderImage"><b>BorderImage</b></a>
<a href="#Class_BoundingBox"><b>BoundingBox</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Button"><b>Button</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Camera"><b>Camera</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CascadeParameters"><b>CascadeParameters</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CheckBox"><b>CheckBox</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CollisionBox2D"><b>CollisionBox2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CollisionChain2D"><b>CollisionChain2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CollisionCircle2D"><b>CollisionCircle2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CollisionEdge2D"><b>CollisionEdge2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CollisionPolygon2D"><b>CollisionPolygon2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CollisionShape"><b>CollisionShape</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CollisionShape2D"><b>CollisionShape2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Color"><b>Color</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ColorFrame"><b>ColorFrame</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Component"><b>Component</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Connection"><b>Connection</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Console"><b>Console</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Constraint"><b>Constraint</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Constraint2D"><b>Constraint2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintDistance2D"><b>ConstraintDistance2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintFriction2D"><b>ConstraintFriction2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintGear2D"><b>ConstraintGear2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintMotor2D"><b>ConstraintMotor2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintMouse2D"><b>ConstraintMouse2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintPrismatic2D"><b>ConstraintPrismatic2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintPulley2D"><b>ConstraintPulley2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintRevolute2D"><b>ConstraintRevolute2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintRope2D"><b>ConstraintRope2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintWeld2D"><b>ConstraintWeld2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ConstraintWheel2D"><b>ConstraintWheel2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Controls"><b>Controls</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CrowdAgent"><b>CrowdAgent</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CrowdManager"><b>CrowdManager</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CrowdObstacleAvoidanceParams"><b>CrowdObstacleAvoidanceParams</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Cursor"><b>Cursor</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CustomGeometry"><b>CustomGeometry</b></a>
<a href="#Class_CustomGeometryVertex"><b>CustomGeometryVertex</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Database"><b>Database</b></a>
<a href="#Class_DbConnection"><b>DbConnection</b></a>
<a href="#Class_DbResult"><b>DbResult</b></a>
<a href="#Class_DebugHud"><b>DebugHud</b></a>
<a href="#Class_DebugRenderer"><b>DebugRenderer</b></a>
<a href="#Class_DecalSet"><b>DecalSet</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Deserializer"><b>Deserializer</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Dictionary"><b>Dictionary</b></a>
<a href="#Class_DictionaryValue"><b>DictionaryValue</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Drawable"><b>Drawable</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Drawable2D"><b>Drawable2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_DropDownList"><b>DropDownList</b></a>
<a href="#Class_DynamicNavigationMesh"><b>DynamicNavigationMesh</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Engine"><b>Engine</b></a>
<a href="#Class_File"><b>File</b></a>
<a href="#Class_FileSelector"><b>FileSelector</b></a>
<a href="#Class_FileSystem"><b>FileSystem</b></a>
<a href="#Class_FocusParameters"><b>FocusParameters</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Font"><b>Font</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Frustum"><b>Frustum</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Geometry"><b>Geometry</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Graphics"><b>Graphics</b></a>
<a href="#Class_HttpRequest"><b>HttpRequest</b></a>
<a href="#Class_IKEffector"><b>IKEffector</b></a>
<a href="#Class_IKSolver"><b>IKSolver</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Image"><b>Image</b></a>
<a href="#Class_IndexBuffer"><b>IndexBuffer</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Input"><b>Input</b></a>
<a href="#Class_IntRect"><b>IntRect</b></a>
<a href="#Class_IntVector2"><b>IntVector2</b></a>
<a href="#Class_IntVector3"><b>IntVector3</b></a>
<a href="#Class_JSONFile"><b>JSONFile</b></a>
<a href="#Class_JSONValue"><b>JSONValue</b></a>
<a href="#Class_JoystickState"><b>JoystickState</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Light"><b>Light</b></a>
<a href="#Class_LineEdit"><b>LineEdit</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ListView"><b>ListView</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Localization"><b>Localization</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Log"><b>Log</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Material"><b>Material</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Matrix2"><b>Matrix2</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Matrix3"><b>Matrix3</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Matrix3x4"><b>Matrix3x4</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Matrix4"><b>Matrix4</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Menu"><b>Menu</b></a>
<a href="#Class_MessageBox"><b>MessageBox</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Model"><b>Model</b></a>
<a href="#Class_NamedPipe"><b>NamedPipe</b></a>
<a href="#Class_NavArea"><b>NavArea</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Navigable"><b>Navigable</b></a>
<a href="#Class_NavigationMesh"><b>NavigationMesh</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Network"><b>Network</b></a>
<a href="#Class_NetworkPriority"><b>NetworkPriority</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Node"><b>Node</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Object"><b>Object</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ObjectAnimation"><b>ObjectAnimation</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Obstacle"><b>Obstacle</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Octree"><b>Octree</b></a>
<a href="#Class_OffMeshConnection"><b>OffMeshConnection</b></a>
<a href="#Class_PackageFile"><b>PackageFile</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ParticleEffect"><b>ParticleEffect</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ParticleEffect2D"><b>ParticleEffect2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ParticleEmitter"><b>ParticleEmitter</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ParticleEmitter2D"><b>ParticleEmitter2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Pass"><b>Pass</b></a>
<a href="#Class_PhysicsRaycastResult"><b>PhysicsRaycastResult</b></a>
<a href="#Class_PhysicsRaycastResult2D"><b>PhysicsRaycastResult2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_PhysicsWorld"><b>PhysicsWorld</b></a>
<a href="#Class_PhysicsWorld2D"><b>PhysicsWorld2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Plane"><b>Plane</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Polyhedron"><b>Polyhedron</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ProgressBar"><b>ProgressBar</b></a>
<a href="#Class_PropertySet2D"><b>PropertySet2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Quaternion"><b>Quaternion</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Ray"><b>Ray</b></a>
<a href="#Class_RayQueryResult"><b>RayQueryResult</b></a>
<a href="#Class_RaycastVehicle"><b>RaycastVehicle</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Rect"><b>Rect</b></a>
<a href="#Class_RefCounted"><b>RefCounted</b></a>
<a href="#Class_RenderPath"><b>RenderPath</b></a>
<a href="#Class_RenderPathCommand"><b>RenderPathCommand</b></a>
<a href="#Class_RenderSurface"><b>RenderSurface</b></a>
<a href="#Class_RenderTargetInfo"><b>RenderTargetInfo</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Renderer"><b>Renderer</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Resource"><b>Resource</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ResourceCache"><b>ResourceCache</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ResourceRef"><b>ResourceRef</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ResourceRefList"><b>ResourceRefList</b></a>
<a href="#Class_RibbonTrail"><b>RibbonTrail</b></a>
<a href="#Class_RigidBody"><b>RigidBody</b></a>
<a href="#Class_RigidBody2D"><b>RigidBody2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Scene"><b>Scene</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Script"><b>Script</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ScriptFile"><b>ScriptFile</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ScriptInstance"><b>ScriptInstance</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ScriptObject"><b>ScriptObject</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ScrollBar"><b>ScrollBar</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ScrollView"><b>ScrollView</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Serializable"><b>Serializable</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Serializer"><b>Serializer</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Skeleton"><b>Skeleton</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Skybox"><b>Skybox</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Slider"><b>Slider</b></a>
<a href="#Class_SmoothedTransform"><b>SmoothedTransform</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Sound"><b>Sound</b></a>
<a href="#Class_SoundListener"><b>SoundListener</b></a>
<a href="#Class_SoundSource"><b>SoundSource</b></a>
<a href="#Class_SoundSource3D"><b>SoundSource3D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Sphere"><b>Sphere</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Spline"><b>Spline</b></a>
<a href="#Class_SplinePath"><b>SplinePath</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Sprite"><b>Sprite</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Sprite2D"><b>Sprite2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_SpriteSheet2D"><b>SpriteSheet2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_StaticModel"><b>StaticModel</b></a>
<a href="#Class_StaticModelGroup"><b>StaticModelGroup</b></a>
<a href="#Class_StaticSprite2D"><b>StaticSprite2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_StretchableSprite2D"><b>StretchableSprite2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_String"><b>String</b></a>
<a href="#Class_StringHash"><b>StringHash</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Technique"><b>Technique</b></a>
<a href="#Class_TechniqueEntry"><b>TechniqueEntry</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Terrain"><b>Terrain</b></a>
<a href="#Class_TerrainPatch"><b>TerrainPatch</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Text"><b>Text</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Text3D"><b>Text3D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Texture"><b>Texture</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Texture2D"><b>Texture2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Texture2DArray"><b>Texture2DArray</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Texture3D"><b>Texture3D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_TextureCube"><b>TextureCube</b></a>
<a href="#Class_TextureFrame"><b>TextureFrame</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Tile2D"><b>Tile2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_TileMap2D"><b>TileMap2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_TileMapInfo2D"><b>TileMapInfo2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_TileMapLayer2D"><b>TileMapLayer2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_TileMapObject2D"><b>TileMapObject2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Time"><b>Time</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Timer"><b>Timer</b></a>
<a href="#Class_TmxFile2D"><b>TmxFile2D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ToolTip"><b>ToolTip</b></a>
<a href="#Class_TouchState"><b>TouchState</b></a>
<a href="#Class_UI"><b>UI</b></a>
<a href="#Class_UIComponent"><b>UIComponent</b></a>
<a href="#Class_UIElement"><b>UIElement</b></a>
<a href="#Class_UISelectable"><b>UISelectable</b></a>
<a href="#Class_ValueAnimation"><b>ValueAnimation</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Variant"><b>Variant</b></a>
<a href="#Class_VariantMap"><b>VariantMap</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Vector2"><b>Vector2</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Vector3"><b>Vector3</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Vector4"><b>Vector4</b></a>
<a href="#Class_VectorBuffer"><b>VectorBuffer</b></a>
<a href="#Class_VertexBuffer"><b>VertexBuffer</b></a>
<a href="#Class_VertexElement"><b>VertexElement</b></a>
<a href="#Class_View3D"><b>View3D</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Viewport"><b>Viewport</b></a>
<a href="#Class_WeakHandle"><b>WeakHandle</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Window"><b>Window</b></a>
<a href="#Class_XMLElement"><b>XMLElement</b></a>
<a href="#Class_XMLFile"><b>XMLFile</b></a>
<a href="#Class_XPathQuery"><b>XPathQuery</b></a>
<a href="#Class_XPathResultSet"><b>XPathResultSet</b></a>
<a href="#Class_Zone"><b>Zone</b></a>
\section ScriptAPI_Classes Classes
<a name="Class_Animatable"></a>
### Animatable
- void ApplyAttributes()
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_AnimatedModel"></a>
### AnimatedModel
- AnimationState@ AddAnimationState(Animation@)
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ApplyMaterialList(const String& = String ( ))
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- AnimationState@ GetAnimationState(Animation@) const
- AnimationState@ GetAnimationState(uint) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- float GetMorphWeight(uint) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllAnimationStates()
- void RemoveAnimationState(Animation@)
- void RemoveAnimationState(AnimationState@)
- void RemoveAnimationState(const String&)
- void RemoveAnimationState(uint)
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetMorphWeights()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetMorphWeight(uint, float)
- void UpdateBoneBoundingBox()
- bool animationEnabled
- float animationLodBias
- AnimationState@[] animationStates // readonly
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material
- Material@[] materials
- uint maxLights
- Model@ model
- String[] morphNames // readonly
- float[] morphWeights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAnimationStates // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numGeometries // readonly
- uint numMorphs // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- Skeleton@ skeleton // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool updateInvisible
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- Zone@ zone // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_AnimatedSprite2D"></a>
### AnimatedSprite2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimation(const String&, LoopMode2D = LM_DEFAULT)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetFlip(bool, bool, bool = false)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- float alpha
- String animation
- bool animationEnabled
- AnimationSet2D@ animationSet
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- Color color
- Material@ customMaterial
- float drawDistance
- Rect drawRect
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- String entity
- bool flipX
- bool flipY
- Vector2 hotSpot
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- int layer
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- LoopMode2D loopMode
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int orderInLayer
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- float speed
- Sprite2D@ sprite
- bool swapXY
- bool temporary
- Rect textureRect
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDrawRect
- bool useHotSpot
- bool useTextureRect
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_Animation"></a>
### Animation
- void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&)
- void AddTrigger(const AnimationTriggerPoint&)
- void AddTrigger(float, bool, const Variant&)
- Animation@ Clone(const String& = String ( )) const
- AnimationTrack@ CreateTrack(const String&)
- AnimationTrack@ GetTrack(uint)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void RemoveAllMetadata()
- bool RemoveAllTracks()
- void RemoveAllTriggers()
- void RemoveMetadata(const String&)
- bool RemoveTrack(const String&)
- void RemoveTrigger(uint)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String animationName
- String category // readonly
- bool hasMetadata // readonly
- float length
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- Variant[] metadata
- String name
- uint numTracks // readonly
- uint numTriggers
- int refs // readonly
- AnimationTrack@[] tracks // readonly
- AnimationTriggerPoint[] triggers
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_AnimationControl"></a>
### AnimationControl
- float autoFadeTime
- float fadeTime
- StringHash hash
- String name
- bool removeOnCompletion
- float speed
- float targetWeight
<a name="Class_AnimationController"></a>
### AnimationController
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- bool Fade(const String&, float, float)
- bool FadeOthers(const String&, float, float)
- AnimationState@ GetAnimationState(StringHash) const
- AnimationState@ GetAnimationState(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- float GetAutoFade(const String&) const
- AnimationBlendMode GetBlendMode(const String&) const
- float GetFadeTarget(const String&) const
- float GetFadeTime(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint8 GetLayer(const String&) const
- float GetLength(const String&) const
- bool GetLooped(const String&) const
- bool GetRemoveOnCompletion(const String&)
- float GetSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetTime(const String&) const
- float GetWeight(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsAtEnd(const String&) const
- bool IsFadingIn(const String&) const
- bool IsFadingOut(const String&) const
- bool IsPlaying(const String&) const
- bool IsPlaying(uint8) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- bool Play(const String&, uint8, bool, float = 0.0f)
- bool PlayExclusive(const String&, uint8, bool, float = 0.0f)
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- bool SetAutoFade(const String&, float)
- bool SetBlendMode(const String&, AnimationBlendMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool SetLayer(const String&, uint8)
- bool SetLooped(const String&, bool)
- bool SetRemoveOnCompletion(const String&, bool)
- bool SetSpeed(const String&, float)
- bool SetStartBone(const String&, const String&)
- bool SetTime(const String&, float)
- bool SetWeight(const String&, float)
- void Stop(const String&, float = 0.0f)
- void StopAll(float = 0.0f)
- void StopLayer(uint8, float = 0.0f)
- const String& GetStartBone(const String&) const
- bool animationEnabled
- AnimationControl@[] animations // readonly
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAnimations // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_AnimationKeyFrame"></a>
### AnimationKeyFrame
- Vector3 position
- Quaternion rotation
- Vector3 scale
- float time
<a name="Class_AnimationSet2D"></a>
### AnimationSet2D
- String GetAnimation(uint) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- uint numAnimations // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_AnimationState"></a>
### AnimationState
- void AddTime(float)
- void AddWeight(float)
- void Apply()
- float GetBoneWeight(StringHash) const
- float GetBoneWeight(uint) const
- uint GetTrackIndex(StringHash) const
- uint GetTrackIndex(const String&) const
- void SetBoneWeight(StringHash, float, bool = false)
- void SetBoneWeight(const String&, float, bool = false)
- void SetBoneWeight(uint, float, bool = false)
- Animation@ animation // readonly
- AnimationBlendMode blendMode
- float[] boneWeights
- bool enabled // readonly
- uint8 layer
- float length // readonly
- bool looped
- AnimatedModel@ model // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- Bone@ startBone
- float time
- int weakRefs // readonly
- float weight
<a name="Class_AnimationTrack"></a>
### AnimationTrack
- void AddKeyFrame(const AnimationKeyFrame&)
- void InsertKeyFrame(uint, const AnimationKeyFrame&)
- void RemoveAllKeyFrames()
- void RemoveKeyFrame(uint)
- uint8 channelMask
- AnimationKeyFrame[] keyFrames
- String name
- StringHash nameHash
- uint numKeyFrames // readonly
<a name="Class_AnimationTriggerPoint"></a>
### AnimationTriggerPoint
- Variant data
- float time
<a name="Class_Array"></a>
### Array
- void Clear()
- void Erase(uint)
- int Find(const T&) const
- int Find(uint, const T&) const
- int FindByRef(const T&) const
- int FindByRef(uint, const T&) const
- void Insert(uint, const T&)
- void Pop()
- void Push(const T&)
- void Reserve(uint)
- void Resize(uint)
- void Reverse()
- void Sort()
- void Sort(uint, uint)
- void SortReverse()
- void SortReverse(uint, uint)
- bool Swap(T[]&)
- bool empty // readonly
- uint length
<a name="Class_AttributeInfo"></a>
### AttributeInfo
- Variant defaultValue
- String[]@ enumNames // readonly
- VariantMap metadata
- uint mode
- String name
- VariantType type
<a name="Class_Audio"></a>
### Audio
- bool HasMasterGain(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsSoundTypePaused(const String&)
- void PauseSoundType(const String&)
- bool Play()
- void ResumeAll()
- void ResumeSoundType(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetMode(int, int, bool, bool = true)
- void Stop()
- String category // readonly
- bool initialized // readonly
- bool interpolation // readonly
- SoundListener@ listener
- float[] masterGain
- int mixRate // readonly
- bool playing // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- uint sampleSize // readonly
- bool stereo // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_BiasParameters"></a>
### BiasParameters
- float constantBias
- float normalOffset
- float slopeScaledBias
<a name="Class_Billboard"></a>
### Billboard
- Color color
- Vector3 direction
- bool enabled
- Vector3 position
- float rotation
- Vector2 size
- Rect uv
<a name="Class_BillboardSet"></a>
### BillboardSet
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void Commit()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- float animationLodBias
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- Billboard@[] billboards // readonly
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- FaceCameraMode faceCameraMode
- bool fixedScreenSize
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material
- uint maxLights
- float minAngle
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numBillboards
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int refs // readonly
- bool relative
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool scaled
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool sorted
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- Zone@ zone // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_Bone"></a>
### Bone
- bool animated
- BoundingBox boundingBox
- Vector3 initialPosition
- Quaternion initialRotation
- Vector3 initialScale
- String name
- Node@ node
- uint parentIndex
- float radius
<a name="Class_BorderImage"></a>
### BorderImage
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHoverOffset(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hoverOffset
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageBorder
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Material@ material
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture@ texture
- bool tiled
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_BoundingBox"></a>
### BoundingBox
- void Clear()
- void Clip(const BoundingBox&)
- void Define(const BoundingBox&)
- void Define(const Frustum&)
- void Define(const Polyhedron&)
- void Define(const Sphere&)
- void Define(const Vector3&)
- void Define(const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- void Define(float, float)
- bool Defined() const
- float DistanceToPoint(const Vector3&) const
- Intersection IsInside(const BoundingBox&) const
- Intersection IsInside(const Sphere&) const
- Intersection IsInside(const Vector3&) const
- Intersection IsInsideFast(const BoundingBox&) const
- Intersection IsInsideFast(const Sphere&) const
- void Merge(const BoundingBox&)
- void Merge(const Frustum&)
- void Merge(const Polyhedron&)
- void Merge(const Sphere&)
- void Merge(const Vector3&)
- Rect Projected(const Matrix4&) const
- String ToString() const
- void Transform(const Matrix3&)
- void Transform(const Matrix3x4&)
- BoundingBox Transformed(const Matrix3&) const
- BoundingBox Transformed(const Matrix3x4&) const
- Vector3 center // readonly
- Vector3 halfSize // readonly
- Vector3 max
- Vector3 min
- Vector3 size // readonly
<a name="Class_Button"></a>
### Button
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetDisabledOffset(int, int)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHoverOffset(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetPressedChildOffset(int, int)
- void SetPressedOffset(int, int)
- void SetRepeat(float, float)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- IntVector2 disabledOffset
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hoverOffset
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageBorder
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Material@ material
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- bool pressed // readonly
- IntVector2 pressedChildOffset
- IntVector2 pressedOffset
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- float repeatDelay
- float repeatRate
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture@ texture
- bool tiled
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_Camera"></a>
### Camera
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- float GetDistance(const Vector3&) const
- float GetDistanceSquared(const Vector3&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- Ray GetScreenRay(float, float) const
- Frustum GetSplitFrustum(float, float) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- Vector3 ScreenToWorldPoint(const Vector3&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetOrthoSize(const Vector2&)
- Vector2 WorldToScreenPoint(const Vector3&) const
- bool animationEnabled
- float aspectRatio
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool autoAspectRatio
- String category // readonly
- Plane clipPlane
- Matrix3x4 effectiveWorldTransform // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float farClip
- FillMode fillMode
- float fov
- Frustum frustum // readonly
- Matrix4 gpuProjection // readonly
- float halfViewSize // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- float lodBias
- float nearClip
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float orthoSize
- bool orthographic
- Matrix4 projection
- Vector2 projectionOffset
- Plane reflectionPlane
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useClipping
- bool useReflection
- Matrix3x4 view // readonly
- uint viewMask
- uint viewOverrideFlags
- Frustum viewSpaceFrustum // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- float zoom
<a name="Class_CascadeParameters"></a>
### CascadeParameters
- float biasAutoAdjust
- float fadeStart
- float split1
- float split2
- float split3
- float split4
<a name="Class_CheckBox"></a>
### CheckBox
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetCheckedOffset(int, int)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHoverOffset(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- bool checked
- IntVector2 checkedOffset
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hoverOffset
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageBorder
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Material@ material
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture@ texture
- bool tiled
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_CollisionBox2D"></a>
### CollisionBox2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetCenter(float, float)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetSize(float, float)
- float angle
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- int categoryBits
- Vector2 center
- float density
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float friction
- int groupIndex
- uint id // readonly
- float inertia // readonly
- int maskBits
- float mass // readonly
- Vector2 massCenter // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float restitution
- Vector2 size
- bool temporary
- bool trigger
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_CollisionChain2D"></a>
### CollisionChain2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- Vector2[]@ GetVertices() const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetVertex(uint, const Vector2&)
- void SetVertices(Vector2[]@)
- const Vector2& GetVertex(uint) const
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- int categoryBits
- float density
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float friction
- int groupIndex
- uint id // readonly
- float inertia // readonly
- bool loop
- int maskBits
- float mass // readonly
- Vector2 massCenter // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float restitution
- bool temporary
- bool trigger
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint vertexCount
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_CollisionCircle2D"></a>
### CollisionCircle2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetCenter(float, float)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- int categoryBits
- Vector2 center
- float density
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float friction
- int groupIndex
- uint id // readonly
- float inertia // readonly
- int maskBits
- float mass // readonly
- Vector2 massCenter // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float radius
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float restitution
- bool temporary
- bool trigger
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_CollisionEdge2D"></a>
### CollisionEdge2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetVertices(const Vector2&, const Vector2&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- int categoryBits
- float density
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float friction
- int groupIndex
- uint id // readonly
- float inertia // readonly
- int maskBits
- float mass // readonly
- Vector2 massCenter // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float restitution
- bool temporary
- bool trigger
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- Vector2 vertex1
- Vector2 vertex2
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_CollisionPolygon2D"></a>
### CollisionPolygon2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- Vector2[]@ GetVertices() const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetVertex(uint, const Vector2&)
- void SetVertices(Vector2[]@)
- const Vector2& GetVertex(uint) const
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- int categoryBits
- float density
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float friction
- int groupIndex
- uint id // readonly
- float inertia // readonly
- int maskBits
- float mass // readonly
- Vector2 massCenter // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float restitution
- bool temporary
- bool trigger
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint vertexCount
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_CollisionShape"></a>
### CollisionShape
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetBox(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ))
- void SetCapsule(float, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ))
- void SetCone(float, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ))
- void SetConvexHull(Model@, uint = 0, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1 , 1 , 1 ), const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ))
- void SetCustomConvexHull(CustomGeometry@, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1 , 1 , 1 ), const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ))
- void SetCustomTriangleMesh(CustomGeometry@, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1 , 1 , 1 ), const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ))
- void SetCylinder(float, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ))
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetSphere(float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ))
- void SetStaticPlane(const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ))
- void SetTerrain(uint = 0)
- void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&)
- void SetTriangleMesh(Model@, uint = 0, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1 , 1 , 1 ), const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ))
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- uint lodLevel
- float margin
- Model@ model
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- Vector3 position
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- Quaternion rotation
- ShapeType shapeType
- Vector3 size
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
<a name="Class_CollisionShape2D"></a>
### CollisionShape2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- int categoryBits
- float density
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float friction
- int groupIndex
- uint id // readonly
- float inertia // readonly
- int maskBits
- float mass // readonly
- Vector2 massCenter // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float restitution
- bool temporary
- bool trigger
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Color"></a>
### Color
- Color Abs() const
- float Average() const
- float Chroma() const
- void Clip(bool)
- bool Equals() const
- void FromHSL(float, float, float, float)
- void FromHSV(float, float, float, float)
- void FromUInt(uint)
- float Hue() const
- void Invert(bool)
- Color Lerp(const Color&, float) const
- float Lightness() const
- float Luma() const
- float MaxRGB() const
- float MinRGB() const
- float Range() const
- float SaturationHSL() const
- float SaturationHSV() const
- float SumRGB() const
- Vector3 ToHSL() const
- Vector3 ToHSV() const
- String ToString() const
- uint ToUInt() const
- float Value() const
- float a
- float b
- float[] data // readonly
- float g
- float r
- Vector3 rgb // readonly
- Vector4 rgba // readonly
<a name="Class_ColorFrame"></a>
### ColorFrame
- Color color
- float time
<a name="Class_Component"></a>
### Component
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Connection"></a>
### Connection
- void Disconnect(int = 0)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SendMessage(int, bool, bool, const VectorBuffer&, uint = 0)
- void SendPackageToClient(PackageFile@)
- void SendRemoteEvent(Node@, const String&, bool, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SendRemoteEvent(const String&, bool, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String ToString() const
- String address // readonly
- float bytesInPerSec // readonly
- float bytesOutPerSec // readonly
- String category // readonly
- bool client // readonly
- bool connectPending // readonly
- bool connected // readonly
- Controls controls
- String downloadName // readonly
- float downloadProgress // readonly
- VariantMap identity
- uint lastHeardTime // readonly
- bool logStatistics
- uint numDownloads // readonly
- int packetsInPerSec // readonly
- int packetsOutPerSec // readonly
- uint16 port // readonly
- Vector3 position
- int refs // readonly
- Quaternion rotation
- float roundTripTime // readonly
- Scene@ scene
- bool sceneLoaded // readonly
- uint8 timeStamp
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Console"></a>
### Console
- void AddAutoComplete(const String&)
- void CopySelectedRows() const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void RemoveAutoComplete(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void Toggle()
- void UpdateElements()
- bool autoVisibleOnError
- BorderImage@ background // readonly
- String category // readonly
- Button@ closeButton // readonly
- String commandInterpreter
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- bool focusOnShow
- uint historyPosition // readonly
- String[] historyRow // readonly
- LineEdit@ lineEdit // readonly
- uint numBufferedRows
- uint numHistoryRows
- uint numRows
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool visible
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Constraint"></a>
### Constraint
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- Vector3 axis // writeonly
- String category // readonly
- float cfm
- ConstraintType constraintType
- bool disableCollision
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float erp
- Vector2 highLimit
- uint id // readonly
- Vector2 lowLimit
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- Vector3 otherAxis // writeonly
- RigidBody@ otherBody
- Vector3 otherPosition
- Quaternion otherRotation
- RigidBody@ ownBody // readonly
- Vector3 position
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- Quaternion rotation
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- Vector3 worldPosition
<a name="Class_Constraint2D"></a>
### Constraint2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintDistance2D"></a>
### ConstraintDistance2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- float dampingRatio
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float frequencyHz
- uint id // readonly
- float length
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- Vector2 otherBodyAnchor
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- Vector2 ownerBodyAnchor
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintFriction2D"></a>
### ConstraintFriction2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- Vector2 anchor
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- float maxForce
- float maxTorque
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintGear2D"></a>
### ConstraintGear2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- Constraint2D@ otherConstraint
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- Constraint2D@ ownerConstraint
- float ratio
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintMotor2D"></a>
### ConstraintMotor2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- float angularOffset
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- float correctionFactor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Vector2 linearOffset
- float maxForce
- float maxTorque
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintMouse2D"></a>
### ConstraintMouse2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- float dampingRatio
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float frequencyHz
- uint id // readonly
- float maxForce
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- Vector2 target
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintPrismatic2D"></a>
### ConstraintPrismatic2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- Vector2 anchor
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- Vector2 axis
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- bool enableLimit
- bool enableMotor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- float lowerTranslation
- float maxMotorForce
- float motorSpeed
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- float upperTranslation
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintPulley2D"></a>
### ConstraintPulley2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- Vector2 otherBodyAnchor
- Vector2 otherBodyGroundAnchor
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- Vector2 ownerBodyAnchor
- Vector2 ownerBodyGroundAnchor
- float ratio
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintRevolute2D"></a>
### ConstraintRevolute2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- Vector2 anchor
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- bool enableLimit
- bool enableMotor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- float lowerAngle
- float maxMotorTorque
- float motorSpeed
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- float upperAngle
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintRope2D"></a>
### ConstraintRope2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- float maxLength
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- Vector2 otherBodyAnchor
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- Vector2 ownerBodyAnchor
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintWeld2D"></a>
### ConstraintWeld2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- Vector2 anchor
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- float dampingRatio
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float frequencyHz
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ConstraintWheel2D"></a>
### ConstraintWheel2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- Vector2 anchor
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- Vector2 axis
- String category // readonly
- bool collideConnected
- float dampingRatio
- bool enableMotor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float frequencyHz
- uint id // readonly
- float maxMotorTorque
- float motorSpeed
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- RigidBody2D@ otherBody
- RigidBody2D@ ownerBody // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Controls"></a>
### Controls
- bool IsDown(uint) const
- bool IsPressed(uint, const Controls&) const
- void Reset()
- void Set(uint, bool)
- uint buttons
- VariantMap extraData
- float pitch
- float yaw
<a name="Class_CrowdAgent"></a>
### CrowdAgent
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetTarget()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- Vector3 actualVelocity // readonly
- CrowdAgentState agentState // readonly
- bool animationEnabled
- bool arrived // readonly
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- Vector3 desiredVelocity // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float height
- uint id // readonly
- bool inCrowd // readonly
- float maxAccel
- float maxSpeed
- NavigationPushiness navigationPushiness
- NavigationQuality navigationQuality
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- uint obstacleAvoidanceType
- Vector3 position // readonly
- uint queryFilterType
- float radius
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool requestedTarget // readonly
- CrowdAgentRequestedTarget requestedTargetType // readonly
- Vector3 targetPosition
- CrowdAgentTargetState targetState // readonly
- Vector3 targetVelocity
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool updateNodePosition
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_CrowdManager"></a>
### CrowdManager
- void ApplyAttributes()
- const CrowdObstacleAvoidanceParams& GetObstacleAvoidanceParams(uint)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(bool)
- Vector3 FindNearestPoint(const Vector3&, int)
- CrowdAgent@[]@ GetAgents(Node@ = null, bool = true)
- float GetAreaCost(uint, uint)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- float GetDistanceToWall(const Vector3&, float, int)
- uint16 GetExcludeFlags(uint)
- uint16 GetIncludeFlags(uint)
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- Vector3 GetRandomPoint(int)
- Vector3 GetRandomPointInCircle(const Vector3&, float, int)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- Vector3 MoveAlongSurface(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, int, uint = 3)
- Vector3 Raycast(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, int)
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetCrowdTarget(Node@ = null)
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- void SetAreaCost(uint, uint, float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetCrowdTarget(const Vector3&, Node@ = null)
- void SetCrowdVelocity(const Vector3&, Node@ = null)
- void SetExcludeFlags(uint, uint16)
- void SetIncludeFlags(uint, uint16)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetObstacleAvoidanceParams(uint, const CrowdObstacleAvoidanceParams&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- float maxAgentRadius
- int maxAgents
- NavigationMesh@ navMesh
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint[] numAreas // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numObstacleAvoidanceTypes // readonly
- uint numQueryFilterTypes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_CrowdObstacleAvoidanceParams"></a>
### CrowdObstacleAvoidanceParams
- uint8 adaptiveDepth
- uint8 adaptiveDivs
- uint8 adaptiveRings
- uint8 gridSize
- float horizTime
- float velBias
- float weightCurVel
- float weightDesVel
- float weightSide
- float weightToi
<a name="Class_Cursor"></a>
### Cursor
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DefineShape(CursorShape, Texture@, const IntRect&, const IntVector2&)
- void DefineShape(const String&, Texture@, const IntRect&, const IntVector2&)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHoverOffset(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetShape(CursorShape)
- void SetShape(const String&)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hoverOffset
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageBorder
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Material@ material
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- String shape
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture@ texture
- bool tiled
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- bool useSystemShapes
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_CustomGeometry"></a>
### CustomGeometry
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BeginGeometry(uint, PrimitiveType)
- void Clear()
- void Commit()
- void DefineColor(const Color&)
- void DefineGeometry(uint, PrimitiveType, uint, bool, bool, bool, bool)
- void DefineNormal(const Vector3&)
- void DefineTangent(const Vector4&)
- void DefineTexCoord(const Vector2&)
- void DefineVertex(const Vector3&)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- CustomGeometryVertex@ GetVertex(uint, uint)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool dynamic
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material // writeonly
- Material@[] materials
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numGeometries
- uint[] numVertices // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- Zone@ zone // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_CustomGeometryVertex"></a>
### CustomGeometryVertex
- uint color
- Vector3 normal
- Vector3 position
- Vector4 tangent
- Vector2 texCoord
<a name="Class_Database"></a>
### Database
- DbConnection@ Connect(const String&)
- void Disconnect(DbConnection@)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- uint poolSize
- bool pooling // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_DbConnection"></a>
### DbConnection
- DbResult Execute(const String&, bool = false)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- bool connected // readonly
- String connectionString // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_DbResult"></a>
### DbResult
- String[]@ columns // readonly
- int64 numAffectedRows // readonly
- uint numColumns // readonly
- uint numRows // readonly
- Variant[]@[] row // readonly
<a name="Class_DebugHud"></a>
### DebugHud
- void ClearAppStats()
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void ResetAppStats(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAppStats(const String&, const String&)
- void SetAppStats(const String&, const Variant&)
- void Toggle(uint)
- void ToggleAll()
- void Update()
- String category // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- Text@ memoryText // readonly
- uint mode
- Text@ modeText // readonly
- float profilerInterval
- uint profilerMaxDepth
- Text@ profilerText // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- Text@ statsText // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useRendererStats
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_DebugRenderer"></a>
### DebugRenderer
- void AddBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&, const Color&, bool = true, bool = false)
- void AddCircle(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, float, const Color&, int = 64, bool = true)
- void AddCross(const Vector3&, float, const Color&, bool = true)
- void AddFrustum(const Frustum&, const Color&, bool = true)
- void AddLine(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Color&, bool = true)
- void AddNode(Node@, float = 1.0, bool = true)
- void AddPolygon(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Color&, bool = true)
- void AddPolyhedron(const Polyhedron&, const Color&, bool = true)
- void AddQuad(const Vector3&, float, float, const Color&, bool = true)
- void AddSkeleton(Skeleton@, const Color&, bool = true)
- void AddSphere(const Sphere&, const Color&, bool = true)
- void AddSphereSector(const Sphere&, const Quaternion&, float, bool, const Color&, bool = true)
- void AddTriangle(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Color&, bool = true)
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool lineAntiAlias
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_DecalSet"></a>
### DecalSet
- bool AddDecal(Drawable@, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, float, float, float, const Vector2&, const Vector2&, float = 0.0, float = 0.1, uint = 0xffffffff)
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllDecals()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveDecals(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material
- uint maxIndices
- uint maxLights
- uint maxVertices
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numDecals // readonly
- uint numIndices // readonly
- uint numVertices // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- bool optimizeBufferSize
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- Zone@ zone // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_Deserializer"></a>
### Deserializer
- uint8[]@ Read(uint)
- bool ReadBool()
- BoundingBox ReadBoundingBox()
- int8 ReadByte()
- Color ReadColor()
- double ReadDouble()
- String ReadFileID()
- float ReadFloat()
- int ReadInt()
- int64 ReadInt64()
- IntRect ReadIntRect()
- IntVector2 ReadIntVector2()
- String ReadLine()
- Matrix3 ReadMatrix3()
- Matrix3x4 ReadMatrix3x4()
- Matrix4 ReadMatrix4()
- uint ReadNetID()
- Quaternion ReadPackedQuaternion()
- Vector3 ReadPackedVector3(float)
- Quaternion ReadQuaternion()
- int16 ReadShort()
- String ReadString()
- StringHash ReadStringHash()
- uint8 ReadUByte()
- uint ReadUInt()
- uint64 ReadUInt64()
- uint16 ReadUShort()
- uint ReadVLE()
- Variant ReadVariant()
- VariantMap ReadVariantMap()
- Vector2 ReadVector2()
- Vector3 ReadVector3()
- Vector4 ReadVector4()
- VectorBuffer ReadVectorBuffer(uint)
- uint Seek(uint)
- uint SeekRelative(int)
- uint Tell() const
- uint checksum // readonly
- bool eof // readonly
- String name // readonly
- uint position // readonly
- uint size // readonly
<a name="Class_Dictionary"></a>
### Dictionary
- void Clear()
- void Erase(const String&)
- bool Exists(const String&) const
- bool Get(const String&, ?&) const
- bool Get(const String&, double&) const
- bool Get(const String&, int64&) const
- void Set(const String&, const ?&)
- void Set(const String&, const double&)
- void Set(const String&, const int64&)
- bool empty // readonly
- String[]@ keys // readonly
- uint length // readonly
<a name="Class_DictionaryValue"></a>
### DictionaryValue
<a name="Class_Drawable"></a>
### Drawable
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_Drawable2D"></a>
### Drawable2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- int layer
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int orderInLayer
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_DropDownList"></a>
### DropDownList
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddItem(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetItems() const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- void InsertItem(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllItems()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveItem(UIElement@)
- void RemoveItem(uint)
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAccelerator(int, int)
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetDisabledOffset(int, int)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHoverOffset(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetPressedChildOffset(int, int)
- void SetPressedOffset(int, int)
- void SetRepeat(float, float)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- UIElement@ getPopup() const
- int acceleratorKey // readonly
- int acceleratorQualifiers // readonly
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- IntVector2 disabledOffset
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hoverOffset
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageBorder
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- UIElement@[] items // readonly
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- ListView@ listView // readonly
- Material@ material
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- uint numItems // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- UIElement@ placeholder // readonly
- String placeholderText
- IntVector2 position
- bool pressed // readonly
- IntVector2 pressedChildOffset
- IntVector2 pressedOffset
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- float repeatDelay
- float repeatRate
- bool resizePopup
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- UIElement@ selectedItem // readonly
- uint selection
- bool showPopup
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture@ texture
- bool tiled
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_DynamicNavigationMesh"></a>
### DynamicNavigationMesh
- bool AddTile(const VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Allocate(const BoundingBox&, uint)
- void ApplyAttributes()
- bool Build()
- bool Build(const BoundingBox&)
- bool Build(const IntVector2&, const IntVector2&)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(bool)
- Vector3 FindNearestPoint(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ))
- Vector3[]@ FindPath(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ))
- float GetAreaCost(uint) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- float GetDistanceToWall(const Vector3&, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ))
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- Vector3 GetRandomPoint()
- Vector3 GetRandomPointInCircle(const Vector3&, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ))
- BoundingBox GetTileBoundingBox(const IntVector2&) const
- VectorBuffer GetTileData(const IntVector2&) const
- IntVector2 GetTileIndex(const Vector3&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTile(const IntVector2&) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- Vector3 MoveAlongSurface(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ), int = 3)
- Vector3 Raycast(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ))
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllTiles()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void RemoveTile(const IntVector2&)
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- void SetAreaCost(uint, float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- float agentHeight
- float agentMaxClimb
- float agentMaxSlope
- float agentRadius
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- String category // readonly
- float cellHeight
- float cellSize
- float detailSampleDistance
- float detailSampleMaxError
- bool drawNavAreas
- bool drawObstacles
- bool drawOffMeshConnections
- float edgeMaxError
- float edgeMaxLength
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool initialized // readonly
- bool maxLayers
- uint maxObstacles
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- IntVector2 numTiles // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- Vector3 padding
- NavmeshPartitionType partitionType
- int refs // readonly
- float regionMergeSize
- float regionMinSize
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- int tileSize
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
<a name="Class_Engine"></a>
### Engine
- Console@ CreateConsole()
- DebugHud@ CreateDebugHud()
- void DumpMemory()
- void DumpProfiler()
- void DumpResources(bool = false)
- void Exit()
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void RunFrame()
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool autoExit
- String category // readonly
- bool exiting // readonly
- bool headless // readonly
- bool initialized // readonly
- int maxFps
- int maxInactiveFps
- int minFps
- bool pauseMinimized
- int refs // readonly
- int timeStepSmoothing
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_File"></a>
### File
- void Close()
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Open(const String&, FileMode = FILE_READ)
- uint8[]@ Read(uint)
- bool ReadBool()
- BoundingBox ReadBoundingBox()
- int8 ReadByte()
- Color ReadColor()
- double ReadDouble()
- String ReadFileID()
- float ReadFloat()
- int ReadInt()
- int64 ReadInt64()
- IntRect ReadIntRect()
- IntVector2 ReadIntVector2()
- String ReadLine()
- Matrix3 ReadMatrix3()
- Matrix3x4 ReadMatrix3x4()
- Matrix4 ReadMatrix4()
- uint ReadNetID()
- Quaternion ReadPackedQuaternion()
- Vector3 ReadPackedVector3(float)
- Quaternion ReadQuaternion()
- int16 ReadShort()
- String ReadString()
- StringHash ReadStringHash()
- uint8 ReadUByte()
- uint ReadUInt()
- uint64 ReadUInt64()
- uint16 ReadUShort()
- uint ReadVLE()
- Variant ReadVariant()
- VariantMap ReadVariantMap()
- Vector2 ReadVector2()
- Vector3 ReadVector3()
- Vector4 ReadVector4()
- VectorBuffer ReadVectorBuffer(uint)
- uint Seek(uint)
- uint SeekRelative(int)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- uint Tell() const
- uint Write(uint8[]@)
- bool WriteBool(bool)
- bool WriteBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&)
- bool WriteByte(int8)
- bool WriteColor(const Color&)
- bool WriteDouble(double)
- bool WriteFileID(const String&)
- bool WriteFloat(float)
- bool WriteInt(int)
- bool WriteInt64(int64)
- bool WriteIntRect(const IntRect&)
- bool WriteIntVector2(const IntVector2&)
- bool WriteLine(const String&)
- bool WriteMatrix3(const Matrix3&)
- bool WriteMatrix3x4(const Matrix3x4&)
- bool WriteMatrix4(const Matrix4&)
- bool WriteNetID(uint)
- bool WritePackedQuaternion(const Quaternion&)
- bool WritePackedVector3(const Vector3&, float)
- bool WriteQuaternion(const Quaternion&)
- bool WriteShort(int16)
- bool WriteString(const String&)
- bool WriteStringHash(const StringHash&)
- bool WriteUByte(uint8)
- bool WriteUInt(uint)
- bool WriteUInt64(uint64)
- bool WriteUShort(uint16)
- bool WriteVLE(uint)
- bool WriteVariant(const Variant&)
- bool WriteVariantMap(const VariantMap&)
- bool WriteVector2(const Vector2&)
- bool WriteVector3(const Vector3&)
- bool WriteVector4(const Vector4&)
- bool WriteVectorBuffer(const VectorBuffer&)
- String category // readonly
- uint checksum // readonly
- bool eof // readonly
- FileMode mode // readonly
- String name // readonly
- bool open // readonly
- bool packaged // readonly
- uint position // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- uint size // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_FileSelector"></a>
### FileSelector
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetButtonTexts(const String&, const String&)
- void SetFilters(String[]@, uint)
- void UpdateElements()
- Button@ cancelButton // readonly
- String category // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- bool directoryMode
- ListView@ fileList // readonly
- String fileName
- LineEdit@ fileNameEdit // readonly
- String filter // readonly
- uint filterIndex // readonly
- DropDownList@ filterList // readonly
- Button@ okButton // readonly
- String path
- LineEdit@ pathEdit // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- String title
- Text@ titleText // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- Window@ window // readonly
<a name="Class_FileSystem"></a>
### FileSystem
- bool Copy(const String&, const String&)
- bool CreateDir(const String&)
- bool Delete(const String&)
- bool DirExists(const String&) const
- bool FileExists(const String&) const
- String GetAppPreferencesDir(const String&, const String&) const
- uint GetLastModifiedTime(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Rename(const String&, const String&)
- String[]@ ScanDir(const String&, const String&, uint, bool) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetLastModifiedTime(const String&, uint)
- int SystemCommand(const String&, bool = false)
- uint SystemCommandAsync(const String&)
- bool SystemOpen(const String&, const String&)
- int SystemRun(const String&, String[]@)
- uint SystemRunAsync(const String&, String[]@)
- String category // readonly
- String currentDir
- bool executeConsoleCommands
- String programDir // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- String temporaryDir // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- String userDocumentsDir // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_FocusParameters"></a>
### FocusParameters
- bool autoSize
- bool focus
- float minView
- bool nonUniform
- float quantize
<a name="Class_Font"></a>
### Font
- IntVector2 GetTotalGlyphOffset(float) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, int, bool = false, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, int, bool = false, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(const String&, int, bool = false, const String& = "\t")
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- IntVector2 absoluteGlyphOffset
- String category // readonly
- FontType fontType // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- Vector2 scaledGlyphOffset
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Frustum"></a>
### Frustum
- void Define(const BoundingBox&, const Matrix3x4&)
- void Define(const Matrix4&)
- void Define(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Matrix3x4&)
- void Define(float, float, float, float, float, const Matrix3x4&)
- void DefineOrtho(float, float, float, float, float, const Matrix3x4&)
- void DefineSplit(const Matrix4&, float, float)
- float Distance(const Vector3&) const
- Intersection IsInside(const BoundingBox&)
- Intersection IsInside(const Sphere&)
- Intersection IsInside(const Vector3&)
- Intersection IsInsideFast(const BoundingBox&) const
- Intersection IsInsideFast(const Sphere&) const
- void Transform(const Matrix3&)
- void Transform(const Matrix3x4&)
- Frustum Transformed(const Matrix3&) const
- Frustum Transformed(const Matrix3x4&) const
- Vector3[] vertices // readonly
<a name="Class_Geometry"></a>
### Geometry
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetDrawRange(PrimitiveType, uint, uint, bool = true)
- bool SetDrawRange(PrimitiveType, uint, uint, uint, uint, bool = true)
- void SetIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer@)
- bool SetVertexBuffer(uint, VertexBuffer@)
- String category // readonly
- bool empty // readonly
- IndexBuffer@ indexBuffer
- uint indexCount // readonly
- uint indexStart // readonly
- float lodDistance
- uint numVertexBuffers
- PrimitiveType primitiveType // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- VertexBuffer@[] vertexBuffers // readonly
- uint vertexCount // readonly
- uint vertexStart // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Graphics"></a>
### Graphics
- void BeginDumpShaders(const String&)
- void Close()
- void EndDumpShaders()
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void Maximize()
- void Minimize()
- void PrecacheShaders(File@)
- void PrecacheShaders(VectorBuffer&)
- void Raise()
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetMode(int, int)
- bool SetMode(int, int, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int, int)
- void SetWindowPosition(int, int)
- bool TakeScreenShot(Image@)
- bool ToggleFullscreen()
- String apiName // readonly
- bool borderless // readonly
- String category // readonly
- int currentMonitor // readonly
- bool deferredSupport // readonly
- IntVector2[] desktopResolution // readonly
- bool deviceLost // readonly
- Vector3[] displayDPI // readonly
- bool dither
- bool flushGPU
- bool fullscreen // readonly
- bool hardwareShadowSupport // readonly
- int height // readonly
- bool initialized // readonly
- bool instancingSupport // readonly
- bool lightPrepassSupport // readonly
- bool maximized // readonly
- int monitorCount // readonly
- int multiSample // readonly
- int[]@ multiSampleLevels // readonly
- uint numBatches // readonly
- uint numPrimitives // readonly
- String orientations
- bool readableDepthSupport // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool resizable // readonly
- IntVector3[]@[] resolutions // readonly
- bool sRGB
- bool sRGBSupport // readonly
- bool sRGBWriteSupport // readonly
- String shaderCacheDir
- IntVector2 size // readonly
- bool tripleBuffer // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool vsync // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width // readonly
- Image@ windowIcon // writeonly
- IntVector2 windowPosition
- String windowTitle
<a name="Class_HttpRequest"></a>
### HttpRequest
- uint8[]@ Read(uint)
- bool ReadBool()
- BoundingBox ReadBoundingBox()
- int8 ReadByte()
- Color ReadColor()
- double ReadDouble()
- String ReadFileID()
- float ReadFloat()
- int ReadInt()
- int64 ReadInt64()
- IntRect ReadIntRect()
- IntVector2 ReadIntVector2()
- String ReadLine()
- Matrix3 ReadMatrix3()
- Matrix3x4 ReadMatrix3x4()
- Matrix4 ReadMatrix4()
- uint ReadNetID()
- Quaternion ReadPackedQuaternion()
- Vector3 ReadPackedVector3(float)
- Quaternion ReadQuaternion()
- int16 ReadShort()
- String ReadString()
- StringHash ReadStringHash()
- uint8 ReadUByte()
- uint ReadUInt()
- uint64 ReadUInt64()
- uint16 ReadUShort()
- uint ReadVLE()
- Variant ReadVariant()
- VariantMap ReadVariantMap()
- Vector2 ReadVector2()
- Vector3 ReadVector3()
- Vector4 ReadVector4()
- VectorBuffer ReadVectorBuffer(uint)
- uint Seek(uint)
- uint SeekRelative(int)
- uint Tell() const
- uint availableSize // readonly
- uint checksum // readonly
- bool eof // readonly
- String error // readonly
- String name // readonly
- bool open // readonly
- uint position // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- uint size // readonly
- HttpRequestState state // readonly
- String url // readonly
- String verb // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_IKEffector"></a>
### IKEffector
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- uint chainLength
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float rotationDecay
- float rotationWeight
- String targetName
- Node@ targetNode
- Vector3 targetPosition
- Quaternion targetRotation
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- float weight
<a name="Class_IKSolver"></a>
### IKSolver
- void ApplyActivePoseToScene()
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ApplyOriginalPoseToActivePose()
- void ApplyOriginalPoseToScene()
- void ApplySceneToActivePose()
- void ApplySceneToInitialPose()
- void CalculateJointRotations()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void RebuildChainTrees()
- void RecalculateSegmentLengths()
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void Solve()
- IKAlgorithm algorithm
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- uint maximumIterations
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- float tolerance
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Image"></a>
### Image
- void Clear(const Color&)
- void ClearInt(uint)
- bool FlipHorizontal()
- bool FlipVertical()
- Color GetPixel(int, int) const
- Color GetPixel(int, int, int) const
- Color GetPixelBilinear(float, float) const
- uint GetPixelInt(int, int) const
- uint GetPixelInt(int, int, int) const
- Color GetPixelTrilinear(float, float, float) const
- Image@ GetSubimage(const IntRect&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool LoadColorLUT(File@)
- bool LoadColorLUT(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Resize(int, int)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- bool SaveBMP(const String&) const
- bool SaveDDS(const String&) const
- bool SaveJPG(const String&, int) const
- bool SavePNG(const String&) const
- bool SaveTGA(const String&) const
- bool SaveWEBP(const String&, float = 0.0f) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetPixel(int, int, const Color&)
- void SetPixel(int, int, int, const Color&)
- void SetPixelInt(int, int, int, uint)
- void SetPixelInt(int, int, uint)
- bool SetSize(int, int, int, uint)
- bool SetSize(int, int, uint)
- bool SetSubimage(const Image@, const IntRect&) const
- bool array // readonly
- String category // readonly
- uint components // readonly
- bool compressed // readonly
- CompressedFormat compressedFormat // readonly
- bool cubemap // readonly
- int depth // readonly
- bool hasAlphaChannel // readonly
- int height // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- uint numCompressedLevels // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool sRGB // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width // readonly
<a name="Class_IndexBuffer"></a>
### IndexBuffer
- VectorBuffer GetData()
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetData(VectorBuffer&)
- bool SetDataRange(VectorBuffer&, uint, uint, bool = false)
- void SetSize(uint, bool, bool = false)
- String category // readonly
- bool dynamic // readonly
- uint indexCount // readonly
- uint indexSize // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool shadowed
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Input"></a>
### Input
- int AddScreenJoystick(XMLFile@ = null, XMLFile@ = null)
- void CenterMousePosition()
- int GetKeyFromName(const String&) const
- int GetKeyFromScancode(int) const
- String GetKeyName(int) const
- int GetScancodeFromKey(int) const
- int GetScancodeFromName(const String&) const
- String GetScancodeName(int) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- uint LoadGestures(File@)
- uint LoadGestures(VectorBuffer&)
- bool RecordGesture()
- void RemoveAllGestures()
- bool RemoveGesture(uint)
- bool RemoveScreenJoystick(int)
- void ResetMouseGrabbed()
- void ResetMouseMode()
- void ResetMouseVisible()
- bool SaveGesture(File@, uint)
- bool SaveGesture(VectorBuffer&, uint)
- bool SaveGestures(File@)
- bool SaveGestures(VectorBuffer&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetMouseGrabbed(bool, bool = false)
- void SetMouseMode(MouseMode, bool = false)
- void SetMouseVisible(bool, bool = false)
- String category // readonly
- bool focus // readonly
- Vector2 inputScale // readonly
- JoystickState@[] joysticks // readonly
- JoystickState@[] joysticksByIndex // readonly
- JoystickState@[] joysticksByName // readonly
- bool[] keyDown // readonly
- bool[] keyPress // readonly
- bool minimized // readonly
- bool[] mouseButtonDown // readonly
- bool[] mouseButtonPress // readonly
- bool mouseGrabbed
- bool mouseLocked // readonly
- MouseMode mouseMode
- IntVector2 mouseMove // readonly
- int mouseMoveWheel // readonly
- int mouseMoveX // readonly
- int mouseMoveY // readonly
- IntVector2 mousePosition
- bool mouseVisible
- uint numJoysticks // readonly
- uint numTouches // readonly
- bool[] qualifierDown // readonly
- bool[] qualifierPress // readonly
- int qualifiers // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool[] scancodeDown // readonly
- bool[] scancodePress // readonly
- bool[] screenJoystickVisible
- bool screenKeyboardSupport // readonly
- bool screenKeyboardVisible
- bool toggleFullscreen
- bool touchEmulation
- TouchState@[] touches // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_IntRect"></a>
### IntRect
- int Clip(const IntRect&)
- Intersection IsInside(const IntVector2&) const
- int Merge(const IntRect&)
- int bottom
- int[] data // readonly
- int height // readonly
- int left
- int right
- IntVector2 size // readonly
- int top
- int width // readonly
<a name="Class_IntVector2"></a>
### IntVector2
- float Length() const
- uint ToHash() const
- String ToString() const
- int[] data // readonly
- int x
- int y
- IntVector2 DOWN
- IntVector2 LEFT
- IntVector2 ONE
- IntVector2 RIGHT
- IntVector2 UP
- IntVector2 ZERO
<a name="Class_IntVector3"></a>
### IntVector3
- float Length() const
- uint ToHash() const
- String ToString() const
- int[] data // readonly
- int x
- int y
- int z
- IntVector3 BACK
- IntVector3 DOWN
- IntVector3 FORWARD
- IntVector3 LEFT
- IntVector3 ONE
- IntVector3 RIGHT
- IntVector3 UP
- IntVector3 ZERO
<a name="Class_JSONFile"></a>
### JSONFile
- bool FromString(const String&)
- JSONValue& GetRoot()
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(File@, const String&) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String ToString(const String& = String ( "\t" )) const
- String category // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- JSONValue root // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_JSONValue"></a>
### JSONValue
- void Clear()
- bool Contains(const String&) const
- void Erase(const String&)
- void Erase(uint, uint = 1)
- bool GetBool(bool = false) const
- double GetDouble(double = 0) const
- float GetFloat(float = 0) const
- int GetInt(int = 0) const
- uint GetUInt(uint = 0) const
- Variant GetVariant(Variant = Variant ( )) const
- VariantMap GetVariantMap(VariantMap = VariantMap ( )) const
- void Insert(uint, const JSONValue&)
- const JSONValue& Get(const String&) const
- void Pop()
- void Push(const JSONValue&)
- void Resize(uint)
- void Set(const String&, const JSONValue&)
- void SetVariant(const Variant&)
- void SetVariantMap(const VariantMap&)
- const String& GetString(const String& = String ( "" )) const
- bool isArray // readonly
- bool isBool // readonly
- bool isNull // readonly
- bool isNumber // readonly
- bool isObject // readonly
- bool isString // readonly
- String[]@ keys // readonly
- JSONNumberType numberType // readonly
- String numberTypeName // readonly
- uint size // readonly
- JSONValueType valueType // readonly
- String valueTypeName // readonly
- JSONValue[]@ values // readonly
<a name="Class_JoystickState"></a>
### JoystickState
- float[] axisPosition // readonly
- bool[] buttonDown // readonly
- bool[] buttonPress // readonly
- bool controller // readonly
- int[] hatPosition // readonly
- int joystickID
- String name
- uint numAxes // readonly
- uint numButtons // readonly
- uint numHats // readonly
<a name="Class_Light"></a>
### Light
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- float aspectRatio
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- float brightness
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- Color color
- Color colorFromTemperature // readonly
- float drawDistance
- Color effectiveColor // readonly
- float effectiveSpecularIntensity // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float fadeDistance
- float fov
- Frustum frustum // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- float length
- uint lightMask
- LightType lightType
- float lodBias
- uint maxLights
- bool negative // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- int numShadowSplits // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- bool perVertex
- float radius
- Texture@ rampTexture
- float range
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- BiasParameters shadowBias
- CascadeParameters shadowCascade
- float shadowDistance
- float shadowFadeDistance
- FocusParameters shadowFocus
- float shadowIntensity
- uint shadowMask
- float shadowMaxExtrusion
- float shadowNearFarRatio
- float shadowResolution
- Texture@ shapeTexture
- float specularIntensity
- float temperature
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool usePhysicalValues
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_LineEdit"></a>
### LineEdit
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHoverOffset(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- BorderImage@ cursor // readonly
- float cursorBlinkRate
- bool cursorMovable
- uint cursorPosition
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- uint echoCharacter
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hoverOffset
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageBorder
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Material@ material
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- uint maxLength
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- String text
- bool textCopyable
- Text@ textElement // readonly
- bool textSelectable
- Texture@ texture
- bool tiled
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_ListView"></a>
### ListView
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddItem(UIElement@)
- void AddSelection(uint)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- void ChangeSelection(int, bool)
- void ClearSelection()
- void CopySelectedItemsToClipboard()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableInternalLayoutUpdate()
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableInternalLayoutUpdate()
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- void Expand(uint, bool, bool = false)
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- uint FindItem(UIElement@)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetItems() const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- void InsertItem(uint, UIElement@, UIElement@ = null)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsExpanded(uint) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsSelected(uint) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllItems()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveItem(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveItem(uint)
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void RemoveSelection(uint)
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetScrollBarsVisible(bool, bool)
- void SetSelections(uint[]@)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void SetViewPosition(int, int)
- void ToggleExpand(uint, bool = false)
- void ToggleSelection(uint)
- void UpdateInternalLayout()
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool autoDisableChildren
- float autoDisableThreshold
- int baseIndent
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- bool clearSelectionOnDefocus
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- UIElement@ contentElement // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- bool hierarchyMode
- HighlightMode highlightMode
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- ScrollBar@ horizontalScrollBar // readonly
- bool hovering // readonly
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- UIElement@[] items // readonly
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- bool multiselect
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- uint numItems // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- float pageStep
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool scrollBarsAutoVisible
- float scrollDeceleration
- BorderImage@ scrollPanel // readonly
- float scrollSnapEpsilon
- float scrollStep
- bool selectOnClickEnd
- bool selected
- UIElement@ selectedItem // readonly
- UIElement@[]@ selectedItems // readonly
- uint selection
- uint[]@ selections // readonly
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- ScrollBar@ verticalScrollBar // readonly
- IntVector2 viewPosition
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_Localization"></a>
### Localization
- String Get(const String&)
- String GetLanguage(int)
- int GetLanguageIndex(const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void LoadJSONFile(const String&, const String = String ( "" ) const)
- void LoadMultipleLanguageJSON(const JSONValue&)
- void LoadSingleLanguageJSON(const JSONValue&, const String& = String ( "" ) const)
- void Reset()
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetLanguage(const String&)
- void SetLanguage(int)
- String category // readonly
- String language // readonly
- int languageIndex // readonly
- int numLanguages // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Log"></a>
### Log
- void Close()
- void Debug(const String&)
- void Error(const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void Info(const String&)
- void Open(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void Trace(const String&)
- void Warning(const String&)
- void Write(const String&, bool = false)
- String category // readonly
- String lastMessage // readonly
- int level
- bool quiet
- int refs // readonly
- bool timeStamp
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Material"></a>
### Material
- Material@ Clone(const String& = String ( )) const
- Pass@ GetPass(uint, const String&)
- ValueAnimation@ GetShaderParameterAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetShaderParameterAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetShaderParameterAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const JSONValue&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Load(const XMLElement&)
- void RemoveShaderParameter(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(JSONValue&) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(XMLElement&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetShaderParameterAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetShaderParameterAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetShaderParameterAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetTechnique(uint, Technique@, uint = 0, float = 0.0)
- void SetUVTransform(const Vector2&, float, const Vector2&)
- void SetUVTransform(const Vector2&, float, float)
- void SortTechniques()
- bool alphaToCoverage
- String category // readonly
- CullMode cullMode
- BiasParameters depthBias
- FillMode fillMode
- bool lineAntiAlias
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- uint numTechniques
- bool occlusion
- String pixelShaderDefines
- int refs // readonly
- uint8 renderOrder
- Scene@ scene
- String[]@ shaderParameterNames // readonly
- Variant[] shaderParameters
- CullMode shadowCullMode
- TechniqueEntry[] techniqueEntries // readonly
- Technique@[] techniques // readonly
- Texture@[] textures
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- String vertexShaderDefines
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Matrix2"></a>
### Matrix2
- bool Equals(const Matrix2&) const
- Matrix2 Inverse() const
- Vector2 Scale() const
- Matrix2 Scaled(const Vector2&) const
- void SetScale(const Vector2&)
- void SetScale(float)
- String ToString() const
- Matrix2 Transpose() const
- float m00
- float m01
- float m10
- float m11
<a name="Class_Matrix3"></a>
### Matrix3
- bool Equals(const Matrix3&) const
- Matrix3 Inverse() const
- Vector3 Scale() const
- Matrix3 Scaled(const Vector3&) const
- void SetScale(const Vector3&)
- void SetScale(float)
- String ToString() const
- Matrix3 Transpose() const
- float m00
- float m01
- float m02
- float m10
- float m11
- float m12
- float m20
- float m21
- float m22
<a name="Class_Matrix3x4"></a>
### Matrix3x4
- void Decompose(Vector3&, Quaternion&, Vector3&) const
- bool Equals(const Matrix3x4&) const
- Matrix3x4 Inverse() const
- Quaternion Rotation() const
- Matrix3 RotationMatrix() const
- Vector3 Scale() const
- void SetRotation(const Matrix3&)
- void SetScale(const Vector3&)
- void SetScale(float)
- void SetTranslation(const Vector3&)
- Matrix3 ToMatrix3() const
- Matrix4 ToMatrix4() const
- String ToString() const
- Vector3 Translation() const
- float m00
- float m01
- float m02
- float m03
- float m10
- float m11
- float m12
- float m13
- float m20
- float m21
- float m22
- float m23
<a name="Class_Matrix4"></a>
### Matrix4
- void Decompose(Vector3&, Quaternion&, Vector3&) const
- bool Equals(const Matrix4&) const
- Matrix4 Inverse() const
- Quaternion Rotation() const
- Matrix3 RotationMatrix() const
- Vector3 Scale() const
- void SetRotation(const Matrix3&)
- void SetScale(const Vector3&)
- void SetScale(float)
- void SetTranslation(const Vector3&)
- Matrix3 ToMatrix3() const
- String ToString() const
- Vector3 Translation() const
- Matrix4 Transpose() const
- float m00
- float m01
- float m02
- float m03
- float m10
- float m11
- float m12
- float m13
- float m20
- float m21
- float m22
- float m23
- float m30
- float m31
- float m32
- float m33
<a name="Class_Menu"></a>
### Menu
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAccelerator(int, int)
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetDisabledOffset(int, int)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHoverOffset(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPopupOffset(int, int)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetPressedChildOffset(int, int)
- void SetPressedOffset(int, int)
- void SetRepeat(float, float)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- int acceleratorKey // readonly
- int acceleratorQualifiers // readonly
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- IntVector2 disabledOffset
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hoverOffset
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageBorder
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Material@ material
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- UIElement@ popup
- IntVector2 popupOffset
- IntVector2 position
- bool pressed // readonly
- IntVector2 pressedChildOffset
- IntVector2 pressedOffset
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- float repeatDelay
- float repeatRate
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- bool showPopup
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture@ texture
- bool tiled
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_MessageBox"></a>
### MessageBox
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- String message
- int refs // readonly
- String title
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- UIElement@ window // readonly
<a name="Class_Model"></a>
### Model
- void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&)
- Model@ Clone(const String& = String ( )) const
- Geometry@ GetGeometry(uint, uint) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void RemoveAllMetadata()
- void RemoveMetadata(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetGeometry(uint, uint, Geometry@)
- bool SetIndexBuffers(IndexBuffer@[]@)
- bool SetVertexBuffers(VertexBuffer@[]@, uint[]@, uint[]@)
- BoundingBox boundingBox
- String category // readonly
- Vector3[] geometryCenters
- bool hasMetadata // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- Variant[] metadata
- String name
- uint numGeometries
- uint[] numGeometryLodLevels
- uint numMorphs // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- Skeleton@ skeleton // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_NamedPipe"></a>
### NamedPipe
- void Close()
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Open(const String&, bool)
- uint8[]@ Read(uint)
- bool ReadBool()
- BoundingBox ReadBoundingBox()
- int8 ReadByte()
- Color ReadColor()
- double ReadDouble()
- String ReadFileID()
- float ReadFloat()
- int ReadInt()
- int64 ReadInt64()
- IntRect ReadIntRect()
- IntVector2 ReadIntVector2()
- String ReadLine()
- Matrix3 ReadMatrix3()
- Matrix3x4 ReadMatrix3x4()
- Matrix4 ReadMatrix4()
- uint ReadNetID()
- Quaternion ReadPackedQuaternion()
- Vector3 ReadPackedVector3(float)
- Quaternion ReadQuaternion()
- int16 ReadShort()
- String ReadString()
- StringHash ReadStringHash()
- uint8 ReadUByte()
- uint ReadUInt()
- uint64 ReadUInt64()
- uint16 ReadUShort()
- uint ReadVLE()
- Variant ReadVariant()
- VariantMap ReadVariantMap()
- Vector2 ReadVector2()
- Vector3 ReadVector3()
- Vector4 ReadVector4()
- VectorBuffer ReadVectorBuffer(uint)
- uint Seek(uint)
- uint SeekRelative(int)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- uint Tell() const
- uint Write(uint8[]@)
- bool WriteBool(bool)
- bool WriteBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&)
- bool WriteByte(int8)
- bool WriteColor(const Color&)
- bool WriteDouble(double)
- bool WriteFileID(const String&)
- bool WriteFloat(float)
- bool WriteInt(int)
- bool WriteInt64(int64)
- bool WriteIntRect(const IntRect&)
- bool WriteIntVector2(const IntVector2&)
- bool WriteLine(const String&)
- bool WriteMatrix3(const Matrix3&)
- bool WriteMatrix3x4(const Matrix3x4&)
- bool WriteMatrix4(const Matrix4&)
- bool WriteNetID(uint)
- bool WritePackedQuaternion(const Quaternion&)
- bool WritePackedVector3(const Vector3&, float)
- bool WriteQuaternion(const Quaternion&)
- bool WriteShort(int16)
- bool WriteString(const String&)
- bool WriteStringHash(const StringHash&)
- bool WriteUByte(uint8)
- bool WriteUInt(uint)
- bool WriteUInt64(uint64)
- bool WriteUShort(uint16)
- bool WriteVLE(uint)
- bool WriteVariant(const Variant&)
- bool WriteVariantMap(const VariantMap&)
- bool WriteVector2(const Vector2&)
- bool WriteVector3(const Vector3&)
- bool WriteVector4(const Vector4&)
- bool WriteVectorBuffer(const VectorBuffer&)
- String category // readonly
- uint checksum // readonly
- bool eof // readonly
- String name // readonly
- bool open // readonly
- uint position // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool server // readonly
- uint size // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_NavArea"></a>
### NavArea
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- uint areaID
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
<a name="Class_Navigable"></a>
### Navigable
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool recursive
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_NavigationMesh"></a>
### NavigationMesh
- bool AddTile(const VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Allocate(const BoundingBox&, uint)
- void ApplyAttributes()
- bool Build()
- bool Build(const BoundingBox&)
- bool Build(const IntVector2&, const IntVector2&)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(bool)
- Vector3 FindNearestPoint(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ))
- Vector3[]@ FindPath(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ))
- float GetAreaCost(uint) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- float GetDistanceToWall(const Vector3&, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ))
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- Vector3 GetRandomPoint()
- Vector3 GetRandomPointInCircle(const Vector3&, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ))
- BoundingBox GetTileBoundingBox(const IntVector2&) const
- VectorBuffer GetTileData(const IntVector2&) const
- IntVector2 GetTileIndex(const Vector3&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTile(const IntVector2&) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- Vector3 MoveAlongSurface(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ), int = 3)
- Vector3 Raycast(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ))
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllTiles()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void RemoveTile(const IntVector2&)
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- void SetAreaCost(uint, float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- float agentHeight
- float agentMaxClimb
- float agentMaxSlope
- float agentRadius
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- String category // readonly
- float cellHeight
- float cellSize
- float detailSampleDistance
- float detailSampleMaxError
- bool drawNavAreas
- bool drawOffMeshConnections
- float edgeMaxError
- float edgeMaxLength
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool initialized // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- IntVector2 numTiles // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- Vector3 padding
- NavmeshPartitionType partitionType
- int refs // readonly
- float regionMergeSize
- float regionMinSize
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- int tileSize
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
<a name="Class_Network"></a>
### Network
- bool AttemptNATPunchtrough(const String&, Scene@, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void BroadcastMessage(int, bool, bool, const VectorBuffer&, uint = 0)
- void BroadcastRemoteEvent(Node@, const String&, bool, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void BroadcastRemoteEvent(Scene@, const String&, bool, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void BroadcastRemoteEvent(const String&, bool, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool CheckRemoteEvent(const String&) const
- bool Connect(const String&, uint16, Scene@, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void Disconnect(int = 0)
- bool DiscoverHosts(uint16)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- HttpRequest@ MakeHttpRequest(const String&, const String& = String ( ), String[]@ = null, const String& = String ( ))
- void RegisterRemoteEvent(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SendPackageToClients(Scene@, PackageFile@)
- bool SetDiscoveryBeacon(const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetNATServerInfo(const String&, uint16)
- bool SetPassword(const String&)
- void StartNATClient() const
- bool StartServer(uint16)
- void StopServer()
- void UnregisterAllRemoteEvents()
- void UnregisterRemoteEvent(const String&) const
- String category // readonly
- Connection@[]@ clientConnections // readonly
- String guid // readonly
- String packageCacheDir
- int refs // readonly
- Connection@ serverConnection // readonly
- bool serverRunning // readonly
- int simulatedLatency
- float simulatedPacketLoss
- String startNATClient // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int updateFps
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_NetworkPriority"></a>
### NetworkPriority
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool alwaysUpdateOwner
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- float basePriority
- String category // readonly
- float distanceFactor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- float minPriority
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Node"></a>
### Node
- void AddChild(Node@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- Node@ Clone(CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Component@ CloneComponent(Component@, CreateMode, uint = 0)
- Component@ CloneComponent(Component@, uint = 0)
- Node@ CreateChild(const String& = String ( ), CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0, bool = false)
- Component@ CreateComponent(const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0)
- ScriptObject@ CreateScriptObject(ScriptFile@, const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- ScriptObject@ CreateScriptObject(const String&, const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ CreateTemporaryChild(const String& = String ( ), CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- Node@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- Node@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- Node@[]@ GetChildrenWithComponent(const String&, bool = false) const
- Node@[]@ GetChildrenWithScript(bool = false) const
- Node@[]@ GetChildrenWithScript(const String&, bool = false) const
- Node@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- Component@ GetComponent(const String&, bool = false) const
- Component@[]@ GetComponents() const
- Component@[]@ GetComponents(const String&, bool = false) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- Component@ GetOrCreateComponent(const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0)
- Component@ GetParentComponent(const String&, bool = false) const
- ScriptObject@ GetScriptObject() const
- ScriptObject@ GetScriptObject(const String&) const
- bool HasComponent(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&)
- bool IsChildOf(Node@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- Vector3 LocalToWorld(const Vector3&) const
- Vector3 LocalToWorld(const Vector4&) const
- Vector2 LocalToWorld2D(const Vector2&) const
- bool LookAt(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ), TransformSpace = TS_WORLD)
- void MarkDirty()
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Pitch(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllComponents()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(Node@)
- void RemoveChildren(bool, bool, bool)
- void RemoveComponent(Component@)
- void RemoveComponent(const String&)
- void RemoveComponents(bool, bool)
- void RemoveComponents(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ReorderComponent(Component@, uint)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- void Roll(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void Rotate(const Quaternion&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void Rotate2D(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void RotateAround(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void RotateAround2D(const Vector2&, float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(File@)
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveJSON(VectorBuffer&)
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void Scale(const Vector3&)
- void Scale(float)
- void Scale2D(const Vector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetPosition2D(float, float)
- void SetScale(float)
- void SetScale2D(float, float)
- void SetTransform(const Matrix3x4&)
- void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&)
- void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, const Vector3&)
- void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, float)
- void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float)
- void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, const Vector2&)
- void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, float)
- void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&)
- void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, const Vector3&)
- void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, float)
- void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float)
- void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, const Vector2&)
- void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, float)
- void Translate(const Vector3&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void Translate2D(const Vector2&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- Vector3 WorldToLocal(const Vector3&) const
- Vector3 WorldToLocal(const Vector4&) const
- Vector2 WorldToLocal2D(const Vector2&) const
- void Yaw(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- Node@[] allChildrenByName // readonly
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- Node@[] children // readonly
- Node@[] childrenByName // readonly
- Component@[] components // readonly
- Vector3 direction
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- uint id
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- uint numComponents // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- Connection@ owner
- Node@ parent
- Vector3 position
- Vector2 position2D
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- Vector3 right // readonly
- Quaternion rotation
- float rotation2D
- Vector3 scale
- Vector2 scale2D
- Scene@ scene // readonly
- ScriptObject@ scriptObject // readonly
- Vector3 signedWorldScale // readonly
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Matrix3x4 transform // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- Vector3 up // readonly
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- Vector3 worldDirection
- Vector3 worldPosition
- Vector2 worldPosition2D
- Vector3 worldRight // readonly
- Quaternion worldRotation
- float worldRotation2D
- Vector3 worldScale
- Vector2 worldScale2D
- Matrix3x4 worldTransform // readonly
- Vector3 worldUp // readonly
<a name="Class_Object"></a>
### Object
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ObjectAnimation"></a>
### ObjectAnimation
- void AddAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(ValueAnimation@)
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- Variant[] attributeAnimations // readonly
- String category // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- Variant[] speeds // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- Variant[] wrapModes // readonly
<a name="Class_Obstacle"></a>
### Obstacle
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float height
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- uint obstacleId // readonly
- float radius
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Octree"></a>
### Octree
- void AddManualDrawable(Drawable@)
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(bool) const
- Drawable@[]@ GetAllDrawables(uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- Drawable@[]@ GetDrawables(const BoundingBox&, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK)
- Drawable@[]@ GetDrawables(const Frustum&, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK)
- Drawable@[]@ GetDrawables(const Sphere&, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK)
- Drawable@[]@ GetDrawables(const Vector3&, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK)
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- RayQueryResult[]@ Raycast(const Ray&, RayQueryLevel = RAY_TRIANGLE, float = M_INFINITY, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK) const
- RayQueryResult RaycastSingle(const Ray&, RayQueryLevel = RAY_TRIANGLE, float = M_INFINITY, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK) const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveManualDrawable(Drawable@)
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetSize(const BoundingBox&, uint)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numLevels // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
<a name="Class_OffMeshConnection"></a>
### OffMeshConnection
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- uint areaID
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool bidirectional
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- Node@ endPoint
- uint id // readonly
- uint mask
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float radius
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_PackageFile"></a>
### PackageFile
- bool Exists(const String&) const
- String[]@ GetEntryNames() const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Open(const String&, uint = 0) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool compressed() const
- String category // readonly
- uint checksum // readonly
- String name // readonly
- uint numFiles // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- uint totalDataSize // readonly
- uint totalSize // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ParticleEffect"></a>
### ParticleEffect
- void AddColorFrame(ColorFrame@)
- void AddColorTime(const Color&, float)
- void AddTextureFrame(TextureFrame@)
- void AddTextureTime(const Rect&, float)
- ParticleEffect@ Clone(const String& = String ( )) const
- ColorFrame@ GetColorFrame(uint) const
- TextureFrame@ GetTextureFrame(uint) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Load(const XMLElement&)
- void RemoveColorFrame(uint)
- void RemoveTextureFrame(uint)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(XMLElement&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetColorFrame(uint, ColorFrame@)
- void SetTextureFrame(uint, TextureFrame@)
- void SortColorFrames()
- void SortTextureFrames()
- float activeTime
- float animationLodBias
- String category // readonly
- Vector3 constantForce
- float dampingForce
- Vector3 emitterSize
- EmitterType emitterType
- FaceCameraMode faceCameraMode
- bool fixedScreenSize
- float inactiveTime
- Material@ material
- Vector3 maxDirection
- float maxEmissionRate
- Vector2 maxParticleSize
- float maxRotation
- float maxRotationSpeed
- float maxTimeToLive
- float maxVelocity
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- Vector3 minDirection
- float minEmissionRate
- Vector2 minParticleSize
- float minRotation
- float minRotationSpeed
- float minTimeToLive
- float minVelocity
- String name
- uint numColorFrames
- uint numParticles
- uint numTextureFrames
- int refs // readonly
- bool relative
- bool scaled
- float sizeAdd
- float sizeMul
- bool sorted
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool updateInvisible
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ParticleEffect2D"></a>
### ParticleEffect2D
- ParticleEffect2D@ Clone(const String& = String ( )) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ParticleEmitter"></a>
### ParticleEmitter
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ApplyEffect()
- void Commit()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllParticles()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void Reset()
- void ResetEmissionTimer()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- float animationLodBias
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- AutoRemoveMode autoRemoveMode
- Billboard@[] billboards // readonly
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- ParticleEffect@ effect
- bool emitting
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- FaceCameraMode faceCameraMode
- bool fixedScreenSize
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numBillboards
- uint numParticles
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int refs // readonly
- bool relative
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool scaled
- bool serializeParticles
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool sorted
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- Zone@ zone // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_ParticleEmitter2D"></a>
### ParticleEmitter2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- ParticleEffect2D@ effect
- bool emitting
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- int layer
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int orderInLayer
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- Sprite2D@ sprite
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_Pass"></a>
### Pass
- bool alphaToCoverage
- BlendMode blendMode
- CullMode cullMode
- CompareMode depthTestMode
- bool depthWrite
- bool desktop
- PassLightingMode lightingMode
- String pixelShader
- String pixelShaderDefineExcludes
- String pixelShaderDefines
- int refs // readonly
- String vertexShader
- String vertexShaderDefineExcludes
- String vertexShaderDefines
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_PhysicsRaycastResult"></a>
### PhysicsRaycastResult
- RigidBody@ body // readonly
- float distance
- float hitFraction
- Vector3 normal
- Vector3 position
<a name="Class_PhysicsRaycastResult2D"></a>
### PhysicsRaycastResult2D
- RigidBody2D@ body // readonly
- float distance
- Vector2 normal
- Vector2 position
<a name="Class_PhysicsWorld"></a>
### PhysicsWorld
- void ApplyAttributes()
- PhysicsRaycastResult ConvexCast(CollisionShape@, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, uint = 0xffff)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- RigidBody@[]@ GetCollidingBodies(RigidBody@)
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- RigidBody@[]@ GetRigidBodies(RigidBody@)
- RigidBody@[]@ GetRigidBodies(const BoundingBox&, uint = 0xffff)
- RigidBody@[]@ GetRigidBodies(const Sphere&, uint = 0xffff)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- PhysicsRaycastResult[]@ Raycast(const Ray&, float, uint = 0xffff)
- PhysicsRaycastResult RaycastSingle(const Ray&, float, uint = 0xffff)
- PhysicsRaycastResult RaycastSingleSegmented(const Ray&, float, float, uint = 0xffff, float = 0.1f)
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveCachedGeometry(Model@)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- PhysicsRaycastResult SphereCast(const Ray&, float, float, uint = 0xffff)
- void Update(float)
- void UpdateCollisions()
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- int fps
- Vector3 gravity
- uint id // readonly
- bool internalEdge
- bool interpolation
- int maxSubSteps
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- int numIterations
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool splitImpulse
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool updateEnabled
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_PhysicsWorld2D"></a>
### PhysicsWorld2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry() const
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- RigidBody2D@[]@ GetRigidBodies(const Rect&, uint = 0xffff)
- RigidBody2D@ GetRigidBody(const Vector2&, uint = 0xffff)
- RigidBody2D@ GetRigidBody(int, int, uint = 0xffff)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- PhysicsRaycastResult2D[]@ Raycast(const Vector2&, const Vector2&, uint = 0xffff)
- PhysicsRaycastResult2D RaycastSingle(const Vector2&, const Vector2&, uint = 0xffff)
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool allowSleeping
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool autoClearForces
- String category // readonly
- bool continuousPhysics
- bool drawAabb
- bool drawCenterOfMass
- bool drawJoint
- bool drawPair
- bool drawShape
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- Vector2 gravity
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- uint positionIterations
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool subStepping
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool updateEnabled
- uint velocityIterations
- bool warmStarting
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Plane"></a>
### Plane
- void Define(const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- void Define(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- void Define(const Vector4&)
- float Distance(const Vector3&) const
- Vector3 Project(const Vector3&) const
- Vector3 Reflect(const Vector3&) const
- Vector4 ToVector4() const
- void Transform(const Matrix3&)
- void Transform(const Matrix3x4&)
- void Transform(const Matrix4&)
- Plane Transformed(const Matrix3&) const
- Plane Transformed(const Matrix3x4&) const
- Plane Transformed(const Matrix4&) const
- Vector3 absNormal
- float d
- Vector3 normal
- Matrix3x4 reflectionMatrix // readonly
<a name="Class_Polyhedron"></a>
### Polyhedron
- void AddFace(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- void AddFace(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- void AddFace(const Vector3[]@)
- void Clear()
- void Clip(const BoundingBox&)
- void Clip(const Frustum&)
- void Define(const BoundingBox&)
- void Define(const Frustum&)
- void Transform(const Matrix3&)
- void Transform(const Matrix3x4&)
- Polyhedron Transformed(const Matrix3&) const
- Polyhedron Transformed(const Matrix3x4&) const
- Vector3[]@[] face // readonly
- uint numFaces // readonly
<a name="Class_ProgressBar"></a>
### ProgressBar
- void ChangeValue(float)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetLoadingPercentStyle(const String&)
- String category // readonly
- BorderImage@ knob // readonly
- Orientation orientation
- float range
- int refs // readonly
- bool showPercentText
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- float value
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_PropertySet2D"></a>
### PropertySet2D
- bool HasProperty(const String&) const
- const String& GetProperty(const String&) const
- int refs // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Quaternion"></a>
### Quaternion
- Quaternion Conjugate() const
- float DotProduct(const Quaternion&) const
- bool Equals(const Quaternion&) const
- void FromAngleAxis(float, const Vector3&)
- void FromAxes(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- void FromEulerAngles(float, float, float)
- bool FromLookRotation(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ))
- void FromRotationMatrix(const Matrix3&)
- void FromRotationTo(const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- Quaternion Inverse() const
- bool IsNaN() const
- float LengthSquared() const
- Quaternion Nlerp(const Quaternion&, float, bool) const
- void Normalize()
- Quaternion Normalized() const
- Quaternion Slerp(const Quaternion&, float) const
- String ToString() const
- float angle // readonly
- Vector3 axis // readonly
- Vector3 eulerAngles // readonly
- float pitch // readonly
- float roll // readonly
- Matrix3 rotationMatrix // readonly
- float w
- float x
- float y
- float yaw // readonly
- float z
<a name="Class_Ray"></a>
### Ray
- Vector3 ClosestPoint(const Ray&) const
- void Define(const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- float Distance(const Vector3&) const
- float HitDistance(const BoundingBox&) const
- float HitDistance(const Frustum&, bool = true) const
- float HitDistance(const Plane&) const
- float HitDistance(const Sphere&) const
- float HitDistance(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&) const
- Vector3 Project(const Vector3&) const
- Ray Transformed(const Matrix3x4&) const
- Vector3 direction
- Vector3 origin
<a name="Class_RayQueryResult"></a>
### RayQueryResult
- float distance
- Drawable@ drawable // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- Vector3 normal
- Vector3 position
- uint subObject
- Vector2 textureUV
<a name="Class_RaycastVehicle"></a>
### RaycastVehicle
- void AddWheel(Node@, Vector3, Vector3, float, float, bool)
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- float GetBrake(int)
- Vector3 GetContactNormal(int)
- Vector3 GetContactPosition(int)
- float GetEngineForce(int)
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- float GetMaxSuspensionTravel(int)
- float GetSteeringValue(int)
- Vector3 GetWheelAxle(int)
- Vector3 GetWheelConnectionPoint(int)
- float GetWheelDampingCompression(int)
- float GetWheelDampingRelaxation(int)
- Vector3 GetWheelDirection(int)
- float GetWheelFrictionSlip(int)
- Node@ GetWheelNode(int)
- Vector3 GetWheelPosition(int)
- float GetWheelRadius(int)
- float GetWheelRestLength(int)
- float GetWheelRollInfluence(int)
- Vector3 GetWheelRotation(int)
- float GetWheelSideSlipSpeed(int)
- float GetWheelSkidInfo(int)
- float GetWheelSkidInfoCumulative(int)
- float GetWheelSuspensionStiffness(int)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void Init()
- bool IsFrontWheel(int)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetSuspension()
- void ResetToDefault()
- void ResetWheels()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetBrake(int, float)
- void SetEngineForce(int, float)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetMaxSuspensionTravel(int, float)
- void SetSteeringValue(int, float)
- void SetWheelAxle(int, Vector3)
- void SetWheelDampingCompression(int, float)
- void SetWheelDampingRelaxation(int, float)
- void SetWheelDirection(int, Vector3)
- void SetWheelFrictionSlip(int, float)
- void SetWheelRadius(int, float)
- void SetWheelRestLength(int, float)
- void SetWheelRollInfluence(int, float)
- void SetWheelSkidInfo(int, float)
- void SetWheelSkidInfoCumulative(int, float)
- void SetWheelSuspensionStiffness(int, float)
- void UpdateWheelTransform(int, bool)
- bool WheelIsGrounded(int)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- IntVector3 coordinateSystem
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- float inAirRPM
- float maxSideSlipSpeed
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- int numWheels // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Rect"></a>
### Rect
- void Clear()
- void Clip(const Rect&)
- void Define(const Vector2&)
- void Define(const Vector2&, const Vector2&)
- bool Defined() const
- bool Equals(const Rect&) const
- Intersection IsInside(const Rect&) const
- Intersection IsInside(const Vector2&) const
- void Merge(const Rect&)
- void Merge(const Vector2&)
- Vector4 ToVector4() const
- float bottom
- Vector2 center // readonly
- Vector2 halfSize // readonly
- float left
- Vector2 max
- Vector2 min
- float right
- Vector2 size // readonly
- float top
<a name="Class_RefCounted"></a>
### RefCounted
- int refs // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_RenderPath"></a>
### RenderPath
- void AddCommand(const RenderPathCommand&)
- void AddRenderTarget(const RenderTargetInfo&)
- bool Append(XMLFile@)
- RenderPath@ Clone()
- void InsertCommand(uint, const RenderPathCommand&)
- bool Load(XMLFile@)
- void RemoveCommand(uint)
- void RemoveCommands(const String&)
- void RemoveRenderTarget(const String&)
- void RemoveRenderTarget(uint)
- void RemoveRenderTargts(const String&)
- void SetEnabled(const String&, bool)
- void ToggleEnabled(const String&)
- bool[] added // readonly
- RenderPathCommand[] commands
- bool[] enabled // readonly
- uint numCommands // readonly
- uint numRenderTargets // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- RenderTargetInfo[] renderTargets
- Variant[] shaderParameters
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_RenderPathCommand"></a>
### RenderPathCommand
- void RemoveShaderParameter(const String&)
- void SetOutput(uint, const String&, CubeMapFace = FACE_POSITIVE_X)
- BlendMode blendMode
- Color clearColor
- float clearDepth
- uint clearFlags
- uint clearStencil
- String depthStencilName
- bool enabled
- String eventName
- bool markToStencil
- String metadata
- uint numOutputs
- CubeMapFace[] outputFaces
- String[] outputNames
- String pass
- String pixelShaderDefines
- String pixelShaderName
- Variant[] shaderParameters
- RenderCommandSortMode sortMode
- String tag
- String[] textureNames
- RenderCommandType type
- bool useFogColor
- bool useLitBase
- bool vertexLights
- String vertexShaderDefines
- String vertexShaderName
<a name="Class_RenderSurface"></a>
### RenderSurface
- void QueueUpdate()
- int height // readonly
- RenderSurface@ linkedDepthStencil
- RenderSurface@ linkedRenderTarget
- uint numViewports
- Texture@ parentTexture // readonly
- bool resolveDirty // readonly
- RenderSurfaceUpdateMode updateMode
- TextureUsage usage // readonly
- Viewport@[] viewports
- int width // readonly
<a name="Class_RenderTargetInfo"></a>
### RenderTargetInfo
- bool autoResolve
- bool cubemap
- bool enabled
- bool filtered
- uint format
- int multiSample
- String name
- bool persistent
- bool sRGB
- Vector2 size
- RenderTargetSizeMode sizeMode
- String tag
<a name="Class_Renderer"></a>
### Renderer
- void DrawDebugGeometry(bool) const
- Viewport@ GetViewportForScene(Scene@, uint)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void ReloadShaders() const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetDefaultRenderPath(XMLFile@)
- void SetVSMShadowParameters(float, float)
- String category // readonly
- Material@ defaultLightRamp // readonly
- Material@ defaultLightSpot // readonly
- Material@ defaultMaterial // readonly
- RenderPath@ defaultRenderPath
- Technique@ defaultTechnique
- Zone@ defaultZone // readonly
- bool drawShadows
- bool dynamicInstancing
- bool hdrRendering
- int materialQuality
- int maxOccluderTriangles
- int maxShadowMaps
- int maxSortedInstances
- int minInstances
- float mobileNormalOffsetMul
- float mobileShadowBiasAdd
- float mobileShadowBiasMul
- uint numBatches // readonly
- int numExtraInstancingBufferElements
- uint[] numGeometries // readonly
- uint[] numLights // readonly
- uint[] numOccluders // readonly
- uint numPrimitives // readonly
- uint[] numShadowMaps // readonly
- uint numViewports
- uint numViews // readonly
- float occluderSizeThreshold
- int occlusionBufferSize
- int refs // readonly
- bool reuseShadowMaps
- int shadowMapSize
- ShadowQuality shadowQuality
- float shadowSoftness
- bool specularLighting
- int textureAnisotropy
- TextureFilterMode textureFilterMode
- int textureQuality
- bool threadedOcclusion
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- Viewport@[] viewports
- int vsmMultiSample
- Vector2 vsmShadowParameters
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Resource"></a>
### Resource
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ResourceCache"></a>
### ResourceCache
- bool AddManualResource(Resource@)
- bool AddPackageFile(PackageFile@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- bool AddPackageFile(const String&, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- bool AddResourceDir(const String&, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- bool BackgroundLoadResource(const String&, const String&, bool = true)
- bool Exists(const String&) const
- Resource@ GetExistingResource(StringHash, const String&)
- Resource@ GetExistingResource(const String&, const String&)
- File@ GetFile(const String&)
- String GetPreferredResourceDir(const String&) const
- Resource@ GetResource(StringHash, const String&, bool = true)
- Resource@ GetResource(const String&, const String&, bool = true)
- String GetResourceFileName(const String&) const
- Resource@[]@ GetResources(StringHash)
- Resource@[]@ GetResources(const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void ReleaseAllResources(bool = false)
- void ReleaseResource(const String&, const String&, bool = false)
- void ReleaseResources(StringHash, bool = false)
- void ReleaseResources(const String&, bool = false)
- void ReleaseResources(const String&, const String&, bool = false)
- bool ReloadResource(Resource@)
- void ReloadResourceWithDependencies(const String&)
- void RemovePackageFile(PackageFile@, bool = true, bool = false)
- void RemovePackageFile(const String&, bool = true, bool = false)
- void RemoveResourceDir(const String&)
- String SanitateResourceDirName(const String&) const
- String SanitateResourceName(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool autoReloadResources
- String category // readonly
- int finishBackgroundResourcesMs
- uint64[] memoryBudget
- uint64[] memoryUse // readonly
- uint numBackgroundLoadResources // readonly
- PackageFile@[]@ packageFiles // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- String[]@ resourceDirs // readonly
- bool returnFailedResources
- bool seachPackagesFirst // readonly
- bool searchPackagesFirst // writeonly
- uint64 totalMemoryUse // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ResourceRef"></a>
### ResourceRef
- String name
- StringHash type
<a name="Class_ResourceRefList"></a>
### ResourceRefList
- void Resize(uint)
- bool empty // readonly
- uint length // readonly
- String[] names
- StringHash type
<a name="Class_RibbonTrail"></a>
### RibbonTrail
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void Commit()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- float animationLodBias
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- Vector3 baseVelocity
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool emitting
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- Color endColor
- float endScale
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- float lifetime
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool sorted
- Color startColor
- float startScale
- uint tailColumn
- bool temporary
- TrailType trailType
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool updateInvisible
- float vertexDistance
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- float width
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- Zone@ zone // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_RigidBody"></a>
### RigidBody
- void Activate()
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ApplyForce(const Vector3&)
- void ApplyForce(const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- void ApplyImpulse(const Vector3&)
- void ApplyImpulse(const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- void ApplyTorque(const Vector3&)
- void ApplyTorqueImpulse(const Vector3&)
- void DisableMassUpdate()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- void EnableMassUpdate()
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- Vector3 GetVelocityAtPoint(const Vector3&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void ReAddBodyToWorld()
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetForces()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetCollisionLayerAndMask(uint, uint)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&)
- bool active // readonly
- float angularDamping
- Vector3 angularFactor
- float angularRestThreshold
- Vector3 angularVelocity
- bool animationEnabled
- Vector3 anisotropicFriction
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- float ccdMotionThreshold
- float ccdRadius
- Vector3 centerOfMass // readonly
- RigidBody@[]@ collidingBodies // readonly
- CollisionEventMode collisionEventMode
- uint collisionLayer
- uint collisionMask
- float contactProcessingThreshold
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float friction
- Vector3 gravityOverride
- uint id // readonly
- bool kinematic
- float linearDamping
- Vector3 linearFactor
- float linearRestThreshold
- Vector3 linearVelocity
- float mass
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- Vector3 position
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float restitution
- float rollingFriction
- Quaternion rotation
- bool temporary
- bool trigger
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useGravity
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_RigidBody2D"></a>
### RigidBody2D
- void ApplyAngularImpulse(float, bool)
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ApplyForce(const Vector2&, const Vector2&, bool)
- void ApplyForceToCenter(const Vector2&, bool)
- void ApplyLinearImpulse(const Vector2&, const Vector2&, bool)
- void ApplyLinearImpulseToCenter(const Vector2&, bool)
- void ApplyTorque(float, bool)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool allowSleep
- float angularDamping
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool awake
- BodyType2D bodyType
- bool bullet
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- bool fixedRotation
- float gravityScale
- uint id // readonly
- float inertia
- float linearDamping
- Vector2 linearVelocity
- float mass
- Vector2 massCenter
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useFixtureMass
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Scene"></a>
### Scene
- void AddChild(Node@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void AddRequiredPackageFile(PackageFile@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void Clear(bool = true, bool = true)
- void ClearRequiredPackageFiles()
- Component@ CloneComponent(Component@, CreateMode, uint = 0)
- Component@ CloneComponent(Component@, uint = 0)
- Node@ CreateChild(const String& = String ( ), CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0, bool = false)
- Component@ CreateComponent(const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0)
- ScriptObject@ CreateScriptObject(ScriptFile@, const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- ScriptObject@ CreateScriptObject(const String&, const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ CreateTemporaryChild(const String& = String ( ), CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- Node@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- Node@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- Node@[]@ GetChildrenWithComponent(const String&, bool = false) const
- Node@[]@ GetChildrenWithScript(bool = false) const
- Node@[]@ GetChildrenWithScript(const String&, bool = false) const
- Node@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- Component@ GetComponent(const String&, bool = false) const
- Component@ GetComponent(uint) const
- Component@[]@ GetComponents() const
- Component@[]@ GetComponents(const String&, bool = false) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- Node@ GetNode(uint) const
- Node@[]@ GetNodesWithTag(const String&) const
- Component@ GetOrCreateComponent(const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0)
- Component@ GetParentComponent(const String&, bool = false) const
- ScriptObject@ GetScriptObject() const
- ScriptObject@ GetScriptObject(const String&) const
- bool HasComponent(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&)
- Node@ Instantiate(File@, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ Instantiate(VectorBuffer&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ InstantiateJSON(File@, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ InstantiateJSON(JSONFile@, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ InstantiateJSON(VectorBuffer&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ InstantiateJSON(const JSONValue&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ InstantiateXML(File@, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ InstantiateXML(VectorBuffer&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ InstantiateXML(XMLFile@, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- Node@ InstantiateXML(const XMLElement&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED)
- bool IsChildOf(Node@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadAsync(File@, LoadMode = LOAD_SCENE_AND_RESOURCES)
- bool LoadAsyncXML(File@, LoadMode = LOAD_SCENE_AND_RESOURCES)
- bool LoadJSON(File@)
- bool LoadJSON(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- Vector3 LocalToWorld(const Vector3&) const
- Vector3 LocalToWorld(const Vector4&) const
- Vector2 LocalToWorld2D(const Vector2&) const
- bool LookAt(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ), TransformSpace = TS_WORLD)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Pitch(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void RegisterVar(const String&)
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllComponents()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(Node@)
- void RemoveChildren(bool, bool, bool)
- void RemoveComponent(Component@)
- void RemoveComponent(const String&)
- void RemoveComponents(bool, bool)
- void RemoveComponents(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ReorderComponent(Component@, uint)
- void ResetToDefault()
- void Roll(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void Rotate(const Quaternion&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void Rotate2D(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void RotateAround(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void RotateAround2D(const Vector2&, float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveJSON(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void Scale(const Vector3&)
- void Scale(float)
- void Scale2D(const Vector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetPosition2D(float, float)
- void SetScale(float)
- void SetScale2D(float, float)
- void SetTransform(const Matrix3x4&)
- void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&)
- void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, const Vector3&)
- void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, float)
- void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float)
- void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, const Vector2&)
- void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, float)
- void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&)
- void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, const Vector3&)
- void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, float)
- void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float)
- void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, const Vector2&)
- void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, float)
- void StopAsyncLoading()
- const String& GetVarName(StringHash) const
- void Translate(const Vector3&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void Translate2D(const Vector2&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- void UnregisterAllVars(const String&)
- void UnregisterVar(const String&)
- void Update(float)
- Vector3 WorldToLocal(const Vector3&) const
- Vector3 WorldToLocal(const Vector4&) const
- Vector2 WorldToLocal2D(const Vector2&) const
- void Yaw(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL)
- Node@[] allChildrenByName // readonly
- bool animationEnabled
- LoadMode asyncLoadMode // readonly
- bool asyncLoading // readonly
- int asyncLoadingMs
- float asyncProgress // readonly
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- uint checksum // readonly
- Node@[] children // readonly
- Node@[] childrenByName // readonly
- Component@[] components // readonly
- DebugRenderer@ debugRenderer // readonly
- Vector3 direction
- float elapsedTime
- String fileName // readonly
- uint id
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- uint numComponents // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- Octree@ octree // readonly
- Node@ parent
- PhysicsWorld@ physicsWorld // readonly
- PhysicsWorld2D@ physicsWorld2D // readonly
- Vector3 position
- Vector2 position2D
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- PackageFile@[]@ requiredPackageFiles // readonly
- Vector3 right // readonly
- Quaternion rotation
- float rotation2D
- Vector3 scale
- Vector2 scale2D
- ScriptObject@ scriptObject // readonly
- Vector3 signedWorldScale // readonly
- float smoothingConstant
- float snapThreshold
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- float timeScale
- Matrix3x4 transform // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- Vector3 up // readonly
- bool updateEnabled
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- Vector3 worldDirection
- Vector3 worldPosition
- Vector2 worldPosition2D
- Vector3 worldRight // readonly
- Quaternion worldRotation
- float worldRotation2D
- Vector3 worldScale
- Vector2 worldScale2D
- Matrix3x4 worldTransform // readonly
- Vector3 worldUp // readonly
<a name="Class_Script"></a>
### Script
- void DumpAPI(DumpMode = DOXYGEN, const String& = String ( ))
- bool Execute(const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- Scene@ defaultScene
- ScriptFile@ defaultScriptFile
- bool executeConsoleCommands
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ScriptFile"></a>
### ScriptFile
- void ClearDelayedExecute(const String& = String ( ))
- void DelayedExecute(float, bool, const String&, const Variant[]@ = null)
- bool Execute(const String&, const Variant[]@ = null)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- bool compiled // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ScriptInstance"></a>
### ScriptInstance
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ClearDelayedExecute(const String& = String ( ))
- bool CreateObject(ScriptFile@, const String&)
- void DelayedExecute(float, bool, const String&, const Variant[]@ = null)
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- bool Execute(const String&, const Variant[]@ = null)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasMethod(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsA(const String&) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- String className
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- ScriptFile@ scriptFile
- ScriptObject@ scriptObject // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ScriptObject"></a>
### ScriptObject
<a name="Class_ScrollBar"></a>
### ScrollBar
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- void ChangeValue(float)
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void StepBack()
- void StepForward()
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- Button@ backButton // readonly
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- float effectiveScrollStep // readonly
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- Button@ forwardButton // readonly
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- bool hovering // readonly
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- Orientation orientation
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- float range
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- float scrollStep
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- Slider@ slider // readonly
- bool sortChildren
- float stepFactor
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- float value
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_ScrollView"></a>
### ScrollView
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetScrollBarsVisible(bool, bool)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void SetViewPosition(int, int)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool autoDisableChildren
- float autoDisableThreshold
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- UIElement@ contentElement
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- ScrollBar@ horizontalScrollBar // readonly
- bool horizontalScrollBarVisible
- bool hovering // readonly
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- float pageStep
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool scrollBarsAutoVisible
- float scrollDeceleration
- BorderImage@ scrollPanel // readonly
- float scrollSnapEpsilon
- float scrollStep
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- ScrollBar@ verticalScrollBar // readonly
- bool verticalScrollBarVisible
- IntVector2 viewPosition
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_Serializable"></a>
### Serializable
- void ApplyAttributes()
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Serializer"></a>
### Serializer
- uint Write(uint8[]@)
- bool WriteBool(bool)
- bool WriteBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&)
- bool WriteByte(int8)
- bool WriteColor(const Color&)
- bool WriteDouble(double)
- bool WriteFileID(const String&)
- bool WriteFloat(float)
- bool WriteInt(int)
- bool WriteInt64(int64)
- bool WriteIntRect(const IntRect&)
- bool WriteIntVector2(const IntVector2&)
- bool WriteLine(const String&)
- bool WriteMatrix3(const Matrix3&)
- bool WriteMatrix3x4(const Matrix3x4&)
- bool WriteMatrix4(const Matrix4&)
- bool WriteNetID(uint)
- bool WritePackedQuaternion(const Quaternion&)
- bool WritePackedVector3(const Vector3&, float)
- bool WriteQuaternion(const Quaternion&)
- bool WriteShort(int16)
- bool WriteString(const String&)
- bool WriteStringHash(const StringHash&)
- bool WriteUByte(uint8)
- bool WriteUInt(uint)
- bool WriteUInt64(uint64)
- bool WriteUShort(uint16)
- bool WriteVLE(uint)
- bool WriteVariant(const Variant&)
- bool WriteVariantMap(const VariantMap&)
- bool WriteVector2(const Vector2&)
- bool WriteVector3(const Vector3&)
- bool WriteVector4(const Vector4&)
- bool WriteVectorBuffer(const VectorBuffer&)
<a name="Class_Skeleton"></a>
### Skeleton
- Bone@ GetBone(const String&) const
- uint GetBoneIndex(const String&) const
- Bone@ GetBoneParent(Bone@) const
- void Reset()
- Bone@[] bones // readonly
- uint numBones // readonly
- Bone@ rootBone // readonly
<a name="Class_Skybox"></a>
### Skybox
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ApplyMaterialList(const String& = String ( ))
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material
- Material@[] materials
- uint maxLights
- Model@ model
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numGeometries // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- Zone@ zone // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_Slider"></a>
### Slider
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- void ChangeValue(float)
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHoverOffset(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hoverOffset
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageBorder
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- BorderImage@ knob // readonly
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Material@ material
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- Orientation orientation
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- float range
- int refs // readonly
- float repeatRate
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture@ texture
- bool tiled
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- float value
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_SmoothedTransform"></a>
### SmoothedTransform
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void Update(float, float)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inProgress // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- Vector3 targetPosition
- Quaternion targetRotation
- Vector3 targetWorldPosition
- Quaternion targetWorldRotation
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Sound"></a>
### Sound
- void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void RemoveAllMetadata()
- void RemoveMetadata(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- bool compressed // readonly
- float frequency // readonly
- bool hasMetadata // readonly
- float length // readonly
- bool looped
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- Variant[] metadata
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- uint sampleSize // readonly
- bool sixteenBit // readonly
- bool stereo // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_SoundListener"></a>
### SoundListener
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_SoundSource"></a>
### SoundSource
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Play(Sound@)
- void Play(Sound@, float)
- void Play(Sound@, float, float)
- void Play(Sound@, float, float, float)
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void Seek(float)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void Stop()
- bool animationEnabled
- float attenuation // readonly
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- AutoRemoveMode autoRemoveMode
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float frequency
- float gain
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float panning
- bool playing // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- Sound@ sound // readonly
- String soundType
- bool temporary
- float timePosition // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_SoundSource3D"></a>
### SoundSource3D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Play(Sound@)
- void Play(Sound@, float)
- void Play(Sound@, float, float)
- void Play(Sound@, float, float, float)
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void Seek(float)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAngleAttenuation(float, float)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDistanceAttenuation(float, float, float)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void Stop()
- bool animationEnabled
- float attenuation // readonly
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- AutoRemoveMode autoRemoveMode
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- float farDistance
- float frequency
- float gain
- uint id // readonly
- float innerAngle
- float nearDistance
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float outerAngle
- float panning
- bool playing // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float rolloffFactor
- Sound@ sound // readonly
- String soundType
- bool temporary
- float timePosition // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Sphere"></a>
### Sphere
- void Clear()
- void Define(const BoundingBox&)
- void Define(const Frustum&)
- void Define(const Polyhedron&)
- void Define(const Sphere&)
- void Define(const Vector3&, float)
- bool Defined() const
- float Distance(const Vector3&) const
- Vector3 GetLocalPoint(float, float) const
- Vector3 GetPoint(float, float) const
- Intersection IsInside(const BoundingBox&) const
- Intersection IsInside(const Sphere&) const
- Intersection IsInside(const Vector3&) const
- Intersection IsInsideFast(const BoundingBox&) const
- Intersection IsInsideFast(const Sphere&) const
- void Merge(const BoundingBox&)
- void Merge(const Frustum&)
- void Merge(const Sphere&)
- void Merge(const Vector3&)
- Vector3 center
- float radius
<a name="Class_Spline"></a>
### Spline
- void AddKnot(const Variant&)
- void AddKnot(const Variant&, uint)
- void Clear()
- Variant GetPoint(float)
- void RemoveKnot()
- void RemoveKnot(uint)
- InterpolationMode interpolationMode
- Variant[] knot
- Variant[]@ knots
<a name="Class_SplinePath"></a>
### SplinePath
- void AddControlPoint(Node@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ClearControlPoints()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- Vector3 GetPoint(float) const
- Vector3 GetPosition() const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Move(float)
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveControlPoint(Node@)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void Reset()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetPosition(float)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- Node@ controlledNode
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- InterpolationMode interpolationMode
- bool isFinished // readonly
- float length // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float speed
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Sprite"></a>
### Sprite
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHotSpot(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(float, float)
- void SetScale(float)
- void SetScale(float, float)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hotSpot
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- Vector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- float rotation
- Vector2 scale
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture@ texture
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_Sprite2D"></a>
### Sprite2D
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- Vector2 hotSpot
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- IntVector2 offset
- IntRect rectangle
- int refs // readonly
- Texture2D@ texture
- float textureEdgeOffset
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_SpriteSheet2D"></a>
### SpriteSheet2D
- void DefineSprite(const String&, const IntRect&, const Vector2& = Vector2 ( 0.5f , 0.5f ), const IntVector2& = IntVector2 :: ZERO)
- Sprite2D@ GetSprite(const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- Texture2D@ texture
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_StaticModel"></a>
### StaticModel
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ApplyMaterialList(const String& = String ( ))
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool IsInside(const Vector3&) const
- bool IsInsideLocal(const Vector3&) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material
- Material@[] materials
- uint maxLights
- Model@ model
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numGeometries // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- uint occlusionLodLevel
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_StaticModelGroup"></a>
### StaticModelGroup
- void AddInstanceNode(Node@)
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ApplyMaterialList(const String& = String ( ))
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllInstanceNodes()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveInstanceNode(Node@)
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- Node@[] instanceNodes // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material
- Material@[] materials
- uint maxLights
- Model@ model
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numGeometries // readonly
- uint numInstanceNodes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- uint occlusionLodLevel
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- Zone@ zone // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_StaticSprite2D"></a>
### StaticSprite2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetFlip(bool, bool, bool = false)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- float alpha
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- Color color
- Material@ customMaterial
- float drawDistance
- Rect drawRect
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- bool flipX
- bool flipY
- Vector2 hotSpot
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- int layer
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int orderInLayer
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- Sprite2D@ sprite
- bool swapXY
- bool temporary
- Rect textureRect
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDrawRect
- bool useHotSpot
- bool useTextureRect
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_StretchableSprite2D"></a>
### StretchableSprite2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetFlip(bool, bool, bool = false)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- float alpha
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- Color color
- Material@ customMaterial
- float drawDistance
- Rect drawRect
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- bool flipX
- bool flipY
- Vector2 hotSpot
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- int layer
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int orderInLayer
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- Sprite2D@ sprite
- bool swapXY
- bool temporary
- Rect textureRect
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDrawRect
- bool useHotSpot
- bool useTextureRect
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_String"></a>
### String
- void AppendUTF8(uint)
- uint AtUTF8(uint) const
- uint ByteOffsetUTF8(uint) const
- void Clear()
- int Compare(const String&, bool = true) const
- bool Contains(const String&, bool = true) const
- bool Contains(uint8, bool = true) const
- bool EndsWith(const String&, bool = true) const
- uint Find(const String&, uint = 0, bool = true) const
- uint Find(uint8, uint = 0, bool = true) const
- uint FindLast(const String&, uint = 0xffffffff, bool = true) const
- uint FindLast(uint8, uint = 0xffffffff, bool = true) const
- void Join(String[]&, const String&)
- uint NextUTF8Char(uint&) const
- void Replace(const String&, const String&, bool = true)
- void Replace(uint8, uint8, bool = true)
- void ReplaceUTF8(uint, uint)
- String Replaced(const String&, const String&, bool = true) const
- String Replaced(uint8, uint8, bool = true) const
- void Resize(uint)
- void SetUTF8FromLatin1(const String&)
- String[]@ Split(uint8, bool = false) const
- bool StartsWith(const String&, bool = true) const
- String Substring(uint) const
- String Substring(uint, uint) const
- String SubstringUTF8(uint) const
- String SubstringUTF8(uint, uint) const
- bool ToBool() const
- Color ToColor() const
- double ToDouble() const
- float ToFloat() const
- int ToInt(int = 10) const
- int64 ToInt64(int = 10) const
- IntRect ToIntRect() const
- IntVector2 ToIntVector2() const
- IntVector3 ToIntVector3() const
- String ToLower() const
- Matrix3 ToMatrix3() const
- Matrix3x4 ToMatrix3x4() const
- Matrix4 ToMatrix4() const
- Quaternion ToQuaternion() const
- uint ToUInt(int = 10) const
- uint64 ToUInt64(int = 10) const
- String ToUpper() const
- Vector2 ToVector2() const
- Vector3 ToVector3() const
- Vector4 ToVector4(bool = false) const
- Variant ToVectorVariant() const
- String Trimmed() const
- bool empty // readonly
- uint length // readonly
- uint utf8Length // readonly
<a name="Class_StringHash"></a>
### StringHash
- String ToString() const
- uint value // readonly
<a name="Class_Technique"></a>
### Technique
- Technique@ Clone(const String& = String ( )) const
- Pass@ CreatePass(const String&)
- Pass@ GetPass(const String&)
- Pass@ GetSupportedPass(const String&)
- bool HasPass(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void RemovePass(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- bool desktop
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- uint numPasses // readonly
- String[]@ passNames // readonly
- Pass@[]@ passes // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool supported // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_TechniqueEntry"></a>
### TechniqueEntry
- float lodDistance
- int qualityLevel
- Technique@ technique
<a name="Class_Terrain"></a>
### Terrain
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void ApplyHeightMap()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- float GetHeight(const Vector3&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- TerrainPatch@ GetNeighborPatch(int, int) const
- Vector3 GetNormal(const Vector3&) const
- TerrainPatch@ GetPatch(int, int) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- Vector3 HeightMapToWorld(const IntVector2&) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetNeighbors(Terrain@, Terrain@, Terrain@, Terrain@)
- IntVector2 WorldToHeightMap(const Vector3&) const
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- Terrain@ eastNeighbor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- Image@ heightMap
- uint id // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material
- uint maxLights
- uint maxLodLevels
- Node@ node // readonly
- Terrain@ northNeighbor
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- IntVector2 numPatches // readonly
- IntVector2 numVertices // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- uint occlusionLodLevel
- int patchSize
- TerrainPatch@[] patches // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool smoothing
- Terrain@ southNeighbor
- Vector3 spacing
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- Terrain@ westNeighbor
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_TerrainPatch"></a>
### TerrainPatch
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_Text"></a>
### Text
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- void ClearSelection()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- bool SetFont(Font@, float)
- bool SetFont(const String&, float)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSelection(uint, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool autoLocalizable
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- Vector2[] charPositions // readonly
- Vector2[] charSizes // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- Color effectColor
- bool effectRoundStroke
- IntVector2 effectShadowOffset
- int effectStrokeThickness
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- Font@ font // readonly
- float fontSize
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- Color hoverColor
- bool hovering // readonly
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChars // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- uint numRows // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- float rowHeight // readonly
- float rowSpacing
- float[] rowWidths // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- Color selectionColor
- uint selectionLength // readonly
- uint selectionStart // readonly
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- String text
- HorizontalAlignment textAlignment
- TextEffect textEffect
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
- bool wordwrap
<a name="Class_Text3D"></a>
### Text3D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- bool SetFont(Font@, float)
- bool SetFont(const String&, float)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox // readonly
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- Vector2[] charPositions // readonly
- Vector2[] charSizes // readonly
- Color color // writeonly
- Color[] colors
- float drawDistance
- Color effectColor
- float effectDepthBias
- bool effectRoundStroke
- IntVector2 effectShadowOffset
- int effectStrokeThickness
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- FaceCameraMode faceCameraMode
- bool fixedScreenSize
- Font@ font // readonly
- float fontSize
- int height // readonly
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- Material@ material
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChars // readonly
- uint numRows // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- float opacity
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float rowHeight // readonly
- float rowSpacing
- float[] rowWidths // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool temporary
- String text
- HorizontalAlignment textAlignment
- TextEffect textEffect
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
- bool wordwrap
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
<a name="Class_Texture"></a>
### Texture
- void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&)
- void ClearDataLost()
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void RemoveAllMetadata()
- void RemoveMetadata(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetNumLevels(uint)
- TextureAddressMode[] addressMode
- uint anisotropy
- bool autoResolve // readonly
- Texture@ backupTexture
- Color borderColor
- String category // readonly
- uint components // readonly
- bool compressed // readonly
- bool dataLost // readonly
- TextureFilterMode filterMode
- uint format // readonly
- bool hasMetadata // readonly
- int height // readonly
- int[] levelHeight // readonly
- int[] levelWidth // readonly
- uint levels // readonly
- bool levelsDirty // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- Variant[] metadata
- int[] mipsToSkip
- int multiSample // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- bool resolveDirty // readonly
- bool sRGB
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- TextureUsage usage // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width // readonly
<a name="Class_Texture2D"></a>
### Texture2D
- void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&)
- void ClearDataLost()
- Image@ GetImage() const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void RemoveAllMetadata()
- void RemoveMetadata(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetData(Image@, bool = false)
- void SetNumLevels(uint)
- bool SetSize(int, int, uint, TextureUsage = TEXTURE_STATIC, int = 1, bool = true)
- TextureAddressMode[] addressMode
- uint anisotropy
- bool autoResolve // readonly
- Texture@ backupTexture
- Color borderColor
- String category // readonly
- uint components // readonly
- bool compressed // readonly
- bool dataLost // readonly
- TextureFilterMode filterMode
- uint format // readonly
- bool hasMetadata // readonly
- int height // readonly
- int[] levelHeight // readonly
- int[] levelWidth // readonly
- uint levels // readonly
- bool levelsDirty // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- Variant[] metadata
- int[] mipsToSkip
- int multiSample // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- RenderSurface@ renderSurface // readonly
- bool resolveDirty // readonly
- bool sRGB
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- TextureUsage usage // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width // readonly
<a name="Class_Texture2DArray"></a>
### Texture2DArray
- void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&)
- void ClearDataLost()
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void RemoveAllMetadata()
- void RemoveMetadata(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetData(uint, Image@, bool = false)
- void SetNumLevels(uint)
- bool SetSize(uint, int, int, uint, TextureUsage = TEXTURE_STATIC)
- TextureAddressMode[] addressMode
- uint anisotropy
- bool autoResolve // readonly
- Texture@ backupTexture
- Color borderColor
- String category // readonly
- uint components // readonly
- bool compressed // readonly
- bool dataLost // readonly
- TextureFilterMode filterMode
- uint format // readonly
- bool hasMetadata // readonly
- int height // readonly
- uint layers
- int[] levelHeight // readonly
- int[] levelWidth // readonly
- uint levels // readonly
- bool levelsDirty // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- Variant[] metadata
- int[] mipsToSkip
- int multiSample // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- RenderSurface@ renderSurface // readonly
- bool resolveDirty // readonly
- bool sRGB
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- TextureUsage usage // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width // readonly
<a name="Class_Texture3D"></a>
### Texture3D
- void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&)
- void ClearDataLost()
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void RemoveAllMetadata()
- void RemoveMetadata(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetData(Image@, bool = false)
- void SetNumLevels(uint)
- bool SetSize(int, int, int, uint, TextureUsage = TEXTURE_STATIC)
- TextureAddressMode[] addressMode
- uint anisotropy
- bool autoResolve // readonly
- Texture@ backupTexture
- Color borderColor
- String category // readonly
- uint components // readonly
- bool compressed // readonly
- bool dataLost // readonly
- TextureFilterMode filterMode
- uint format // readonly
- bool hasMetadata // readonly
- int height // readonly
- int[] levelHeight // readonly
- int[] levelWidth // readonly
- uint levels // readonly
- bool levelsDirty // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- Variant[] metadata
- int[] mipsToSkip
- int multiSample // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- bool resolveDirty // readonly
- bool sRGB
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- TextureUsage usage // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width // readonly
<a name="Class_TextureCube"></a>
### TextureCube
- void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&)
- void ClearDataLost()
- Image@ GetImage(CubeMapFace) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void RemoveAllMetadata()
- void RemoveMetadata(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetData(CubeMapFace, Image@, bool = false)
- void SetNumLevels(uint)
- bool SetSize(int, uint, TextureUsage = TEXTURE_STATIC, int = 1)
- TextureAddressMode[] addressMode
- uint anisotropy
- bool autoResolve // readonly
- Texture@ backupTexture
- Color borderColor
- String category // readonly
- uint components // readonly
- bool compressed // readonly
- bool dataLost // readonly
- TextureFilterMode filterMode
- uint format // readonly
- bool hasMetadata // readonly
- int height // readonly
- int[] levelHeight // readonly
- int[] levelWidth // readonly
- uint levels // readonly
- bool levelsDirty // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- Variant[] metadata
- int[] mipsToSkip
- int multiSample // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- RenderSurface@[] renderSurfaces // readonly
- bool resolveDirty // readonly
- bool sRGB
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- TextureUsage usage // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width // readonly
<a name="Class_TextureFrame"></a>
### TextureFrame
- float time
- Rect uv
<a name="Class_Tile2D"></a>
### Tile2D
- bool HasProperty(const String&) const
- const String& GetProperty(const String&) const
- bool flipX // readonly
- bool flipY // readonly
- uint gid // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- Sprite2D@ sprite // readonly
- bool swapXY // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_TileMap2D"></a>
### TileMap2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- TileMapLayer2D@ GetLayer(uint) const
- TileMapObject2D@[]@ GetTileCollisionShapes(uint) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- bool PositionToTileIndex(int&, int&, const Vector2&) const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- Vector2 TileIndexToPosition(int, int) const
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- TileMapInfo2D@ info // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numLayers // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- TmxFile2D@ tmxFile
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_TileMapInfo2D"></a>
### TileMapInfo2D
- int height
- float mapHeight // readonly
- float mapWidth // readonly
- Orientation2D orientation
- float tileHeight
- float tileWidth
- int width
<a name="Class_TileMapLayer2D"></a>
### TileMapLayer2D
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- TileMapObject2D@ GetObject(uint) const
- Node@ GetObjectNode(uint) const
- Tile2D@ GetTile(int, int) const
- Node@ GetTileNode(int, int) const
- bool HasProperty(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- const String& GetProperty(const String&) const
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- int drawOrder
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- int height // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Node@ imageNode // readonly
- TileMapLayerType2D layerType // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numObjects // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool visible
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width // readonly
<a name="Class_TileMapObject2D"></a>
### TileMapObject2D
- bool HasProperty(const String&) const
- const String& GetProperty(const String&) const
- const Vector2& GetPoint(uint) const
- String name // readonly
- uint numPoints // readonly
- TileObjectType2D objectType // readonly
- Vector2 position // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- Vector2 size // readonly
- bool tileFlipX // readonly
- bool tileFlipY // readonly
- uint tileGid // readonly
- Sprite2D@ tileSprite // readonly
- bool tileSwapXY // readonly
- String type // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Time"></a>
### Time
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- float elapsedTime // readonly
- uint frameNumber // readonly
- float framesPerSecond // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- uint systemTime // readonly
- uint timeSinceEpoch // readonly
- String timeStamp // readonly
- float timeStep // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Timer"></a>
### Timer
- uint GetMSec(bool)
- void Reset()
<a name="Class_TmxFile2D"></a>
### TmxFile2D
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String category // readonly
- float edgeOffset
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_ToolTip"></a>
### ToolTip
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void Reset()
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- void add_altTarget(UIElement@)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float delay
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- bool hovering // readonly
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_TouchState"></a>
### TouchState
- IntVector2 delta
- IntVector2 lastPosition
- IntVector2 position
- float pressure
- int touchID
- UIElement@ touchedElement // readonly
<a name="Class_UI"></a>
### UI
- void Clear()
- void DebugDraw(UIElement@)
- UIElement@ GetElementAt(const IntVector2&, bool = true)
- UIElement@ GetElementAt(int, int, bool = true)
- bool HasModalElement() const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsDragging() const
- UIElement@ LoadLayout(File@)
- UIElement@ LoadLayout(File@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadLayout(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadLayout(VectorBuffer&, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadLayout(XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadLayout(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool SaveLayout(File@, UIElement@)
- bool SaveLayout(VectorBuffer&, UIElement@)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetCustomSize(int, int)
- void SetFocusElement(UIElement@, bool = false)
- void SetHeight(float)
- void SetWidth(float)
- const UIElement@[]@ GetDragElements()
- String category // readonly
- String clipBoardText
- Cursor@ cursor
- IntVector2 cursorPosition // readonly
- IntVector2 customSize
- float defaultToolTipDelay
- float doubleClickInterval
- int dragBeginDistance
- float dragBeginInterval
- UIElement@ focusElement
- FontHintLevel fontHintLevel
- int fontOversampling
- float fontSubpixelThreshold
- bool forceAutoHint
- UIElement@ frontElement // readonly
- float maxDoubleClickDistance
- int maxFontTextureSize
- UIElement@ modalRoot // readonly
- bool nonFocusedMouseWheel
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- float scale
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useMutableGlyphs
- bool useScreenKeyboard
- bool useSystemClipboard
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_UIComponent"></a>
### UIComponent
- void ApplyAttributes()
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- String category // readonly
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- uint id // readonly
- Material@ material // readonly
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture2D@ texture // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_UIElement"></a>
### UIElement
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- bool hovering // readonly
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_UISelectable"></a>
### UISelectable
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- Color hoverColor
- bool hovering // readonly
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- Color selectionColor
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_ValueAnimation"></a>
### ValueAnimation
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetEventFrame(float, const String&, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetKeyFrame(float, const Variant&)
- String category // readonly
- InterpMethod interpolationMethod
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- float splineTension
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- VariantType valueType
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Variant"></a>
### Variant
- void Clear()
- const Color& GetColor() const
- void FromString(VariantType, const String&)
- void FromString(const String&, const String&)
- bool GetBool() const
- VectorBuffer GetBuffer() const
- double GetDouble() const
- float GetFloat() const
- int GetInt() const
- int GetInt64() const
- RefCounted@ GetPtr() const
- ScriptObject@ GetScriptObject() const
- StringHash GetStringHash() const
- String[]@ GetStringVector() const
- uint GetUInt() const
- uint64 GetUInt64() const
- Variant[]@ GetVariantVector() const
- const IntRect& GetIntRect() const
- const IntVector2& GetIntVector2() const
- const IntVector3& GetIntVector3() const
- const Matrix3& GetMatrix3() const
- const Matrix3x4& GetMatrix3x4() const
- const Matrix4& GetMatrix4() const
- const Quaternion& GetQuaternion() const
- const Rect& GetRect() const
- const ResourceRef& GetResourceRef() const
- const ResourceRefList& GetResourceRefList() const
- const String& GetString() const
- String ToString() const
- const VariantMap& GetVariantMap() const
- const Vector2& GetVector2() const
- const Vector3& GetVector3() const
- const Vector4& GetVector4() const
- bool empty // readonly
- VariantType type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool zero // readonly
<a name="Class_VariantMap"></a>
### VariantMap
- void Clear()
- bool Contains(StringHash) const
- bool Contains(const String&) const
- bool Erase(StringHash)
- bool Erase(const String&)
- StringHash[]@ keys // readonly
- uint length // readonly
- Variant[]@ values // readonly
<a name="Class_Vector2"></a>
### Vector2
- Vector2 Abs() const
- float AbsDotProduct(const Vector2&) const
- float Angle(const Vector2&) const
- float DotProduct(const Vector2&) const
- bool Equals(const Vector2&) const
- bool IsNaN() const
- Vector2 Lerp(const Vector2&, float) const
- void Normalize()
- Vector2 Normalized() const
- float ProjectOntoAxis(const Vector2&) const
- String ToString() const
- float[] data // readonly
- float length // readonly
- float lengthSquared // readonly
- float x
- float y
- Vector2 DOWN
- Vector2 LEFT
- Vector2 ONE
- Vector2 RIGHT
- Vector2 UP
- Vector2 ZERO
<a name="Class_Vector3"></a>
### Vector3
- Vector3 Abs() const
- float AbsDotProduct(const Vector3&) const
- float Angle(const Vector3&) const
- Vector3 CrossProduct(const Vector3&) const
- float DistanceToPlane(const Vector3&, const Vector3&) const
- float DistanceToPoint(const Vector3&) const
- float DotProduct(const Vector3&) const
- bool Equals(const Vector3&) const
- bool IsNaN() const
- Vector3 Lerp(const Vector3&, float) const
- void Normalize()
- Vector3 Normalized() const
- Vector3 Orthogonalize(const Vector3&) const
- float ProjectOntoAxis(const Vector3&) const
- Vector3 ProjectOntoLine(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, bool = false) const
- Vector3 ProjectOntoPlane(const Vector3&, const Vector3&) const
- String ToString() const
- float[] data // readonly
- float length // readonly
- float lengthSquared // readonly
- float x
- float y
- float z
- Vector3 BACK
- Vector3 DOWN
- Vector3 FORWARD
- Vector3 LEFT
- Vector3 ONE
- Vector3 RIGHT
- Vector3 UP
- Vector3 ZERO
<a name="Class_Vector4"></a>
### Vector4
- Vector4 Abs() const
- float AbsDotProduct(const Vector4&) const
- float DotProduct(const Vector4&) const
- bool Equals(const Vector4&) const
- bool IsNaN() const
- Vector4 Lerp(const Vector4&, float) const
- float ProjectOntoAxis(const Vector3&) const
- String ToString() const
- float[] data // readonly
- float w
- float x
- float y
- float z
<a name="Class_VectorBuffer"></a>
### VectorBuffer
- void Clear()
- uint8[]@ Read(uint)
- bool ReadBool()
- BoundingBox ReadBoundingBox()
- int8 ReadByte()
- Color ReadColor()
- double ReadDouble()
- String ReadFileID()
- float ReadFloat()
- int ReadInt()
- int64 ReadInt64()
- IntRect ReadIntRect()
- IntVector2 ReadIntVector2()
- String ReadLine()
- Matrix3 ReadMatrix3()
- Matrix3x4 ReadMatrix3x4()
- Matrix4 ReadMatrix4()
- uint ReadNetID()
- Quaternion ReadPackedQuaternion()
- Vector3 ReadPackedVector3(float)
- Quaternion ReadQuaternion()
- int16 ReadShort()
- String ReadString()
- StringHash ReadStringHash()
- uint8 ReadUByte()
- uint ReadUInt()
- uint64 ReadUInt64()
- uint16 ReadUShort()
- uint ReadVLE()
- Variant ReadVariant()
- VariantMap ReadVariantMap()
- Vector2 ReadVector2()
- Vector3 ReadVector3()
- Vector4 ReadVector4()
- VectorBuffer ReadVectorBuffer(uint)
- void Resize(uint)
- uint Seek(uint)
- uint SeekRelative(int)
- void SetData(Deserializer@, uint)
- uint Tell() const
- uint Write(uint8[]@)
- bool WriteBool(bool)
- bool WriteBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&)
- bool WriteByte(int8)
- bool WriteColor(const Color&)
- bool WriteDouble(double)
- bool WriteFileID(const String&)
- bool WriteFloat(float)
- bool WriteInt(int)
- bool WriteInt64(int64)
- bool WriteIntRect(const IntRect&)
- bool WriteIntVector2(const IntVector2&)
- bool WriteLine(const String&)
- bool WriteMatrix3(const Matrix3&)
- bool WriteMatrix3x4(const Matrix3x4&)
- bool WriteMatrix4(const Matrix4&)
- bool WriteNetID(uint)
- bool WritePackedQuaternion(const Quaternion&)
- bool WritePackedVector3(const Vector3&, float)
- bool WriteQuaternion(const Quaternion&)
- bool WriteShort(int16)
- bool WriteString(const String&)
- bool WriteStringHash(const StringHash&)
- bool WriteUByte(uint8)
- bool WriteUInt(uint)
- bool WriteUInt64(uint64)
- bool WriteUShort(uint16)
- bool WriteVLE(uint)
- bool WriteVariant(const Variant&)
- bool WriteVariantMap(const VariantMap&)
- bool WriteVector2(const Vector2&)
- bool WriteVector3(const Vector3&)
- bool WriteVector4(const Vector4&)
- bool WriteVectorBuffer(const VectorBuffer&)
- uint checksum // readonly
- bool eof // readonly
- String name // readonly
- uint position // readonly
- uint size // readonly
<a name="Class_VertexBuffer"></a>
### VertexBuffer
- VectorBuffer GetData() const
- uint GetElementOffset(VertexElementSemantic, uint8 = 0) const
- uint GetElementOffset(VertexElementType, VertexElementSemantic, uint8 = 0) const
- bool HasElement(VertexElementSemantic, uint8 = 0) const
- bool HasElement(VertexElementType, VertexElementSemantic, uint8 = 0) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- bool SetData(VectorBuffer&)
- bool SetDataRange(VectorBuffer&, uint, uint, bool = false)
- void SetSize(uint, VertexElement[]@, bool = false)
- void SetSize(uint, uint, bool = false)
- String category // readonly
- bool dynamic // readonly
- uint elementMask // readonly
- VertexElement[]@ elements // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- bool shadowed
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint vertexCount // readonly
- uint vertexSize // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_VertexElement"></a>
### VertexElement
- uint8 index
- uint offset
- bool perInstance
- VertexElementSemantic semantic
- VertexElementType type
<a name="Class_View3D"></a>
### View3D
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void QueueUpdate()
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHoverOffset(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void SetView(Scene@, Camera@, bool = true)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- bool autoUpdate
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- Node@ cameraNode // readonly
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- Texture2D@ depthTexture // readonly
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedHeightResizing
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool fixedWidthResizing
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- uint format
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hoverOffset
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageBorder
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Material@ material
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- bool modal
- bool modalAutoDismiss
- Color modalFrameColor
- IntVector2 modalFrameSize
- Color modalShadeColor
- bool movable
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- Texture2D@ renderTexture // readonly
- bool resizable
- IntRect resizeBorder
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- Scene@ scene // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture@ texture
- bool tiled
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- Viewport@ viewport // readonly
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_Viewport"></a>
### Viewport
- Ray GetScreenRay(int, int) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- Vector3 ScreenToWorldPoint(int, int, float) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetRenderPath(XMLFile@)
- IntVector2 WorldToScreenPoint(const Vector3&) const
- Camera@ camera
- String category // readonly
- Camera@ cullCamera
- bool drawDebug
- IntRect rect
- int refs // readonly
- RenderPath@ renderPath
- Scene@ scene
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_WeakHandle"></a>
### WeakHandle
- RefCounted@ Get() const
- bool expired // readonly
- int refs // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_Window"></a>
### Window
- void AddChild(UIElement@)
- void AddTag(const String&)
- void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';')
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void BringToFront()
- UIElement@ CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void DisableLayoutUpdate()
- IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&)
- void EnableLayoutUpdate()
- uint FindChild(UIElement@) const
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildren(bool = false) const
- UIElement@[]@ GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const
- UIElement@ GetElementEventSender() const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- uint GetNumChildren(bool) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool HasTag(const String&) const
- void InsertChild(uint, UIElement@)
- bool IsChildOf(UIElement@) const
- bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool)
- bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- UIElement@ LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(File@)
- bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadXML(XMLFile@, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile@)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAllChildren()
- void RemoveAllTags()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveChild(UIElement@, uint = 0)
- void RemoveChild(uint)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- bool RemoveTag(const String&)
- void ResetDeepEnabled()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(File@, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t")
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment)
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetDeepEnabled(bool)
- void SetEnabledRecursive(bool)
- void SetFixedHeight(int)
- void SetFixedSize(int, int)
- void SetFixedWidth(int)
- void SetFullImageRect()
- void SetHoverOffset(int, int)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ))
- void SetMaxAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMaxSize(int, int)
- void SetMinAnchor(float, float)
- void SetMinSize(int, int)
- void SetParent(UIElement@, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED)
- void SetPivot(float, float)
- void SetPosition(int, int)
- void SetSize(int, int)
- bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile@ = null)
- bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile@ = null)
- void UpdateLayout()
- const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&)
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BlendMode blendMode
- IntRect border
- bool bringToBack
- bool bringToFront
- String category // readonly
- IntVector2 childOffset // readonly
- UIElement@[] children // readonly
- IntRect clipBorder
- bool clipChildren
- Color color // writeonly
- bool colorGradient // readonly
- Color[] colors
- IntRect combinedScreenRect // readonly
- XMLFile@ defaultStyle
- float derivedOpacity // readonly
- uint dragButtonCombo // readonly
- int dragButtonCount // readonly
- uint dragDropMode
- bool editable
- bool elementEventSender
- bool enableAnchor
- bool enabled
- bool enabledSelf // readonly
- bool fixedHeight // readonly
- bool fixedHeightResizing
- bool fixedSize // readonly
- bool fixedWidth // readonly
- bool fixedWidthResizing
- bool focus
- FocusMode focusMode
- int height
- HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment
- IntVector2 hoverOffset
- bool hovering // readonly
- IntRect imageBorder
- IntRect imageRect
- int indent
- int indentSpacing
- int indentWidth // readonly
- bool internal
- IntRect layoutBorder
- Vector2 layoutFlexScale
- LayoutMode layoutMode
- int layoutSpacing
- Material@ material
- Vector2 maxAnchor
- int maxHeight
- IntVector2 maxOffset
- IntVector2 maxSize
- int maxWidth
- Vector2 minAnchor
- int minHeight
- IntVector2 minOffset
- IntVector2 minSize
- int minWidth
- bool modal
- bool modalAutoDismiss
- Color modalFrameColor
- IntVector2 modalFrameSize
- Color modalShadeColor
- bool movable
- String name
- uint numAllChildren // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- uint numChildren // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- float opacity
- UIElement@ parent
- Vector2 pivot
- IntVector2 position
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- bool resizable
- IntRect resizeBorder
- UIElement@ root // readonly
- IntVector2 screenPosition // readonly
- bool selected
- IntVector2 size
- bool sortChildren
- String style
- String[]@ tags // readonly
- bool temporary
- Texture@ texture
- bool tiled
- TraversalMode traversalMode
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- bool useDerivedOpacity
- VariantMap vars // readonly
- VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment
- bool visible
- bool visibleEffective // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
- int width
<a name="Class_XMLElement"></a>
### XMLElement
- bool AppendChild(XMLElement, bool)
- XMLElement CreateChild(const String&)
- String GetAttribute(const String& = String ( )) const
- String GetAttributeLower(const String&) const
- String[]@ GetAttributeNames() const
- String GetAttributeUpper(const String&) const
- bool GetBool(const String&) const
- BoundingBox GetBoundingBox() const
- XMLElement GetChild(const String& = String ( )) const
- Color GetColor(const String&) const
- double GetDouble(const String&) const
- float GetFloat(const String&) const
- int GetInt(const String&) const
- int64 GetInt64(const String&) const
- IntRect GetIntRect(const String&) const
- IntVector2 GetIntVector2(const String&) const
- IntVector3 GetIntVector3(const String&) const
- Matrix3 GetMatrix3(const String&) const
- Matrix3x4 GetMatrix3x4(const String&) const
- Matrix4 GetMatrix4(const String&) const
- XMLElement GetNext(const String& = String ( )) const
- XMLElement GetOrCreateChild(const String&)
- Quaternion GetQuaternion(const String&) const
- ResourceRef GetResourceRef() const
- ResourceRefList GetResourceRefList() const
- uint GetUInt(const String&) const
- uint64 GetUInt64(const String&) const
- String GetValue() const
- Variant GetVariant() const
- VariantMap GetVariantMap() const
- Variant[]@ GetVariantVector() const
- Vector2 GetVector2(const String&) const
- Vector3 GetVector3(const String&) const
- Vector4 GetVector4(const String&) const
- Variant GetVectorVariant(const String&) const
- bool HasAttribute(const String&) const
- bool HasChild(const String&) const
- bool Remove()
- bool RemoveAttribute(const String& = String ( ))
- bool RemoveChild(const String&)
- bool RemoveChild(const XMLElement&)
- bool RemoveChildren(const String& = String ( ))
- XPathResultSet Select(const String&)
- XPathResultSet SelectPrepared(const XPathQuery&)
- XMLElement SelectSingle(const String&)
- XMLElement SelectSinglePrepared(const XPathQuery&)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const String&)
- bool SetBool(const String&, bool)
- bool SetBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&)
- bool SetColor(const String&, const Color&)
- bool SetDouble(const String&, double)
- bool SetFloat(const String&, float)
- bool SetInt(const String&, int)
- bool SetInt64(const String&, int64)
- bool SetIntRect(const String&, const IntRect&)
- bool SetIntVector2(const String&, const IntVector2&)
- bool SetIntVector3(const String&, const IntVector3&)
- bool SetMatrix3(const String&, const Matrix3&)
- bool SetMatrix3x4(const String&, const Matrix3x4&)
- bool SetMatrix4(const String&, const Matrix4&)
- bool SetQuaternion(const String&, const Quaternion&)
- bool SetResourceRef(const String&, const ResourceRef&)
- bool SetResourceRefList(const String&, const ResourceRefList&)
- bool SetUInt(const String&, uint)
- bool SetUInt64(const String&, uint64)
- bool SetValue(const String&)
- bool SetVariant(const Variant&)
- bool SetVariantMap(const VariantMap&)
- bool SetVariantVector(Variant[]@)
- bool SetVector2(const String&, const Vector2&)
- bool SetVector3(const String&, const Vector3&)
- bool SetVector4(const String&, const Vector4&)
- bool SetVectorVariant(const String&, const Variant&)
- XMLFile@ file // readonly
- bool isNull // readonly
- String name // readonly
- XMLElement nextResult // readonly
- bool notNull // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- XMLElement parent // readonly
- String value
<a name="Class_XMLFile"></a>
### XMLFile
- XMLElement CreateRoot(const String&)
- bool FromString(const String&)
- XMLElement GetOrCreateRoot(const String&)
- XMLElement GetRoot(const String& = String ( ))
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool Load(const String&)
- void Patch(XMLFile@)
- void Patch(const XMLElement&)
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(File@, const String&) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool Save(const String&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- String ToString(const String& = String ( "\t" )) const
- String category // readonly
- uint memoryUse // readonly
- String name
- int refs // readonly
- XMLElement root // readonly
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint useTimer // readonly
- int weakRefs // readonly
<a name="Class_XPathQuery"></a>
### XPathQuery
- void Bind()
- void Clear()
- XPathResultSet Evaluate(const XMLElement&)
- bool EvaluateToBool(const XMLElement&)
- float EvaluateToFloat(const XMLElement&)
- String EvaluateToString(const XMLElement&)
- bool SetQuery(const String&, const String& = String ( ), bool = true)
- bool SetVariable(const String&, bool)
- bool SetVariable(const String&, const String&)
- bool SetVariable(const String&, const XPathResultSet&)
- bool SetVariable(const String&, float)
- String query
<a name="Class_XPathResultSet"></a>
### XPathResultSet
- bool empty // readonly
- XMLElement firstResult // readonly
- uint size // readonly
<a name="Class_Zone"></a>
### Zone
- void ApplyAttributes()
- void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer@, bool)
- Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const
- ValueAnimation@ GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const
- float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const
- WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const
- Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const
- bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- bool IsInView(Camera@) const
- bool Load(File@)
- bool Load(VectorBuffer&)
- bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&)
- bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate() const
- void Remove()
- void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&)
- void RemoveInstanceDefault()
- void RemoveObjectAnimation()
- void ResetToDefault()
- bool Save(File@) const
- bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const
- bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const
- bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetAnimationTime(float)
- bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&)
- void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation@, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f)
- void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float)
- void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode)
- void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool)
- Color ambientColor
- Color ambientEndColor // readonly
- bool ambientGradient
- Color ambientStartColor // readonly
- bool animationEnabled
- Variant[] attributeDefaults // readonly
- AttributeInfo[] attributeInfos // readonly
- Variant[] attributes
- BoundingBox boundingBox
- bool castShadows
- String category // readonly
- float drawDistance
- bool enabled
- bool enabledEffective // readonly
- Color fogColor
- float fogEnd
- float fogHeight
- float fogHeightScale
- float fogStart
- bool heightFog
- uint id // readonly
- bool inView // readonly
- Matrix3x4 inverseWorldTransform // readonly
- uint lightMask
- float lodBias
- uint maxLights
- Node@ node // readonly
- uint numAttributes // readonly
- ObjectAnimation@ objectAnimation
- bool occludee
- bool occluder
- bool override
- int priority
- int refs // readonly
- bool replicated // readonly
- float shadowDistance
- uint shadowMask
- bool temporary
- StringHash type // readonly
- String typeName // readonly
- uint viewMask
- int weakRefs // readonly
- BoundingBox worldBoundingBox // readonly
- uint zoneMask
- Texture@ zoneTexture
\section ScriptAPI_Enums Enumerations
### AnimationBlendMode
### AnimationChannel
### AttributeMode
### AutoRemoveMode
### BlendMode
### BodyType2D
### ClearTarget
### CollisionEventMode
### CompareMode
### CompressedFormat
### ConstraintType
### ControllerAxis
### ControllerButton
### Corner
### CreateMode
### CrowdAgentRequestedTarget
### CrowdAgentState
### CrowdAgentTargetState
### CubeMapFace
### CullMode
### CursorShape
### DragAndDropMode
### DumpMode
### EmitterType
### EmitterType2D
### FaceCameraMode
### FileMode
### FillMode
### FocusMode
### FontHintLevel
### FontType
### HatPosition
### HighlightMode
### HorizontalAlignment
### HttpRequestState
### IKAlgorithm
### InterpMethod
### InterpolationMode
### Intersection
### JSONNumberType
### JSONValueType
### Key
- KEY_0
- KEY_1
- KEY_2
- KEY_3
- KEY_4
- KEY_5
- KEY_6
- KEY_7
- KEY_8
- KEY_9
- KEY_KP_0
- KEY_KP_1
- KEY_KP_2
- KEY_KP_3
- KEY_KP_4
- KEY_KP_5
- KEY_KP_6
- KEY_KP_7
- KEY_KP_8
- KEY_KP_9
- KEY_F1
- KEY_F2
- KEY_F3
- KEY_F4
- KEY_F5
- KEY_F6
- KEY_F7
- KEY_F8
- KEY_F9
- KEY_F10
- KEY_F11
- KEY_F12
- KEY_F13
- KEY_F14
- KEY_F15
- KEY_F16
- KEY_F17
- KEY_F18
- KEY_F19
- KEY_F20
- KEY_F21
- KEY_F22
- KEY_F23
- KEY_F24
- KEY_KP_00
- KEY_KP_000
### LayoutMode
### LightType
### LoadMode
### LoopMode2D
### MaterialQuality
### MouseButton
### MouseMode
### NavigationPushiness
### NavigationQuality
### NavmeshPartitionType
### Orientation
### Orientation2D
### PassLightingMode
### PrimitiveType
### Qualifier
### RayQueryLevel
### RenderCommandSortMode
### RenderCommandType
### RenderSurfaceUpdateMode
### RenderTargetSizeMode
### Scancode
### ShadowQuality
### ShapeType
### TextEffect
### TextureAddressMode
### TextureCoordinate
### TextureFilterMode
### TextureUnit
### TextureUsage
### TileMapLayerType2D
### TileObjectType2D
### TrailType
### TransformSpace
### TraversalMode
### VariantType
### VertexElementSemantic
### VertexElementType
### VertexMask
### VerticalAlignment
### ViewOverride
### WrapMode
\section ScriptAPI_GlobalFunctions Global functions
- float Abs(float)
- float Acos(float)
- String AddTrailingSlash(const String&)
- float Asin(float)
- float Atan(float)
- float Atan2(float, float)
- float Ceil(float)
- int CeilToInt(float)
- float Clamp(float, float, float)
- int Clamp(int, int, int)
- void ClearDelayedExecute(const String& = String ( ))
- VectorBuffer CompressVectorBuffer(VectorBuffer&)
- float Cos(float)
- uint CountSetBits(uint)
- Object@ CreateObject(const String&)
- VectorBuffer DecompressVectorBuffer(VectorBuffer&)
- void DelayedExecute(float, bool, const String&, const Variant[]@ = null)
- bool Equals(float, float)
- void ErrorDialog(const String&, const String&)
- float Floor(float)
- int FloorToInt(float)
- float Fract(float)
- uint GetAlphaFormat()
- String[]@ GetArguments()
- String GetConsoleInput()
- uint GetDepthStencilFormat()
- Object@ GetEventSender()
- String GetExtension(const String&, bool = true)
- String GetFileName(const String&)
- String GetFileNameAndExtension(const String&, bool = false)
- String GetFileSizeString(uint64)
- uint GetFloat16Format()
- uint GetFloat32Format()
- uint GetFormat(const String&)
- Variant GetGlobalVar(const String&)
- String GetHostName()
- String GetInternalPath(const String&)
- uint GetLinearDepthFormat()
- String GetLoginName()
- uint GetLuminanceAlphaFormat()
- uint GetLuminanceFormat()
- uint GetMaxBones()
- String GetMiniDumpDir()
- uint GetNumLogicalCPUs()
- uint GetNumPhysicalCPUs()
- String GetOSVersion()
- AttributeInfo[]@ GetObjectAttributeInfos(const String&)
- String[]@ GetObjectCategories()
- String[]@ GetObjectsByCategory(const String&)
- String GetParentPath(const String&)
- String GetPath(const String&)
- String GetPlatform()
- uint GetRG16Format()
- uint GetRGBA16Format()
- uint GetRGBAFloat16Format()
- uint GetRGBAFloat32Format()
- uint GetRGBAFormat()
- uint GetRGBFormat()
- uint GetRGFloat16Format()
- uint GetRGFloat32Format()
- uint GetRandomSeed()
- uint GetReadableDepthFormat()
- String GetTextureUnitName(TextureUnit)
- uint64 GetTotalMemory()
- VariantType GetVariantTypeFromName(const String&)
- String GetVariantTypeName(VariantType)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object@, const String&)
- bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&)
- float InverseLerp(float, float, float)
- bool IsAbsolutePath(const String&)
- bool IsAlpha(uint)
- bool IsDigit(uint)
- bool IsNaN(double)
- bool IsNaN(float)
- bool IsPowerOfTwo(uint)
- bool IsReplicatedID(uint)
- String Join(String[]&, const String&)
- float Lerp(float, float, float)
- float Ln(float)
- uint LogBaseTwo(uint)
- void MarkNetworkUpdate()
- float Max(float, float)
- int Max(int, int)
- float Min(float, float)
- int Min(int, int)
- float Mod(float, float)
- uint NextPowerOfTwo(uint)
- void OpenConsoleWindow()
- float Pow(float, float)
- void Print(bool, bool = false)
- void Print(const String&, bool = false)
- void Print(const Variant&, bool = false)
- void Print(float, bool = false)
- void Print(int, bool = false)
- void Print(int64, bool = false)
- void Print(uint, bool = false)
- void Print(uint64, bool = false)
- void PrintCallStack(bool = false)
- float Random()
- float Random(float)
- float Random(float, float)
- int RandomInt()
- int RandomInt(int)
- int RandomInt(int, int)
- float RandomNormal(float, float)
- void RegisterEventName(const String&)
- void Remove()
- String RemoveTrailingSlash(const String&)
- String ReplaceExtension(const String&, const String&)
- float Round(float)
- int RoundToInt(float)
- uint SDBMHash(uint, uint8)
- void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ))
- void SetGlobalVar(const String&, Variant&)
- void SetMiniDumpDir(const String&)
- void SetRandomSeed(uint)
- float Sign(float)
- float Sin(float)
- float SmoothStep(float, float, float)
- float Sqrt(float)
- float StableRandom(const Vector2&)
- float StableRandom(const Vector3&)
- float StableRandom(float)
- const String& GetTypeName(StringHash)
- void SubscribeToEvent(Object@, const String&, const String&)
- void SubscribeToEvent(const String&, const String&)
- float Tan(float)
- uint ToLower(uint)
- String ToStringHex(int)
- uint ToUpper(uint)
- void UnsubscribeFromAllEvents()
- void UnsubscribeFromAllEventsExcept(String[]@)
- void UnsubscribeFromEvent(Object@, const String&)
- void UnsubscribeFromEvent(const String&)
- void UnsubscribeFromEvents(Object@)
- Vector2 VectorCeil(const Vector2&)
- Vector3 VectorCeil(const Vector3&)
- Vector4 VectorCeil(const Vector4&)
- IntVector2 VectorCeilToInt(const Vector2&)
- IntVector3 VectorCeilToInt(const Vector3&)
- Vector2 VectorFloor(const Vector2&)
- Vector3 VectorFloor(const Vector3&)
- Vector4 VectorFloor(const Vector4&)
- IntVector2 VectorFloorToInt(const Vector2&)
- IntVector3 VectorFloorToInt(const Vector3&)
- Vector2 VectorLerp(const Vector2&, const Vector2&, const Vector2&)
- Vector3 VectorLerp(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- Vector4 VectorLerp(const Vector4&, const Vector4&, const Vector4&)
- IntVector2 VectorMax(const IntVector2&, const IntVector2&)
- IntVector3 VectorMax(const IntVector3&, const IntVector3&)
- Vector2 VectorMax(const Vector2&, const Vector2&)
- Vector3 VectorMax(const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- Vector4 VectorMax(const Vector4&, const Vector4&)
- IntVector2 VectorMin(const IntVector2&, const IntVector2&)
- IntVector3 VectorMin(const IntVector3&, const IntVector3&)
- Vector2 VectorMin(const Vector2&, const Vector2&)
- Vector3 VectorMin(const Vector3&, const Vector3&)
- Vector4 VectorMin(const Vector4&, const Vector4&)
- Vector2 VectorRound(const Vector2&)
- Vector3 VectorRound(const Vector3&)
- Vector4 VectorRound(const Vector4&)
- IntVector2 VectorRoundToInt(const Vector2&)
- IntVector3 VectorRoundToInt(const Vector3&)
- bool WriteDrawablesToOBJ(Drawable@[]@, File@, bool, bool, bool = false)
\section ScriptAPI_GlobalProperties Global properties
- Audio@ audio
- ResourceCache@ cache
- Console@ console
- Database@ database
- DebugHud@ debugHud
- DebugRenderer@ debugRenderer
- Engine@ engine
- FileSystem@ fileSystem
- VariantMap globalVars
- Graphics@ graphics
- Input@ input
- Localization@ localization
- Log@ log
- Network@ network
- Node@ node
- Octree@ octree
- PhysicsWorld@ physicsWorld
- PhysicsWorld2D@ physicsWorld2D
- Renderer@ renderer
- ResourceCache@ resourceCache
- Scene@ scene
- Script@ script
- ScriptFile@ scriptFile
- ScriptInstance@ self
- Time@ time
- UI@ ui
\section ScriptAPI_GlobalConstants Global constants
- Color BLACK
- Color BLUE
- Color CYAN
- uint FLIP_ALL
- Color GRAY
- Color GREEN
- int LOG_INFO
- int LOG_NONE
- float M_DEGTORAD
- float M_DEGTORAD_2
- float M_EPSILON
- float M_HALF_PI
- float M_INFINITY
- int M_MAX_INT
- int M_MIN_INT
- float M_PI
- float M_RADTODEG
- uint NPOS
- float PIXEL_SIZE
- Color RED
- uint SCAN_DIRS
- Color WHITE
- Color YELLOW