urho3d-travis-ci 16de1f96d2 Travis CI: API documentation update at 2020-09-10 16:31:32 UTC.
[ci package]

Commit: e78462de15

Message: An intersection test for IntRect (#2675)

* Intersection test for IntRect

* Properly handling of intersections with neighbors

* Сonsider right-bottom borders not owned by a rect
2020-09-11 00:31:32 +08:00

17472 lines
421 KiB

// Script API header intended to be 'force included' in IDE for AngelScript content assist / code completion
#define int8 signed char
#define int16 signed short
#define int64 long
#define uint8 unsigned char
#define uint16 unsigned short
#define uint64 unsigned long
#define null 0
#define in
#define out
#define inout
#define is ==
#define interface struct
#define class struct
#define cast reinterpret_cast
#define mixin
#define funcdef
// Classes
class Animatable
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class AnimatedModel
// Methods:
AnimationState AddAnimationState(Animation);
void ApplyAttributes();
void ApplyMaterialList(const String& = String ( ));
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
AnimationState GetAnimationState(Animation) const;
AnimationState GetAnimationState(uint) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
float GetMorphWeight(uint) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllAnimationStates();
void RemoveAnimationState(Animation);
void RemoveAnimationState(AnimationState);
void RemoveAnimationState(const String&);
void RemoveAnimationState(uint);
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetMorphWeights();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetMorphWeight(uint, float);
void UpdateBoneBoundingBox();
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
float animationLodBias;
/* readonly */
Array<AnimationState> animationStates;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
Material material;
Array<Material> materials;
uint maxLights;
Model model;
/* readonly */
Array<String> morphNames;
Array<float> morphWeights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAnimationStates;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numGeometries;
/* readonly */
uint numMorphs;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
/* readonly */
Skeleton skeleton;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool updateInvisible;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
/* readonly */
Zone zone;
uint zoneMask;
class AnimatedSprite2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimation(const String&, LoopMode2D = LM_DEFAULT);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetFlip(bool, bool, bool = false);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
float alpha;
String animation;
bool animationEnabled;
AnimationSet2D animationSet;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
Color color;
Material customMaterial;
float drawDistance;
Rect drawRect;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
String entity;
bool flipX;
bool flipY;
Vector2 hotSpot;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
int layer;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
LoopMode2D loopMode;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
int orderInLayer;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
float speed;
Sprite2D sprite;
bool swapXY;
bool temporary;
Rect textureRect;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDrawRect;
bool useHotSpot;
bool useTextureRect;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
class Animation
Animation(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&);
void AddTrigger(const AnimationTriggerPoint&);
void AddTrigger(float, bool, const Variant&);
Animation Clone(const String& = String ( )) const;
AnimationTrack CreateTrack(const String&);
AnimationTrack GetTrack(uint);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void RemoveAllMetadata();
bool RemoveAllTracks();
void RemoveAllTriggers();
void RemoveMetadata(const String&);
bool RemoveTrack(const String&);
void RemoveTrigger(uint);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
String animationName;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool hasMetadata;
float length;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
Array<Variant> metadata;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numTracks;
uint numTriggers;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Array<AnimationTrack> tracks;
Array<AnimationTriggerPoint> triggers;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class AnimationControl
// Properties:
float autoFadeTime;
float fadeTime;
StringHash hash;
String name;
bool removeOnCompletion;
float speed;
float targetWeight;
class AnimationController
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
bool Fade(const String&, float, float);
bool FadeOthers(const String&, float, float);
AnimationState GetAnimationState(StringHash) const;
AnimationState GetAnimationState(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
float GetAutoFade(const String&) const;
AnimationBlendMode GetBlendMode(const String&) const;
float GetFadeTarget(const String&) const;
float GetFadeTime(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint8 GetLayer(const String&) const;
float GetLength(const String&) const;
bool GetLooped(const String&) const;
bool GetRemoveOnCompletion(const String&);
float GetSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetTime(const String&) const;
float GetWeight(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsAtEnd(const String&) const;
bool IsFadingIn(const String&) const;
bool IsFadingOut(const String&) const;
bool IsPlaying(const String&) const;
bool IsPlaying(uint8) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
bool Play(const String&, uint8, bool, float = 0.0f);
bool PlayExclusive(const String&, uint8, bool, float = 0.0f);
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
bool SetAutoFade(const String&, float);
bool SetBlendMode(const String&, AnimationBlendMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
bool SetLayer(const String&, uint8);
bool SetLooped(const String&, bool);
bool SetRemoveOnCompletion(const String&, bool);
bool SetSpeed(const String&, float);
bool SetStartBone(const String&, const String&);
bool SetTime(const String&, float);
bool SetWeight(const String&, float);
void Stop(const String&, float = 0.0f);
void StopAll(float = 0.0f);
void StopLayer(uint8, float = 0.0f);
const String& GetStartBone(const String&) const;
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<AnimationControl> animations;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAnimations;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class AnimationKeyFrame
AnimationKeyFrame(const AnimationKeyFrame&in);
// Properties:
Vector3 position;
Quaternion rotation;
Vector3 scale;
float time;
class AnimationSet2D
AnimationSet2D(const String&in);
// Methods:
String GetAnimation(uint) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAnimations;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class AnimationState
AnimationState(Node&, Animation&);
// Methods:
void AddTime(float);
void AddWeight(float);
void Apply();
float GetBoneWeight(StringHash) const;
float GetBoneWeight(uint) const;
uint GetTrackIndex(StringHash) const;
uint GetTrackIndex(const String&) const;
void SetBoneWeight(StringHash, float, bool = false);
void SetBoneWeight(const String&, float, bool = false);
void SetBoneWeight(uint, float, bool = false);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Animation animation;
AnimationBlendMode blendMode;
Array<float> boneWeights;
/* readonly */
bool enabled;
uint8 layer;
/* readonly */
float length;
bool looped;
/* readonly */
AnimatedModel model;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
int refs;
Bone startBone;
float time;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
float weight;
class AnimationTrack
// Methods:
void AddKeyFrame(const AnimationKeyFrame&);
void InsertKeyFrame(uint, const AnimationKeyFrame&);
void RemoveAllKeyFrames();
void RemoveKeyFrame(uint);
// Properties:
uint8 channelMask;
Array<AnimationKeyFrame> keyFrames;
String name;
StringHash nameHash;
/* readonly */
uint numKeyFrames;
class AnimationTriggerPoint
AnimationTriggerPoint(const AnimationTriggerPoint&in);
// Properties:
Variant data;
float time;
template <class T>
class Array
Array(int&in, uint);
Array(int&in, uint, const T&in);
// Methods:
void Clear();
void Erase(uint);
int Find(const T&) const;
int Find(uint, const T&) const;
int FindByRef(const T&) const;
int FindByRef(uint, const T&) const;
void Insert(uint, const T&);
void Pop();
void Push(const T&);
void Reserve(uint);
void Resize(uint);
void Reverse();
void Sort();
void Sort(uint, uint);
void SortReverse();
void SortReverse(uint, uint);
bool Swap(Array<T>&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool empty;
uint length;
class AttributeInfo
AttributeInfo(const AttributeInfo&in);
// Properties:
Variant defaultValue;
/* readonly */
Array<String> enumNames;
VariantMap metadata;
uint mode;
String name;
VariantType type;
class Audio
// Methods:
bool HasMasterGain(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsSoundTypePaused(const String&);
void PauseSoundType(const String&);
bool Play();
void ResumeAll();
void ResumeSoundType(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetMode(int, int, bool, bool = true);
void Stop();
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool initialized;
/* readonly */
bool interpolation;
SoundListener listener;
Array<float> masterGain;
/* readonly */
int mixRate;
/* readonly */
bool playing;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
uint sampleSize;
/* readonly */
bool stereo;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class BiasParameters
BiasParameters(const BiasParameters&in);
BiasParameters(float, float, float normalOffset = 0.0f);
// Properties:
float constantBias;
float normalOffset;
float slopeScaledBias;
class Billboard
// Properties:
Color color;
Vector3 direction;
bool enabled;
Vector3 position;
float rotation;
Vector2 size;
Rect uv;
class BillboardSet
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void Commit();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
float animationLodBias;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
Array<Billboard> billboards;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
FaceCameraMode faceCameraMode;
bool fixedScreenSize;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
Material material;
uint maxLights;
float minAngle;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
uint numBillboards;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool relative;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool scaled;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool sorted;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
/* readonly */
Zone zone;
uint zoneMask;
class Bone
// Properties:
bool animated;
BoundingBox boundingBox;
Vector3 initialPosition;
Quaternion initialRotation;
Vector3 initialScale;
String name;
Node node;
uint parentIndex;
float radius;
class BorderImage
BorderImage(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetDisabledOffset(int, int);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHoverOffset(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
IntVector2 disabledOffset;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hoverOffset;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageBorder;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Material material;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
Texture texture;
bool tiled;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class BoundingBox
BoundingBox(const BoundingBox&in);
BoundingBox(const Rect&in);
BoundingBox(const Vector3&in, const Vector3&in);
BoundingBox(float, float);
BoundingBox(const Frustum&in);
BoundingBox(const Polyhedron&in);
BoundingBox(const Sphere&in);
// Methods:
void Clear();
void Clip(const BoundingBox&);
void Define(const BoundingBox&);
void Define(const Frustum&);
void Define(const Polyhedron&);
void Define(const Sphere&);
void Define(const Vector3&);
void Define(const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
void Define(float, float);
bool Defined() const;
float DistanceToPoint(const Vector3&) const;
Intersection IsInside(const BoundingBox&) const;
Intersection IsInside(const Sphere&) const;
Intersection IsInside(const Vector3&) const;
Intersection IsInsideFast(const BoundingBox&) const;
Intersection IsInsideFast(const Sphere&) const;
void Merge(const BoundingBox&);
void Merge(const Frustum&);
void Merge(const Polyhedron&);
void Merge(const Sphere&);
void Merge(const Vector3&);
Rect Projected(const Matrix4&) const;
String ToString() const;
void Transform(const Matrix3&);
void Transform(const Matrix3x4&);
BoundingBox Transformed(const Matrix3&) const;
BoundingBox Transformed(const Matrix3x4&) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Vector3 center;
/* readonly */
Vector3 halfSize;
Vector3 max;
Vector3 min;
/* readonly */
Vector3 size;
class Button
Button(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetDisabledOffset(int, int);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHoverOffset(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetPressedChildOffset(int, int);
void SetPressedOffset(int, int);
void SetRepeat(float, float);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
IntVector2 disabledOffset;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hoverOffset;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageBorder;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Material material;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
/* readonly */
bool pressed;
IntVector2 pressedChildOffset;
IntVector2 pressedOffset;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
float repeatDelay;
float repeatRate;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
Texture texture;
bool tiled;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class Camera
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
float GetDistance(const Vector3&) const;
float GetDistanceSquared(const Vector3&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Ray GetScreenRay(float, float) const;
Frustum GetSplitFrustum(float, float) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
Vector3 ScreenToWorldPoint(const Vector3&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetOrthoSize(const Vector2&);
Vector2 WorldToScreenPoint(const Vector3&) const;
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
float aspectRatio;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool autoAspectRatio;
/* readonly */
String category;
Plane clipPlane;
/* readonly */
Matrix3x4 effectiveWorldTransform;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float farClip;
FillMode fillMode;
float fov;
/* readonly */
Frustum frustum;
/* readonly */
Matrix4 gpuProjection;
/* readonly */
float halfViewSize;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float lodBias;
float nearClip;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float orthoSize;
bool orthographic;
Matrix4 projection;
Vector2 projectionOffset;
Plane reflectionPlane;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useClipping;
bool useReflection;
/* readonly */
Matrix3x4 view;
uint viewMask;
uint viewOverrideFlags;
/* readonly */
Frustum viewSpaceFrustum;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
float zoom;
class CascadeParameters
CascadeParameters(const CascadeParameters&in);
CascadeParameters(float, float, float, float, float, float biasAutoAdjust = 1.0);
// Properties:
float biasAutoAdjust;
float fadeStart;
float split1;
float split2;
float split3;
float split4;
class CheckBox
CheckBox(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetCheckedOffset(int, int);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetDisabledOffset(int, int);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHoverOffset(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool checked;
IntVector2 checkedOffset;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
IntVector2 disabledOffset;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hoverOffset;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageBorder;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Material material;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
Texture texture;
bool tiled;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class CollisionBox2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetCenter(float, float);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetSize(float, float);
// Properties:
float angle;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
int categoryBits;
Vector2 center;
float density;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float friction;
int groupIndex;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
float inertia;
int maskBits;
/* readonly */
float mass;
/* readonly */
Vector2 massCenter;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float restitution;
Vector2 size;
bool temporary;
bool trigger;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class CollisionChain2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Array<Vector2> GetVertices() const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetVertex(uint, const Vector2&);
void SetVertices(Array<Vector2>);
const Vector2& GetVertex(uint) const;
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
int categoryBits;
float density;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float friction;
int groupIndex;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
float inertia;
bool loop;
int maskBits;
/* readonly */
float mass;
/* readonly */
Vector2 massCenter;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float restitution;
bool temporary;
bool trigger;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint vertexCount;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class CollisionCircle2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetCenter(float, float);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
int categoryBits;
Vector2 center;
float density;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float friction;
int groupIndex;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
float inertia;
int maskBits;
/* readonly */
float mass;
/* readonly */
Vector2 massCenter;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float radius;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float restitution;
bool temporary;
bool trigger;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class CollisionEdge2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetVertices(const Vector2&, const Vector2&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
int categoryBits;
float density;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float friction;
int groupIndex;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
float inertia;
int maskBits;
/* readonly */
float mass;
/* readonly */
Vector2 massCenter;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float restitution;
bool temporary;
bool trigger;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
Vector2 vertex1;
Vector2 vertex2;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class CollisionPolygon2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Array<Vector2> GetVertices() const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetVertex(uint, const Vector2&);
void SetVertices(Array<Vector2>);
const Vector2& GetVertex(uint) const;
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
int categoryBits;
float density;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float friction;
int groupIndex;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
float inertia;
int maskBits;
/* readonly */
float mass;
/* readonly */
Vector2 massCenter;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float restitution;
bool temporary;
bool trigger;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint vertexCount;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class CollisionShape
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetBox(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ));
void SetCapsule(float, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ));
void SetCone(float, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ));
void SetConvexHull(Model, uint = 0, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1 , 1 , 1 ), const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ));
void SetCustomConvexHull(CustomGeometry, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1 , 1 , 1 ), const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ));
void SetCustomTriangleMesh(CustomGeometry, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1 , 1 , 1 ), const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ));
void SetCylinder(float, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ));
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetSphere(float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ));
void SetStaticPlane(const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ));
void SetTerrain(uint = 0);
void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&);
void SetTriangleMesh(Model, uint = 0, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1 , 1 , 1 ), const Vector3& = Vector3 ( ), const Quaternion& = Quaternion ( ));
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
uint lodLevel;
float margin;
Model model;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
Vector3 position;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
Quaternion rotation;
ShapeType shapeType;
Vector3 size;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
class CollisionShape2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
int categoryBits;
float density;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float friction;
int groupIndex;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
float inertia;
int maskBits;
/* readonly */
float mass;
/* readonly */
Vector2 massCenter;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float restitution;
bool temporary;
bool trigger;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Color
Color(const Color&in);
Color(float, float, float, float);
Color(float, float, float);
// Methods:
Color Abs() const;
float Average() const;
float Chroma() const;
void Clip(bool);
bool Equals() const;
void FromHSL(float, float, float, float);
void FromHSV(float, float, float, float);
void FromUInt(uint);
float Hue() const;
void Invert(bool);
Color Lerp(const Color&, float) const;
float Lightness() const;
float Luma() const;
float MaxRGB() const;
float MinRGB() const;
float Range() const;
float SaturationHSL() const;
float SaturationHSV() const;
float SumRGB() const;
Vector3 ToHSL() const;
Vector3 ToHSV() const;
String ToString() const;
uint ToUInt() const;
float Value() const;
// Properties:
float a;
float b;
/* readonly */
Array<float> data;
float g;
float r;
/* readonly */
Vector3 rgb;
/* readonly */
Vector4 rgba;
class ColorFrame
// Properties:
Color color;
float time;
class Component
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Connection
// Methods:
void Disconnect(int = 0);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SendMessage(int, bool, bool, const VectorBuffer&, uint = 0);
void SendPackageToClient(PackageFile);
void SendRemoteEvent(Node, const String&, bool, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SendRemoteEvent(const String&, bool, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
String ToString() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String address;
/* readonly */
float bytesInPerSec;
/* readonly */
float bytesOutPerSec;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool client;
/* readonly */
bool connectPending;
/* readonly */
bool connected;
Controls controls;
/* readonly */
String downloadName;
/* readonly */
float downloadProgress;
VariantMap identity;
/* readonly */
uint lastHeardTime;
bool logStatistics;
/* readonly */
uint numDownloads;
/* readonly */
int packetsInPerSec;
/* readonly */
int packetsOutPerSec;
/* readonly */
uint16 port;
Vector3 position;
/* readonly */
int refs;
Quaternion rotation;
/* readonly */
float roundTripTime;
Scene scene;
/* readonly */
bool sceneLoaded;
uint8 timeStamp;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Console
// Methods:
void AddAutoComplete(const String&);
void CopySelectedRows() const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void RemoveAutoComplete(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void Toggle();
void UpdateElements();
// Properties:
bool autoVisibleOnError;
/* readonly */
BorderImage background;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
Button closeButton;
String commandInterpreter;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
bool focusOnShow;
/* readonly */
uint historyPosition;
/* readonly */
Array<String> historyRow;
/* readonly */
LineEdit lineEdit;
uint numBufferedRows;
uint numHistoryRows;
uint numRows;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Constraint
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* writeonly */
Vector3 axis;
/* readonly */
String category;
float cfm;
ConstraintType constraintType;
bool disableCollision;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float erp;
Vector2 highLimit;
/* readonly */
uint id;
Vector2 lowLimit;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* writeonly */
Vector3 otherAxis;
RigidBody otherBody;
Vector3 otherPosition;
Quaternion otherRotation;
/* readonly */
RigidBody ownBody;
Vector3 position;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
Quaternion rotation;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
Vector3 worldPosition;
class Constraint2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintDistance2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
float dampingRatio;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float frequencyHz;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float length;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
Vector2 otherBodyAnchor;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
Vector2 ownerBodyAnchor;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintFriction2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
Vector2 anchor;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float maxForce;
float maxTorque;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintGear2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
Constraint2D otherConstraint;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
Constraint2D ownerConstraint;
float ratio;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintMotor2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
float angularOffset;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
float correctionFactor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
Vector2 linearOffset;
float maxForce;
float maxTorque;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintMouse2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
float dampingRatio;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float frequencyHz;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float maxForce;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
Vector2 target;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintPrismatic2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
Vector2 anchor;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
Vector2 axis;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
bool enableLimit;
bool enableMotor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float lowerTranslation;
float maxMotorForce;
float motorSpeed;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
float upperTranslation;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintPulley2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
Vector2 otherBodyAnchor;
Vector2 otherBodyGroundAnchor;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
Vector2 ownerBodyAnchor;
Vector2 ownerBodyGroundAnchor;
float ratio;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintRevolute2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
Vector2 anchor;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
bool enableLimit;
bool enableMotor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float lowerAngle;
float maxMotorTorque;
float motorSpeed;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
float upperAngle;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintRope2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float maxLength;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
Vector2 otherBodyAnchor;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
Vector2 ownerBodyAnchor;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintWeld2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
Vector2 anchor;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
float dampingRatio;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float frequencyHz;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ConstraintWheel2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
Vector2 anchor;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
Vector2 axis;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool collideConnected;
float dampingRatio;
bool enableMotor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float frequencyHz;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float maxMotorTorque;
float motorSpeed;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
RigidBody2D otherBody;
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D ownerBody;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Controls
Controls(const Controls&in);
// Methods:
bool IsDown(uint) const;
bool IsPressed(uint, const Controls&) const;
void Reset();
void Set(uint, bool);
// Properties:
uint buttons;
VariantMap extraData;
float pitch;
float yaw;
class CrowdAgent
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
void DrawDebugGeometry(bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetTarget();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Vector3 actualVelocity;
/* readonly */
CrowdAgentState agentState;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
bool arrived;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
Vector3 desiredVelocity;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float height;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inCrowd;
float maxAccel;
float maxSpeed;
NavigationPushiness navigationPushiness;
NavigationQuality navigationQuality;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
uint obstacleAvoidanceType;
/* readonly */
Vector3 position;
uint queryFilterType;
float radius;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
/* readonly */
bool requestedTarget;
/* readonly */
CrowdAgentRequestedTarget requestedTargetType;
Vector3 targetPosition;
/* readonly */
CrowdAgentTargetState targetState;
Vector3 targetVelocity;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool updateNodePosition;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class CrowdManager
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
const CrowdObstacleAvoidanceParams& GetObstacleAvoidanceParams(uint);
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
void DrawDebugGeometry(bool);
Vector3 FindNearestPoint(const Vector3&, int);
Array<CrowdAgent> GetAgents(Node = null, bool = true);
float GetAreaCost(uint, uint);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
float GetDistanceToWall(const Vector3&, float, int);
uint16 GetExcludeFlags(uint);
uint16 GetIncludeFlags(uint);
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Vector3 GetRandomPoint(int);
Vector3 GetRandomPointInCircle(const Vector3&, float, int);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
Vector3 MoveAlongSurface(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, int, uint = 3);
Vector3 Raycast(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, int);
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetCrowdTarget(Node = null);
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
void SetAreaCost(uint, uint, float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetCrowdTarget(const Vector3&, Node = null);
void SetCrowdVelocity(const Vector3&, Node = null);
void SetExcludeFlags(uint, uint16);
void SetIncludeFlags(uint, uint16);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetObstacleAvoidanceParams(uint, const CrowdObstacleAvoidanceParams&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float maxAgentRadius;
int maxAgents;
NavigationMesh navMesh;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
Array<uint> numAreas;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numObstacleAvoidanceTypes;
/* readonly */
uint numQueryFilterTypes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class CrowdObstacleAvoidanceParams
// Properties:
uint8 adaptiveDepth;
uint8 adaptiveDivs;
uint8 adaptiveRings;
uint8 gridSize;
float horizTime;
float velBias;
float weightCurVel;
float weightDesVel;
float weightSide;
float weightToi;
class Cursor
Cursor(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DefineShape(CursorShape, Texture, const IntRect&, const IntVector2&);
void DefineShape(const String&, Texture, const IntRect&, const IntVector2&);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetDisabledOffset(int, int);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHoverOffset(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetShape(CursorShape);
void SetShape(const String&);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
IntVector2 disabledOffset;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hoverOffset;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageBorder;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Material material;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
String shape;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
Texture texture;
bool tiled;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
bool useSystemShapes;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class CustomGeometry
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void BeginGeometry(uint, PrimitiveType);
void Clear();
void Commit();
void DefineColor(const Color&);
void DefineGeometry(uint, PrimitiveType, uint, bool, bool, bool, bool);
void DefineNormal(const Vector3&);
void DefineTangent(const Vector4&);
void DefineTexCoord(const Vector2&);
void DefineVertex(const Vector3&);
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
CustomGeometryVertex GetVertex(uint, uint);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool dynamic;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
/* writeonly */
Material material;
Array<Material> materials;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
uint numGeometries;
/* readonly */
Array<uint> numVertices;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
/* readonly */
Zone zone;
uint zoneMask;
class CustomGeometryVertex
// Properties:
uint color;
Vector3 normal;
Vector3 position;
Vector4 tangent;
Vector2 texCoord;
class Database
// Methods:
DbConnection Connect(const String&);
void Disconnect(DbConnection);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
uint poolSize;
/* readonly */
bool pooling;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class DbConnection
// Methods:
DbResult Execute(const String&, bool = false);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool connected;
/* readonly */
String connectionString;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class DbResult
DbResult(const DbResult&in);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<String> columns;
/* readonly */
int64 numAffectedRows;
/* readonly */
uint numColumns;
/* readonly */
uint numRows;
/* readonly */
Array<Array<Variant>> row;
class DebugHud
// Methods:
void ClearAppStats();
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void ResetAppStats(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAppStats(const String&, const String&);
void SetAppStats(const String&, const Variant&);
void Toggle(uint);
void ToggleAll();
void Update();
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
Text memoryText;
uint mode;
/* readonly */
Text modeText;
float profilerInterval;
uint profilerMaxDepth;
/* readonly */
Text profilerText;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Text statsText;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useRendererStats;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class DebugRenderer
// Methods:
void AddBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&, const Color&, bool = true, bool = false);
void AddCircle(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, float, const Color&, int = 64, bool = true);
void AddCross(const Vector3&, float, const Color&, bool = true);
void AddFrustum(const Frustum&, const Color&, bool = true);
void AddLine(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Color&, bool = true);
void AddNode(Node, float = 1.0, bool = true);
void AddPolygon(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Color&, bool = true);
void AddPolyhedron(const Polyhedron&, const Color&, bool = true);
void AddQuad(const Vector3&, float, float, const Color&, bool = true);
void AddSkeleton(Skeleton, const Color&, bool = true);
void AddSphere(const Sphere&, const Color&, bool = true);
void AddSphereSector(const Sphere&, const Quaternion&, float, bool, const Color&, bool = true);
void AddTriangle(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Color&, bool = true);
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
bool lineAntiAlias;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class DecalSet
// Methods:
bool AddDecal(Drawable, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, float, float, float, const Vector2&, const Vector2&, float = 0.0, float = 0.1, uint = 0xffffffff);
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllDecals();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveDecals(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
Material material;
uint maxIndices;
uint maxLights;
uint maxVertices;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numDecals;
/* readonly */
uint numIndices;
/* readonly */
uint numVertices;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
bool optimizeBufferSize;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
/* readonly */
Zone zone;
uint zoneMask;
class Deserializer
// Methods:
Array<uint8> Read(uint);
bool ReadBool();
BoundingBox ReadBoundingBox();
int8 ReadByte();
Color ReadColor();
double ReadDouble();
String ReadFileID();
float ReadFloat();
int ReadInt();
int64 ReadInt64();
IntRect ReadIntRect();
IntVector2 ReadIntVector2();
String ReadLine();
Matrix3 ReadMatrix3();
Matrix3x4 ReadMatrix3x4();
Matrix4 ReadMatrix4();
uint ReadNetID();
Quaternion ReadPackedQuaternion();
Vector3 ReadPackedVector3(float);
Quaternion ReadQuaternion();
int16 ReadShort();
String ReadString();
StringHash ReadStringHash();
uint8 ReadUByte();
uint ReadUInt();
uint64 ReadUInt64();
uint16 ReadUShort();
uint ReadVLE();
Variant ReadVariant();
VariantMap ReadVariantMap();
Vector2 ReadVector2();
Vector3 ReadVector3();
Vector4 ReadVector4();
VectorBuffer ReadVectorBuffer(uint);
uint Seek(uint);
uint SeekRelative(int);
uint Tell() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
uint checksum;
/* readonly */
bool eof;
/* readonly */
String name;
/* readonly */
uint position;
/* readonly */
uint size;
class Dictionary
// Methods:
void Clear();
void Erase(const String&);
bool Exists(const String&) const;
bool Get(const String&, void*) const;
bool Get(const String&, double&) const;
bool Get(const String&, int64&) const;
void Set(const String&, const void*);
void Set(const String&, const double&);
void Set(const String&, const int64&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool empty;
/* readonly */
Array<String> keys;
/* readonly */
uint length;
class DictionaryValue
class Drawable
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
class Drawable2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
int layer;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
int orderInLayer;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
class DropDownList
DropDownList(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddItem(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Array<UIElement> GetItems() const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
void InsertItem(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllItems();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveItem(UIElement);
void RemoveItem(uint);
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAccelerator(int, int);
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetDisabledOffset(int, int);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHoverOffset(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetPressedChildOffset(int, int);
void SetPressedOffset(int, int);
void SetRepeat(float, float);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
UIElement getPopup() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
int acceleratorKey;
/* readonly */
int acceleratorQualifiers;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
IntVector2 disabledOffset;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hoverOffset;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageBorder;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> items;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
/* readonly */
ListView listView;
Material material;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numItems;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
/* readonly */
UIElement placeholder;
String placeholderText;
IntVector2 position;
/* readonly */
bool pressed;
IntVector2 pressedChildOffset;
IntVector2 pressedOffset;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
float repeatDelay;
float repeatRate;
bool resizePopup;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
/* readonly */
UIElement selectedItem;
uint selection;
bool showPopup;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
Texture texture;
bool tiled;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class DynamicNavigationMesh
// Methods:
bool AddTile(const VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Allocate(const BoundingBox&, uint);
void ApplyAttributes();
bool Build();
bool Build(const BoundingBox&);
bool Build(const IntVector2&, const IntVector2&);
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
void DrawDebugGeometry(bool);
Vector3 FindNearestPoint(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
Array<Vector3> FindPath(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
float GetAreaCost(uint) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
float GetDistanceToWall(const Vector3&, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Vector3 GetRandomPoint();
Vector3 GetRandomPointInCircle(const Vector3&, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
BoundingBox GetTileBoundingBox(const IntVector2&) const;
VectorBuffer GetTileData(const IntVector2&) const;
IntVector2 GetTileIndex(const Vector3&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTile(const IntVector2&) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
Vector3 MoveAlongSurface(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ), int = 3);
Vector3 Raycast(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
void Remove();
void RemoveAllTiles();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void RemoveTile(const IntVector2&);
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
void SetAreaCost(uint, float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
float agentHeight;
float agentMaxClimb;
float agentMaxSlope;
float agentRadius;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
/* readonly */
String category;
float cellHeight;
float cellSize;
float detailSampleDistance;
float detailSampleMaxError;
bool drawNavAreas;
bool drawObstacles;
bool drawOffMeshConnections;
float edgeMaxError;
float edgeMaxLength;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool initialized;
bool maxLayers;
uint maxObstacles;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 numTiles;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
Vector3 padding;
NavmeshPartitionType partitionType;
/* readonly */
int refs;
float regionMergeSize;
float regionMinSize;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
int tileSize;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
class Engine
// Methods:
Console CreateConsole();
DebugHud CreateDebugHud();
void DumpMemory();
void DumpProfiler();
void DumpResources(bool = false);
void Exit();
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void RunFrame();
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
bool autoExit;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool exiting;
/* readonly */
bool headless;
/* readonly */
bool initialized;
int maxFps;
int maxInactiveFps;
int minFps;
bool pauseMinimized;
/* readonly */
int refs;
int timeStepSmoothing;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class File
File(const String&in, FileMode mode = FILE_READ);
// Methods:
void Close();
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Open(const String&, FileMode = FILE_READ);
Array<uint8> Read(uint);
bool ReadBool();
BoundingBox ReadBoundingBox();
int8 ReadByte();
Color ReadColor();
double ReadDouble();
String ReadFileID();
float ReadFloat();
int ReadInt();
int64 ReadInt64();
IntRect ReadIntRect();
IntVector2 ReadIntVector2();
String ReadLine();
Matrix3 ReadMatrix3();
Matrix3x4 ReadMatrix3x4();
Matrix4 ReadMatrix4();
uint ReadNetID();
Quaternion ReadPackedQuaternion();
Vector3 ReadPackedVector3(float);
Quaternion ReadQuaternion();
int16 ReadShort();
String ReadString();
StringHash ReadStringHash();
uint8 ReadUByte();
uint ReadUInt();
uint64 ReadUInt64();
uint16 ReadUShort();
uint ReadVLE();
Variant ReadVariant();
VariantMap ReadVariantMap();
Vector2 ReadVector2();
Vector3 ReadVector3();
Vector4 ReadVector4();
VectorBuffer ReadVectorBuffer(uint);
uint Seek(uint);
uint SeekRelative(int);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
uint Tell() const;
uint Write(Array<uint8>);
bool WriteBool(bool);
bool WriteBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&);
bool WriteByte(int8);
bool WriteColor(const Color&);
bool WriteDouble(double);
bool WriteFileID(const String&);
bool WriteFloat(float);
bool WriteInt(int);
bool WriteInt64(int64);
bool WriteIntRect(const IntRect&);
bool WriteIntVector2(const IntVector2&);
bool WriteLine(const String&);
bool WriteMatrix3(const Matrix3&);
bool WriteMatrix3x4(const Matrix3x4&);
bool WriteMatrix4(const Matrix4&);
bool WriteNetID(uint);
bool WritePackedQuaternion(const Quaternion&);
bool WritePackedVector3(const Vector3&, float);
bool WriteQuaternion(const Quaternion&);
bool WriteShort(int16);
bool WriteString(const String&);
bool WriteStringHash(const StringHash&);
bool WriteUByte(uint8);
bool WriteUInt(uint);
bool WriteUInt64(uint64);
bool WriteUShort(uint16);
bool WriteVLE(uint);
bool WriteVariant(const Variant&);
bool WriteVariantMap(const VariantMap&);
bool WriteVector2(const Vector2&);
bool WriteVector3(const Vector3&);
bool WriteVector4(const Vector4&);
bool WriteVectorBuffer(const VectorBuffer&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint checksum;
/* readonly */
bool eof;
/* readonly */
FileMode mode;
/* readonly */
String name;
/* readonly */
bool open;
/* readonly */
bool packaged;
/* readonly */
uint position;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
uint size;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class FileSelector
// Methods:
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetButtonTexts(const String&, const String&);
void SetFilters(Array<String>, uint);
void UpdateElements();
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Button cancelButton;
/* readonly */
String category;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
bool directoryMode;
/* readonly */
ListView fileList;
String fileName;
/* readonly */
LineEdit fileNameEdit;
/* readonly */
String filter;
/* readonly */
uint filterIndex;
/* readonly */
DropDownList filterList;
/* readonly */
Button okButton;
String path;
/* readonly */
LineEdit pathEdit;
/* readonly */
int refs;
String title;
/* readonly */
Text titleText;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
Window window;
class FileSystem
// Methods:
bool Copy(const String&, const String&);
bool CreateDir(const String&);
bool Delete(const String&);
bool DirExists(const String&) const;
bool FileExists(const String&) const;
String GetAppPreferencesDir(const String&, const String&) const;
uint GetLastModifiedTime(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Rename(const String&, const String&);
Array<String> ScanDir(const String&, const String&, uint, bool) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetLastModifiedTime(const String&, uint);
int SystemCommand(const String&, bool = false);
uint SystemCommandAsync(const String&);
bool SystemOpen(const String&, const String&);
int SystemRun(const String&, Array<String>);
uint SystemRunAsync(const String&, Array<String>);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
String currentDir;
bool executeConsoleCommands;
/* readonly */
String programDir;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
String temporaryDir;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
String userDocumentsDir;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class FocusParameters
FocusParameters(const FocusParameters&in);
FocusParameters(bool, bool, bool, float, float);
// Properties:
bool autoSize;
bool focus;
float minView;
bool nonUniform;
float quantize;
class Font
Font(const String&in);
// Methods:
IntVector2 GetTotalGlyphOffset(float) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, int, bool = false, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, int, bool = false, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(const String&, int, bool = false, const String& = "\t");
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
IntVector2 absoluteGlyphOffset;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
FontType fontType;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
Vector2 scaledGlyphOffset;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Frustum
Frustum(const Frustum&in);
// Methods:
void Define(const BoundingBox&, const Matrix3x4&);
void Define(const Matrix4&);
void Define(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Matrix3x4&);
void Define(float, float, float, float, float, const Matrix3x4&);
void DefineOrtho(float, float, float, float, float, const Matrix3x4&);
void DefineSplit(const Matrix4&, float, float);
float Distance(const Vector3&) const;
Intersection IsInside(const BoundingBox&);
Intersection IsInside(const Sphere&);
Intersection IsInside(const Vector3&);
Intersection IsInsideFast(const BoundingBox&) const;
Intersection IsInsideFast(const Sphere&) const;
void Transform(const Matrix3&);
void Transform(const Matrix3x4&);
Frustum Transformed(const Matrix3&) const;
Frustum Transformed(const Matrix3x4&) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<Vector3> vertices;
class Geometry
// Methods:
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetDrawRange(PrimitiveType, uint, uint, bool = true);
bool SetDrawRange(PrimitiveType, uint, uint, uint, uint, bool = true);
void SetIndexBuffer(IndexBuffer);
bool SetVertexBuffer(uint, VertexBuffer);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool empty;
IndexBuffer indexBuffer;
/* readonly */
uint indexCount;
/* readonly */
uint indexStart;
float lodDistance;
uint numVertexBuffers;
/* readonly */
PrimitiveType primitiveType;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
Array<VertexBuffer> vertexBuffers;
/* readonly */
uint vertexCount;
/* readonly */
uint vertexStart;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Graphics
// Methods:
void BeginDumpShaders(const String&);
void Close();
void EndDumpShaders();
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void Maximize();
void Minimize();
void PrecacheShaders(File);
void PrecacheShaders(VectorBuffer&);
void Raise();
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetMode(int, int);
bool SetMode(int, int, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int, int);
void SetWindowPosition(int, int);
bool TakeScreenShot(Image);
bool ToggleFullscreen();
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String apiName;
/* readonly */
bool borderless;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
int currentMonitor;
/* readonly */
bool deferredSupport;
/* readonly */
Array<IntVector2> desktopResolution;
/* readonly */
bool deviceLost;
/* readonly */
Array<Vector3> displayDPI;
bool dither;
bool flushGPU;
/* readonly */
bool fullscreen;
/* readonly */
bool hardwareShadowSupport;
/* readonly */
int height;
/* readonly */
bool initialized;
/* readonly */
bool instancingSupport;
/* readonly */
bool lightPrepassSupport;
/* readonly */
bool maximized;
/* readonly */
int monitorCount;
/* readonly */
int multiSample;
/* readonly */
Array<int> multiSampleLevels;
/* readonly */
uint numBatches;
/* readonly */
uint numPrimitives;
String orientations;
/* readonly */
bool readableDepthSupport;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool resizable;
/* readonly */
Array<Array<IntVector3>> resolutions;
bool sRGB;
/* readonly */
bool sRGBSupport;
/* readonly */
bool sRGBWriteSupport;
String shaderCacheDir;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 size;
/* readonly */
bool tripleBuffer;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
bool vsync;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
int width;
/* writeonly */
Image windowIcon;
IntVector2 windowPosition;
String windowTitle;
class HttpRequest
// Methods:
Array<uint8> Read(uint);
bool ReadBool();
BoundingBox ReadBoundingBox();
int8 ReadByte();
Color ReadColor();
double ReadDouble();
String ReadFileID();
float ReadFloat();
int ReadInt();
int64 ReadInt64();
IntRect ReadIntRect();
IntVector2 ReadIntVector2();
String ReadLine();
Matrix3 ReadMatrix3();
Matrix3x4 ReadMatrix3x4();
Matrix4 ReadMatrix4();
uint ReadNetID();
Quaternion ReadPackedQuaternion();
Vector3 ReadPackedVector3(float);
Quaternion ReadQuaternion();
int16 ReadShort();
String ReadString();
StringHash ReadStringHash();
uint8 ReadUByte();
uint ReadUInt();
uint64 ReadUInt64();
uint16 ReadUShort();
uint ReadVLE();
Variant ReadVariant();
VariantMap ReadVariantMap();
Vector2 ReadVector2();
Vector3 ReadVector3();
Vector4 ReadVector4();
VectorBuffer ReadVectorBuffer(uint);
uint Seek(uint);
uint SeekRelative(int);
uint Tell() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
uint availableSize;
/* readonly */
uint checksum;
/* readonly */
bool eof;
/* readonly */
String error;
/* readonly */
String name;
/* readonly */
bool open;
/* readonly */
uint position;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
uint size;
/* readonly */
HttpRequestState state;
/* readonly */
String url;
/* readonly */
String verb;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class IKEffector
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
void DrawDebugGeometry(bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
uint chainLength;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float rotationDecay;
float rotationWeight;
String targetName;
Node targetNode;
Vector3 targetPosition;
Quaternion targetRotation;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
float weight;
class IKSolver
// Methods:
void ApplyActivePoseToScene();
void ApplyAttributes();
void ApplyOriginalPoseToActivePose();
void ApplyOriginalPoseToScene();
void ApplySceneToActivePose();
void ApplySceneToInitialPose();
void CalculateJointRotations();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
void DrawDebugGeometry(bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void RebuildChainTrees();
void RecalculateSegmentLengths();
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void Solve();
// Properties:
IKAlgorithm algorithm;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
uint maximumIterations;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
float tolerance;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Image
Image(const String&in);
// Methods:
void Clear(const Color&);
void ClearInt(uint);
bool FlipHorizontal();
bool FlipVertical();
Color GetPixel(int, int) const;
Color GetPixel(int, int, int) const;
Color GetPixelBilinear(float, float) const;
uint GetPixelInt(int, int) const;
uint GetPixelInt(int, int, int) const;
Color GetPixelTrilinear(float, float, float) const;
Image GetSubimage(const IntRect&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool LoadColorLUT(File);
bool LoadColorLUT(VectorBuffer&);
bool Resize(int, int);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
bool SaveBMP(const String&) const;
bool SaveDDS(const String&) const;
bool SaveJPG(const String&, int) const;
bool SavePNG(const String&) const;
bool SaveTGA(const String&) const;
bool SaveWEBP(const String&, float = 0.0f) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetPixel(int, int, const Color&);
void SetPixel(int, int, int, const Color&);
void SetPixelInt(int, int, int, uint);
void SetPixelInt(int, int, uint);
bool SetSize(int, int, int, uint);
bool SetSize(int, int, uint);
bool SetSubimage(const Image, const IntRect&) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool array;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint components;
/* readonly */
bool compressed;
/* readonly */
CompressedFormat compressedFormat;
/* readonly */
bool cubemap;
/* readonly */
int depth;
/* readonly */
bool hasAlphaChannel;
/* readonly */
int height;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numCompressedLevels;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool sRGB;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
int width;
class IndexBuffer
// Methods:
VectorBuffer GetData();
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetData(VectorBuffer&);
bool SetDataRange(VectorBuffer&, uint, uint, bool = false);
void SetSize(uint, bool, bool = false);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool dynamic;
/* readonly */
uint indexCount;
/* readonly */
uint indexSize;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool shadowed;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Input
// Methods:
int AddScreenJoystick(XMLFile = null, XMLFile = null);
void CenterMousePosition();
int GetKeyFromName(const String&) const;
int GetKeyFromScancode(int) const;
String GetKeyName(int) const;
int GetScancodeFromKey(int) const;
int GetScancodeFromName(const String&) const;
String GetScancodeName(int) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
uint LoadGestures(File);
uint LoadGestures(VectorBuffer&);
bool RecordGesture();
void RemoveAllGestures();
bool RemoveGesture(uint);
bool RemoveScreenJoystick(int);
void ResetMouseGrabbed();
void ResetMouseMode();
void ResetMouseVisible();
bool SaveGesture(File, uint);
bool SaveGesture(VectorBuffer&, uint);
bool SaveGestures(File);
bool SaveGestures(VectorBuffer&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetMouseGrabbed(bool, bool = false);
void SetMouseMode(MouseMode, bool = false);
void SetMouseVisible(bool, bool = false);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool focus;
/* readonly */
Vector2 inputScale;
/* readonly */
Array<JoystickState> joysticks;
/* readonly */
Array<JoystickState> joysticksByIndex;
/* readonly */
Array<JoystickState> joysticksByName;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> keyDown;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> keyPress;
/* readonly */
bool minimized;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> mouseButtonDown;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> mouseButtonPress;
bool mouseGrabbed;
/* readonly */
bool mouseLocked;
MouseMode mouseMode;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 mouseMove;
/* readonly */
int mouseMoveWheel;
/* readonly */
int mouseMoveX;
/* readonly */
int mouseMoveY;
IntVector2 mousePosition;
bool mouseVisible;
/* readonly */
uint numJoysticks;
/* readonly */
uint numTouches;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> qualifierDown;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> qualifierPress;
/* readonly */
int qualifiers;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> scancodeDown;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> scancodePress;
Array<bool> screenJoystickVisible;
/* readonly */
bool screenKeyboardSupport;
bool screenKeyboardVisible;
bool toggleFullscreen;
bool touchEmulation;
/* readonly */
Array<TouchState> touches;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class IntRect
IntRect(const IntRect&in);
IntRect(int, int, int, int);
IntRect(const IntVector2&in, const IntVector2&in);
// Methods:
int Clip(const IntRect&);
Intersection IsInside(const IntRect&) const;
Intersection IsInside(const IntVector2&) const;
int Merge(const IntRect&);
// Properties:
int bottom;
/* readonly */
Array<int> data;
/* readonly */
int height;
int left;
int right;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 size;
int top;
/* readonly */
int width;
class IntVector2
IntVector2(const IntVector2&in);
IntVector2(int, int);
// Methods:
float Length() const;
uint ToHash() const;
String ToString() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<int> data;
int x;
int y;
// Constants:
static const IntVector2 DOWN;
static const IntVector2 LEFT;
static const IntVector2 ONE;
static const IntVector2 RIGHT;
static const IntVector2 UP;
static const IntVector2 ZERO;
class IntVector3
IntVector3(const IntVector3&in);
IntVector3(int, int, int);
// Methods:
float Length() const;
uint ToHash() const;
String ToString() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<int> data;
int x;
int y;
int z;
// Constants:
static const IntVector3 BACK;
static const IntVector3 DOWN;
static const IntVector3 FORWARD;
static const IntVector3 LEFT;
static const IntVector3 ONE;
static const IntVector3 RIGHT;
static const IntVector3 UP;
static const IntVector3 ZERO;
class JSONFile
JSONFile(const String&in);
// Methods:
bool FromString(const String&);
JSONValue& GetRoot();
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(File, const String&) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
String ToString(const String& = String ( "\t" )) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
JSONValue root;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class JSONValue
JSONValue(const String&in);
JSONValue(const JSONValue&in);
// Methods:
void Clear();
bool Contains(const String&) const;
void Erase(const String&);
void Erase(uint, uint = 1);
bool GetBool(bool = false) const;
double GetDouble(double = 0) const;
float GetFloat(float = 0) const;
int GetInt(int = 0) const;
uint GetUInt(uint = 0) const;
Variant GetVariant(Variant = Variant ( )) const;
VariantMap GetVariantMap(VariantMap = VariantMap ( )) const;
void Insert(uint, const JSONValue&);
const JSONValue& Get(const String&) const;
void Pop();
void Push(const JSONValue&);
void Resize(uint);
void Set(const String&, const JSONValue&);
void SetVariant(const Variant&);
void SetVariantMap(const VariantMap&);
const String& GetString(const String& = String ( )) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool isArray;
/* readonly */
bool isBool;
/* readonly */
bool isNull;
/* readonly */
bool isNumber;
/* readonly */
bool isObject;
/* readonly */
bool isString;
/* readonly */
Array<String> keys;
/* readonly */
JSONNumberType numberType;
/* readonly */
String numberTypeName;
/* readonly */
uint size;
/* readonly */
JSONValueType valueType;
/* readonly */
String valueTypeName;
/* readonly */
Array<JSONValue> values;
class JoystickState
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<float> axisPosition;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> buttonDown;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> buttonPress;
/* readonly */
bool controller;
/* readonly */
Array<int> hatPosition;
int joystickID;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAxes;
/* readonly */
uint numButtons;
/* readonly */
uint numHats;
class Light
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
float aspectRatio;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
float brightness;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
Color color;
/* readonly */
Color colorFromTemperature;
float drawDistance;
/* readonly */
Color effectiveColor;
/* readonly */
float effectiveSpecularIntensity;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float fadeDistance;
float fov;
/* readonly */
Frustum frustum;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
float length;
uint lightMask;
LightType lightType;
float lodBias;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
bool negative;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
int numShadowSplits;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
bool perVertex;
float radius;
Texture rampTexture;
float range;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
BiasParameters shadowBias;
CascadeParameters shadowCascade;
float shadowDistance;
float shadowFadeDistance;
FocusParameters shadowFocus;
float shadowIntensity;
uint shadowMask;
float shadowMaxExtrusion;
float shadowNearFarRatio;
float shadowResolution;
Texture shapeTexture;
float specularIntensity;
float temperature;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool usePhysicalValues;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
class LineEdit
LineEdit(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetDisabledOffset(int, int);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHoverOffset(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
/* readonly */
BorderImage cursor;
float cursorBlinkRate;
bool cursorMovable;
uint cursorPosition;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
IntVector2 disabledOffset;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
uint echoCharacter;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hoverOffset;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageBorder;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Material material;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
uint maxLength;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
String text;
bool textCopyable;
/* readonly */
Text textElement;
bool textSelectable;
Texture texture;
bool tiled;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class ListView
ListView(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddItem(UIElement);
void AddSelection(uint);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
void ChangeSelection(int, bool);
void ClearSelection();
void CopySelectedItemsToClipboard();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableInternalLayoutUpdate();
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableInternalLayoutUpdate();
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
void Expand(uint, bool, bool = false);
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
uint FindItem(UIElement);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Array<UIElement> GetItems() const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
void InsertItem(uint, UIElement, UIElement = null);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsExpanded(uint) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsSelected(uint) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllItems();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveItem(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveItem(uint);
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void RemoveSelection(uint);
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetScrollBarsVisible(bool, bool);
void SetSelections(Array<uint>);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void SetViewPosition(int, int);
void ToggleExpand(uint, bool = false);
void ToggleSelection(uint);
void UpdateInternalLayout();
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool autoDisableChildren;
float autoDisableThreshold;
int baseIndent;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
bool clearSelectionOnDefocus;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
/* readonly */
UIElement contentElement;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
bool hierarchyMode;
HighlightMode highlightMode;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
/* readonly */
ScrollBar horizontalScrollBar;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> items;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
bool multiselect;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numItems;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
float pageStep;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool scrollBarsAutoVisible;
float scrollDeceleration;
/* readonly */
BorderImage scrollPanel;
float scrollSnapEpsilon;
float scrollStep;
bool selectOnClickEnd;
bool selected;
/* readonly */
UIElement selectedItem;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> selectedItems;
uint selection;
/* readonly */
Array<uint> selections;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
/* readonly */
ScrollBar verticalScrollBar;
IntVector2 viewPosition;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class Localization
// Methods:
String Get(const String&);
String GetLanguage(int);
int GetLanguageIndex(const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void LoadJSONFile(const String&, const String& = String ( "" ) const);
void LoadMultipleLanguageJSON(const JSONValue&);
void LoadSingleLanguageJSON(const JSONValue&, const String& = String ( "" ) const);
void Reset();
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetLanguage(const String&);
void SetLanguage(int);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
String language;
/* readonly */
int languageIndex;
/* readonly */
int numLanguages;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Log
// Methods:
void Close();
void Debug(const String&);
void Error(const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void Info(const String&);
void Open(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void Trace(const String&);
void Warning(const String&);
void Write(const String&, bool = false);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
String lastMessage;
int level;
bool quiet;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool timeStamp;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Material
Material(const String&in);
// Methods:
Material Clone(const String& = String ( )) const;
Pass GetPass(uint, const String&);
ValueAnimation GetShaderParameterAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetShaderParameterAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetShaderParameterAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const JSONValue&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Load(const XMLElement&);
void RemoveShaderParameter(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(JSONValue&) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(XMLElement&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetShaderParameterAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetShaderParameterAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetShaderParameterAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetTechnique(uint, Technique, uint = 0, float = 0.0);
void SetUVTransform(const Vector2&, float, const Vector2&);
void SetUVTransform(const Vector2&, float, float);
void SortTechniques();
// Properties:
bool alphaToCoverage;
/* readonly */
String category;
CullMode cullMode;
BiasParameters depthBias;
FillMode fillMode;
bool lineAntiAlias;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
uint numTechniques;
bool occlusion;
String pixelShaderDefines;
/* readonly */
int refs;
uint8 renderOrder;
Scene scene;
/* readonly */
Array<String> shaderParameterNames;
Array<Variant> shaderParameters;
CullMode shadowCullMode;
/* readonly */
Array<TechniqueEntry> techniqueEntries;
/* readonly */
Array<Technique> techniques;
Array<Texture> textures;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
String vertexShaderDefines;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Matrix2
Matrix2(const Matrix2&in);
Matrix2(float, float, float, float);
// Methods:
bool Equals(const Matrix2&) const;
Matrix2 Inverse() const;
Vector2 Scale() const;
Matrix2 Scaled(const Vector2&) const;
void SetScale(const Vector2&);
void SetScale(float);
String ToString() const;
Matrix2 Transpose() const;
// Properties:
float m00;
float m01;
float m10;
float m11;
class Matrix3
Matrix3(const Matrix3&in);
Matrix3(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float);
// Methods:
bool Equals(const Matrix3&) const;
Matrix3 Inverse() const;
Vector3 Scale() const;
Matrix3 Scaled(const Vector3&) const;
void SetScale(const Vector3&);
void SetScale(float);
String ToString() const;
Matrix3 Transpose() const;
// Properties:
float m00;
float m01;
float m02;
float m10;
float m11;
float m12;
float m20;
float m21;
float m22;
class Matrix3x4
Matrix3x4(const Matrix3x4&in);
Matrix3x4(const Matrix3&in);
Matrix3x4(const Matrix4&in);
Matrix3x4(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float);
Matrix3x4(const Vector3&in, const Quaternion&in, const Vector3&in);
Matrix3x4(const Vector3&in, const Quaternion&in, float);
// Methods:
void Decompose(Vector3&, Quaternion&, Vector3&) const;
bool Equals(const Matrix3x4&) const;
Matrix3x4 Inverse() const;
Quaternion Rotation() const;
Matrix3 RotationMatrix() const;
Vector3 Scale() const;
void SetRotation(const Matrix3&);
void SetScale(const Vector3&);
void SetScale(float);
void SetTranslation(const Vector3&);
Matrix3 ToMatrix3() const;
Matrix4 ToMatrix4() const;
String ToString() const;
Vector3 Translation() const;
// Properties:
float m00;
float m01;
float m02;
float m03;
float m10;
float m11;
float m12;
float m13;
float m20;
float m21;
float m22;
float m23;
class Matrix4
Matrix4(const Matrix4&in);
Matrix4(const Matrix3&in);
Matrix4(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float);
// Methods:
void Decompose(Vector3&, Quaternion&, Vector3&) const;
bool Equals(const Matrix4&) const;
Matrix4 Inverse() const;
Quaternion Rotation() const;
Matrix3 RotationMatrix() const;
Vector3 Scale() const;
void SetRotation(const Matrix3&);
void SetScale(const Vector3&);
void SetScale(float);
void SetTranslation(const Vector3&);
Matrix3 ToMatrix3() const;
String ToString() const;
Vector3 Translation() const;
Matrix4 Transpose() const;
// Properties:
float m00;
float m01;
float m02;
float m03;
float m10;
float m11;
float m12;
float m13;
float m20;
float m21;
float m22;
float m23;
float m30;
float m31;
float m32;
float m33;
class Menu
Menu(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAccelerator(int, int);
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetDisabledOffset(int, int);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHoverOffset(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPopupOffset(int, int);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetPressedChildOffset(int, int);
void SetPressedOffset(int, int);
void SetRepeat(float, float);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
int acceleratorKey;
/* readonly */
int acceleratorQualifiers;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
IntVector2 disabledOffset;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hoverOffset;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageBorder;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Material material;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
UIElement popup;
IntVector2 popupOffset;
IntVector2 position;
/* readonly */
bool pressed;
IntVector2 pressedChildOffset;
IntVector2 pressedOffset;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
float repeatDelay;
float repeatRate;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
bool showPopup;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
Texture texture;
bool tiled;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class MessageBox
MessageBox(const String&in messageString = String ( ), const String&in titleString = String ( ), XMLFile& layoutFile = null, XMLFile& styleFile = null);
// Methods:
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
String message;
/* readonly */
int refs;
String title;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
UIElement window;
class Model
Model(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&);
Model Clone(const String& = String ( )) const;
Geometry GetGeometry(uint, uint) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void RemoveAllMetadata();
void RemoveMetadata(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetGeometry(uint, uint, Geometry);
bool SetIndexBuffers(Array<IndexBuffer>);
bool SetVertexBuffers(Array<Array<Array<VertexBuffer>, uint>, uint>);
// Properties:
BoundingBox boundingBox;
/* readonly */
String category;
Array<Vector3> geometryCenters;
/* readonly */
bool hasMetadata;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
Array<Variant> metadata;
String name;
uint numGeometries;
Array<uint> numGeometryLodLevels;
/* readonly */
uint numMorphs;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Skeleton skeleton;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class NamedPipe
NamedPipe(const String&in, bool);
// Methods:
void Close();
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Open(const String&, bool);
Array<uint8> Read(uint);
bool ReadBool();
BoundingBox ReadBoundingBox();
int8 ReadByte();
Color ReadColor();
double ReadDouble();
String ReadFileID();
float ReadFloat();
int ReadInt();
int64 ReadInt64();
IntRect ReadIntRect();
IntVector2 ReadIntVector2();
String ReadLine();
Matrix3 ReadMatrix3();
Matrix3x4 ReadMatrix3x4();
Matrix4 ReadMatrix4();
uint ReadNetID();
Quaternion ReadPackedQuaternion();
Vector3 ReadPackedVector3(float);
Quaternion ReadQuaternion();
int16 ReadShort();
String ReadString();
StringHash ReadStringHash();
uint8 ReadUByte();
uint ReadUInt();
uint64 ReadUInt64();
uint16 ReadUShort();
uint ReadVLE();
Variant ReadVariant();
VariantMap ReadVariantMap();
Vector2 ReadVector2();
Vector3 ReadVector3();
Vector4 ReadVector4();
VectorBuffer ReadVectorBuffer(uint);
uint Seek(uint);
uint SeekRelative(int);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
uint Tell() const;
uint Write(Array<uint8>);
bool WriteBool(bool);
bool WriteBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&);
bool WriteByte(int8);
bool WriteColor(const Color&);
bool WriteDouble(double);
bool WriteFileID(const String&);
bool WriteFloat(float);
bool WriteInt(int);
bool WriteInt64(int64);
bool WriteIntRect(const IntRect&);
bool WriteIntVector2(const IntVector2&);
bool WriteLine(const String&);
bool WriteMatrix3(const Matrix3&);
bool WriteMatrix3x4(const Matrix3x4&);
bool WriteMatrix4(const Matrix4&);
bool WriteNetID(uint);
bool WritePackedQuaternion(const Quaternion&);
bool WritePackedVector3(const Vector3&, float);
bool WriteQuaternion(const Quaternion&);
bool WriteShort(int16);
bool WriteString(const String&);
bool WriteStringHash(const StringHash&);
bool WriteUByte(uint8);
bool WriteUInt(uint);
bool WriteUInt64(uint64);
bool WriteUShort(uint16);
bool WriteVLE(uint);
bool WriteVariant(const Variant&);
bool WriteVariantMap(const VariantMap&);
bool WriteVector2(const Vector2&);
bool WriteVector3(const Vector3&);
bool WriteVector4(const Vector4&);
bool WriteVectorBuffer(const VectorBuffer&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint checksum;
/* readonly */
bool eof;
/* readonly */
String name;
/* readonly */
bool open;
/* readonly */
uint position;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool server;
/* readonly */
uint size;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class NavArea
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
uint areaID;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BoundingBox boundingBox;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
class Navigable
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool recursive;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class NavigationMesh
// Methods:
bool AddTile(const VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Allocate(const BoundingBox&, uint);
void ApplyAttributes();
bool Build();
bool Build(const BoundingBox&);
bool Build(const IntVector2&, const IntVector2&);
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
void DrawDebugGeometry(bool);
Vector3 FindNearestPoint(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
Array<Vector3> FindPath(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
float GetAreaCost(uint) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
float GetDistanceToWall(const Vector3&, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Vector3 GetRandomPoint();
Vector3 GetRandomPointInCircle(const Vector3&, float, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
BoundingBox GetTileBoundingBox(const IntVector2&) const;
VectorBuffer GetTileData(const IntVector2&) const;
IntVector2 GetTileIndex(const Vector3&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTile(const IntVector2&) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
Vector3 MoveAlongSurface(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ), int = 3);
Vector3 Raycast(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ));
void Remove();
void RemoveAllTiles();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void RemoveTile(const IntVector2&);
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
void SetAreaCost(uint, float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
float agentHeight;
float agentMaxClimb;
float agentMaxSlope;
float agentRadius;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
/* readonly */
String category;
float cellHeight;
float cellSize;
float detailSampleDistance;
float detailSampleMaxError;
bool drawNavAreas;
bool drawOffMeshConnections;
float edgeMaxError;
float edgeMaxLength;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool initialized;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 numTiles;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
Vector3 padding;
NavmeshPartitionType partitionType;
/* readonly */
int refs;
float regionMergeSize;
float regionMinSize;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
int tileSize;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
class Network
// Methods:
bool AttemptNATPunchtrough(const String&, Scene, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void BroadcastMessage(int, bool, bool, const VectorBuffer&, uint = 0);
void BroadcastRemoteEvent(Node, const String&, bool, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void BroadcastRemoteEvent(Scene, const String&, bool, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void BroadcastRemoteEvent(const String&, bool, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool CheckRemoteEvent(const String&) const;
bool Connect(const String&, uint16, Scene, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void Disconnect(int = 0);
bool DiscoverHosts(uint16);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
HttpRequest MakeHttpRequest(const String&, const String& = String ( ), Array<String> = null, const String& = String ( ));
void RegisterRemoteEvent(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SendPackageToClients(Scene, PackageFile);
bool SetDiscoveryBeacon(const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetNATServerInfo(const String&, uint16);
bool SetPassword(const String&);
void StartNATClient() const;
bool StartServer(uint16, uint = 128);
void StopServer();
void UnregisterAllRemoteEvents();
void UnregisterRemoteEvent(const String&) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
Array<Connection> clientConnections;
/* readonly */
String guid;
String packageCacheDir;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Connection serverConnection;
/* readonly */
bool serverRunning;
int simulatedLatency;
float simulatedPacketLoss;
/* readonly */
String startNATClient;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
int updateFps;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class NetworkPriority
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool alwaysUpdateOwner;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
float basePriority;
/* readonly */
String category;
float distanceFactor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float minPriority;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Node
Node(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(Node, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
Node Clone(CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Component CloneComponent(Component, CreateMode, uint = 0);
Component CloneComponent(Component, uint = 0);
Node CreateChild(const String& = String ( ), CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0, bool = false);
Component CreateComponent(const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0);
ScriptObject CreateScriptObject(ScriptFile, const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
ScriptObject CreateScriptObject(const String&, const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node CreateTemporaryChild(const String& = String ( ), CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
Node GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
Array<Node> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<Node> GetChildrenWithComponent(const String&, bool = false) const;
Array<Node> GetChildrenWithScript(bool = false) const;
Array<Node> GetChildrenWithScript(const String&, bool = false) const;
Array<Node> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
Component GetComponent(const String&, bool = false) const;
Array<Component> GetComponents() const;
Array<Component> GetComponents(const String&, bool = false) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Component GetOrCreateComponent(const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0);
Component GetParentComponent(const String&, bool = false) const;
ScriptObject GetScriptObject() const;
ScriptObject GetScriptObject(const String&) const;
bool HasComponent(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&);
bool IsChildOf(Node) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
Vector3 LocalToWorld(const Vector3&) const;
Vector3 LocalToWorld(const Vector4&) const;
Vector2 LocalToWorld2D(const Vector2&) const;
bool LookAt(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ), TransformSpace = TS_WORLD);
void MarkDirty();
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Pitch(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllComponents();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(Node);
void RemoveChildren(bool, bool, bool);
void RemoveComponent(Component);
void RemoveComponent(const String&);
void RemoveComponents(bool, bool);
void RemoveComponents(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ReorderComponent(Component, uint);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
void Roll(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void Rotate(const Quaternion&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void Rotate2D(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void RotateAround(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void RotateAround2D(const Vector2&, float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(File);
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveJSON(VectorBuffer&);
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void Scale(const Vector3&);
void Scale(float);
void Scale2D(const Vector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetPosition2D(float, float);
void SetScale(float);
void SetScale2D(float, float);
void SetTransform(const Matrix3x4&);
void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&);
void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, const Vector3&);
void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, float);
void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float);
void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, const Vector2&);
void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, float);
void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&);
void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, const Vector3&);
void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, float);
void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float);
void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, const Vector2&);
void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, float);
void Translate(const Vector3&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void Translate2D(const Vector2&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
Vector3 WorldToLocal(const Vector3&) const;
Vector3 WorldToLocal(const Vector4&) const;
Vector2 WorldToLocal2D(const Vector2&) const;
void Yaw(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<Node> allChildrenByName;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
Array<Node> children;
/* readonly */
Array<Node> childrenByName;
/* readonly */
Array<Component> components;
Vector3 direction;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
uint id;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numComponents;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
Connection owner;
Node parent;
Vector3 position;
Vector2 position2D;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
/* readonly */
Vector3 right;
Quaternion rotation;
float rotation2D;
Vector3 scale;
Vector2 scale2D;
/* readonly */
Scene scene;
/* readonly */
ScriptObject scriptObject;
/* readonly */
Vector3 signedWorldScale;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
Matrix3x4 transform;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
Vector3 up;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
Vector3 worldDirection;
Vector3 worldPosition;
Vector2 worldPosition2D;
/* readonly */
Vector3 worldRight;
Quaternion worldRotation;
float worldRotation2D;
Vector3 worldScale;
Vector2 worldScale2D;
/* readonly */
Matrix3x4 worldTransform;
/* readonly */
Vector3 worldUp;
class Object
// Methods:
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ObjectAnimation
ObjectAnimation(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(ValueAnimation);
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeAnimations;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> speeds;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> wrapModes;
class Obstacle
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
void DrawDebugGeometry(bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float height;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
uint obstacleId;
float radius;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Octree
// Methods:
void AddManualDrawable(Drawable);
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
void DrawDebugGeometry(bool) const;
Array<Drawable> GetAllDrawables(uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
Array<Drawable> GetDrawables(const BoundingBox&, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK);
Array<Drawable> GetDrawables(const Frustum&, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK);
Array<Drawable> GetDrawables(const Sphere&, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK);
Array<Drawable> GetDrawables(const Vector3&, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK);
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
Array<RayQueryResult> Raycast(const Ray&, RayQueryLevel = RAY_TRIANGLE, float = M_INFINITY, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK) const;
RayQueryResult RaycastSingle(const Ray&, RayQueryLevel = RAY_TRIANGLE, float = M_INFINITY, uint8 = DRAWABLE_ANY, uint = DEFAULT_VIEWMASK) const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveManualDrawable(Drawable);
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetSize(const BoundingBox&, uint);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numLevels;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
class OffMeshConnection
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
uint areaID;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool bidirectional;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
Node endPoint;
/* readonly */
uint id;
uint mask;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float radius;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class PackageFile
PackageFile(const String&in, uint startOffset = 0);
// Methods:
bool Exists(const String&) const;
Array<String> GetEntryNames() const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Open(const String&, uint = 0) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool compressed() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint checksum;
/* readonly */
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numFiles;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
uint totalDataSize;
/* readonly */
uint totalSize;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ParticleEffect
ParticleEffect(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddColorFrame(ColorFrame);
void AddColorTime(const Color&, float);
void AddTextureFrame(TextureFrame);
void AddTextureTime(const Rect&, float);
ParticleEffect Clone(const String& = String ( )) const;
ColorFrame GetColorFrame(uint) const;
TextureFrame GetTextureFrame(uint) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Load(const XMLElement&);
void RemoveColorFrame(uint);
void RemoveTextureFrame(uint);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(XMLElement&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetColorFrame(uint, ColorFrame);
void SetTextureFrame(uint, TextureFrame);
void SortColorFrames();
void SortTextureFrames();
// Properties:
float activeTime;
float animationLodBias;
/* readonly */
String category;
Vector3 constantForce;
float dampingForce;
Vector3 emitterSize;
EmitterType emitterType;
FaceCameraMode faceCameraMode;
bool fixedScreenSize;
float inactiveTime;
Material material;
Vector3 maxDirection;
float maxEmissionRate;
Vector2 maxParticleSize;
float maxRotation;
float maxRotationSpeed;
float maxTimeToLive;
float maxVelocity;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
Vector3 minDirection;
float minEmissionRate;
Vector2 minParticleSize;
float minRotation;
float minRotationSpeed;
float minTimeToLive;
float minVelocity;
String name;
uint numColorFrames;
uint numParticles;
uint numTextureFrames;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool relative;
bool scaled;
float sizeAdd;
float sizeMul;
bool sorted;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool updateInvisible;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ParticleEffect2D
ParticleEffect2D(const String&in);
// Methods:
ParticleEffect2D Clone(const String& = String ( )) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ParticleEmitter
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void ApplyEffect();
void Commit();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllParticles();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void Reset();
void ResetEmissionTimer();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
float animationLodBias;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
AutoRemoveMode autoRemoveMode;
/* readonly */
Array<Billboard> billboards;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
ParticleEffect effect;
bool emitting;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
FaceCameraMode faceCameraMode;
bool fixedScreenSize;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
Material material;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
uint numBillboards;
uint numParticles;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool relative;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool scaled;
bool serializeParticles;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool sorted;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
/* readonly */
Zone zone;
uint zoneMask;
class ParticleEmitter2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
ParticleEffect2D effect;
bool emitting;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
int layer;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
int orderInLayer;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
Sprite2D sprite;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
class Pass
// Properties:
bool alphaToCoverage;
BlendMode blendMode;
CullMode cullMode;
CompareMode depthTestMode;
bool depthWrite;
bool desktop;
PassLightingMode lightingMode;
String pixelShader;
String pixelShaderDefineExcludes;
String pixelShaderDefines;
/* readonly */
int refs;
String vertexShader;
String vertexShaderDefineExcludes;
String vertexShaderDefines;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class PhysicsRaycastResult
// Properties:
/* readonly */
RigidBody body;
float distance;
float hitFraction;
Vector3 normal;
Vector3 position;
class PhysicsRaycastResult2D
// Properties:
/* readonly */
RigidBody2D body;
float distance;
Vector2 normal;
Vector2 position;
class PhysicsWorld
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
PhysicsRaycastResult ConvexCast(CollisionShape, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, uint = 0xffff);
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
void DrawDebugGeometry(bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
Array<RigidBody> GetCollidingBodies(RigidBody);
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Array<RigidBody> GetRigidBodies(RigidBody);
Array<RigidBody> GetRigidBodies(const BoundingBox&, uint = 0xffff);
Array<RigidBody> GetRigidBodies(const Sphere&, uint = 0xffff);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
Array<PhysicsRaycastResult> Raycast(const Ray&, float, uint = 0xffff);
PhysicsRaycastResult RaycastSingle(const Ray&, float, uint = 0xffff);
PhysicsRaycastResult RaycastSingleSegmented(const Ray&, float, float, uint = 0xffff, float = 0.1f);
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveCachedGeometry(Model);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
PhysicsRaycastResult SphereCast(const Ray&, float, float, uint = 0xffff);
void Update(float);
void UpdateCollisions();
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
int fps;
Vector3 gravity;
/* readonly */
uint id;
bool internalEdge;
bool interpolation;
int maxSubSteps;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
int numIterations;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool splitImpulse;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool updateEnabled;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class PhysicsWorld2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry() const;
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Array<RigidBody2D> GetRigidBodies(const Rect&, uint = 0xffff);
RigidBody2D GetRigidBody(const Vector2&, uint = 0xffff);
RigidBody2D GetRigidBody(int, int, uint = 0xffff);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
Array<PhysicsRaycastResult2D> Raycast(const Vector2&, const Vector2&, uint = 0xffff);
PhysicsRaycastResult2D RaycastSingle(const Vector2&, const Vector2&, uint = 0xffff);
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool allowSleeping;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool autoClearForces;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool continuousPhysics;
bool drawAabb;
bool drawCenterOfMass;
bool drawJoint;
bool drawPair;
bool drawShape;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
Vector2 gravity;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
uint positionIterations;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool subStepping;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool updateEnabled;
uint velocityIterations;
bool warmStarting;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Plane
Plane(const Plane&in);
Plane(const Vector3&in, const Vector3&in, const Vector3&in);
Plane(const Vector3&in, const Vector3&in);
Plane(const Vector4&in);
// Methods:
void Define(const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
void Define(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
void Define(const Vector4&);
float Distance(const Vector3&) const;
Vector3 Project(const Vector3&) const;
Vector3 Reflect(const Vector3&) const;
Vector4 ToVector4() const;
void Transform(const Matrix3&);
void Transform(const Matrix3x4&);
void Transform(const Matrix4&);
Plane Transformed(const Matrix3&) const;
Plane Transformed(const Matrix3x4&) const;
Plane Transformed(const Matrix4&) const;
// Properties:
Vector3 absNormal;
float d;
Vector3 normal;
/* readonly */
Matrix3x4 reflectionMatrix;
class Polyhedron
Polyhedron(const Polyhedron&in);
Polyhedron(const BoundingBox&in);
Polyhedron(const Frustum&in);
// Methods:
void AddFace(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
void AddFace(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
void AddFace(const Array<Vector3>);
void Clear();
void Clip(const BoundingBox&);
void Clip(const Frustum&);
void Define(const BoundingBox&);
void Define(const Frustum&);
void Transform(const Matrix3&);
void Transform(const Matrix3x4&);
Polyhedron Transformed(const Matrix3&) const;
Polyhedron Transformed(const Matrix3x4&) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<Array<Vector3>> face;
/* readonly */
uint numFaces;
class ProgressBar
// Methods:
void ChangeValue(float);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetLoadingPercentStyle(const String&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
BorderImage knob;
Orientation orientation;
float range;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool showPercentText;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
float value;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class PropertySet2D
// Methods:
bool HasProperty(const String&) const;
const String& GetProperty(const String&) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Quaternion
Quaternion(const Quaternion&in);
Quaternion(float, float, float, float);
Quaternion(float, const Vector3&in);
Quaternion(float, float, float);
Quaternion(const Vector3&in);
Quaternion(const Vector3&in, const Vector3&in);
Quaternion(const Vector3&in, const Vector3&in, const Vector3&in);
Quaternion(const Matrix3&in);
// Methods:
Quaternion Conjugate() const;
float DotProduct(const Quaternion&) const;
bool Equals(const Quaternion&) const;
void FromAngleAxis(float, const Vector3&);
void FromAxes(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
void FromEulerAngles(float, float, float);
bool FromLookRotation(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 ));
void FromRotationMatrix(const Matrix3&);
void FromRotationTo(const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
Quaternion Inverse() const;
bool IsNaN() const;
float LengthSquared() const;
Quaternion Nlerp(const Quaternion&, float, bool) const;
void Normalize();
Quaternion Normalized() const;
Quaternion Slerp(const Quaternion&, float) const;
String ToString() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
float angle;
/* readonly */
Vector3 axis;
/* readonly */
Vector3 eulerAngles;
/* readonly */
float pitch;
/* readonly */
float roll;
/* readonly */
Matrix3 rotationMatrix;
float w;
float x;
float y;
/* readonly */
float yaw;
float z;
class Ray
Ray(const Ray&in);
Ray(const Vector3&in, const Vector3&in);
// Methods:
Vector3 ClosestPoint(const Ray&) const;
void Define(const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
float Distance(const Vector3&) const;
float HitDistance(const BoundingBox&) const;
float HitDistance(const Frustum&, bool = true) const;
float HitDistance(const Plane&) const;
float HitDistance(const Sphere&) const;
float HitDistance(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&) const;
Vector3 Project(const Vector3&) const;
Ray Transformed(const Matrix3x4&) const;
// Properties:
Vector3 direction;
Vector3 origin;
class RayQueryResult
// Properties:
float distance;
/* readonly */
Drawable drawable;
/* readonly */
Node node;
Vector3 normal;
Vector3 position;
uint subObject;
Vector2 textureUV;
class RaycastVehicle
// Methods:
void AddWheel(Node, Vector3, Vector3, float, float, bool);
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
float GetBrake(int);
Vector3 GetContactNormal(int);
Vector3 GetContactPosition(int);
float GetEngineForce(int);
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
float GetMaxSuspensionTravel(int);
float GetSteeringValue(int);
Vector3 GetWheelAxle(int);
Vector3 GetWheelConnectionPoint(int);
float GetWheelDampingCompression(int);
float GetWheelDampingRelaxation(int);
Vector3 GetWheelDirection(int);
float GetWheelFrictionSlip(int);
float GetWheelMaxSuspensionForce(int);
Node GetWheelNode(int);
Vector3 GetWheelPosition(int);
float GetWheelRadius(int);
float GetWheelRestLength(int);
float GetWheelRollInfluence(int);
Vector3 GetWheelRotation(int);
float GetWheelSideSlipSpeed(int);
float GetWheelSkidInfo(int);
float GetWheelSkidInfoCumulative(int);
float GetWheelSuspensionStiffness(int);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void Init();
bool IsFrontWheel(int);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetSuspension();
void ResetToDefault();
void ResetWheels();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetBrake(int, float);
void SetEngineForce(int, float);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetMaxSuspensionTravel(int, float);
void SetSteeringValue(int, float);
void SetWheelAxle(int, Vector3);
void SetWheelDampingCompression(int, float);
void SetWheelDampingRelaxation(int, float);
void SetWheelDirection(int, Vector3);
void SetWheelFrictionSlip(int, float);
void SetWheelMaxSuspensionForce(int, float);
void SetWheelRadius(int, float);
void SetWheelRestLength(int, float);
void SetWheelRollInfluence(int, float);
void SetWheelSkidInfo(int, float);
void SetWheelSkidInfoCumulative(int, float);
void SetWheelSuspensionStiffness(int, float);
void UpdateWheelTransform(int, bool);
bool WheelIsGrounded(int);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
IntVector3 coordinateSystem;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float inAirRPM;
float maxSideSlipSpeed;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
int numWheels;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
// Constants:
static const IntVector3 FORWARD_RIGHT_UP;
static const IntVector3 FORWARD_UP_RIGHT;
static const IntVector3 RIGHT_FORWARD_UP;
static const IntVector3 RIGHT_UP_FORWARD;
static const IntVector3 UP_FORWARD_RIGHT;
static const IntVector3 UP_RIGHT_FORWARD;
class Rect
Rect(const Rect&in);
Rect(float, float, float, float);
Rect(const Vector2&in, const Vector2&in);
Rect(const Vector4&in);
// Methods:
void Clear();
void Clip(const Rect&);
void Define(const Vector2&);
void Define(const Vector2&, const Vector2&);
bool Defined() const;
bool Equals(const Rect&) const;
Intersection IsInside(const Rect&) const;
Intersection IsInside(const Vector2&) const;
void Merge(const Rect&);
void Merge(const Vector2&);
Vector4 ToVector4() const;
// Properties:
float bottom;
/* readonly */
Vector2 center;
/* readonly */
Vector2 halfSize;
float left;
Vector2 max;
Vector2 min;
float right;
/* readonly */
Vector2 size;
float top;
class RefCounted
// Properties:
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class RenderPath
// Methods:
void AddCommand(const RenderPathCommand&);
void AddRenderTarget(const RenderTargetInfo&);
bool Append(XMLFile);
RenderPath Clone();
void InsertCommand(uint, const RenderPathCommand&);
bool Load(XMLFile);
void RemoveCommand(uint);
void RemoveCommands(const String&);
void RemoveRenderTarget(const String&);
void RemoveRenderTarget(uint);
void RemoveRenderTargts(const String&);
void SetEnabled(const String&, bool);
void ToggleEnabled(const String&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<bool> added;
Array<RenderPathCommand> commands;
/* readonly */
Array<bool> enabled;
/* readonly */
uint numCommands;
/* readonly */
uint numRenderTargets;
/* readonly */
int refs;
Array<RenderTargetInfo> renderTargets;
Array<Variant> shaderParameters;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class RenderPathCommand
RenderPathCommand(const RenderPathCommand&in);
// Methods:
void RemoveShaderParameter(const String&);
void SetOutput(uint, const String&, CubeMapFace = FACE_POSITIVE_X);
// Properties:
BlendMode blendMode;
Color clearColor;
float clearDepth;
uint clearFlags;
uint clearStencil;
String depthStencilName;
bool enabled;
String eventName;
bool markToStencil;
String metadata;
uint numOutputs;
Array<CubeMapFace> outputFaces;
Array<String> outputNames;
String pass;
String pixelShaderDefines;
String pixelShaderName;
Array<Variant> shaderParameters;
RenderCommandSortMode sortMode;
String tag;
Array<String> textureNames;
RenderCommandType type;
bool useFogColor;
bool useLitBase;
bool vertexLights;
String vertexShaderDefines;
String vertexShaderName;
class RenderSurface
// Methods:
void QueueUpdate();
// Properties:
/* readonly */
int height;
RenderSurface linkedDepthStencil;
RenderSurface linkedRenderTarget;
uint numViewports;
/* readonly */
Texture parentTexture;
/* readonly */
bool resolveDirty;
RenderSurfaceUpdateMode updateMode;
/* readonly */
TextureUsage usage;
Array<Viewport> viewports;
/* readonly */
int width;
class RenderTargetInfo
RenderTargetInfo(const RenderTargetInfo&in);
// Properties:
bool autoResolve;
bool cubemap;
bool enabled;
bool filtered;
uint format;
int multiSample;
String name;
bool persistent;
bool sRGB;
Vector2 size;
RenderTargetSizeMode sizeMode;
String tag;
class Renderer
// Methods:
void DrawDebugGeometry(bool) const;
Viewport GetViewportForScene(Scene, uint);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void ReloadShaders() const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetDefaultRenderPath(XMLFile);
void SetVSMShadowParameters(float, float);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
Material defaultLightRamp;
/* readonly */
Material defaultLightSpot;
/* readonly */
Material defaultMaterial;
RenderPath defaultRenderPath;
Technique defaultTechnique;
/* readonly */
Zone defaultZone;
bool drawShadows;
bool dynamicInstancing;
bool hdrRendering;
int materialQuality;
int maxOccluderTriangles;
int maxShadowMaps;
int maxSortedInstances;
int minInstances;
float mobileNormalOffsetMul;
float mobileShadowBiasAdd;
float mobileShadowBiasMul;
/* readonly */
uint numBatches;
int numExtraInstancingBufferElements;
/* readonly */
Array<uint> numGeometries;
/* readonly */
Array<uint> numLights;
/* readonly */
Array<uint> numOccluders;
/* readonly */
uint numPrimitives;
/* readonly */
Array<uint> numShadowMaps;
uint numViewports;
/* readonly */
uint numViews;
float occluderSizeThreshold;
int occlusionBufferSize;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool reuseShadowMaps;
int shadowMapSize;
ShadowQuality shadowQuality;
float shadowSoftness;
bool specularLighting;
int textureAnisotropy;
TextureFilterMode textureFilterMode;
int textureQuality;
bool threadedOcclusion;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
Array<Viewport> viewports;
int vsmMultiSample;
Vector2 vsmShadowParameters;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Resource
// Methods:
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ResourceCache
// Methods:
bool AddManualResource(Resource);
bool AddPackageFile(PackageFile, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
bool AddPackageFile(const String&, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
bool AddResourceDir(const String&, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
bool BackgroundLoadResource(const String&, const String&, bool = true);
bool Exists(const String&) const;
Resource GetExistingResource(StringHash, const String&);
Resource GetExistingResource(const String&, const String&);
File GetFile(const String&);
String GetPreferredResourceDir(const String&) const;
Resource GetResource(StringHash, const String&, bool = true);
Resource GetResource(const String&, const String&, bool = true);
String GetResourceFileName(const String&) const;
Array<Resource> GetResources(StringHash);
Array<Resource> GetResources(const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void ReleaseAllResources(bool = false);
void ReleaseResource(const String&, const String&, bool = false);
void ReleaseResources(StringHash, bool = false);
void ReleaseResources(const String&, bool = false);
void ReleaseResources(const String&, const String&, bool = false);
bool ReloadResource(Resource);
void ReloadResourceWithDependencies(const String&);
void RemovePackageFile(PackageFile, bool = true, bool = false);
void RemovePackageFile(const String&, bool = true, bool = false);
void RemoveResourceDir(const String&);
String SanitateResourceDirName(const String&) const;
String SanitateResourceName(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
bool autoReloadResources;
/* readonly */
String category;
int finishBackgroundResourcesMs;
Array<uint64> memoryBudget;
/* readonly */
Array<uint64> memoryUse;
/* readonly */
uint numBackgroundLoadResources;
/* readonly */
Array<PackageFile> packageFiles;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Array<String> resourceDirs;
bool returnFailedResources;
/* readonly */
bool seachPackagesFirst;
/* writeonly */
bool searchPackagesFirst;
/* readonly */
uint64 totalMemoryUse;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ResourceRef
ResourceRef(const ResourceRef&in);
ResourceRef(const String&in, const String&in);
// Properties:
String name;
StringHash type;
class ResourceRefList
ResourceRefList(const ResourceRefList&in);
// Methods:
void Resize(uint);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool empty;
/* readonly */
uint length;
Array<String> names;
StringHash type;
class RibbonTrail
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void Commit();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
float animationLodBias;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
Vector3 baseVelocity;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool emitting;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
Color endColor;
float endScale;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
float lifetime;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
Material material;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool sorted;
Color startColor;
float startScale;
uint tailColumn;
bool temporary;
TrailType trailType;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool updateInvisible;
float vertexDistance;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
float width;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
/* readonly */
Zone zone;
uint zoneMask;
class RigidBody
// Methods:
void Activate();
void ApplyAttributes();
void ApplyForce(const Vector3&);
void ApplyForce(const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
void ApplyImpulse(const Vector3&);
void ApplyImpulse(const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
void ApplyTorque(const Vector3&);
void ApplyTorqueImpulse(const Vector3&);
void DisableMassUpdate();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
void EnableMassUpdate();
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Vector3 GetVelocityAtPoint(const Vector3&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void ReAddBodyToWorld();
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetForces();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetCollisionLayerAndMask(uint, uint);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool active;
float angularDamping;
Vector3 angularFactor;
float angularRestThreshold;
Vector3 angularVelocity;
bool animationEnabled;
Vector3 anisotropicFriction;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
float ccdMotionThreshold;
float ccdRadius;
/* readonly */
Vector3 centerOfMass;
/* readonly */
Array<RigidBody> collidingBodies;
CollisionEventMode collisionEventMode;
uint collisionLayer;
uint collisionMask;
float contactProcessingThreshold;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float friction;
Vector3 gravityOverride;
/* readonly */
uint id;
bool kinematic;
float linearDamping;
Vector3 linearFactor;
float linearRestThreshold;
Vector3 linearVelocity;
float mass;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
Vector3 position;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float restitution;
float rollingFriction;
Quaternion rotation;
bool temporary;
bool trigger;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useGravity;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class RigidBody2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAngularImpulse(float, bool);
void ApplyAttributes();
void ApplyForce(const Vector2&, const Vector2&, bool);
void ApplyForceToCenter(const Vector2&, bool);
void ApplyLinearImpulse(const Vector2&, const Vector2&, bool);
void ApplyLinearImpulseToCenter(const Vector2&, bool);
void ApplyTorque(float, bool);
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool allowSleep;
float angularDamping;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool awake;
BodyType2D bodyType;
bool bullet;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
bool fixedRotation;
float gravityScale;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float inertia;
float linearDamping;
Vector2 linearVelocity;
float mass;
Vector2 massCenter;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useFixtureMass;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Scene
Scene(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(Node, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void AddRequiredPackageFile(PackageFile);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void Clear(bool = true, bool = true);
void ClearRequiredPackageFiles();
Component CloneComponent(Component, CreateMode, uint = 0);
Component CloneComponent(Component, uint = 0);
Node CreateChild(const String& = String ( ), CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0, bool = false);
Component CreateComponent(const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0);
ScriptObject CreateScriptObject(ScriptFile, const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
ScriptObject CreateScriptObject(const String&, const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node CreateTemporaryChild(const String& = String ( ), CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
Node GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
Array<Node> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<Node> GetChildrenWithComponent(const String&, bool = false) const;
Array<Node> GetChildrenWithScript(bool = false) const;
Array<Node> GetChildrenWithScript(const String&, bool = false) const;
Array<Node> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
Component GetComponent(const String&, bool = false) const;
Component GetComponent(uint) const;
Array<Component> GetComponents() const;
Array<Component> GetComponents(const String&, bool = false) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Node GetNode(uint) const;
Array<Node> GetNodesWithTag(const String&) const;
Component GetOrCreateComponent(const String&, CreateMode = REPLICATED, uint = 0);
Component GetParentComponent(const String&, bool = false) const;
ScriptObject GetScriptObject() const;
ScriptObject GetScriptObject(const String&) const;
bool HasComponent(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&);
Node Instantiate(File, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node Instantiate(VectorBuffer&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node InstantiateJSON(File, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node InstantiateJSON(JSONFile, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node InstantiateJSON(VectorBuffer&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node InstantiateJSON(const JSONValue&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node InstantiateXML(File, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node InstantiateXML(VectorBuffer&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node InstantiateXML(XMLFile, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
Node InstantiateXML(const XMLElement&, const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, CreateMode = REPLICATED);
bool IsChildOf(Node) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadAsync(File, LoadMode = LOAD_SCENE_AND_RESOURCES);
bool LoadAsyncXML(File, LoadMode = LOAD_SCENE_AND_RESOURCES);
bool LoadJSON(File);
bool LoadJSON(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
Vector3 LocalToWorld(const Vector3&) const;
Vector3 LocalToWorld(const Vector4&) const;
Vector2 LocalToWorld2D(const Vector2&) const;
bool LookAt(const Vector3&, const Vector3& = Vector3 ( 0 , 1 , 0 ), TransformSpace = TS_WORLD);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Pitch(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void RegisterVar(const String&);
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllComponents();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(Node);
void RemoveChildren(bool, bool, bool);
void RemoveComponent(Component);
void RemoveComponent(const String&);
void RemoveComponents(bool, bool);
void RemoveComponents(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ReorderComponent(Component, uint);
void ResetToDefault();
void Roll(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void Rotate(const Quaternion&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void Rotate2D(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void RotateAround(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void RotateAround2D(const Vector2&, float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveJSON(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void Scale(const Vector3&);
void Scale(float);
void Scale2D(const Vector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetPosition2D(float, float);
void SetScale(float);
void SetScale2D(float, float);
void SetTransform(const Matrix3x4&);
void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&);
void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, const Vector3&);
void SetTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, float);
void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float);
void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, const Vector2&);
void SetTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, float);
void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&);
void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, const Vector3&);
void SetWorldTransform(const Vector3&, const Quaternion&, float);
void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float);
void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, const Vector2&);
void SetWorldTransform2D(const Vector2&, float, float);
void StopAsyncLoading();
const String& GetVarName(StringHash) const;
void Translate(const Vector3&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void Translate2D(const Vector2&, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
void UnregisterAllVars(const String&);
void UnregisterVar(const String&);
void Update(float);
Vector3 WorldToLocal(const Vector3&) const;
Vector3 WorldToLocal(const Vector4&) const;
Vector2 WorldToLocal2D(const Vector2&) const;
void Yaw(float, TransformSpace = TS_LOCAL);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<Node> allChildrenByName;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
LoadMode asyncLoadMode;
/* readonly */
bool asyncLoading;
int asyncLoadingMs;
/* readonly */
float asyncProgress;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint checksum;
/* readonly */
Array<Node> children;
/* readonly */
Array<Node> childrenByName;
/* readonly */
Array<Component> components;
/* readonly */
DebugRenderer debugRenderer;
Vector3 direction;
float elapsedTime;
/* readonly */
String fileName;
uint id;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numComponents;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
Octree octree;
Node parent;
/* readonly */
PhysicsWorld physicsWorld;
/* readonly */
PhysicsWorld2D physicsWorld2D;
Vector3 position;
Vector2 position2D;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
/* readonly */
Array<PackageFile> requiredPackageFiles;
/* readonly */
Vector3 right;
Quaternion rotation;
float rotation2D;
Vector3 scale;
Vector2 scale2D;
/* readonly */
ScriptObject scriptObject;
/* readonly */
Vector3 signedWorldScale;
float smoothingConstant;
float snapThreshold;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
float timeScale;
/* readonly */
Matrix3x4 transform;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
Vector3 up;
bool updateEnabled;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
Vector3 worldDirection;
Vector3 worldPosition;
Vector2 worldPosition2D;
/* readonly */
Vector3 worldRight;
Quaternion worldRotation;
float worldRotation2D;
Vector3 worldScale;
Vector2 worldScale2D;
/* readonly */
Matrix3x4 worldTransform;
/* readonly */
Vector3 worldUp;
class Script
// Methods:
void DumpAPI(DumpMode = DOXYGEN, const String& = String ( ));
bool Execute(const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
Scene defaultScene;
ScriptFile defaultScriptFile;
bool executeConsoleCommands;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ScriptFile
ScriptFile(const String&in);
// Methods:
void ClearDelayedExecute(const String& = String ( ));
void DelayedExecute(float, bool, const String&, const Array<Variant> = null);
bool Execute(const String&, const Array<Variant> = null);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool compiled;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ScriptInstance
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void ClearDelayedExecute(const String& = String ( ));
bool CreateObject(ScriptFile, const String&);
void DelayedExecute(float, bool, const String&, const Array<Variant> = null);
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
bool Execute(const String&, const Array<Variant> = null);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasMethod(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsA(const String&) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
String className;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
ScriptFile scriptFile;
/* readonly */
ScriptObject scriptObject;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ScriptObject
class ScrollBar
ScrollBar(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
void ChangeValue(float);
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void StepBack();
void StepForward();
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
Button backButton;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
/* readonly */
float effectiveScrollStep;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
/* readonly */
Button forwardButton;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
Orientation orientation;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
float range;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
float scrollStep;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
/* readonly */
Slider slider;
bool sortChildren;
float stepFactor;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
float value;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class ScrollView
ScrollView(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetScrollBarsVisible(bool, bool);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void SetViewPosition(int, int);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool autoDisableChildren;
float autoDisableThreshold;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
UIElement contentElement;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
/* readonly */
ScrollBar horizontalScrollBar;
bool horizontalScrollBarVisible;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
float pageStep;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool scrollBarsAutoVisible;
float scrollDeceleration;
/* readonly */
BorderImage scrollPanel;
float scrollSnapEpsilon;
float scrollStep;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
/* readonly */
ScrollBar verticalScrollBar;
bool verticalScrollBarVisible;
IntVector2 viewPosition;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class Serializable
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Serializer
// Methods:
uint Write(Array<uint8>);
bool WriteBool(bool);
bool WriteBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&);
bool WriteByte(int8);
bool WriteColor(const Color&);
bool WriteDouble(double);
bool WriteFileID(const String&);
bool WriteFloat(float);
bool WriteInt(int);
bool WriteInt64(int64);
bool WriteIntRect(const IntRect&);
bool WriteIntVector2(const IntVector2&);
bool WriteLine(const String&);
bool WriteMatrix3(const Matrix3&);
bool WriteMatrix3x4(const Matrix3x4&);
bool WriteMatrix4(const Matrix4&);
bool WriteNetID(uint);
bool WritePackedQuaternion(const Quaternion&);
bool WritePackedVector3(const Vector3&, float);
bool WriteQuaternion(const Quaternion&);
bool WriteShort(int16);
bool WriteString(const String&);
bool WriteStringHash(const StringHash&);
bool WriteUByte(uint8);
bool WriteUInt(uint);
bool WriteUInt64(uint64);
bool WriteUShort(uint16);
bool WriteVLE(uint);
bool WriteVariant(const Variant&);
bool WriteVariantMap(const VariantMap&);
bool WriteVector2(const Vector2&);
bool WriteVector3(const Vector3&);
bool WriteVector4(const Vector4&);
bool WriteVectorBuffer(const VectorBuffer&);
class Skeleton
// Methods:
Bone GetBone(const String&) const;
uint GetBoneIndex(const String&) const;
Bone GetBoneParent(Bone) const;
void Reset();
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<Bone> bones;
/* readonly */
uint numBones;
/* readonly */
Bone rootBone;
class Skybox
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void ApplyMaterialList(const String& = String ( ));
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
Material material;
Array<Material> materials;
uint maxLights;
Model model;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numGeometries;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
/* readonly */
Zone zone;
uint zoneMask;
class Slider
Slider(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
void ChangeValue(float);
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetDisabledOffset(int, int);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHoverOffset(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
IntVector2 disabledOffset;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hoverOffset;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageBorder;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
/* readonly */
BorderImage knob;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Material material;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
Orientation orientation;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
float range;
/* readonly */
int refs;
float repeatRate;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
Texture texture;
bool tiled;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
float value;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class SmoothedTransform
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void Update(float, float);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inProgress;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
Vector3 targetPosition;
Quaternion targetRotation;
Vector3 targetWorldPosition;
Quaternion targetWorldRotation;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Sound
Sound(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void RemoveAllMetadata();
void RemoveMetadata(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool compressed;
/* readonly */
float frequency;
/* readonly */
bool hasMetadata;
/* readonly */
float length;
bool looped;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
Array<Variant> metadata;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
uint sampleSize;
/* readonly */
bool sixteenBit;
/* readonly */
bool stereo;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class SoundListener
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class SoundSource
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Play(Sound);
void Play(Sound, float);
void Play(Sound, float, float);
void Play(Sound, float, float, float);
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void Seek(float);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void Stop();
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
float attenuation;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
AutoRemoveMode autoRemoveMode;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float frequency;
float gain;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float panning;
/* readonly */
bool playing;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
/* readonly */
Sound sound;
String soundType;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
float timePosition;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class SoundSource3D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Play(Sound);
void Play(Sound, float);
void Play(Sound, float, float);
void Play(Sound, float, float, float);
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void Seek(float);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAngleAttenuation(float, float);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDistanceAttenuation(float, float, float);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void Stop();
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
float attenuation;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
AutoRemoveMode autoRemoveMode;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
float farDistance;
float frequency;
float gain;
/* readonly */
uint id;
float innerAngle;
float nearDistance;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float outerAngle;
float panning;
/* readonly */
bool playing;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float rolloffFactor;
/* readonly */
Sound sound;
String soundType;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
float timePosition;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Sphere
Sphere(const Sphere&in);
Sphere(const Vector3&in, float);
Sphere(const BoundingBox&in);
Sphere(const Frustum&in);
Sphere(const Polyhedron&in);
// Methods:
void Clear();
void Define(const BoundingBox&);
void Define(const Frustum&);
void Define(const Polyhedron&);
void Define(const Sphere&);
void Define(const Vector3&, float);
bool Defined() const;
float Distance(const Vector3&) const;
Vector3 GetLocalPoint(float, float) const;
Vector3 GetPoint(float, float) const;
Intersection IsInside(const BoundingBox&) const;
Intersection IsInside(const Sphere&) const;
Intersection IsInside(const Vector3&) const;
Intersection IsInsideFast(const BoundingBox&) const;
Intersection IsInsideFast(const Sphere&) const;
void Merge(const BoundingBox&);
void Merge(const Frustum&);
void Merge(const Sphere&);
void Merge(const Vector3&);
// Properties:
Vector3 center;
float radius;
class Spline
Spline(Variant[]@, InterpolationMode = BEZIER_CURVE);
Spline(const Spline&in);
// Methods:
void AddKnot(const Variant&);
void AddKnot(const Variant&, uint);
void Clear();
Variant GetPoint(float);
void RemoveKnot();
void RemoveKnot(uint);
// Properties:
InterpolationMode interpolationMode;
Array<Variant> knot;
Array<Variant> knots;
class SplinePath
// Methods:
void AddControlPoint(Node, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void ApplyAttributes();
void ClearControlPoints();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
Vector3 GetPoint(float) const;
Vector3 GetPosition() const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Move(float);
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveControlPoint(Node);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void Reset();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetPosition(float);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
Node controlledNode;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
InterpolationMode interpolationMode;
/* readonly */
bool isFinished;
/* readonly */
float length;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float speed;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Sprite
Sprite(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHotSpot(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(float, float);
void SetScale(float);
void SetScale(float, float);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hotSpot;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
Vector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
float rotation;
Vector2 scale;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
Texture texture;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class Sprite2D
Sprite2D(const String&in);
// Methods:
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
Vector2 hotSpot;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
IntVector2 offset;
IntRect rectangle;
/* readonly */
int refs;
Texture2D texture;
float textureEdgeOffset;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class SpriteSheet2D
SpriteSheet2D(const String&in);
// Methods:
void DefineSprite(const String&, const IntRect&, const Vector2& = Vector2 ( 0.5f , 0.5f ), const IntVector2& = IntVector2 :: ZERO);
Sprite2D GetSprite(const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
Texture2D texture;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class StaticModel
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void ApplyMaterialList(const String& = String ( ));
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool IsInside(const Vector3&) const;
bool IsInsideLocal(const Vector3&) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
Material material;
Array<Material> materials;
uint maxLights;
Model model;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numGeometries;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
uint occlusionLodLevel;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
class StaticModelGroup
// Methods:
void AddInstanceNode(Node);
void ApplyAttributes();
void ApplyMaterialList(const String& = String ( ));
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllInstanceNodes();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveInstanceNode(Node);
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
/* readonly */
Array<Node> instanceNodes;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
Material material;
Array<Material> materials;
uint maxLights;
Model model;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numGeometries;
/* readonly */
uint numInstanceNodes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
uint occlusionLodLevel;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
/* readonly */
Zone zone;
uint zoneMask;
class StaticSprite2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetFlip(bool, bool, bool = false);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
float alpha;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
Color color;
Material customMaterial;
float drawDistance;
Rect drawRect;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
bool flipX;
bool flipY;
Vector2 hotSpot;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
int layer;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
int orderInLayer;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
Sprite2D sprite;
bool swapXY;
bool temporary;
Rect textureRect;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDrawRect;
bool useHotSpot;
bool useTextureRect;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
class StretchableSprite2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetFlip(bool, bool, bool = false);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
float alpha;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
Color color;
Material customMaterial;
float drawDistance;
Rect drawRect;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
bool flipX;
bool flipY;
Vector2 hotSpot;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
int layer;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
int orderInLayer;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
Sprite2D sprite;
bool swapXY;
bool temporary;
Rect textureRect;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDrawRect;
bool useHotSpot;
bool useTextureRect;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
class String
String(const String&in);
String(const char*);
// Methods:
void AppendUTF8(uint);
uint AtUTF8(uint) const;
uint ByteOffsetUTF8(uint) const;
void Clear();
int Compare(const String&, bool = true) const;
bool Contains(const String&, bool = true) const;
bool Contains(uint8, bool = true) const;
bool EndsWith(const String&, bool = true) const;
uint Find(const String&, uint = 0, bool = true) const;
uint Find(uint8, uint = 0, bool = true) const;
uint FindLast(const String&, uint = 0xffffffff, bool = true) const;
uint FindLast(uint8, uint = 0xffffffff, bool = true) const;
void Join(Array<String>&, const String&);
uint NextUTF8Char(uint&) const;
void Replace(const String&, const String&, bool = true);
void Replace(uint8, uint8, bool = true);
void ReplaceUTF8(uint, uint);
String Replaced(const String&, const String&, bool = true) const;
String Replaced(uint8, uint8, bool = true) const;
void Resize(uint);
void SetUTF8FromLatin1(const String&);
Array<String> Split(uint8, bool = false) const;
bool StartsWith(const String&, bool = true) const;
String Substring(uint) const;
String Substring(uint, uint) const;
String SubstringUTF8(uint) const;
String SubstringUTF8(uint, uint) const;
bool ToBool() const;
Color ToColor() const;
double ToDouble() const;
float ToFloat() const;
int ToInt(int = 10) const;
int64 ToInt64(int = 10) const;
IntRect ToIntRect() const;
IntVector2 ToIntVector2() const;
IntVector3 ToIntVector3() const;
String ToLower() const;
Matrix3 ToMatrix3() const;
Matrix3x4 ToMatrix3x4() const;
Matrix4 ToMatrix4() const;
Quaternion ToQuaternion() const;
uint ToUInt(int = 10) const;
uint64 ToUInt64(int = 10) const;
String ToUpper() const;
Vector2 ToVector2() const;
Vector3 ToVector3() const;
Vector4 ToVector4(bool = false) const;
Variant ToVectorVariant() const;
String Trimmed() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool empty;
/* readonly */
uint length;
/* readonly */
uint utf8Length;
class StringHash
StringHash(const StringHash&in);
StringHash(const String&in);
// Methods:
String ToString() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
uint value;
class Technique
Technique(const String&in);
// Methods:
Technique Clone(const String& = String ( )) const;
Pass CreatePass(const String&);
Pass GetPass(const String&);
Pass GetSupportedPass(const String&);
bool HasPass(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void RemovePass(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
bool desktop;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numPasses;
/* readonly */
Array<String> passNames;
/* readonly */
Array<Pass> passes;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool supported;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class TechniqueEntry
TechniqueEntry(const TechniqueEntry&in);
// Properties:
float lodDistance;
int qualityLevel;
Technique technique;
class Terrain
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void ApplyHeightMap();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
float GetHeight(const Vector3&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
TerrainPatch GetNeighborPatch(int, int) const;
Vector3 GetNormal(const Vector3&) const;
TerrainPatch GetPatch(int, int) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
Vector3 HeightMapToWorld(const IntVector2&) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetNeighbors(Terrain, Terrain, Terrain, Terrain);
IntVector2 WorldToHeightMap(const Vector3&) const;
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
Terrain eastNeighbor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
Image heightMap;
/* readonly */
uint id;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
Material material;
uint maxLights;
uint maxLodLevels;
/* readonly */
Node node;
Terrain northNeighbor;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 numPatches;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 numVertices;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
uint occlusionLodLevel;
int patchSize;
/* readonly */
Array<TerrainPatch> patches;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool smoothing;
Terrain southNeighbor;
Vector3 spacing;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
Terrain westNeighbor;
uint zoneMask;
class TerrainPatch
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
class Text
Text(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
void ClearSelection();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
bool SetFont(Font, float);
bool SetFont(const String&, float);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSelection(uint, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool autoLocalizable;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
Array<Vector2> charPositions;
/* readonly */
Array<Vector2> charSizes;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
Color effectColor;
bool effectRoundStroke;
IntVector2 effectShadowOffset;
int effectStrokeThickness;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
/* readonly */
Font font;
float fontSize;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
Color hoverColor;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChars;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numRows;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
float rowHeight;
float rowSpacing;
/* readonly */
Array<float> rowWidths;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
Color selectionColor;
/* readonly */
uint selectionLength;
/* readonly */
uint selectionStart;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
String text;
HorizontalAlignment textAlignment;
TextEffect textEffect;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
bool wordwrap;
class Text3D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
bool SetFont(Font, float);
bool SetFont(const String&, float);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
Array<Vector2> charPositions;
/* readonly */
Array<Vector2> charSizes;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
Array<Color> colors;
float drawDistance;
Color effectColor;
float effectDepthBias;
bool effectRoundStroke;
IntVector2 effectShadowOffset;
int effectStrokeThickness;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
FaceCameraMode faceCameraMode;
bool fixedScreenSize;
/* readonly */
Font font;
float fontSize;
/* readonly */
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
Material material;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChars;
/* readonly */
uint numRows;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
float opacity;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
/* readonly */
float rowHeight;
float rowSpacing;
/* readonly */
Array<float> rowWidths;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool temporary;
String text;
HorizontalAlignment textAlignment;
TextEffect textEffect;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
bool wordwrap;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
class Texture
Texture(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&);
void ClearDataLost();
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void RemoveAllMetadata();
void RemoveMetadata(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetNumLevels(uint);
// Properties:
Array<TextureAddressMode> addressMode;
uint anisotropy;
/* readonly */
bool autoResolve;
Texture backupTexture;
Color borderColor;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint components;
/* readonly */
bool compressed;
/* readonly */
bool dataLost;
TextureFilterMode filterMode;
/* readonly */
uint format;
/* readonly */
bool hasMetadata;
/* readonly */
int height;
/* readonly */
Array<int> levelHeight;
/* readonly */
Array<int> levelWidth;
/* readonly */
uint levels;
/* readonly */
bool levelsDirty;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
Array<Variant> metadata;
Array<int> mipsToSkip;
/* readonly */
int multiSample;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool resolveDirty;
bool sRGB;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
TextureUsage usage;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
int width;
class Texture2D
Texture2D(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&);
void ClearDataLost();
Image GetImage() const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void RemoveAllMetadata();
void RemoveMetadata(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetData(Image, bool = false);
void SetNumLevels(uint);
bool SetSize(int, int, uint, TextureUsage = TEXTURE_STATIC, int = 1, bool = true);
// Properties:
Array<TextureAddressMode> addressMode;
uint anisotropy;
/* readonly */
bool autoResolve;
Texture backupTexture;
Color borderColor;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint components;
/* readonly */
bool compressed;
/* readonly */
bool dataLost;
TextureFilterMode filterMode;
/* readonly */
uint format;
/* readonly */
bool hasMetadata;
/* readonly */
int height;
/* readonly */
Array<int> levelHeight;
/* readonly */
Array<int> levelWidth;
/* readonly */
uint levels;
/* readonly */
bool levelsDirty;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
Array<Variant> metadata;
Array<int> mipsToSkip;
/* readonly */
int multiSample;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
RenderSurface renderSurface;
/* readonly */
bool resolveDirty;
bool sRGB;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
TextureUsage usage;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
int width;
class Texture2DArray
Texture2DArray(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&);
void ClearDataLost();
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void RemoveAllMetadata();
void RemoveMetadata(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetData(uint, Image, bool = false);
void SetNumLevels(uint);
bool SetSize(uint, int, int, uint, TextureUsage = TEXTURE_STATIC);
// Properties:
Array<TextureAddressMode> addressMode;
uint anisotropy;
/* readonly */
bool autoResolve;
Texture backupTexture;
Color borderColor;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint components;
/* readonly */
bool compressed;
/* readonly */
bool dataLost;
TextureFilterMode filterMode;
/* readonly */
uint format;
/* readonly */
bool hasMetadata;
/* readonly */
int height;
uint layers;
/* readonly */
Array<int> levelHeight;
/* readonly */
Array<int> levelWidth;
/* readonly */
uint levels;
/* readonly */
bool levelsDirty;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
Array<Variant> metadata;
Array<int> mipsToSkip;
/* readonly */
int multiSample;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
RenderSurface renderSurface;
/* readonly */
bool resolveDirty;
bool sRGB;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
TextureUsage usage;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
int width;
class Texture3D
Texture3D(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&);
void ClearDataLost();
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void RemoveAllMetadata();
void RemoveMetadata(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetData(Image, bool = false);
void SetNumLevels(uint);
bool SetSize(int, int, int, uint, TextureUsage = TEXTURE_STATIC);
// Properties:
Array<TextureAddressMode> addressMode;
uint anisotropy;
/* readonly */
bool autoResolve;
Texture backupTexture;
Color borderColor;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint components;
/* readonly */
bool compressed;
/* readonly */
bool dataLost;
TextureFilterMode filterMode;
/* readonly */
uint format;
/* readonly */
bool hasMetadata;
/* readonly */
int height;
/* readonly */
Array<int> levelHeight;
/* readonly */
Array<int> levelWidth;
/* readonly */
uint levels;
/* readonly */
bool levelsDirty;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
Array<Variant> metadata;
Array<int> mipsToSkip;
/* readonly */
int multiSample;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool resolveDirty;
bool sRGB;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
TextureUsage usage;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
int width;
class TextureCube
TextureCube(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddMetadata(const String&, const Variant&);
void ClearDataLost();
Image GetImage(CubeMapFace) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void RemoveAllMetadata();
void RemoveMetadata(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetData(CubeMapFace, Image, bool = false);
void SetNumLevels(uint);
bool SetSize(int, uint, TextureUsage = TEXTURE_STATIC, int = 1);
// Properties:
Array<TextureAddressMode> addressMode;
uint anisotropy;
/* readonly */
bool autoResolve;
Texture backupTexture;
Color borderColor;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint components;
/* readonly */
bool compressed;
/* readonly */
bool dataLost;
TextureFilterMode filterMode;
/* readonly */
uint format;
/* readonly */
bool hasMetadata;
/* readonly */
int height;
/* readonly */
Array<int> levelHeight;
/* readonly */
Array<int> levelWidth;
/* readonly */
uint levels;
/* readonly */
bool levelsDirty;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
Array<Variant> metadata;
Array<int> mipsToSkip;
/* readonly */
int multiSample;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Array<RenderSurface> renderSurfaces;
/* readonly */
bool resolveDirty;
bool sRGB;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
TextureUsage usage;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
int width;
class TextureFrame
// Properties:
float time;
Rect uv;
class Tile2D
// Methods:
bool HasProperty(const String&) const;
const String& GetProperty(const String&) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool flipX;
/* readonly */
bool flipY;
/* readonly */
uint gid;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Sprite2D sprite;
/* readonly */
bool swapXY;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class TileMap2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
TileMapLayer2D GetLayer(uint) const;
Array<TileMapObject2D> GetTileCollisionShapes(uint) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
bool PositionToTileIndex(int&, int&, const Vector2&) const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
Vector2 TileIndexToPosition(int, int) const;
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
TileMapInfo2D info;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numLayers;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
TmxFile2D tmxFile;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class TileMapInfo2D
// Properties:
int height;
/* readonly */
float mapHeight;
/* readonly */
float mapWidth;
Orientation2D orientation;
float tileHeight;
float tileWidth;
int width;
class TileMapLayer2D
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
TileMapObject2D GetObject(uint) const;
Node GetObjectNode(uint) const;
Tile2D GetTile(int, int) const;
Node GetTileNode(int, int) const;
bool HasProperty(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
const String& GetProperty(const String&) const;
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
int drawOrder;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
int height;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Node imageNode;
/* readonly */
TileMapLayerType2D layerType;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numObjects;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
int width;
class TileMapObject2D
// Methods:
bool HasProperty(const String&) const;
const String& GetProperty(const String&) const;
const Vector2& GetPoint(uint) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numPoints;
/* readonly */
TileObjectType2D objectType;
/* readonly */
Vector2 position;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Vector2 size;
/* readonly */
bool tileFlipX;
/* readonly */
bool tileFlipY;
/* readonly */
uint tileGid;
/* readonly */
Sprite2D tileSprite;
/* readonly */
bool tileSwapXY;
/* readonly */
String type;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Time
// Methods:
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
float elapsedTime;
/* readonly */
uint frameNumber;
/* readonly */
float framesPerSecond;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
uint systemTime;
/* readonly */
uint timeSinceEpoch;
/* readonly */
String timeStamp;
/* readonly */
float timeStep;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Timer
// Methods:
uint GetMSec(bool);
void Reset();
class TmxFile2D
TmxFile2D(const String&in);
// Methods:
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
float edgeOffset;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class ToolTip
ToolTip(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void Reset();
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
void add_altTarget(UIElement);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
float delay;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class TouchState
// Properties:
IntVector2 delta;
IntVector2 lastPosition;
IntVector2 position;
float pressure;
int touchID;
/* readonly */
UIElement touchedElement;
class UI
// Methods:
void Clear();
void DebugDraw(UIElement);
UIElement GetElementAt(const IntVector2&, bool = true);
UIElement GetElementAt(int, int, bool = true);
bool HasModalElement() const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsDragging() const;
UIElement LoadLayout(File);
UIElement LoadLayout(File, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadLayout(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadLayout(VectorBuffer&, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadLayout(XMLFile);
UIElement LoadLayout(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool SaveLayout(File, UIElement);
bool SaveLayout(VectorBuffer&, UIElement);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetCustomSize(int, int);
void SetFocusElement(UIElement, bool = false);
void SetHeight(float);
void SetWidth(float);
const Array<UIElement> GetDragElements();
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
String clipBoardText;
Cursor cursor;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 cursorPosition;
IntVector2 customSize;
float defaultToolTipDelay;
float doubleClickInterval;
int dragBeginDistance;
float dragBeginInterval;
UIElement focusElement;
FontHintLevel fontHintLevel;
int fontOversampling;
float fontSubpixelThreshold;
bool forceAutoHint;
/* readonly */
UIElement frontElement;
float maxDoubleClickDistance;
int maxFontTextureSize;
/* readonly */
UIElement modalRoot;
bool nonFocusedMouseWheel;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
float scale;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useMutableGlyphs;
bool useScreenKeyboard;
bool useSystemClipboard;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class UIComponent
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
/* readonly */
String category;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
Material material;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
Texture2D texture;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class UIElement
UIElement(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class UISelectable
UISelectable(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
Color hoverColor;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
Color selectionColor;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class ValueAnimation
ValueAnimation(const String&in);
// Methods:
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetEventFrame(float, const String&, const VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetKeyFrame(float, const Variant&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
InterpMethod interpolationMethod;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
float splineTension;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
VariantType valueType;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Variant
Variant(const Variant&in);
Variant(const StringHash&in);
Variant(const Vector2&in);
Variant(const Vector3&in);
Variant(const Vector4&in);
Variant(const Quaternion&in);
Variant(const Color&in);
Variant(const String&in);
Variant(const ResourceRef&in);
Variant(const ResourceRefList&in);
Variant(const Variant[]@);
Variant(const String[]@);
Variant(const VariantMap&in);
Variant(const Rect&in);
Variant(const IntRect&in);
Variant(const IntVector2&in);
Variant(const IntVector3&in);
Variant(const Matrix3&in);
Variant(const Matrix3x4&in);
Variant(const Matrix4&in);
Variant(const String&in, const String&in);
Variant(VariantType, const String&in);
Variant(const VectorBuffer&in);
// Methods:
void Clear();
const Color& GetColor() const;
void FromString(VariantType, const String&);
void FromString(const String&, const String&);
bool GetBool() const;
VectorBuffer GetBuffer() const;
double GetDouble() const;
float GetFloat() const;
int GetInt() const;
int GetInt64() const;
RefCounted GetPtr() const;
ScriptObject GetScriptObject() const;
StringHash GetStringHash() const;
Array<String> GetStringVector() const;
uint GetUInt() const;
uint64 GetUInt64() const;
Array<Variant> GetVariantVector() const;
const IntRect& GetIntRect() const;
const IntVector2& GetIntVector2() const;
const IntVector3& GetIntVector3() const;
const Matrix3& GetMatrix3() const;
const Matrix3x4& GetMatrix3x4() const;
const Matrix4& GetMatrix4() const;
const Quaternion& GetQuaternion() const;
const Rect& GetRect() const;
const ResourceRef& GetResourceRef() const;
const ResourceRefList& GetResourceRefList() const;
const String& GetString() const;
String ToString() const;
const VariantMap& GetVariantMap() const;
const Vector2& GetVector2() const;
const Vector3& GetVector3() const;
const Vector4& GetVector4() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool empty;
/* readonly */
VariantType type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
bool zero;
class VariantMap
VariantMap(const VariantMap&in);
// Methods:
void Clear();
bool Contains(StringHash) const;
bool Contains(const String&) const;
bool Erase(StringHash);
bool Erase(const String&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<StringHash> keys;
/* readonly */
uint length;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> values;
class Vector2
Vector2(const Vector2&in);
Vector2(const IntVector2&in);
Vector2(float, float);
// Methods:
Vector2 Abs() const;
float AbsDotProduct(const Vector2&) const;
float Angle(const Vector2&) const;
float DotProduct(const Vector2&) const;
bool Equals(const Vector2&) const;
bool IsNaN() const;
Vector2 Lerp(const Vector2&, float) const;
void Normalize();
Vector2 Normalized() const;
float ProjectOntoAxis(const Vector2&) const;
String ToString() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<float> data;
/* readonly */
float length;
/* readonly */
float lengthSquared;
float x;
float y;
// Constants:
static const Vector2 DOWN;
static const Vector2 LEFT;
static const Vector2 ONE;
static const Vector2 RIGHT;
static const Vector2 UP;
static const Vector2 ZERO;
class Vector3
Vector3(const Vector3&in);
Vector3(const Vector2&in, float);
Vector3(const Vector2&in);
Vector3(const IntVector3&in);
Vector3(float, float, float);
Vector3(float, float);
// Methods:
Vector3 Abs() const;
float AbsDotProduct(const Vector3&) const;
float Angle(const Vector3&) const;
Vector3 CrossProduct(const Vector3&) const;
float DistanceToPlane(const Vector3&, const Vector3&) const;
float DistanceToPoint(const Vector3&) const;
float DotProduct(const Vector3&) const;
bool Equals(const Vector3&) const;
bool IsNaN() const;
Vector3 Lerp(const Vector3&, float) const;
void Normalize();
Vector3 Normalized() const;
Vector3 Orthogonalize(const Vector3&) const;
float ProjectOntoAxis(const Vector3&) const;
Vector3 ProjectOntoLine(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, bool = false) const;
Vector3 ProjectOntoPlane(const Vector3&, const Vector3&) const;
String ToString() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<float> data;
/* readonly */
float length;
/* readonly */
float lengthSquared;
float x;
float y;
float z;
// Constants:
static const Vector3 BACK;
static const Vector3 DOWN;
static const Vector3 FORWARD;
static const Vector3 LEFT;
static const Vector3 ONE;
static const Vector3 RIGHT;
static const Vector3 UP;
static const Vector3 ZERO;
class Vector4
Vector4(const Vector4&in);
Vector4(float, float, float, float);
Vector4(const Vector3&in, float);
// Methods:
Vector4 Abs() const;
float AbsDotProduct(const Vector4&) const;
float DotProduct(const Vector4&) const;
bool Equals(const Vector4&) const;
bool IsNaN() const;
Vector4 Lerp(const Vector4&, float) const;
float ProjectOntoAxis(const Vector3&) const;
String ToString() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
Array<float> data;
float w;
float x;
float y;
float z;
class VectorBuffer
VectorBuffer(const VectorBuffer&in);
VectorBuffer(Deserializer@, uint);
// Methods:
void Clear();
Array<uint8> Read(uint);
bool ReadBool();
BoundingBox ReadBoundingBox();
int8 ReadByte();
Color ReadColor();
double ReadDouble();
String ReadFileID();
float ReadFloat();
int ReadInt();
int64 ReadInt64();
IntRect ReadIntRect();
IntVector2 ReadIntVector2();
String ReadLine();
Matrix3 ReadMatrix3();
Matrix3x4 ReadMatrix3x4();
Matrix4 ReadMatrix4();
uint ReadNetID();
Quaternion ReadPackedQuaternion();
Vector3 ReadPackedVector3(float);
Quaternion ReadQuaternion();
int16 ReadShort();
String ReadString();
StringHash ReadStringHash();
uint8 ReadUByte();
uint ReadUInt();
uint64 ReadUInt64();
uint16 ReadUShort();
uint ReadVLE();
Variant ReadVariant();
VariantMap ReadVariantMap();
Vector2 ReadVector2();
Vector3 ReadVector3();
Vector4 ReadVector4();
VectorBuffer ReadVectorBuffer(uint);
void Resize(uint);
uint Seek(uint);
uint SeekRelative(int);
void SetData(Deserializer, uint);
uint Tell() const;
uint Write(Array<uint8>);
bool WriteBool(bool);
bool WriteBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&);
bool WriteByte(int8);
bool WriteColor(const Color&);
bool WriteDouble(double);
bool WriteFileID(const String&);
bool WriteFloat(float);
bool WriteInt(int);
bool WriteInt64(int64);
bool WriteIntRect(const IntRect&);
bool WriteIntVector2(const IntVector2&);
bool WriteLine(const String&);
bool WriteMatrix3(const Matrix3&);
bool WriteMatrix3x4(const Matrix3x4&);
bool WriteMatrix4(const Matrix4&);
bool WriteNetID(uint);
bool WritePackedQuaternion(const Quaternion&);
bool WritePackedVector3(const Vector3&, float);
bool WriteQuaternion(const Quaternion&);
bool WriteShort(int16);
bool WriteString(const String&);
bool WriteStringHash(const StringHash&);
bool WriteUByte(uint8);
bool WriteUInt(uint);
bool WriteUInt64(uint64);
bool WriteUShort(uint16);
bool WriteVLE(uint);
bool WriteVariant(const Variant&);
bool WriteVariantMap(const VariantMap&);
bool WriteVector2(const Vector2&);
bool WriteVector3(const Vector3&);
bool WriteVector4(const Vector4&);
bool WriteVectorBuffer(const VectorBuffer&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
uint checksum;
/* readonly */
bool eof;
/* readonly */
String name;
/* readonly */
uint position;
/* readonly */
uint size;
class VertexBuffer
// Methods:
VectorBuffer GetData() const;
uint GetElementOffset(VertexElementSemantic, uint8 = 0) const;
uint GetElementOffset(VertexElementType, VertexElementSemantic, uint8 = 0) const;
bool HasElement(VertexElementSemantic, uint8 = 0) const;
bool HasElement(VertexElementType, VertexElementSemantic, uint8 = 0) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetData(VectorBuffer&);
bool SetDataRange(VectorBuffer&, uint, uint, bool = false);
void SetSize(uint, Array<VertexElement>, bool = false);
void SetSize(uint, uint, bool = false);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
bool dynamic;
/* readonly */
uint elementMask;
/* readonly */
Array<VertexElement> elements;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool shadowed;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint vertexCount;
/* readonly */
uint vertexSize;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class VertexElement
VertexElement(const VertexElement&in);
VertexElement(VertexElementType, VertexElementSemantic, uint8 index = 0, bool perInstance = false);
// Properties:
uint8 index;
uint offset;
bool perInstance;
VertexElementSemantic semantic;
VertexElementType type;
class View3D
View3D(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void QueueUpdate();
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetDisabledOffset(int, int);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHoverOffset(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void SetView(Scene, Camera, bool = true);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
bool autoUpdate;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
Node cameraNode;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
Texture2D depthTexture;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
IntVector2 disabledOffset;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
bool fixedHeightResizing;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool fixedWidthResizing;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
uint format;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hoverOffset;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageBorder;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Material material;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
bool modal;
bool modalAutoDismiss;
Color modalFrameColor;
IntVector2 modalFrameSize;
Color modalShadeColor;
bool movable;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
Texture2D renderTexture;
bool resizable;
IntRect resizeBorder;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
Scene scene;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
Texture texture;
bool tiled;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
/* readonly */
Viewport viewport;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class Viewport
Viewport(Scene&, Camera&, RenderPath& renderPath = null);
Viewport(Scene&, Camera&, const IntRect&in, RenderPath& renderPath = null);
// Methods:
Ray GetScreenRay(int, int) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
Vector3 ScreenToWorldPoint(int, int, float) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
bool SetRenderPath(XMLFile);
IntVector2 WorldToScreenPoint(const Vector3&) const;
// Properties:
Camera camera;
/* readonly */
String category;
Camera cullCamera;
bool drawDebug;
IntRect rect;
/* readonly */
int refs;
RenderPath renderPath;
Scene scene;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class WeakHandle
WeakHandle(const WeakHandle&in);
// Methods:
RefCounted Get() const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool expired;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class Window
Window(const String&in);
// Methods:
void AddChild(UIElement);
void AddTag(const String&);
void AddTags(const String&, int8 = ';');
void ApplyAttributes();
void BringToFront();
UIElement CreateChild(const String&, const String& = String ( ), uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void DisableLayoutUpdate();
IntVector2 ElementToScreen(const IntVector2&);
void EnableLayoutUpdate();
uint FindChild(UIElement) const;
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
UIElement GetChild(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetChild(const StringHash&, const Variant& = Variant ( ), bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildren(bool = false) const;
Array<UIElement> GetChildrenWithTag(const String&, bool = false) const;
UIElement GetElementEventSender() const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
uint GetNumChildren(bool) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool HasTag(const String&) const;
void InsertChild(uint, UIElement);
bool IsChildOf(UIElement) const;
bool IsInside(IntVector2, bool);
bool IsInsideCombined(IntVector2, bool);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
UIElement LoadChildXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
UIElement LoadChildXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(File);
bool LoadXML(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadXML(XMLFile, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&, XMLFile);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAllChildren();
void RemoveAllTags();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveChild(UIElement, uint = 0);
void RemoveChild(uint);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
bool RemoveTag(const String&);
void ResetDeepEnabled();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(File, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(VectorBuffer&, const String& = "\t");
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
IntVector2 ScreenToElement(const IntVector2&);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAlignment(HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment);
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetDeepEnabled(bool);
void SetDisabledOffset(int, int);
void SetEnabledRecursive(bool);
void SetFixedHeight(int);
void SetFixedSize(int, int);
void SetFixedWidth(int);
void SetFullImageRect();
void SetHoverOffset(int, int);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
void SetLayout(LayoutMode, int = 0, const IntRect& = IntRect ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
void SetMaxAnchor(float, float);
void SetMaxSize(int, int);
void SetMinAnchor(float, float);
void SetMinSize(int, int);
void SetParent(UIElement, uint = M_MAX_UNSIGNED);
void SetPivot(float, float);
void SetPosition(int, int);
void SetSize(int, int);
bool SetStyle(const String&, XMLFile = null);
bool SetStyle(const XMLElement&);
bool SetStyleAuto(XMLFile = null);
void UpdateLayout();
const Variant& GetVar(const StringHash&);
// Properties:
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BlendMode blendMode;
IntRect border;
bool bringToBack;
bool bringToFront;
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 childOffset;
/* readonly */
Array<UIElement> children;
IntRect clipBorder;
bool clipChildren;
/* writeonly */
Color color;
/* readonly */
bool colorGradient;
Array<Color> colors;
/* readonly */
IntRect combinedScreenRect;
XMLFile defaultStyle;
/* readonly */
float derivedOpacity;
IntVector2 disabledOffset;
/* readonly */
uint dragButtonCombo;
/* readonly */
int dragButtonCount;
uint dragDropMode;
bool editable;
bool elementEventSender;
bool enableAnchor;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledSelf;
/* readonly */
bool fixedHeight;
bool fixedHeightResizing;
/* readonly */
bool fixedSize;
/* readonly */
bool fixedWidth;
bool fixedWidthResizing;
bool focus;
FocusMode focusMode;
int height;
HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
IntVector2 hoverOffset;
/* readonly */
bool hovering;
IntRect imageBorder;
IntRect imageRect;
int indent;
int indentSpacing;
/* readonly */
int indentWidth;
bool internal;
IntRect layoutBorder;
Vector2 layoutFlexScale;
LayoutMode layoutMode;
int layoutSpacing;
Material material;
Vector2 maxAnchor;
int maxHeight;
IntVector2 maxOffset;
IntVector2 maxSize;
int maxWidth;
Vector2 minAnchor;
int minHeight;
IntVector2 minOffset;
IntVector2 minSize;
int minWidth;
bool modal;
bool modalAutoDismiss;
Color modalFrameColor;
IntVector2 modalFrameSize;
Color modalShadeColor;
bool movable;
String name;
/* readonly */
uint numAllChildren;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
uint numChildren;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
float opacity;
UIElement parent;
Vector2 pivot;
IntVector2 position;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
bool resizable;
IntRect resizeBorder;
/* readonly */
UIElement root;
/* readonly */
IntVector2 screenPosition;
bool selected;
IntVector2 size;
bool sortChildren;
String style;
/* readonly */
Array<String> tags;
bool temporary;
Texture texture;
bool tiled;
TraversalMode traversalMode;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
bool useDerivedOpacity;
/* readonly */
VariantMap vars;
VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment;
bool visible;
/* readonly */
bool visibleEffective;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
int width;
class XMLElement
XMLElement(const XMLElement&in);
// Methods:
bool AppendChild(XMLElement, bool);
XMLElement CreateChild(const String&);
String GetAttribute(const String& = String ( )) const;
String GetAttributeLower(const String&) const;
Array<String> GetAttributeNames() const;
String GetAttributeUpper(const String&) const;
bool GetBool(const String&) const;
BoundingBox GetBoundingBox() const;
XMLElement GetChild(const String& = String ( )) const;
Color GetColor(const String&) const;
double GetDouble(const String&) const;
float GetFloat(const String&) const;
int GetInt(const String&) const;
int64 GetInt64(const String&) const;
IntRect GetIntRect(const String&) const;
IntVector2 GetIntVector2(const String&) const;
IntVector3 GetIntVector3(const String&) const;
Matrix3 GetMatrix3(const String&) const;
Matrix3x4 GetMatrix3x4(const String&) const;
Matrix4 GetMatrix4(const String&) const;
XMLElement GetNext(const String& = String ( )) const;
XMLElement GetOrCreateChild(const String&);
Quaternion GetQuaternion(const String&) const;
ResourceRef GetResourceRef() const;
ResourceRefList GetResourceRefList() const;
uint GetUInt(const String&) const;
uint64 GetUInt64(const String&) const;
String GetValue() const;
Variant GetVariant() const;
VariantMap GetVariantMap() const;
Array<Variant> GetVariantVector() const;
Vector2 GetVector2(const String&) const;
Vector3 GetVector3(const String&) const;
Vector4 GetVector4(const String&) const;
Variant GetVectorVariant(const String&) const;
bool HasAttribute(const String&) const;
bool HasChild(const String&) const;
bool Remove();
bool RemoveAttribute(const String& = String ( ));
bool RemoveChild(const String&);
bool RemoveChild(const XMLElement&);
bool RemoveChildren(const String& = String ( ));
XPathResultSet Select(const String&);
XPathResultSet SelectPrepared(const XPathQuery&);
XMLElement SelectSingle(const String&);
XMLElement SelectSinglePrepared(const XPathQuery&);
bool SetAttribute(const String&);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const String&);
bool SetBool(const String&, bool);
bool SetBoundingBox(const BoundingBox&);
bool SetColor(const String&, const Color&);
bool SetDouble(const String&, double);
bool SetFloat(const String&, float);
bool SetInt(const String&, int);
bool SetInt64(const String&, int64);
bool SetIntRect(const String&, const IntRect&);
bool SetIntVector2(const String&, const IntVector2&);
bool SetIntVector3(const String&, const IntVector3&);
bool SetMatrix3(const String&, const Matrix3&);
bool SetMatrix3x4(const String&, const Matrix3x4&);
bool SetMatrix4(const String&, const Matrix4&);
bool SetQuaternion(const String&, const Quaternion&);
bool SetResourceRef(const String&, const ResourceRef&);
bool SetResourceRefList(const String&, const ResourceRefList&);
bool SetUInt(const String&, uint);
bool SetUInt64(const String&, uint64);
bool SetValue(const String&);
bool SetVariant(const Variant&);
bool SetVariantMap(const VariantMap&);
bool SetVariantVector(Array<Variant>);
bool SetVector2(const String&, const Vector2&);
bool SetVector3(const String&, const Vector3&);
bool SetVector4(const String&, const Vector4&);
bool SetVectorVariant(const String&, const Variant&);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
XMLFile file;
/* readonly */
bool isNull;
/* readonly */
String name;
/* readonly */
XMLElement nextResult;
/* readonly */
bool notNull;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
/* readonly */
XMLElement parent;
String value;
class XMLFile
XMLFile(const String&in);
// Methods:
XMLElement CreateRoot(const String&);
bool FromString(const String&);
XMLElement GetOrCreateRoot(const String&);
XMLElement GetRoot(const String& = String ( ));
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool Load(const String&);
void Patch(XMLFile);
void Patch(const XMLElement&);
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(File, const String&) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool Save(const String&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
String ToString(const String& = String ( "\t" )) const;
// Properties:
/* readonly */
String category;
/* readonly */
uint memoryUse;
String name;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
XMLElement root;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
/* readonly */
uint useTimer;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
class XPathQuery
XPathQuery(const String&in, const String&inout arg1 = String ( ));
// Methods:
void Bind();
void Clear();
XPathResultSet Evaluate(const XMLElement&);
bool EvaluateToBool(const XMLElement&);
float EvaluateToFloat(const XMLElement&);
String EvaluateToString(const XMLElement&);
bool SetQuery(const String&, const String& = String ( ), bool = true);
bool SetVariable(const String&, bool);
bool SetVariable(const String&, const String&);
bool SetVariable(const String&, const XPathResultSet&);
bool SetVariable(const String&, float);
// Properties:
String query;
class XPathResultSet
XPathResultSet(const XPathResultSet&in);
// Properties:
/* readonly */
bool empty;
/* readonly */
XMLElement firstResult;
/* readonly */
uint size;
class Zone
// Methods:
void ApplyAttributes();
void DrawDebugGeometry(DebugRenderer, bool);
Variant GetAttribute(const String&) const;
ValueAnimation GetAttributeAnimation(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&) const;
float GetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&) const;
WrapMode GetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&) const;
Variant GetAttributeDefault(const String&) const;
bool GetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&) const;
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
bool IsInView(Camera) const;
bool Load(File);
bool Load(VectorBuffer&);
bool LoadJSON(const JSONValue&);
bool LoadXML(const XMLElement&);
void MarkNetworkUpdate() const;
void Remove();
void RemoveAttributeAnimation(const String&);
void RemoveInstanceDefault();
void RemoveObjectAnimation();
void ResetToDefault();
bool Save(File) const;
bool Save(VectorBuffer&) const;
bool SaveJSON(JSONValue&) const;
bool SaveXML(XMLElement&) const;
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetAnimationTime(float);
bool SetAttribute(const String&, const Variant&);
void SetAttributeAnimation(const String&, ValueAnimation, WrapMode = WM_LOOP, float = 1.0f);
void SetAttributeAnimationSpeed(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationTime(const String&, float);
void SetAttributeAnimationWrapMode(const String&, WrapMode);
void SetInterceptNetworkUpdate(const String&, bool);
// Properties:
Color ambientColor;
/* readonly */
Color ambientEndColor;
bool ambientGradient;
/* readonly */
Color ambientStartColor;
bool animationEnabled;
/* readonly */
Array<Variant> attributeDefaults;
/* readonly */
Array<AttributeInfo> attributeInfos;
Array<Variant> attributes;
BoundingBox boundingBox;
bool castShadows;
/* readonly */
String category;
float drawDistance;
bool enabled;
/* readonly */
bool enabledEffective;
Color fogColor;
float fogEnd;
float fogHeight;
float fogHeightScale;
float fogStart;
bool heightFog;
/* readonly */
uint id;
/* readonly */
bool inView;
/* readonly */
Matrix3x4 inverseWorldTransform;
uint lightMask;
float lodBias;
uint maxLights;
/* readonly */
Node node;
/* readonly */
uint numAttributes;
ObjectAnimation objectAnimation;
bool occludee;
bool occluder;
bool override;
int priority;
/* readonly */
int refs;
/* readonly */
bool replicated;
float shadowDistance;
uint shadowMask;
bool temporary;
/* readonly */
StringHash type;
/* readonly */
String typeName;
uint viewMask;
/* readonly */
int weakRefs;
/* readonly */
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox;
uint zoneMask;
Texture zoneTexture;
// Enumerations
enum AnimationBlendMode
enum AnimationChannel
enum AttributeMode
enum AutoRemoveMode
enum BlendMode
enum BodyType2D
enum ClearTarget
enum CollisionEventMode
enum CompareMode
enum CompressedFormat
enum ConstraintType
enum ControllerAxis
enum ControllerButton
enum Corner
enum CreateMode
enum CrowdAgentRequestedTarget
enum CrowdAgentState
enum CrowdAgentTargetState
enum CubeMapFace
enum CullMode
enum CursorShape
enum DBAPI
enum DragAndDropMode
enum DumpMode
enum EmitterType
enum EmitterType2D
enum FaceCameraMode
enum FileMode
enum FillMode
enum FocusMode
enum FontHintLevel
enum FontType
enum HatPosition
enum HighlightMode
enum HorizontalAlignment
enum HttpRequestState
enum IKAlgorithm
enum InterpMethod
enum InterpolationMode
enum Intersection
enum JSONNumberType
enum JSONValueType
enum Key
enum LayoutMode
enum LightType
enum LoadMode
enum LoopMode2D
enum MaterialQuality
enum MouseButton
enum MouseMode
enum NavigationPushiness
enum NavigationQuality
enum NavmeshPartitionType
enum Orientation
enum Orientation2D
enum PassLightingMode
enum PrimitiveType
enum Qualifier
enum RayQueryLevel
enum RenderCommandSortMode
enum RenderCommandType
enum RenderSurfaceUpdateMode
enum RenderTargetSizeMode
enum Scancode
enum ShadowQuality
enum ShapeType
enum TextEffect
enum TextureAddressMode
enum TextureCoordinate
enum TextureFilterMode
enum TextureUnit
enum TextureUsage
enum TileMapLayerType2D
enum TileObjectType2D
enum TrailType
enum TransformSpace
enum TraversalMode
enum VariantType
enum VertexElementSemantic
enum VertexElementType
enum VertexMask
enum VerticalAlignment
enum ViewOverride
enum WrapMode
// Global functions
float Abs(float);
float Acos(float);
String AddTrailingSlash(const String&);
float Asin(float);
float Atan(float);
float Atan2(float, float);
float Ceil(float);
int CeilToInt(float);
float Clamp(float, float, float);
int Clamp(int, int, int);
void ClearDelayedExecute(const String& = String ( ));
VectorBuffer CompressVectorBuffer(VectorBuffer&);
float Cos(float);
uint CountSetBits(uint);
Object CreateObject(const String&);
VectorBuffer DecompressVectorBuffer(VectorBuffer&);
void DelayedExecute(float, bool, const String&, const Array<Variant> = null);
bool Equals(float, float);
void ErrorDialog(const String&, const String&);
float Floor(float);
int FloorToInt(float);
float Fract(float);
uint GetAlphaFormat();
Array<String> GetArguments();
String GetConsoleInput();
uint GetDepthStencilFormat();
Object GetEventSender();
String GetExtension(const String&, bool = true);
String GetFileName(const String&);
String GetFileNameAndExtension(const String&, bool = false);
String GetFileSizeString(uint64);
uint GetFloat16Format();
uint GetFloat32Format();
uint GetFormat(const String&);
Variant GetGlobalVar(const String&);
String GetHostName();
String GetInternalPath(const String&);
uint GetLinearDepthFormat();
String GetLoginName();
uint GetLuminanceAlphaFormat();
uint GetLuminanceFormat();
uint GetMaxBones();
String GetMiniDumpDir();
uint GetNumLogicalCPUs();
uint GetNumPhysicalCPUs();
String GetOSVersion();
Array<AttributeInfo> GetObjectAttributeInfos(const String&);
Array<String> GetObjectCategories();
Array<String> GetObjectsByCategory(const String&);
String GetParentPath(const String&);
String GetPath(const String&);
String GetPlatform();
uint GetRG16Format();
uint GetRGBA16Format();
uint GetRGBAFloat16Format();
uint GetRGBAFloat32Format();
uint GetRGBAFormat();
uint GetRGBFormat();
uint GetRGFloat16Format();
uint GetRGFloat32Format();
uint GetRandomSeed();
uint GetReadableDepthFormat();
String GetTextureUnitName(TextureUnit);
uint64 GetTotalMemory();
VariantType GetVariantTypeFromName(const String&);
String GetVariantTypeName(VariantType);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(Object, const String&);
bool HasSubscribedToEvent(const String&);
float InverseLerp(float, float, float);
bool IsAbsolutePath(const String&);
bool IsAlpha(uint);
bool IsDigit(uint);
bool IsNaN(double);
bool IsNaN(float);
bool IsPowerOfTwo(uint);
bool IsReplicatedID(uint);
String Join(Array<String>&, const String&);
float Lerp(float, float, float);
float Ln(float);
uint LogBaseTwo(uint);
void MarkNetworkUpdate();
float Max(float, float);
int Max(int, int);
float Min(float, float);
int Min(int, int);
float Mod(float, float);
uint NextPowerOfTwo(uint);
void OpenConsoleWindow();
float Pow(float, float);
void Print(bool, bool = false);
void Print(const String&, bool = false);
void Print(const Variant&, bool = false);
void Print(float, bool = false);
void Print(int, bool = false);
void Print(int64, bool = false);
void Print(uint, bool = false);
void Print(uint64, bool = false);
void PrintCallStack(bool = false);
float Random();
float Random(float);
float Random(float, float);
int RandomInt();
int RandomInt(int);
int RandomInt(int, int);
float RandomNormal(float, float);
void RegisterEventName(const String&);
void Remove();
String RemoveTrailingSlash(const String&);
String ReplaceExtension(const String&, const String&);
float Round(float);
int RoundToInt(float);
uint SDBMHash(uint, uint8);
void SendEvent(const String&, VariantMap& = VariantMap ( ));
void SetGlobalVar(const String&, Variant&);
void SetMiniDumpDir(const String&);
void SetRandomSeed(uint);
float Sign(float);
float Sin(float);
float SmoothStep(float, float, float);
float Sqrt(float);
float StableRandom(const Vector2&);
float StableRandom(const Vector3&);
float StableRandom(float);
const String& GetTypeName(StringHash);
void SubscribeToEvent(Object, const String&, const String&);
void SubscribeToEvent(const String&, const String&);
float Tan(float);
uint ToLower(uint);
String ToStringHex(int);
uint ToUpper(uint);
void UnsubscribeFromAllEvents();
void UnsubscribeFromAllEventsExcept(Array<String>);
void UnsubscribeFromEvent(Object, const String&);
void UnsubscribeFromEvent(const String&);
void UnsubscribeFromEvents(Object);
Vector2 VectorCeil(const Vector2&);
Vector3 VectorCeil(const Vector3&);
Vector4 VectorCeil(const Vector4&);
IntVector2 VectorCeilToInt(const Vector2&);
IntVector3 VectorCeilToInt(const Vector3&);
Vector2 VectorFloor(const Vector2&);
Vector3 VectorFloor(const Vector3&);
Vector4 VectorFloor(const Vector4&);
IntVector2 VectorFloorToInt(const Vector2&);
IntVector3 VectorFloorToInt(const Vector3&);
Vector2 VectorLerp(const Vector2&, const Vector2&, const Vector2&);
Vector3 VectorLerp(const Vector3&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
Vector4 VectorLerp(const Vector4&, const Vector4&, const Vector4&);
IntVector2 VectorMax(const IntVector2&, const IntVector2&);
IntVector3 VectorMax(const IntVector3&, const IntVector3&);
Vector2 VectorMax(const Vector2&, const Vector2&);
Vector3 VectorMax(const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
Vector4 VectorMax(const Vector4&, const Vector4&);
IntVector2 VectorMin(const IntVector2&, const IntVector2&);
IntVector3 VectorMin(const IntVector3&, const IntVector3&);
Vector2 VectorMin(const Vector2&, const Vector2&);
Vector3 VectorMin(const Vector3&, const Vector3&);
Vector4 VectorMin(const Vector4&, const Vector4&);
Vector2 VectorRound(const Vector2&);
Vector3 VectorRound(const Vector3&);
Vector4 VectorRound(const Vector4&);
IntVector2 VectorRoundToInt(const Vector2&);
IntVector3 VectorRoundToInt(const Vector3&);
bool WriteDrawablesToOBJ(Array<Drawable>, File, bool, bool, bool = false);
// Global properties
Audio audio;
ResourceCache cache;
Console console;
Database database;
DebugHud debugHud;
DebugRenderer debugRenderer;
Engine engine;
FileSystem fileSystem;
VariantMap globalVars;
Graphics graphics;
Input input;
Localization localization;
Log log;
Network network;
Node node;
Octree octree;
PhysicsWorld physicsWorld;
PhysicsWorld2D physicsWorld2D;
Renderer renderer;
ResourceCache resourceCache;
Scene scene;
Script script;
ScriptFile scriptFile;
ScriptInstance self;
Time time;
UI ui;
// Global constants
Color BLACK;
Color BLUE;
Color CYAN;
uint FLIP_ALL;
Color GRAY;
Color GREEN;
float M_DEGTORAD_2;
float M_EPSILON;
float M_HALF_PI;
int M_MAX_INT;
int M_MIN_INT;
float M_PI;
uint NPOS;
Color RED;
Color WHITE;