2019-11-01 09:29:48 +00:00

231 lines
7.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2009 Dr John Maddock
* Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
* Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
* LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* This file implements the following:
* void bcp_implementation::add_path(const fs::path& p)
* void bcp_implementation::add_directory(const fs::path& p)
* void bcp_implementation::add_file(const fs::path& p)
* void bcp_implementation::add_dependent_lib(const std::string& libname, const fs::path& p, const fileview& view)
#include "bcp_imp.hpp"
#include "fileview.hpp"
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/exception.hpp>
#include <iostream>
// This file contains the code required to work out whether the source/header file being scanned
// is actually dependent upon some library's source code or not.
static std::map<std::string, boost::regex> scanner;
static std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string> > free_function_names;
static std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string> > class_names;
static std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string> > variable_names;
static void init_library_scanner(const fs::path& p, bool cvs_mode, const std::string& libname, bool recurse = false)
if(free_function_names.count(libname) == 0)
free_function_names[libname] = "[\\x0]";
class_names[libname] = "[\\x0]";
variable_names[libname] = "[\\x0]";
// Don't add files created by build system:
if((p.leaf() == "bin") || (p.leaf() == "bin-stage"))
// Don't add version control directories:
if((p.leaf() == "CVS") || (p.leaf() == ".svn"))
// don't add directories not under version control:
if(cvs_mode && !fs::exists(p / "CVS/Entries"))
if(cvs_mode && !fs::exists(p / ".svn/entries"))
// Enumerate files and directories:
fs::directory_iterator i(p);
fs::directory_iterator j;
while(i != j)
init_library_scanner(*i, cvs_mode, libname, true);
static boost::regex function_scanner(
"(?|" // Branch reset group
"(?:\\<\\w+\\>[^>;{},:]*)" // Return type
"(\\<\\w+\\>)" // Maybe class name
"(?:<[^>;{]*>)?" // Maybe template specialisation
"(\\<(?!throw|if|while|for|catch)\\w+\\>)" // function name
"[^\\(\\);{}]*" // argument list
"\\{" // start of definition
"(\\<\\w+\\>)" // Maybe class name
"(?:<[^>;{]*>)?" // Maybe template specialisation
"~?\\1" // function name, same as class name
"[^\\(\\);{}]*" // argument list
"\\{" // start of definition
")" // end branch reset
fileview view(*i);
boost::regex_iterator<const char*> a(view.begin(), view.end(), function_scanner);
boost::regex_iterator<const char*> b;
while(a != b)
std::string n = a->str(1);
std::string n = a->str(2);
if(recurse == false)
// Build the regular expressions:
const char* e1 =
// list of class names goes here...
const char* e2 =
// List of function names goes here...
const char* e3 =
std::string class_name_list;
std::set<std::string>::const_iterator i = class_names[libname].begin(), j = class_names[libname].end();
if(i != j)
class_name_list = *i;
while(i != j)
class_name_list += "|" + *i;
class_name_list = "[\\x0]";
std::string function_name_list;
i = free_function_names[libname].begin();
j = free_function_names[libname].end();
if(i != j)
function_name_list = *i;
while(i != j)
function_name_list += "|" + *i;
function_name_list = "[\\x0]";
scanner[libname] = boost::regex(e1 + class_name_list + e2 + function_name_list + e3);
void bcp_implementation::add_dependent_lib(const std::string& libname, const fs::path& p, const fileview& view)
// if the boost library libname has source associated with it
// then add the source to our list:
if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "libs" / libname / "src"))
if(!m_dependencies.count(fs::path("libs") / libname / "src"))
if(scanner.count(libname) == 0)
init_library_scanner(m_boost_path / "libs" / libname / "src", m_cvs_mode, libname);
boost::cmatch what;
if(regex_search(view.begin(), view.end(), what, scanner[libname]))
std::cout << "INFO: tracking source dependencies of library " << libname
<< " due to presence of \"" << what << "\" in file " << p << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Full text match was: " << what << std::endl;
m_dependencies[fs::path("libs") / libname / "src"] = p; // set up dependency tree
add_path(fs::path("libs") / libname / "src");
if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "libs" / libname / "build"))
if(!m_dependencies.count(fs::path("libs") / libname / "build"))
m_dependencies[fs::path("libs") / libname / "build"] = p; // set up dependency tree
add_path(fs::path("libs") / libname / "build");
//m_dependencies[fs::path("boost-build.jam")] = p;
m_dependencies[fs::path("Jamroot")] = p;
//m_dependencies[fs::path("tools/build")] = p;
if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "libs" / libname / "config"))
if(!m_dependencies.count(fs::path("libs") / libname / "config"))
m_dependencies[fs::path("libs") / libname / "config"] = p; // set up dependency tree
add_path(fs::path("libs") / libname / "config");
//m_dependencies[fs::path("boost-build.jam")] = p;
m_dependencies[fs::path("Jamroot")] = p;
//m_dependencies[fs::path("tools/build")] = p;