2019-02-24 18:46:27 -08:00

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Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Official repository:
[section Parser Stream Operations]
Non-trivial algorithms need to do more than receive entire messages
at once, such as:
* Receive the header first and body later.
* Receive a large body using a fixed-size buffer.
* Receive a message incrementally: bounded work in each I/O cycle.
* Defer the commitment to a __Body__ type until after reading the header.
These types of operations require callers to manage the lifetime of
associated state, by constructing a class derived from __basic_parser__.
Beast comes with the derived instance __parser__ which creates complete
__message__ objects using the __basic_fields__ Fields container.
[table Parser
/// An HTTP/1 parser for producing a message.
bool isRequest, // `true` to parse an HTTP request
class Body, // The Body type for the resulting message
class Allocator = std::allocator<char>> // The type of allocator for the header
class parser
: public basic_parser<...>;
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__request_parser `request_parser`]
/// An HTTP/1 parser for producing a request message.
template<class Body, class Allocator = std::allocator<char>>
using request_parser = parser<true, Body, Allocator>;
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__response_parser `response_parser`]
/// An HTTP/1 parser for producing a response message.
template<class Body, class Allocator = std::allocator<char>>
using response_parser = parser<false, Body, Allocator>;
The __basic_parser__ and classes derived from it handle octet streams
serialized in the HTTP/1 format described in __rfc7230__.
The stream operations which work on parsers are:
[table Parser Stream Operations
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__read.overload1 [*read]]
Read everything into a parser from a __SyncWriteStream__.
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__async_read.overload1 [*async_read]]
Read everything into a parser asynchronously from an __AsyncWriteStream__.
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__read_header.overload1 [*read_header]]
Read only the header octets into a parser from a __SyncWriteStream__.
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__async_read_header [*async_read_header]]
Read only the header octets into a parser asynchronously from an __AsyncWriteStream__.
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__read_some.overload1 [*read_some]]
Read some octets into a parser from a __SyncReadStream__.
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__async_read_some [*async_read_some]]
Read some octets into a parser asynchronously from an __AsyncWriteStream__.
As with message stream operations, parser stream operations require a
persisted __DynamicBuffer__ for holding unused octets from the stream.
The basic parser implementation is optimized for the case where this dynamic
buffer stores its input sequence in a single contiguous memory buffer. It is
advised to use an instance of __flat_buffer__, __flat_static_buffer__, or
__flat_static_buffer_base__ for this purpose, although a user defined instance
of __DynamicBuffer__ which produces input sequences of length one is also
The parser contains a message constructed internally. Arguments passed
to the parser's constructor are forwarded into the message container.
The caller can access the message inside the parser by calling
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__parser.get `parser::get`].
If the `Fields` and `Body` types are [*MoveConstructible], the caller
can take ownership of the message by calling
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__parser.release `parser::release`]. In this example
we read an HTTP response with a string body using a parser, then print
the response:
[section:incremental_read Incremental Read __example__]
This function uses
[link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__buffer_body `buffer_body`]
and parser stream operations to read a message body progressively
using a small, fixed-size buffer: