2019-02-24 18:46:27 -08:00

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Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie dot falco at gmail dot com)
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Official repository:
[section:BodyReader BodyReader]
A [*BodyReader] provides an online algorithm to transfer a series of zero
or more buffers containing parsed body octets into a message container. The
__parser__ creates an instance of this type when needed, and calls into
it zero or more times to transfer buffers. The interface of [*BodyReader]
is intended to allow the conversion of buffers into these scenarios for
* Storing a body in a dynamic buffer
* Storing a body in a user defined container with a custom allocator
* Transformation of incoming body data before storage, for example
to compress it first.
* Saving body data to a file
[heading Associated Types]
* [link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__is_body_reader `is_body_reader`]
* __Body__
[heading Requirements]
These requirements may undergo non-backward compatible
changes in subsequent versions.
In this table:
* `R` denotes a type meeting the requirements of [*BodyReader].
* `B` denotes a __Body__ where
`std::is_same<R, B::reader>::value == true`.
* `a` denotes a value of type `R`.
* `b` is an object whose type meets the requirements of __ConstBufferSequence__
* `h` denotes a value of type `header<isRequest, Fields>&`.
* `v` denotes a value of type `Body::value_type&`.
* `n` is a value of type `boost::optional<std::uint64_t>`.
* `ec` is a value of type [link beast.ref.boost__beast__error_code `error_code&`].
[table Valid expressions
[[Expression] [Type] [Semantics, Pre/Post-conditions]]
Constructible from `h` and `v`. The lifetime of `h` and `v`
is guaranteed to end no earlier than after the `R` is destroyed.
The reader shall not access the contents of `h` or `v` before
the first call to `init`, permitting lazy construction of the
[`a.init(n, ec)`]
Called once to fully initialize the object before any calls to
`put`. The message body is valid before entering this function,
and remains valid until the reader is destroyed.
The value of `n` will be set to the content length of the
body if known, otherwise `n` will be equal to `boost::none`.
Implementations of [*BodyReader] may use this information to
optimize allocation.
The function will ensure that `!ec` is `true` if there was
no error or set to the appropriate error code if there was one.
This function is called to append some or all of the buffers
specified by `b` into the body representation. The number of
bytes inserted from `b` is returned. If the number of bytes
inserted is less than the total input, the remainder of the
input will be presented in the next call to `put`.
The function will ensure that `!ec` is `true` if there was
no error or set to the appropriate error code if there was one.
This function is called when no more body octets are remaining.
The function will ensure that `!ec` is `true` if there was
no error or set to the appropriate error code if there was one.
An alias for `std::true_type` for `B`, otherwise an alias
for `std::false_type`.
[heading Exemplar]
[heading Models]
* [link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__basic_dynamic_body.reader `basic_dynamic_body::reader`]
* [link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__basic_file_body__reader `basic_file_body::reader`]
* [link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__basic_string_body.reader `basic_string_body::reader`]
* [link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__buffer_body.reader `buffer_body::reader`]
* [link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__empty_body.reader `empty_body::reader`]
* [link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__span_body.reader `span_body::reader`]
* [link beast.ref.boost__beast__http__vector_body.reader `vector_body::reader`]