2019-02-15 17:34:16 +02:00

276 lines
6.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# - installs the dependencies needed to test
# a Boost library
# Copyright 2016-2019 Peter Dimov
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import sys
import os
import argparse
verbose = 0
def vprint( level, *args ):
if verbose >= level:
print( *args )
def is_module( m, gm ):
return ( 'libs/' + m ) in gm
def module_for_header( h, x, gm ):
if h in x:
return x[ h ]
# boost/function.hpp
m = re.match( 'boost/([^\\./]*)\\.h[a-z]*$', h )
if m and is_module( 1 ), gm ):
return 1 )
# boost/numeric/conversion.hpp
m = re.match( 'boost/([^/]*/[^\\./]*)\\.h[a-z]*$', h )
if m and is_module( 1 ), gm ):
return 1 )
# boost/numeric/conversion/header.hpp
m = re.match( 'boost/([^/]*/[^/]*)/', h )
if m and is_module( 1 ), gm ):
return 1 )
# boost/function/header.hpp
m = re.match( 'boost/([^/]*)/', h )
if m and is_module( 1 ), gm ):
return 1 )
vprint( 0, 'Cannot determine module for header', h )
return None
def scan_header_dependencies( f, x, gm, deps ):
for line in f:
m = re.match( '[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*["<](boost/[^">]*)[">]', line )
if m:
h = 1 )
mod = module_for_header( h, x, gm )
if mod:
if not mod in deps:
vprint( 1, 'Adding dependency', mod )
deps[ mod ] = 0
def scan_directory( d, x, gm, deps ):
vprint( 1, 'Scanning directory', d )
if == 'nt' and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
d = unicode( d )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( d ):
for file in files:
fn = os.path.join( root, file )
vprint( 2, 'Scanning file', fn )
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
with open( fn, 'r' ) as f:
scan_header_dependencies( f, x, gm, deps )
with open( fn, 'r', encoding='latin-1' ) as f:
scan_header_dependencies( f, x, gm, deps )
def scan_module_dependencies( m, x, gm, deps, dirs ):
vprint( 1, 'Scanning module', m )
for dir in dirs:
scan_directory( os.path.join( 'libs', m, dir ), x, gm, deps )
def read_exceptions():
# exceptions.txt is the output of "boostdep --list-exceptions"
vprint( 1, 'Reading exceptions.txt' )
x = {}
module = None
with open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), 'exceptions.txt' ), 'r' ) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
m = re.match( '(.*):$', line )
if m:
module = 1 ).replace( '~', '/' )
header = line.lstrip()
x[ header ] = module
return x
def read_gitmodules():
vprint( 1, 'Reading .gitmodules' )
gm = []
with open( '.gitmodules', 'r' ) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
m = re.match( 'path[ \t]*=[ \t]*(.*)$', line )
if m:
gm.append( 1 ) )
return gm
def install_modules( modules, git_args ):
if len( modules ) == 0:
vprint( 0, 'Installing:', ', '.join(modules) )
modules = [ 'libs/' + m for m in modules ]
command = 'git submodule'
if verbose <= 0:
command += ' -q'
command += ' update --init ' + git_args + ' ' + ' '.join( modules )
vprint( 1, 'Executing:', command )
os.system( command );
def install_module_dependencies( deps, x, gm, git_args ):
modules = []
for m, i in deps.items():
if not i:
modules += [ m ]
deps[ m ] = 1 # mark as installed
if len( modules ) == 0:
return 0
install_modules( modules, git_args )
for m in modules:
scan_module_dependencies( m, x, gm, deps, [ 'include', 'src' ] )
return len( modules )
if( __name__ == "__main__" ):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Installs the dependencies needed to test a Boost library.' )
parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', help='enable verbose output', action='count', default=0 )
parser.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', help='quiet output (opposite of -v)', action='count', default=0 )
parser.add_argument( '-X', '--exclude', help="exclude a default subdirectory ('include', 'src', or 'test') from scan; can be repeated", metavar='DIR', action='append', default=[] )
parser.add_argument( '-N', '--ignore', help="exclude top-level dependency even when found in scan; can be repeated", metavar='LIB', action='append', default=[] )
parser.add_argument( '-I', '--include', help="additional subdirectory to scan; can be repeated", metavar='DIR', action='append', default=[] )
parser.add_argument( '-g', '--git_args', help="additional arguments to `git submodule update`", default='', action='store' )
parser.add_argument( 'library', help="name of library to scan ('libs/' will be prepended)" )
args = parser.parse_args()
verbose = args.verbose - args.quiet
vprint( 2, '-X:', args.exclude )
vprint( 2, '-I:', args.include )
vprint( 2, '-N:', args.ignore )
x = read_exceptions()
vprint( 2, 'Exceptions:', x )
gm = read_gitmodules()
vprint( 2, '.gitmodules:', gm )
essentials = [ 'config', 'headers', '../tools/boost_install', '../tools/build' ]
essentials = [ e for e in essentials if os.path.exists( 'libs/' + e ) ]
install_modules( essentials, args.git_args )
m = args.library
deps = { m : 1 }
dirs = [ 'include', 'src', 'test' ]
for dir in args.exclude:
dirs.remove( dir )
for dir in args.include:
dirs.append( dir )
vprint( 1, 'Directories to scan:', *dirs )
scan_module_dependencies( m, x, gm, deps, dirs )
for dep in args.ignore:
if dep in deps:
vprint( 1, 'Ignoring dependency', dep )
del deps[dep]
vprint( 2, 'Dependencies:', deps )
while install_module_dependencies( deps, x, gm, args.git_args ):