2018-12-17 17:39:59 -06:00

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36 KiB

[article CallableTraits
[quickbook 1.6]
[id callable_traits]
[copyright 2016-2018 Barrett Adair]
[authors [Adair, Barrett]]
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file or copy at
[source-mode c++]
[last-revision $Date$]
[lang en]
[/ developer: you should enable word wrap before you read further]
[template libname[][^Boost.CallableTraits]]
[template lib_namespace[][^callable_traits]]
[template namespace_scoped[][^boost::callable_traits::]]
[template header_include_prefix[]callable_traits/]
[template invoke[][@ [^['INVOKE]]]]
[template hana[][@ [^Boost.Hana]]]
[template feedback[][link feedback]]
[template unsure[][link ?]]
[template link_contact_the_author[][link contact me]]
[template repo[][@ GitHub]]
[template abominable_paper[][@ "abominable" function types]]
[template link_compatibility[][link callable_traits.compatibility Compatibility]]
[template link_compatibility_issues[][link callable_traits.compatibility.compatibility_issues Compatibility Issues]]
[template function_types_link[][@ [^Boost.FunctionTypes]]]
[template function_types[][^Boost.FunctionTypes]]
[section:introduction Overview]
[libname] is a C++11 header-only library for the inspection, synthesis, and decomposition of callable types. [libname] aims to be the "complete type manipulation facility for function types" mentioned in the final paragraph of C++17 proposal [@ p0172], and removes the need for template specializations for different function signatures. C++17 `noexcept` and the Transactional Memory TS are also supported if available.
[import ../example/intro.cpp]
[section:motivation Motivation]
[:[*['["Don't try to write helper code to detect PMFs/PMDs and dispatch on them -- it is an [_absolute nightmare]. PMF types are the worst types by far in the core language.]]]
-- Stephan T. Lavavej, CppCon 2015, [@ "functional: What's New, And Proper Usage"]
Consider for a moment the code below, which defines all 48 template specializations necessary to specialize for every valid function type in pure C++17:
[import ./hideous_template.snippet.cpp]
Things get even more complicated with member function pointers, function pointers, function references, function objects, and `transaction_safe`.
Granted, use cases for such obscure specializations are vitually nonexistent in run-of-the-mill application codebases. Even in library code, these are exceedingly rare. However, there are a handful of metaprogramming scenarios that can only be solved with this kind of template "spam". Writing, testing, and maintaining such code is tedious and costly.
[libname] offers a final and decisive library-level solution to this problem, and removes the need for these specializations entirely (platform-specific calling conventions notwithstanding).
[section:boost_function_types Regarding [^Boost.FunctionTypes]]
The features in [libname] largely overlap with [function_types_link]. Here are some reasons why you might prefer [libname]:
# [function_types] is tightly coupled to [@ [^Boost.MPL]] sequences, while [libname] has no dependencies other than the standard library.
# [libname] targets C++11 and later:
# [libname] treats function objects/lambdas as first-class citizens.
# [libname] supports lvalue/rvalue reference member qualifiers.
# [libname] supports `noexcept` and `transaction_safe`.
# [function_types] does not attempt to factor all callable types into a unified, [invoke]-aware interface.
# [function_types] relies heavily on "tag" types, while [libname] follows the style of <type_traits> instead. Supporting C++11 and later in [function_types] would have required significant proliferation of these tags.
For example, here is how to remove member `const` from a member function pointer type in the [function_types] library:
#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/function_types/components.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/member_function_pointer.hpp>
struct foo {
void bar() const {}
using const_removed = typename boost::function_types::member_function_pointer<
typename boost::function_types::components<decltype(&foo::bar)>::types,
static_assert(std::is_same<const_removed, void(foo::*)()>::value, "");
int main(){}
[libname] makes this easier:
[import ../example/function_types_remove_const_comparison.cpp]
The [function_types] library includes an excellent [@ example] for generating type-erased interfaces (implementation [@ here]). This example was [@ re-implemented] using [libname] to yield a [@ slightly more intuitive interface].
[function_types] is a fine library, but its interface left room for improvement.
[section:compatibility Compatibility]
[template link_travis_ci[][@ Travis]]
[template link_appveyor_ci[][@ Appveyor]]
[libname] supports on GCC 4.7.4+, Clang 3.5.2+, XCode 6.4+, and Visual Studio 2015+. Continuous integration is managed on [link_appveyor_ci] for Visual Studio, and on [link_travis_ci] for everything else. The Intel C++ Compiler is not officially supported yet, although the 2017 version for Linux does pass a handful of test cases.
[template yes[][role green \u2713]]
[template c11[][role green c++11]]
[template c14[][role green c++14]]
[template c17[][role green c++17]]
[template gnutm[][role gold c++17] (requires -fgnu-tm)]
[template noabom[][role gold c++11] (no abominables)]
[template no[][role red static_assert fails on instantiation]]
[template falsy[][role gold c++11] (always false)]
[template noop[][role gold c++11] (no effect)]
[template unk[]unknown]
[table GCC Support
[[feature] [GCC 8.2.0] [GCC 7.3.0] [GCC 6.3.0] [GCC 5.4.0] [GCC 4.9.2] [GCC 4.8.2] [GCC 4.7.4]]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_const [^add_member_const]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noabom]] [[noabom]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_cv [^add_member_cv]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noabom]] [[noabom]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_lvalue_reference [^add_member_lvalue_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[no]] [[no]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_rvalue_reference [^add_member_rvalue_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[no]] [[no]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_volatile [^add_member_volatile]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noabom]] [[noabom]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_noexcept [^add_noexcept]]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_transaction_safe [^add_transaction_safe]]] [[gnutm]] [[gnutm]] [[gnutm]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_varargs [^add_varargs]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_apply_member_pointer [^apply_member_pointer]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_apply_return [^apply_return]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_args [^args]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_class_of [^class_of]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_function_type [^function_type]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_member_qualifiers [^has_member_qualifiers]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noabom]] [[noabom]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_varargs [^has_varargs]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_void_return [^has_void_return]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_const_member [^is_const_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noabom]] [[noabom]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_cv_member [^is_cv_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noabom]] [[noabom]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_invocable [^is_invocable]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[unk]] [[unk]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_lvalue_reference_member [^is_lvalue_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_noexcept [^is_noexcept]]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_reference_member [^is_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_rvalue_reference_member [^is_rvalue_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_transaction_safe [^is_transaction_safe]]] [[gnutm]] [[gnutm]] [[gnutm]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_volatile_member [^is_volatile_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noabom]] [[noabom]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_qualified_class_of [^qualified_class_of]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_const [^remove_member_const]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noabom]] [[noabom]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_cv [^remove_member_cv]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noabom]] [[noabom]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_reference [^remove_member_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noop]] [[noop]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_volatile [^remove_member_volatile]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[noabom]] [[noabom]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_noexcept [^remove_noexcept]]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_transaction_safe [^remove_transaction_safe]]] [[gnutm]] [[gnutm]] [[gnutm]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_varargs [^remove_varargs]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_return_type [^return_type]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[table LLVM/Clang Support
[[feature] [Clang 7.0.1] [Clang 6.0.0] [Clang 5.0.1] [Clang 4.0.0] [Clang 3.8.0] [Clang 3.7.1] [Clang 3.6.2] [Clang 3.5.2]]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_const [^add_member_const]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_cv [^add_member_cv]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_lvalue_reference [^add_member_lvalue_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_rvalue_reference [^add_member_rvalue_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_volatile [^add_member_volatile]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_noexcept [^add_noexcept]]] [[c11]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_transaction_safe [^add_transaction_safe]]] [[unk]] [[unk]] [[unk]] [[unk]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_varargs [^add_varargs]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_apply_member_pointer [^apply_member_pointer]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_apply_return [^apply_return]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_args [^args]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_class_of [^class_of]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_function_type [^function_type]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_member_qualifiers [^has_member_qualifiers]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_varargs [^has_varargs]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_void_return [^has_void_return]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_const_member [^is_const_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_cv_member [^is_cv_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_invocable [^is_invocable]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_lvalue_reference_member [^is_lvalue_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_noexcept [^is_noexcept]]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_reference_member [^is_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_rvalue_reference_member [^is_rvalue_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_transaction_safe [^is_transaction_safe]]] [[unk]] [[unk]] [[unk]] [[unk]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_volatile_member [^is_volatile_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_qualified_class_of [^qualified_class_of]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_const [^remove_member_const]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_cv [^remove_member_cv]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_reference [^remove_member_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_volatile [^remove_member_volatile]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_noexcept [^remove_noexcept]]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[c17]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_transaction_safe [^remove_transaction_safe]]] [[unk]] [[unk]] [[unk]] [[unk]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_varargs [^remove_varargs]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_return_type [^return_type]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[table XCode/AppleClang Support
[[feature] [XCode 8] [XCode 7.3] [XCode 7.2] [XCode 7.1] [XCode 6.4]]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_const [^add_member_const]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_cv [^add_member_cv]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_lvalue_reference [^add_member_lvalue_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_rvalue_reference [^add_member_rvalue_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_volatile [^add_member_volatile]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_noexcept [^add_noexcept]]] [[unk]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_transaction_safe [^add_transaction_safe]]] [[unk]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] [[no]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_varargs [^add_varargs]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_apply_member_pointer [^apply_member_pointer]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_apply_return [^apply_return]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_args [^args]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_class_of [^class_of]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_function_type [^function_type]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_member_qualifiers [^has_member_qualifiers]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_varargs [^has_varargs]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_void_return [^has_void_return]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_const_member [^is_const_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_cv_member [^is_cv_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_invocable [^is_invocable]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_lvalue_reference_member [^is_lvalue_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_noexcept [^is_noexcept]]] [[unk]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_reference_member [^is_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_rvalue_reference_member [^is_rvalue_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_transaction_safe [^is_transaction_safe]]] [[unk]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_volatile_member [^is_volatile_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_qualified_class_of [^qualified_class_of]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_const [^remove_member_const]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_cv [^remove_member_cv]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_reference [^remove_member_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_volatile [^remove_member_volatile]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_noexcept [^remove_noexcept]]] [[unk]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_transaction_safe [^remove_transaction_safe]]] [[unk]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] [[noop]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_varargs [^remove_varargs]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_return_type [^return_type]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[table Visual Studio Support
[[feature] [MSVC with Visual Studio 2017] [MSVC with Visual Studio 2015 (latest update)]]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_const [^add_member_const]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_cv [^add_member_cv]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_lvalue_reference [^add_member_lvalue_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_rvalue_reference [^add_member_rvalue_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_member_volatile [^add_member_volatile]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_noexcept [^add_noexcept]]] [[no]] [[no]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_transaction_safe [^add_transaction_safe]]] [[no]] [[no]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_add_varargs [^add_varargs]]] [[c11] (define BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32 to disable __cdecl on PMF varargs)] [[c11] (define BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32 to disable __cdecl on PMF varargs)] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_apply_member_pointer [^apply_member_pointer]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_apply_return [^apply_return]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_args [^args]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_class_of [^class_of]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_function_type [^function_type]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_member_qualifiers [^has_member_qualifiers]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_varargs [^has_varargs]]] [[c11] (define BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32 to disable __cdecl on PMF varargs)] [[c11] (define BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32 to disable __cdecl on PMF varargs)] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_has_void_return [^has_void_return]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_const_member [^is_const_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_cv_member [^is_cv_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_invocable [^is_invocable]]] [[c11]] [[role gold c++11] (always false for functions that are simultaneously ref and cv-qualified due to compiler bug)] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_lvalue_reference_member [^is_lvalue_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_noexcept [^is_noexcept]]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_reference_member [^is_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_rvalue_reference_member [^is_rvalue_reference_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_transaction_safe [^is_transaction_safe]]] [[falsy]] [[falsy]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_is_volatile_member [^is_volatile_member]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_qualified_class_of [^qualified_class_of]]] [[c11]][[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_const [^remove_member_const]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_cv [^remove_member_cv]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_reference [^remove_member_reference]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_member_volatile [^remove_member_volatile]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_noexcept [^remove_noexcept]]] [[noop]] [[noop]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_transaction_safe [^remove_transaction_safe]]] [[noop]] [[noop]] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_remove_varargs [^remove_varargs]]] [[c11] (define BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32 to disable __cdecl on PMF varargs)] [[c11] (define BOOST_DISABLE_WIN32 to disable __cdecl on PMF varargs)] ]
[[[link callable_traits.reference.ref_return_type [^return_type]]] [[c11]] [[c11]] ]
[section:reference Reference Documentation]
This reference will be most beneficial to readers familiar with the following C++ topics:
* [@ template specializations]
* [@ SFINAE]
* [invoke] rules
* function types
* [@ function pointers]
* [@ function references]
* [@ pointers to member functions] (a.k.a. PMFs)
* [@ pointers to data members] (a.k.a. PMDs)
* [@ the function call operator, [^operator()]]
* [@ universal references] and [@ reference collapsing rules]
* [@ cv-qualified and ref-qualified member functions]
* [abominable_paper]
* [@ C-style variadics], a.k.a. varargs
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/add_member_const.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/add_member_cv.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/add_member_lvalue_reference.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/add_member_rvalue_reference.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/add_member_volatile.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/add_noexcept.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/add_transaction_safe.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/add_varargs.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/apply_member_pointer.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/apply_return.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/args.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/class_of.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/function_type.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/has_member_qualifiers.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/has_varargs.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/has_void_return.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/is_const_member.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/is_cv_member.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/is_invocable.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/is_lvalue_reference_member.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/is_reference_member.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/is_rvalue_reference_member.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/is_noexcept.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/is_transaction_safe.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/is_volatile_member.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/qualified_class_of.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/remove_member_const.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/remove_member_cv.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/remove_member_reference.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/remove_member_volatile.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/remove_noexcept.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/remove_transaction_safe.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/remove_varargs.hpp]
[import ../../../boost/callable_traits/return_type.hpp]
[/***************************** F A Q *********************************]
[section:faq FAQ]
[heading:reasons Why should I use [libname]?]
If you are not writing generic code, you should not use [libname].
If you ['are] writing generic code, take a moment to skim your header files, and see if you can find code that looks like this:
template<class Return, class First, class Second>
class foo<Return(First, Second)> {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Or maybe something like this:
template<class Return, class ...Args>
class foo<Return(*)(Args...)> {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Or, if you are *really* unlucky, something like this:
template<class Return, class T, class ...Args>
class foo<Return(T::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile & noexcept> {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
With [libname], you can get rid of all of these template specializations (unless you deal with platform-specific calling conventions, for now). Even if you are only specializing a simple function type like `Return(Args...)`, [libname] might be useful to you. You may find that [libname] can help make your code more readable, more maintainable, more generic, and less error-prone.
[libname] is well-tested on many platforms. [libname] correctly handles many corner cases that are often overlooked. The need for a proper library solution grows as more features are added to C++.
[heading Boost is a massive dependency. Do I really need it?]
Nope! [libname] doesn't have any dependencies, so all you need are the [libname] headers.
[heading Why use reference collapsing rules when adding member function ref-qualifiers?]
Although arbitrary, the reference collapsing rules are well-defined and already known to many template metaprogrammers. Anything else would be a burden to memorize. This also parallels the metafunctions provided in `<type_traits>`.
[heading Many features in this library cause a "substitution failure" when the template constraints are violated. Does this mean that I can violate the constraints in a SFINAE context, as long as there is another legal substitute?]
Yes. The SFINAE-ability of violated constraints has been tested extensively on supported compilers. Achieving this required some messy code in the public header files.
[heading What about calling conventions?]
I originally implemented features for these. However, these features necessitated many, many more platform-specific test cases. The code is still designed to accommodate such features, so I would consider adding them in the future if there is sufficient interest.
[section:building Building the test suite]
This section contains the instructions for building and running the test cases and documentatation examples that are packaged with [libname].
[note Some test cases that use language features that do not work on some supported compilers. These conflicts are "resolved" by replacing `int main(){}` with the actual test via conditional compilation.]
[heading Dependencies]
Even though the [libname] headers do not rely on external dependencies, you'll need to install [@ CMake] version 3.5 or higher to run the full test suite. The build instructions assume that both CMake and Git are available from your environment PATH. Boost.Build is also supported.
[heading Linux/OSX - clone and run test suite]
Open a shell and enter the following commands:
git clone
cd callable_traits
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path/to/compiler
make check
[heading Windows - clone and run test suite]
[note Cygwin and MSYS users should refer to the Linux section (you know who you are).]
Fire up `cmd.exe` and enter the following commands:
git clone
cd callable_traits
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
path\to\msbuild.exe check.vcxproj /t:build /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=Win32 /v:n /nologo
To build with Clang/C2 instead of MSVC, append `-TLLVM-vs2014` (or similar supported flag) to the CMake arguments. This will only work if you have Clang/C2 installed.
[/************************* C O N T A C T *****************************]
[section:contact Contact]
[libname] is authored and maintained by Barrett Adair.
Comments, feedback, bug reports, and questions are appreciated, which can be submitted in the following ways:
* Open a new issue [@] on GitHub
* Send an email to barrettellisadair
[section:acknowledgements Acknowledgements]
Credit to Tobias Schwinger for authoring the influential [function_types_link].
Thanks to the following people for their reviews and feedback:
* Bruno Dutra
* Edward Diener
* Emil Dotchevski
* Gavin Lambert
* Jason Rice
* John Fletcher
* Klemens Morgenstern
* Niall Douglas
* Paul Fultz II
* Peter Dimov
* Tim Song
* Zach Laine
Special thanks to...
* Louis Dionne, for the significant time and effort spent as the Boost review manager, and for introducing me to the exciting world of Boost development.
* The Harding University Computer Science Department, for the all of the challenging instruction, inspiration, and mentorship (especially to Dr. Dana Steil, for teaching me the joy of C++)
* My family, for the support and encouragement during the development of this library, and for so much more.