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// (C) Copyright Eric Niebler 2011
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for more information.
// TITLE: C++0x decltype v1.1 unavailable
// DESCRIPTION: The compiler does not support extensions to C++0x
// decltype as described in N3276 and accepted in Madrid,
// March 2011:
// <>
namespace boost_no_cxx11_decltype_n3276 {
// A simplified result_of implementation.
// that uses decltype.
template<typename Sig>
struct result_of;
template<typename T>
T& declvar();
// use decltype
template<typename Fun, typename T>
struct result_of<Fun(T)>
typedef decltype(declvar<Fun>()(declvar<T>())) type;
template<typename Fun, typename T, typename U>
struct result_of<Fun(T, U)>
typedef decltype(declvar<Fun>()(declvar<T>(), declvar<U>())) type;
// simple tuple type
template<typename A0 = void, typename A1 = void, typename A2 = void>
struct tuple;
template<typename A0>
struct tuple<A0, void, void>
A0 a0_;
tuple(A0 const &a0)
: a0_(a0)
template<typename A0, typename A1>
struct tuple<A0, A1>
A0 a0_;
A1 a1_;
tuple(A0 const &a0, A1 const & a1)
: a0_(a0)
, a1_(a1)
// A node in an expression tree
template<class Tag, class Args> // Args is a tuple.
struct Expr;
// A function object that builds expression nodes
template<class Tag>
struct MakeExpr
template<class T>
Expr<Tag, tuple<T> > operator()(T const & t) const
return Expr<Tag, tuple<T> >(tuple<T>(t));
template<class T, typename U>
Expr<Tag, tuple<T, U> > operator()(T const & t, U const & u) const
return Expr<Tag, tuple<T, U> >(tuple<T, U>(t, u));
// Here are tag types that encode in an expression node
// what operation created the node.
struct Terminal;
struct BinaryPlus;
struct FunctionCall;
typedef MakeExpr<Terminal> MakeTerminal;
typedef MakeExpr<BinaryPlus> MakeBinaryPlus;
typedef MakeExpr<FunctionCall> MakeFunctionCall;
template<class Tag, class Args>
struct Expr
Args args_;
explicit Expr(Args const & t) : args_(t) {}
// An overloaded operator+ that creates a binary plus node
template<typename RTag, typename RArgs>
typename result_of<MakeBinaryPlus(Expr, Expr<RTag, RArgs>)>::type
operator+(Expr<RTag, RArgs> const &right) const
return MakeBinaryPlus()(*this, right);
// An overloaded function call operator that creates a unary
// function call node
typename result_of<MakeFunctionCall(Expr)>::type
operator()() const
return MakeFunctionCall()(*this);
int test()
// This is a terminal in an expression tree
Expr<Terminal, tuple<int> > i = MakeTerminal()(42);
i + i; // OK, this creates a binary plus node.
i(); // OK, this creates a unary function-call node.
// NOTE: If N3276 has not been implemented, this
// line will set off an infinite cascade of template
// instantiations that will run the compiler out of
// memory.
return 0;