James E. King III dc61522241 Add CI framework
- travis with valgrind, cppcheck, ubsan, codecov, covscan (future)
  - appveyor with MSVC 2010 through 2017, cygwin 32/64, mingw 32/64
2019-06-04 12:13:14 -04:00

116 lines
5.4 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Lorenzo Caminiti
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (see accompanying
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or a copy at
# See:
# Usage: bjam [OPTION]... DIR[-CPP_FILE_NAME]
# Build and run Boost.Contract tests and examples.
# Options (common to BJam):
# toolset=msvc,gcc,clang,... specify compiler
# cxxstd=03,11,14,17,... specify C++ standard version
# most tests and example use C++11 features
# (lambda, variadic macros, etc.), delete
# "bin.v2/project-cache.jam" to clear previous
# feature checks
# link=shared,static build Boost.Contract as shared (default) or static
# library, this has no effect if `bc_hdr=only`
# Options (specific to this lib):
# bc_hdr=lib,only if `only` then do not build Boost.Contract as library
# and use it as header-only instead (`lib` by default)
# bc_no=all_yes,
# y,r,x,s,e,k,yr,yx,ys,ye,yk,rx,rs,re,rk,xs,xe,xk,se,sk,ek,yrx,yrs,yre,yrk,yxs,yxe,yxk,yse,ysk,yek,rxs,rxe,rxk,rse,rsk,rek,xse,xsk,xek,sek,yrxs,yrxe,yrxk,yrse,yrsk,yrek,yxse,yxsk,yxek,ysek,rxse,rxsk,rxek,rsek,xsek,yrxse,yrxsk,yrxek,yrsek,yxsek,rxsek,yrxsek
# `all_yes` (default) turns off no contract, following
# turn off specific contracts and can be combined wit each
# other (only in the listed order) to disable multiple
# contracts at once:
# y entry invariant
# r preconditions
# x exit invariant
# s postconditions
# e exception guarantees
# k implementation checks
# Examples (on Linux-based bash):
# Build just "test/public_function/smoke.cpp" and "example/introduction.cpp":
# [test]$ bjam cxxstd=11 public_function-smoke
# [example]$ bjam cxxstd=11 features-introduction
# Build all tests with all linkages (incl header-only) on multiple compilers:
# [test]$ bjam cxxstd=11 -q toolset=msvc,gcc,clang link=static,header
# [test]$ bjam cxxstd=11 -q toolset=msvc,gcc,clang bc_hdr=only
# Build all tests with no postconditions and exception guarantees first, and
# then again with no class invariants at exit:
# [test]$ time bjam cxxstd=11 -q bc_no=se,x
# Build most all test combinations (for shared and static lib, use bc_hdr=only
# instead of link=... for header-only combinations) but takes forever...:
# [test]$ rm -f ../../../bin.v2/project-cache.jam ; bjam cxxstd=11 -q toolset=msvc,gcc,clang link=shared,static bc_no=all_yes,y,r,x,s,e,k,yr,yx,ys,ye,yk,rx,rs,re,rk,xs,xe,xk,se,sk,ek,yrx,yrs,yre,yrk,yxs,yxe,yxk,yse,ysk,yek,rxs,rxe,rxk,rse,rsk,rek,xse,xsk,xek,sek,yrxs,yrxe,yrxk,yrse,yrsk,yrek,yxse,yxsk,yxek,ysek,rxse,rxsk,rxek,rsek,xsek,yrxse,yrxsk,yrxek,yrsek,yxsek,rxsek,yrxsek > 00.out ; echo $?
import boost_contract_no ;
import feature ;
import testing ;
import ../../config/checks/config : requires ;
# Iff "no", link to boost_contract (else, no lib build so don't link to it).
feature.feature bc_hdr : lib only :
composite propagated link-incompatible ;
# This is boost_contract_no=all_yes,pre,pre_post,...
feature.feature bc_no : all_yes [ boost_contract_no.combinations ] :
composite propagated link-incompatible ;
for local comb in [ boost_contract_no.combinations ] {
feature.compose <bc_no>$(comb) :
[ boost_contract_no.defs_$(comb) ] ;
module boost_contract_build {
rule project_requirements ( subdir ) {
# Most tests and examples require lambdas (even if lib technically does not).
# Also C++11 variadic macros are usually required (for OLDOF, BASES, etc.) but
# Boost.Config check for variadic macros is less stringent than Boost.PP's
# chec (so Boost.PP check done also in code directly when strictly needed).
cxx11_requirements = [ requires cxx11_lambdas cxx11_variadic_macros ] ;
rule subdir-compile-fail ( subdir : cpp_fname cpp_files * : requirements * ) {
compile-fail $(subdir)/$(cpp_fname).cpp $(cpp_files)
: [ project_requirements $(subdir) ] $(requirements)
: $(subdir)-$(cpp_fname)
rule subdir-run ( subdir : cpp_fname cpp_files * : requirements * ) {
run $(subdir)/$(cpp_fname).cpp $(cpp_files) : : : [ project_requirements
$(subdir) ] $(requirements) : $(subdir)-$(cpp_fname) ;
rule subdir-lib ( subdir : cpp_fname cpp_files * : requirements * ) {
lib $(subdir)-$(cpp_fname) : $(subdir)/$(cpp_fname).cpp $(cpp_files) :
[ project_requirements $(subdir) ] $(requirements) ;
rule subdir-compile-fail-cxx11 ( subdir : cpp_fname cpp_files * :
requirements * ) {
subdir-compile-fail $(subdir) : $(cpp_fname) $(cpp_files) :
$(cxx11_requirements) $(requirements) ;
rule subdir-run-cxx11 ( subdir : cpp_fname cpp_files * : requirements * ) {
subdir-run $(subdir) : $(cpp_fname) $(cpp_files) : $(cxx11_requirements)
$(requirements) ;
rule subdir-lib-cxx11 ( subdir : cpp_fname cpp_files * : requirements * ) {
subdir-lib $(subdir) : $(cpp_fname) $(cpp_files) : $(cxx11_requirements)
$(requirements) ;
} # module