320 lines
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320 lines
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/* Copyright (c) 2002,2003 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
* Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
* Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
#include "../testfrmwk.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
void test_yearlimit(int yr, bool allowed)
std::stringstream sdesc;
sdesc << "should" << (allowed ? "" : " not") << " be able to make a date in year " << yr;
try {
boost::gregorian::date chkyr(yr, 1, 1);
check(sdesc.str(), allowed);
catch (std::out_of_range&) { check(sdesc.str(), !allowed); }
using namespace boost::gregorian;
//various constructors
date def;
check("Default constructor", def == date(not_a_date_time));
date d1(1900,1,1);
date d2 = date(2000,1,1);
date d3(d2);
check("Copy constructor", d3 == d2);
date d4(2000,12,31);
date d4a(2000,Dec,31);
//d4a.print(std::cout); std::cout << std::endl;
check("month_rep constructor", d4 == d4a);
//std::cout << d3 << std::endl;
//retrieval functions
check_equal("1900-01-01 day is 01", d1.day(), 1);
check_equal("1900-01-01 month is 01", d1.month(), 1);
check_equal("1900-01-01 year is 1900", d1.year(), 1900);
check_equal("2000-12-31 day is 31", d4.day(), 31);
check_equal("2000-12-31 month is 12", d4.month(), 12);
check_equal("2000-12-31 year is 2000", d4.year(), 2000);
check("1900-01-01 is less than 2000-01-01", d1 < d2);
check("2000-01-01 is NOT less than 2000-01-01", !(d1 < d1));
check("2000-01-01 is less equal than 2000-01-01", d1 <= d1);
check("2000-01-01 is greater than 1900-01-01", d2 > d1);
check("2000-01-01 is NOT greater than 2000-01-01", !(d1 < d1));
check("2000-01-01 is greater equal than 2000-01-01", d1 >= d1);
check("2000-01-01 is NOT equal to 1900-01-01", d2 != d1);
check_equal("2000-01-01 is equal 2000-01-01", d3, d2);
check("2000-01-01 is greater equal 2000-01-01", d3 >= d2);
check("2000-01-01 is greater equal 2000-01-01", d3 <= d2);
date::ymd_type ymd = d1.year_month_day();
check_equal("ymd year", ymd.year, 1900);
check_equal("ymd month", ymd.month, 1);
check_equal("ymd day", ymd.day, 1);
//The max function will not compile with Borland 5.5
//Complains about must specialize basic_data<limits> ???
// std::cout << "Max date is " << (date::max)() << std::endl;
// //std::cout << "Max date is " << (basic_date< date_limits<unsigned int,1900> >::max)() << std::endl;
// //std::cout << "Max date is " << (date_limits<unsigned int, 1900>::max)() << std::endl;
const date answers[] = {date(1900,Jan,1),date(1900,Jan,4),date(1900,Jan,7),
date_duration off(3);
date d5(1900,1,1);
for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i) {
//std::cout << d5 << " ";
check(" addition ", d5 == answers[i]);
d5 = d5 + off;
std::cout << std::endl;
const date answers1[] = {date(2000,2,26),date(2000,2,28),date(2000,Mar,1)};
date d8(2000,Feb,26);
for (int j=0; j < 3; ++j) {
//std::cout << d8 << " ";
check(" more addition ", d8 == answers1[j]);
d8 = d8 + days(2);
// std::cout << std::endl;
date d6(2000,2,28);
date d7(2000,3,1);
date_duration twoDays(2);
date_duration negtwoDays(-2);
date_duration zeroDays(0);
check_equal("2000-03-01 - 2000-02-28 == 2 days", twoDays, (d7-d6));
check_equal("2000-02-28 - 2000-03-01 == - 2 days", negtwoDays, (d6-d7));
check_equal("2000-02-28 - 2000-02-28 == 0 days", zeroDays, (d6-d6));
check_equal("2000-02-28 + 2 days == 2000-03-01 ", d6 + twoDays, d7);
check_equal("2000-03-01 - 2 days == 2000-02-28 ", d7 - twoDays, d6);
check_equal("Add duration to date", date(1999,1,1) + date_duration(365), date(2000,1,1));
check_equal("Add zero days", date(1999,1,1) + zeroDays, date(1999,1,1));
//can't do this...
//check("Add date to duration", date_duration(365) + date(1999,1,1) == date(2000,1,1));
date d(2003,Oct,31);
date_duration dd(55);
d += dd;
check("date += date_duration", d == date(2003,Dec,25));
d -= dd;
check("date -= date_duration", d == date(2003,Oct,31));
/* special_values is more thoroughly tested later,
* this is just a test of += & -= with special values */
d += date_duration(pos_infin);
check("date += inf_dur", d == date(pos_infin));
d -= dd;
check("inf_date -= dur", d == date(pos_infin));
date d(2003,Oct,31);
date_duration dd1(pos_infin), dd2(neg_infin), dd3(not_a_date_time);
check_equal("date + inf_dur", d + dd1, date(pos_infin));
check_equal("date + inf_dur", d + dd2, date(neg_infin));
check_equal("date + nan_dur", d + dd3, date(not_a_date_time));
check_equal("date - inf_dur", d - dd1, date(neg_infin));
check_equal("date - inf_dur", d - dd2, date(pos_infin));
check_equal("date - nan_dur", d - dd3, date(not_a_date_time));
check_equal("inf_date + inf_dur", date(pos_infin) + dd1, date(pos_infin));
check_equal("inf_date - inf_dur", date(pos_infin) - dd1, date(not_a_date_time));
check_equal("inf_date + inf_dur", date(neg_infin) + dd1, date(not_a_date_time));
check_equal("inf_date - inf_dur", date(neg_infin) - dd1, date(neg_infin));
try {
date d9(2000, Jan, 32);
check("day out of range", false);
//never reached if working -- but stops compiler warnings :-)
std::cout << "Oops: " << to_iso_string(d9) << std::endl;
catch (bad_day_of_month&) {
check("day out of range", true);
try {
date d9(2000, Jan, 0);
check("day out of range", false);
//never reached if working -- but stops compiler warnings :-)
std::cout << "Oops: " << to_iso_string(d9) << std::endl;
catch (bad_day_of_month&) {
check("day out of range", true);
try {
date d20(2000, Feb, 31);
check("day out of range", false);
//never reached if working -- but stops compiler warnings :-)
std::cout << "Oops: " << to_iso_string(d20) << std::endl;
catch (bad_day_of_month&) {
check("day out of range", true);
//more subtle -- one day past in a leap year
try {
date d21(2000, Feb, 30);
check("day out of range", false);
//never reached if working -- but stops compiler warnings :-)
std::cout << "Oops: " << to_iso_string(d21) << std::endl;
catch (bad_day_of_month&) {
check("day out of range", true);
//more subtle -- one day past in a leap year
try {
date d22(2000, Feb, 29);
check("last day of month ok", true);
std::cout << to_iso_string(d22) << std::endl; //stop compiler warning
catch (bad_day_of_month&) {
check("last day of month -- oops bad exception", false);
//Not a leap year -- now Feb 29 is bad
try {
date d23(1999, Feb, 29);
check("day out of range", false);
//never reached if working -- but stops compiler warnings :-)
std::cout << "Oops: " << to_iso_string(d23) << std::endl;
catch (bad_day_of_month&) {
check("day out of range", true);
//check out some special values
check("check not a date - false", !d7.is_not_a_date());
check("check positive infinity - false", !d7.is_pos_infinity());
check("check negative infinity - false", !d7.is_neg_infinity());
date d10(neg_infin);
check("check negative infinity - true", d10.is_infinity());
d10 = d10 + twoDays; //still neg infinity
check("check negative infinity - true", d10.is_neg_infinity());
date d11(pos_infin);
check("check positive infinity - true", d11.is_infinity());
d11 = d11 + twoDays;
check("check positive infinity add - true", d11.is_pos_infinity());
date d12(not_a_date_time);
check("check not a date", d12.is_not_a_date());
check("check infinity compare ", d10 != d11);
check("check infinity compare ", d10 < d11);
check("check infinity nad compare ", d12 != d11);
date d13(max_date_time);
check("check infinity - max compare ", d13 < d11);
check_equal("max date_time value ", d13, date(9999,Dec, 31));
std::cout << to_simple_string(d13) << std::endl;
date d14(min_date_time);
check("check infinity - min compare ", d14 > d10);
std::cout << to_simple_string(d14) << std::endl;
check_equal("min date_time value ", d14, date(1400,Jan, 1));
date d15(1400,1,1);
std::cout << d15.day_of_week().as_long_string() << std::endl;
check("check infinity - min compare ", d10 < d15);
// most of this testing is in the gregorian_calendar tests
std::cout << d15.julian_day() << std::endl;
check_equal("check julian day ", d15.julian_day(),
check_equal("check modjulian day ", d15.modjulian_day(), -167601);
date d16(2004,2,29);
check_equal("check julian day ", d16.julian_day(),
check_equal("check modjulian day ", d16.modjulian_day(),
// most of this testing is in the gregorian_calendar tests
date d31(2000, Jun, 1);
check_equal("check iso week number ", d31.week_number(), 22);
date d32(2000, Aug, 1);
check_equal("check iso week number ", d32.week_number(), 31);
date d33(2000, Oct, 1);
check_equal("check iso week number ", d33.week_number(), 39);
date d34(2000, Dec, 1);
check_equal("check iso week number ", d34.week_number(), 48);
date d35(2000, Dec, 24);
check_equal("check iso week number ", d35.week_number(), 51);
date d36(2000, Dec, 25);
check_equal("check iso week number ", d36.week_number(), 52);
date d37(2000, Dec, 31);
check_equal("check iso week number ", d37.week_number(), 52);
date d38(2001, Jan, 1);
check_equal("check iso week number ", d38.week_number(), 1);
try {
int dayofyear1 = d38.day_of_year();
check_equal("check day of year number", dayofyear1, 1);
check_equal("check day of year number", d37.day_of_year(), 366);
date d39(2001,Dec,31);
check_equal("check day of year number", d39.day_of_year(), 365);
date d40(2000,Feb,29);
check_equal("check day of year number", d40.day_of_year(), 60);
date d41(1400,Jan,1);
check_equal("check day of year number", d41.day_of_year(), 1);
date d42(1400,Jan,1);
check_equal("check day of year number", d42.day_of_year(), 1);
date d43(2002,Nov,17);
check_equal("check day of year number", d43.day_of_year(), 321);
catch(std::exception& e) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
check("check day of year number", false);
//converts to date and back -- should get same result
check_equal("tm conversion functions 2000-1-1", date_from_tm(to_tm(d2)), d2);
check_equal("tm conversion functions 1900-1-1", date_from_tm(to_tm(d1)), d1);
check_equal("tm conversion functions min date 1400-1-1 ", date_from_tm(to_tm(d14)), d14);
check_equal("tm conversion functions max date 9999-12-31", date_from_tm(to_tm(d13)), d13);
date d(neg_infin);
tm d_tm = to_tm(d);
check("Exception not thrown (special_value to_tm)", false);
std::cout << d_tm.tm_sec << std::endl; //does nothing useful but stops compiler from complaining about unused d_tm
check("Caught expected exception (special_value to_tm)", true);
check("Caught un-expected exception (special_value to_tm)", false);
// trac-13159
test_yearlimit( 0, false);
test_yearlimit( 1399, false);
test_yearlimit( 1400, true);
test_yearlimit( 1401, true);
test_yearlimit( 9999, true);
test_yearlimit(10000, false);
test_yearlimit(10001, false);
return printTestStats();