Jeff Garland e26fd2ed98
pull develop to master for boost 1.72 (#117)
* Synchronize each miscrosec test to the next second (#109)

* Synchronize each miscrosec test to the next second

The aim is to avoid false positives in test_microsec when the seconds,
minutes or hours change during time read between the second_clock and
the microsec_clock.

* Improved readability of the microcec_time_clock test

* Improve performance of adding and subtracting time durations from a ptime. (#99)

Modifying ptime objects by adding and subtracting time durations was
inefficient because it extracted the date and time of day and then
re-constructed a ptime using the date and modified time of day.

This can be avoided by using the existing time_system utilities which
perform the operation by adjusting the number of ticks.

Performance is improved by a factor of 48 on my system.

* Update CI Scripts

* Add time_duration helper functions: (#113)

1. is_positive()
  - Return boolean value to indicate whether or not time duration is
2. is_zero()
  - Return boolean value to indicate whether or not time duration is
3. abs()
  - Return a time_duration which is the absolute value of time

Added documentation for these helper functions and improved existing
documentation to indicate constness, return values or static

* Cease dependence on MPL (#115)
2019-12-03 17:06:28 -07:00

283 lines
11 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
* Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
* Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
* Author: Jeff Garland, Bart Garst
* $Date$
#include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_duration.hpp"
#include "boost/date_time/compiler_config.hpp"
#include "boost/date_time/posix_time/time_formatters_limited.hpp"
#include "boost/date_time/posix_time/time_formatters.hpp"
#include "../testfrmwk.hpp"
using namespace boost::posix_time;
// std::cout << "Default limits: SECOND " << std::endl;
time_duration td;
check("default construction -- 0 ticks", td.ticks() == 0);
// check("default construction -- 0 secs", td.seconds() == 0);
// check("default construction -- 0 min", td.minutes() == 0);
// construct from components
time_duration td1(1,25,0);
time_duration td3(td1.hours(),td1.minutes(),td1.seconds());
check("total up elements", td1 == td3);
td1 = -td1; // td1 == "-1:25:00"
check("invert_sign",td3 == td1.invert_sign());
check("invert_sign",td1 == td3.invert_sign());
check("abs",td3 == td1.abs());
check("abs",td3 == td3.abs());
check("is_zero",(td1 - td1).is_zero());
td3 = time_duration(td1.hours(),td1.minutes(),td1.seconds());
check("total up elements-inverted sign", td1 == td3);
time_duration t_1(0,1,40);
time_duration t_2(0,1,41);
check("less test", !(t_2 < t_2));
check("equal test", t_1 == t_1);
check("greater equal - equal", t_1 >= t_1);
check("greater equal - greater", t_2 >= t_1);
check("less equal - equal ", t_2 <= t_2);
check("greater ", t_2 > t_1);
check("greater - not ", !(t_1 > t_2));
time_duration t_3(t_2);
check("copy constructor ", t_2 == t_3);
time_duration t_4 = t_3;
check("assignment operator ", t_2 == t_4);
time_duration t_5(1,30,20,10); // 1hr, 30min, 20sec, 10 frac sec
t_5 /= 2;
check("divide equal", (t_5.hours() == 0 &&
t_5.minutes() == 45 &&
t_5.seconds() == 10 &&
t_5.fractional_seconds() == 5));
t_5 = time_duration(3,15,8,0) / 2;
check("divide int", t_5 == time_duration(1,37,34,0));
time_duration td = hours(5);
td *= 5;
check("mult-equals int", time_duration(25,0,0,0) == td);
t_5 = t_2 + t_1;
//VC6 goes ambiguous on the next line...
#if (defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (_MSC_VER < 1300))
//sorry ticks() doesn't work on VC6
std::cout << t_5.ticks() << std::endl;
check("add", t_5 == time_duration(0,3,21));
time_duration td_a(5,5,5,5);
time_duration td_b(4,4,4,4);
time_duration td_c(2,2,2,2);
td_a += td_b;
check("add equal", td_a == time_duration(9,9,9,9));
time_duration td_d = td_b - td_c;
check("subtract", td_d == time_duration(2,2,2,2));
td_d -= td_b;
check("subtract equal (neg result)", td_d == td_c - td_b);
time_duration utd(1,2,3,4);
time_duration utd2 = -utd;
//std::cout << td_d << '\n' << utd2 << std::endl;
check("unary-", ((utd2.hours() == -1) &&
(utd2.minutes() == -2) &&
(utd2.seconds() == -3) &&
(utd2.fractional_seconds() == -4)) );
utd2 = -hours(5);
check("unary-", utd2.hours() == -5);
utd2 = -utd2;
check("unary-", utd2.hours() == 5);
time_duration t_6(5,4,3); //05:04:03
check("h-m-s 5-4-3 hours", t_6.hours() == 5);
check("h-m-s 5-4-3 minutes", t_6.minutes() == 4);
check("h-m-s 5-4-3 seconds", t_6.seconds() == 3);
std::cout << t_6.total_seconds() << std::endl;
check("h-m-s 5-4-3 total_seconds", t_6.total_seconds() == 18243);
hours tenhours(10);
minutes fivemin(5);
time_duration t7 = time_duration(1,2,3) + tenhours + fivemin;
check("short hand durations add", t7 == time_duration(11,7,3));
time_duration t8 = tenhours + time_duration(1,2,3) + fivemin;
check("short hand durations add", t8 == time_duration(11,7,3));
if (time_duration::resolution() >= boost::date_time::micro) {
time_duration t_9(5,4,3,9876); //05:04:03.09876
check("h-m-s 5-4-3.21 hours", t_9.hours() == 5);
check("h-m-s 5-4-3.21 min ", t_9.minutes() == 4);
check("h-m-s 5-4-3.21 sec ", t_9.seconds() == 3);
check("h-m-s 5-4-3.21 fs ", t_9.fractional_seconds() == 9876);
check("h-m-s 5-4-3.21 total_seconds", t_9.total_seconds() == 18243);
// check("h-m-s 5-4-3.21 fs ", t_9.fs_as_double() == 0.9876);
//std::cout << t_9.fs_as_double() << std::endl;
std::cout << to_simple_string(t_9) << std::endl;
if (time_duration::resolution() >= boost::date_time::tenth) {
time_duration t_10(5,4,3,9); //05:04:03.00001
check("h-m-s 5-4-3.9 hours", t_10.hours() == 5);
check("h-m-s 5-4-3.9 min ", t_10.minutes() == 4);
check("h-m-s 5-4-3.9 sec ", t_10.seconds() == 3);
check("h-m-s 5-4-3.9 fs ", t_10.fractional_seconds() == 9);
check("h-m-s 5-4-3.9 total_seconds", t_10.total_seconds() == 18243);
std::cout << to_simple_string(t_10) << std::endl;
if (time_duration::resolution() >= boost::date_time::milli) {
millisec ms(9);
// time_duration t_10(0,0,0,); //00:00:00.009
std::cout << "time_resolution: " << time_duration::resolution() << std::endl;
#if (defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (_MSC_VER < 1300))
//sorry res_adjust() doesn't work on VC6
std::cout << "res_adjust " << time_res_traits::res_adjust() << std::endl;
if (time_duration::resolution() == boost::date_time::nano) {
check("millisec", ms.fractional_seconds() == 9000000);
check("total_seconds - nofrac", ms.total_seconds() == 0);
check("total_millisec", ms.total_milliseconds() == 9);
check("ticks per second", time_duration::ticks_per_second() == 1000000000);
else {
check("millisec 9000", ms.fractional_seconds() == 9000);
check("total_seconds - nofrac", ms.total_seconds() == 0);
check("total_millisec", ms.total_milliseconds() == 9);
if (time_duration::resolution() >= boost::date_time::nano) {
nanosec ns(9);
// time_duration t_10(0,0,0,); //00:00:00.00009
check("nanosec", ns.fractional_seconds() == 9);
check("total nanosec", ns.total_nanoseconds() == 9);
check("total microsec - truncated", ns.total_microseconds() == 0);
std::cout << to_simple_string(ns) << std::endl;
time_duration ns18 = ns + ns;
check("nanosec", ns18.fractional_seconds() == 18);
std::cout << to_simple_string(ns18) << std::endl;
nanosec ns2(1000000000); //one second
check("nano to second compare", ns2 == seconds(1));
check("check total seconds", ns2.total_seconds() == 1);
std::cout << to_simple_string(ns2) << std::endl;
check("division of nanoseconds", (nanosec(3)/2) == nanosec(1));
check("multiplication of nanosec", nanosec(3)*1000 == microsec(3));
// Test for overflows (ticket #3471)
ptime start(boost::gregorian::date(2000, 1, 1));
ptime end(boost::gregorian::date(2000, 5, 1));
time_duration td = end - start;
ptime end2 = start + microseconds(td.total_microseconds());
check("microseconds constructor overflow", end == end2);
time_duration t_11(3600,0,0);
check("3600 hours ", t_11.hours() == 3600);
check("total seconds 3600 hours", t_11.total_seconds() == 12960000);
time_duration td_12(1,2,3,10);
std::cout << td_12.total_seconds() << std::endl;
check("total seconds 3723 hours", td_12.total_seconds() == 3723);
// time_duration t_11a = t_11/time_duration(0,3,0);
check("division", (hours(2)/2) == hours(1));
check("division", (hours(3)/2) == time_duration(1,30,0));
check("division", (hours(3)/3) == hours(1));
check("multiplication", time_duration(3,0,0)*2 == hours(6));
check("multiplication", hours(360)*1000 == hours(360000));
// special_values operations
time_duration pi_dur(pos_infin), ni_dur(neg_infin), ndt_dur(not_a_date_time);
check("+infin + -infin", pi_dur + ni_dur == ndt_dur);
check("infin / int", pi_dur / 3 == pi_dur);
check("infin + duration", pi_dur + td_12 == pi_dur);
check("infin - duration", pi_dur - td_12 == pi_dur);
check("unary-", -pi_dur == ni_dur);
check("-infin less than +infin", ni_dur < pi_dur);
check("-infin less than duration", ni_dur < td_12);
check("+infin greater than duration", pi_dur > td_12);
std::string result(""), answer("+infinity");
result = to_simple_string(pi_dur);
check("to string +infin", result==answer);
result = to_simple_string(ni_dur);
answer = "-infinity";
check("to string +infin", result==answer);
result = to_simple_string(ndt_dur);
//answer = "not-a-number";
answer = "not-a-date-time";
check("to string +infin", result==answer);
using namespace boost::gregorian;
ptime t1(date(2001,7,14));
ptime t2(date(2002,7,14));
check("One year of hours: 365*24=8760", 365*24 == ((t2-t1).hours()));
check("Total seconds in a year", 365*24*3600 == ((t2-t1).total_seconds()));
std::cout << to_simple_string(time_duration(20000 * 24, 0, 0, 0)) << std::endl;
std::cout << to_simple_string(time_duration(24855 * 24, 0, 0, 0)) << std::endl;
std::cout << to_simple_string(time_duration(24856 * 24, 0, 0, 0)) << std::endl;
std::cout << to_simple_string(time_duration(25000 * 24, 0, 0, 0)) << std::endl;
time_duration tdl1(25000*24, 0, 0, 0);
check("600000 hours", tdl1.hours() == 600000);
time_duration tdl2(2000000, 0, 0, 0);
check("2000000 hours", tdl2.hours() == 2000000);
check("total milliseconds", seconds(1).total_milliseconds() == 1000);
check("total microseconds", seconds(1).total_microseconds() == 1000000);
check("total nanoseconds", seconds(1).total_nanoseconds() == 1000000000);
check("total milliseconds", hours(1).total_milliseconds() == 3600*1000);
boost::int64_t tms = static_cast<boost::int64_t>(3600)*1000000*1001; //ms per sec
check("total microseconds 1000 hours", hours(1001).total_microseconds() == tms);
tms = static_cast<boost::int64_t>(3600)*365*24*1000;
check("total milliseconds - one year", (t2-t1).total_milliseconds() == tms);
tms = 3600*365*24*static_cast<boost::int64_t>(1000000000);
check("total nanoseconds - one year", (t2-t1).total_nanoseconds() == tms);
#if (defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (_MSC_VER < 1300))
std::cout << "tms: " << (t2-t1).total_milliseconds() << std::endl;
std::cout << "nano per year: " << (t2-t1).total_nanoseconds() << std::endl;
// make it into a double
double d1 = microseconds(25).ticks()/(double)time_duration::ticks_per_second();
std::cout << d1 << std::endl;
//Following causes errors on several compilers about value to large for
//type. So it is commented out for now. Strangely works on gcc 3.3
//eg: integer constant out of range
// long sec_in_200k_hours(7200000000);
// check("total sec in 2000000 hours",
// tdl2.total_seconds() == sec_in_200k_hours);
// std::cout << to_simple_string(time_duration(2000000, 0, 0, 0)) << std::endl;
return printTestStats();