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<title>Boost Disjoint Sets</title>
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<h1><a name="sec:disjoint-sets" id="sec:disjoint-sets"></a> Disjoint
disjoint_sets&lt;Rank, Parent, FindCompress&gt;
<p>This is class that provides disjoint sets operations with <i>union by
rank</i> and <i>path compression</i>. A disjoint-sets data structure
maintains a collection <i>S = {S<sub>1</sub>, S<sub>2</sub>, ...,
S<sub>k</sub>}</i> of disjoint sets. Each set is identified by a
<i>representative</i> which is some member of of the set. Sets are
represented by rooted trees which are encoded in the <tt>Parent</tt>
property map. Two heuristics: "union by rank" and "path compression" are
used to speed up the operations&nbsp;[<a href=
"./bibliography.html#tarjan83:_data_struct_network_algo">1</a>, <a href=
<h3>Where Defined</h3><a href=
<h3>Template Parameters</h3>
<table border summary="">
<td>must be a model of <a href=
with an integer value type and a key type equal to the set's element
<td>must be a model of <a href=
and the key and value type the same as the set's element type.</td>
<td>should be one of the find representative and path compress function
<p>A typical usage pattern for <tt>disjoint_sets</tt> can be seen in the
<a href=
algorithm. In this example, we call <tt>link()</tt> instead of
<tt>union_set()</tt> because <tt>u</tt> and <tt>v</tt> were obtained from
<tt>find_set()</tt> and therefore are already the representatives for their
disjoint_sets&lt;Rank, Parent, FindCompress&gt; dsets(rank, p);
for (ui = vertices(G).first; ui != vertices(G).second; ++ui)
while ( !Q.empty() ) {
e = Q.front();
u = dsets.find_set(source(e));
v = dsets.find_set(target(e));
if ( u != v ) {
*out++ = e;
dsets.link(u, v);
<table border summary="">
<td><tt>disjoint_sets(Rank r, Parent p)</tt></td>
<td><tt>disjoint_sets(const disjoint_sets&amp; x)</tt></td>
<td>Copy constructor.</td>
<td><tt>template &lt;class Element&gt;<br>
void make_set(Element x)</tt></td>
<td>Creates a singleton set containing Element <tt>x</tt>.</td>
<td><tt>template &lt;class Element&gt;<br>
void link(Element x, Element y)</tt></td>
<td>Union the two sets <i>represented</i> by element <tt>x</tt> and
<td><tt>template &lt;class Element&gt;<br>
void union_set(Element x, Element y)</tt></td>
<td>Union the two sets that <i>contain</i> elements <tt>x</tt> and
<tt>y</tt>. This is equivalent to
<td><tt>template &lt;class Element&gt;<br>
Element find_set(Element x)</tt></td>
<td>Return the representative for the set containing element
<td><tt>template &lt;class ElementIterator&gt;<br>
std::size_t count_sets(ElementIterator first, ElementIterator
<td>Returns the number of disjoint sets.</td>
<td><tt>template &lt;class ElementIterator&gt;<br>
void compress_sets(ElementIterator first, ElementIterator
<td>Flatten the parents tree so that the parent of every element is its
<p>The time complexity is <i>O(m alpha(m,n))</i>, where <i>alpha</i> is the
inverse Ackermann's function, <i>m</i> is the number of disjoint-set
operations (<tt>make_set()</tt>, <tt>find_set()</tt>, and <tt>link()</tt>
and <i>n</i> is the number of elements. The <i>alpha</i> function grows
very slowly, much more slowly than the <i>log</i> function.</p>
<h3>See Also</h3><a href=
<p>This class manages the storage for the rank and parent properties
internally. The storage is in arrays, which are indexed by element ID,
hence the requirement for the <tt>ID</tt> and <tt>InverseID</tt> functors.
The rank and parent properties are initialized during construction so the
each element is in a set by itself (so it is not necessary to initialize
objects of this class with the <a href=
<tt>initialize_incremental_components()</tt></a> function). This class is
especially useful when computing the (dynamic) connected components of an
<tt>edge_list</tt> graph which does not provide a place to store vertex
<h3>Template Parameters</h3>
<table border summary="">
<td>must be a model of <a href=
"../property_map/doc/ReadablePropertyMap.html">ReadablePropertyMap</a> that
maps elements to integers between zero 0 and N, the total number of
elements in the sets.</td>
<td>must be a model of <a href=
"../property_map/doc/ReadablePropertyMap.html">ReadablePropertyMap</a> that
maps integers to elements.</td>
<td>should be one of the find representative and path compress function
<p>This class has all of the members in <tt>disjoint_sets</tt> as well as
the following members.</p>
disjoint_sets_with_storage(size_type n = 0,
ID id = ID(),
InverseID inv = InverseID())
template &lt;class ElementIterator&gt;
void disjoint_sets_with_storage::
normalize_sets(ElementIterator first, ElementIterator last)
</pre>This rearranges the representatives such that the representative of
each set is the element with the smallest ID.<br>
Postcondition: <tt>v &gt;= parent[v]</tt><br>
Precondition: the disjoint sets structure must be compressed.<br>
<h2><a name="sec:representative-with-path-halving" id=
<p>This is a functor which finds the representative vertex for the same
component as the element <tt>x</tt>. While traversing up the representative
tree, the functor also applies the path halving technique to shorten the
height of the tree.</p>
Element operator()(Parent p, Element x)
<h2><a name="sec:representative-with-full-path-compression" id=
<p>This is a functor which finds the representative element for the set
that element <tt>x</tt> belongs to.</p>
Element operator()(Parent p, Element x)
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<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" s-type="EDITED" s-format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->01
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<table summary="">
<tr valign="top">
<td nowrap><i>Copyright &copy; 2000</i></td>
<td><i><a href="http://www.boost.org/people/jeremy_siek.htm">Jeremy Siek</a>, Univ.of
Notre Dame (<a href="mailto:jsiek@lsc.nd.edu">jsiek@lsc.nd.edu</a>)<br>
<a href="http://www.boost.org/people/liequan_lee.htm">Lie-Quan Lee</a>,
Univ.of Notre Dame (<a href=
<a href="http://www.lsc.nd.edu/~lums">Andrew Lumsdaine</a>, Univ.of
Notre Dame (<a href=
<p><i>Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
accompanying file <a href="../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">LICENSE_1_0.txt</a> or
copy at <a href=