2002-07-30 17:00:04 +00:00

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-- (C) Jeremy Siek 2001. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
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-- appears in all copies. This software is provided "as is" without
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-- for any purpose.
-- Copyright (c) 1996-1999
-- Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
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-- that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-- in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no
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-- Copyright (c) 1994
-- Hewlett-Packard Company
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
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<Title>dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;</Title>
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<H1>dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;</H1>
<dl class="index">
<dt><a href="#description">Description</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#synopsis">Synopsis</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#definitions">Definitions</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#examples">Examples</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#rationale">Rationale</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#header-files">Header Files</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#template-parameters">Template Parameters</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#concepts-modeled">Concepts modeled</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#type-requirements">Type requirements</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#public-base-classes">Public base classes</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#member-typedefs">Member typedefs</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#constructors">Constructors</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#destructor">Destructor</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#member-functions">Member functions</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#non-member-functions">Non-member functions</a></dt>
<dt><a href="#see-also">See also</a></dt>
<h3><a name="description">Description</a></h3>
The <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> class represents a set of bits. It provides
accesses to the value of individual bits via an <tt>operator[]</tt>
and provides all of the bitwise operators that one can apply to
builtin integers, such as <tt>operator&amp;</tt> and
<tt>operator&lt;&lt;</tt>. The number of bits in the set is specified
at runtime via a parameter to the constructor of the
The <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> class is nearly identical to the <a
class. The difference is that the size of the <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt>
(the number of bits) is specified at run-time during the construction
of a <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> object, whereas the size of a
<tt>std::bitset</tt> is specified at compile-time through an integer
template parameter.</p>
<p>The main problem that <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> is designed to solve is
that of representing a subset of a finite set. Each bit represents
whether an element of the finite set is in the subset or not. As such
the bitwise operations of <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt>, such as
<tt>operator&amp;</tt> and <tt>operator|</tt>, correspond to set
operations, such as intersection and union. </p>
<h3><a name="synopsis">Synopsis</a></h3>
namespace boost {
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
class dynamic_bitset
typedef Block <a href="#block_type">block_type</a>;
typedef <i>implementation-defined</i> <a href="#size_type">size_type</a>;
enum { <a href="#block_size">block_size</a> = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(Block) };
class <a href="#reference">reference</a>
// An automatically generated copy constructor.
reference&amp; operator=(bool value);
reference&amp; operator|=(bool value);
reference&amp; operator&amp;=(bool value);
reference&amp; operator^=(bool value);
reference&amp; operator-=(bool value);
reference&amp; operator=(const reference&amp; j);
reference&amp; operator|=(const reference&amp; j);
reference&amp; operator&amp;=(const reference&amp; j);
reference&amp; operator^=(const reference&amp; j);
reference&amp; operator-=(const reference&amp; j);
bool operator~() const;
operator bool() const;
reference&amp; flip();
typedef bool <a href="#const_reference">const_reference</a>;
explicit <a href="#cons1">dynamic_bitset</a>(const Allocator&amp; alloc = Allocator());
explicit <a href="#cons2">dynamic_bitset</a>(size_type num_bits, unsigned long value = 0,
const Allocator&amp; alloc = Allocator());
template &lt;typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc&gt;
explicit <a href="#cons3">dynamic_bitset</a>(const std::basic_string&lt;CharT, Traits, Alloc&gt;&amp; s,
typename std::basic_string&lt;CharT, Traits, Alloc&gt;::size_type pos = 0,
typename std::basic_string&lt;CharT, Traits, Alloc&gt;::size_type n = std::basic_string&lt;CharT, Traits, Alloc&gt;::npos,
const Allocator&amp; alloc = Allocator());
template &lt;typename BlockInputIterator&gt;
<a href="#cons4">dynamic_bitset</a>(BlockInputIterator first, BlockInputIterator last,
const Allocator&amp; alloc = Allocator());
<a href="#cons5">dynamic_bitset</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; b);
void <a href="#swap">swap</a>(dynamic_bitset&amp; b);
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#assign">operator=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; b);
void <a href="#resize">resize</a>(size_type num_bits, bool value = false);
void <a href="#clear">clear</a>();
void <a href="#push_back">push_back</a>(bool bit);
void <a href="#append1">append</a>(Block block);
template &lt;typename BlockInputIterator&gt;
void <a href="#append2">append</a>(BlockInputIterator first, BlockInputIterator last);
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#op-and-assign">operator&amp;=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; b);
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#op-or-assign">operator|=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; b);
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#op-xor-assign">operator^=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; b);
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#op-sub-assign">operator-=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; b);
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#op-sl-assign">operator&lt;&lt;=</a>(size_type n);
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#op-sr-assign">operator&gt;&gt;=</a>(size_type n);
dynamic_bitset <a href="#op-sl">operator&lt;&lt;</a>(size_type n) const;
dynamic_bitset <a href="#op-sr">operator&gt;&gt;</a>(size_type n) const;
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#set2">set</a>(size_type n, bool val = true);
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#set1">set</a>();
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#reset2">reset</a>(size_type n);
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#reset1">reset</a>();
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#flip2">flip</a>(size_type n);
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a href="#flip1">flip</a>();
bool <a href="#test">test</a>(size_type n) const;
bool <a href="#any">any</a>() const;
bool <a href="#none">none</a>() const;
dynamic_bitset <a href="#op-not">operator~</a>() const;
size_type <a href="#count">count</a>() const;
reference <a href="#bracket">operator[]</a>(size_type pos) { return reference(*this, pos); }
bool <a href="#const-bracket">operator[]</a>(size_type pos) const { return test(pos); }
unsigned long <a href="#to_ulong">to_ulong</a>() const;
size_type <a href="#size">size</a>() const;
template &lt;typename B, typename A&gt;
bool <a href="#op-equal">operator==</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;B, A&gt;&amp; a, const dynamic_bitset&lt;B, A&gt;&amp; b);
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
bool <a href="#op-not-equal">operator!=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; a, const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b);
template &lt;typename B, typename A&gt;
bool <a href="#op-less">operator&lt;</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;B, A&gt;&amp; a, const dynamic_bitset&lt;B, A&gt;&amp; b);
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
bool <a href="#op-less-equal">operator&lt;=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; a, const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b);
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
bool <a href="#op-greater">operator&gt;</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; a, const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b);
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
bool <a href="#op-greater-equal">operator&gt;=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; a, const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b);
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;
<a href="#op-and">operator&amp;</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b1, const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b2);
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;
<a href="#op-or">operator|</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b1, const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b2);
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;
<a href="#op-xor">operator^</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b1, const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b2);
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;
<a href="#op-sub">operator-</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b1, const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b2);
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator, typename CharT, typename Alloc&gt;
void <a href="#to_string">to_string</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b,
std::basic_string&lt;CharT, Alloc&gt;&amp; s);
template &lt;typename Block, typename Allocator, typename BlockOutputIterator&gt;
void to_block_range(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b,
BlockOutputIterator result);
template &lt;typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
std::basic_ostream&lt;CharT, Traits&gt;&amp;
<a href="#op-out">operator&lt;&lt;</a>(std::basic_ostream&lt;CharT, Traits&gt;&amp; os, const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b);
template &lt;typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Block, typename Allocator&gt;
std::basic_istream&lt;CharT, Traits&gt;&amp;
<a href="#op-in">operator&gt;&gt;</a>(std::basic_istream&lt;CharT, Traits&gt;&amp; is, dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b);
} // namespace boost
<h3><a name="definitions">Definitions</a></h3>
Each bit represents either the Boolean value true or false (1 or 0).
To <i>set</i> a bit is to assign it 1. To <i>clear</i> or <i>reset</i>
a bit is to assign it 0. To <i>flip</i> a bit is to change the value
to 1 if it was 0 and to 0 if it was 1. Each bit has a non-negative
<i>position</i>. A bitset <tt>x</tt> contains <tt>x.size()</tt> bits,
with each bit assigned a unique position in the range
<tt>[0,x.size())</tt>. The bit at position 0 is called the <i>least
significant bit</i> and the bit at position <tt>size() - 1</tt> is the
<i>most significant bit</i>. When converting an instance of
<tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> to or from an unsigned long <tt>n</tt>, the bit at
position <tt>i</tt> of the bitset has the same value as <tt>(n >> i)
&amp; 1</tt>.
<h3><a name="examples">Examples</a></h3>
<p>An example of setting and reading some bits. Note that
<tt>operator[]</tt> goes from the least-significant bit at <tt>0</tt>
to the most significant bit at <tt>size()-1</tt>. The
<tt>operator<<</tt> for <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> prints the bitset from
most-significant to least-significant, since that is the format most
people are use to reading.</p>
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp&gt;
int main(int, char*[]) {
boost::dynamic_bitset&lt;&gt; x(5); // all 0's by default
x[0] = 1;
x[1] = 1;
x[4] = 1;
for (boost::dynamic_bitset&lt;&gt;::size_type i = 0; i &lt; x.size(); ++i)
std::cout &lt;&lt; x[i];
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;\n&quot;;
std::cout &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; &quot;\n&quot;;
<p>The output is</p>
An example of creating some bitsets from integers (unsigned longs).
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp&gt;
int main(int, char*[])
const boost::dynamic_bitset&lt;&gt; b0(2, 0ul);
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;bits(0) = &quot; &lt;&lt; b0 &lt;&lt; std::endl;
const boost::dynamic_bitset&lt;&gt; b1(2, 1ul);
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;bits(1) = &quot; &lt;&lt; b1 &lt;&lt; std::endl;
const boost::dynamic_bitset&lt;&gt; b2(2, 2ul);
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;bits(2) = &quot; &lt;&lt; b2 &lt;&lt; std::endl;
const boost::dynamic_bitset&lt;&gt; b3(2, 3ul);
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;bits(3) = &quot; &lt;&lt; b3 &lt;&lt; std::endl;
<p>The output is</p>
bits(0) = 00
bits(1) = 01
bits(2) = 10
bits(3) = 11
An example of performing some bitwise operations.
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp&gt;
int main(int, char*[]) {
const boost::dynamic_bitset&lt;&gt; mask(12, 2730ul);
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;mask = &quot; &lt;&lt; mask &lt;&lt; std::endl;
boost::dynamic_bitset&lt;&gt; x(12);
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Enter a 12-bit bitset in binary: &quot; &lt;&lt; std::flush;
if (std::cin &gt;&gt; x) {
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;input number: &quot; &lt;&lt; x &lt;&lt; std::endl;
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;As unsigned long: &quot; &lt;&lt; x.to_ulong() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;And with mask: &quot; &lt;&lt; (x &amp; mask) &lt;&lt; std::endl;
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Or with mask: &quot; &lt;&lt; (x | mask) &lt;&lt; std::endl;
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Shifted left: &quot; &lt;&lt; (x &lt;&lt; 1) &lt;&lt; std::endl;
std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Shifted right: &quot; &lt;&lt; (x &gt;&gt; 1) &lt;&lt; std::endl;
<p>The output is</p>
mask = 101010101010
Enter a 12-bit bitset in binary: 100110101101
input number = 100110101101
As unsigned long: 2477
And with mask: 100010101000
Or with mask: 101110101111
Shifted left: 001101011010
Shifted right: 010011010110
<h3><a name="rationale">Rationale</a></h3>
The <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> does not provide iterators (and therefore is
not a <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html">
Container</a>) for the following reasons:
<li><tt>std::bitset</tt> does not have iterators, and
<tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> is meant to be a run-time sized version of
<li>The <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> is not
designed to be a <a
<li>A container with a proxy <tt>reference</tt> type can not
fulfill the container requirements as specified in the C++
standard (unless one resorts to strange iterator
semantics). <tt>std::vector&lt;bool&gt;</tt> has a proxy
<tt>reference</tt> type and does not fulfill the container
requirements and as a result has caused many problems. One common
problem is when people try to use iterators from
<tt>std::vector&lt;bool&gt;</tt> with a Standard algorithm such as
<tt>std::search</tt>. The <tt>std::search</tt> requirements say
that the iterator must be a <a
href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ForwardIterator.html"> Forward
Iterator</a>, but the <tt>std::vector&lt;bool&gt;::iterator</tt>
does not meet this requirement because of the proxy reference.
Depending on the implementation, they may or not be a compile
error or even a run-time error due to this misuse. For further
discussion of the problem see <i>Effective STL</i> by Scott
Meyers). So <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> tries to avoid these problems by
not pretending to be a container.</li>
Some people prefer the name &quot;toggle&quot; to
&quot;flip&quot;. The name &quot;flip&quot; was chosen because that
is the name used in <A
In fact, most of the function names for <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> were chosen for
this reason.</p>
<h3><a name="header-files">Header Files</a></h3>
<p>Defined in the header <A href="../../boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp">
boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp</A>. Also, there is a forward declaration for
class <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> in the header <A
<h3><a name="template-parameters">Template parameters</a></h3>
<Table border>
<TD VAlign=top>
<TD VAlign=top>
The integer type in which the bits are stored.
<TD VAlign=top>
<tt>unsigned long</tt>
<td VAlign=top>
<td VAlign=top>
The allocator type used for all internal memory management.
<td VAlign=top>
<h3><a name="concepts-modeled">Concepts Modeled</a></h3>
<A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Assignable.html">Assignable</A>,
<A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/DefaultConstructible.html">Default Constructible</A>,
<A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/EqualityComparable.html">Equality Comparable</A>,
<a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/LessThanComparable.html">LessThan Comparable</a>.
<h3><a name="type-requirements">Type requirements</a></h3>
<tt>Block</tt> is an unsigned integer type. <tt>Allocator</tt> satisfies
the Standard requirements for an Allocator.
<h3><a name="public-base-classes">Public base classes</a></h3>
<h3><a name="member-typedefs">Member typedefs</a></h3>
<a name="reference">dynamic_bitset::reference</a>
A proxy class that acts as a reference to a single bit. It contains
an assignment operator, a conversion to <tt>bool</tt>, an
<tt>operator~</tt>, and a member function <tt>flip</tt>. It exists
only as a helper class for <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt>'s
<tt>operator[]</tt>. The following table describes the valid
operations on the <tt>reference</tt> type. Assume that <tt>b</tt> is
an instance of <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt>, <tt>i, j</tt> are of
<tt>size_type</tt> and in the range <tt>[0,b.size())</tt>. Also, note
that when we write <tt>b[i]</tt> we mean an object of type
<tt>reference</tt> that was initalized from <tt>b[i]</tt>. The
variable <tt>x</tt> is a <tt>bool</tt>.
<table border=1>
<tr><td><tt>x = b[i]</tt></td> <td>Assign the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> to <tt>x</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>(bool)b[i]</tt></td> <td>Return the ith bit of <tt>b</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i] = x</tt></td> <td>Set the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> to the value of <tt>x</tt> and return <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i] |= x</tt></td> <td>Or the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> with the value of <tt>x</tt> and return <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i] &= x</tt></td> <td>And the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> with the value of <tt>x</tt> and return <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i] ^= x</tt></td> <td>Exclusive-Or the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> with the value of <tt>x</tt> and return <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i] -= x</tt></td> <td>If <tt>x==true</tt>, clear the ith bit of <tt>b</tt>. Returns <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i] = b[j]</tt></td> <td>Set the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> to the value of the jth bit of <tt>b</tt> and return <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i] |= b[j]</tt></td> <td>Or the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> with the
jth bit of <tt>b</tt> and return <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i] &= b[j]</tt></td> <td>And the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> with the jth bit of <tt>b</tt> and return <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i] ^= b[j]</tt></td> <td>Exclusive-Or the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> with the jth bit of <tt>b</tt> and return <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i] -= b[j]</tt></td> <td>If the jth bit of <tt>b</tt> is set, clear the ith bit of <tt>b</tt>. Returns <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>x = ~b[i]</tt></td> <td>Assign the opposite of the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> to <tt>x</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>(bool)~b[i]</tt></td> <td>Return the opposite of the ith bit of <tt>b</tt>.</td></tr>
<tr><td><tt>b[i].flip()</tt> <td>Flip the ith bit of <tt>b</tt> and return <tt>b[i]</tt>.</td></tr>
<a name="const_reference">dynamic_bitset::const_reference</a>
The type <tt>bool</tt>.
<a name="size_type">dynamic_bitset::size_type</a>
The unsigned integer for representing the size of the bit set.
<a name="block_type">dynamic_bitset::block_type</a>
The same type as the <tt>Block</tt> template parameter.
<a name="block_size">dynamic_bitset::block_size</a>
The number of bits in a <tt>Block</tt>.
<h3><a name="constructors">Constructors</a></h3>
<a name="cons1">dynamic_bitset</a>(const Allocator&amp; alloc = Allocator())
<b>Effects:</b> Constructs a bitset of size zero.
A copy of the <tt>alloc</tt> object will be used in subsequent
bitset operations such as <tt>resize</tt> to allocate memory.<br>
<b>Postconditions:</b> <tt>this-&gt;size() == 0</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).<br>
(Required by <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Defaultconstructible.html">
Default Constructible</a>.)
<a name="cons2">dynamic_bitset</a>(size_type num_bits,
unsigned long value = 0,
const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
<b>Effects:</b> Constructs a bitset from an integer. The first
<tt>M</tt> bits are initialized to the corresponding bits in
<tt>val</tt> and all other bits, if any, to zero (where
<tt>M = min(num_bits, sizeof(unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT)</tt>). A copy
of the <tt>alloc</tt> object will be used in subsequent bitset
operations such as <tt>resize</tt> to allocate memory.<br>
<li><tt>this-&gt;size() == num_bits</tt></li>
<li> For all <tt>i</tt> in the range <tt>[0,M)</tt>, <tt>(*this)[i] == (value >> i) &amp; 1</tt>.</li>
<li> For all <tt>i</tt> in the range <tt>[M+1,num_bits)</tt>,
<tt>(*this)[i] == false</tt>.</li>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).<br>
<a name="cons5">dynamic_bitset</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; x)
<b>Effects:</b> Constructs a bitset that is a copy of the bitset
<tt>x</tt>. The allocator for this bitset is a copy of the
allocator in <tt>x</tt>. <br>
<b>Postconditions:</b> For all <tt>i</tt> in the range
<tt>[0,x.size())</tt>, <tt>(*this)[i] == x[i]</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).<br>
(Required by <A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Assignable.html">
template &lt;typename BlockInputIterator&gt;
<a name="cons4">dynamic_bitset</a>(BlockInputIterator first, BlockInputIterator last,
const Allocator&amp; alloc = Allocator());
<b>Effects:</b> Constructs a bitset based on a range of blocks.
Let <tt>*first</tt> be block number 0, <tt>*++first</tt> block number
1, etc. Block number <tt>b</tt> is used to initialize the bits of the
dynamic_bitset in the position range <tt>[b, b + block_size)</tt>. For
each block number <tt>b</tt> with value <tt>bval</tt>, the bit
<tt>(bval >> i) &amp; 1</tt> corresponds to the bit at position <tt>(b *
block_size + i)</tt> in the bitset (where <tt>i</tt> goes through the
range <tt>[0, block_size)</tt>).<br>
<b>Requires:</b> The type <tt>BlockInputIterator</tt> must be a model
of <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">Input
Iterator</a> and its <tt>value_type</tt> must be the same type as
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).<br>
template&lt;typename Char, typename Traits, typename Alloc&gt;
<a name="cons3">dynamic_bitset</a>(const <A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/basic_string.html">std::basic_string</A>&lt;Char,Traits,Alloc&gt;&amp; s,
typename std::basic_string&lt;CharT, Traits, Alloc&gt;::size_type pos = 0,
typename std::basic_string&lt;CharT, Traits, Alloc&gt;::size_type n = <A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/basic_string.html">std::basic_string</A>&lt;Char,Traits,Alloc&gt;::npos,
const Allocator&amp; alloc = Allocator())
<b>Effects:</b> Constructs a bitset from a string of 0's and 1's. The
first <tt>M</tt> bits are initialized to the corresponding characters
in <tt>s</tt>, where <tt>M = min(s.size() - pos, n)</tt>. Note that
the <i>highest</i> character position in <tt>s</tt>, not the lowest,
corresponds to the least significant bit. That is, character position
<tt>pos + M - 1 - i</tt> corresponds to bit <tt>i</tt>. So, for
example, <tt>dynamic_bitset(string(&quot;1101&quot;))</tt> is the same as
<b>Throws:</b> <tt>std::out_of_range</tt> if <tt>pos &gt; s.size()</tt>,
and throws <tt>std::invalid_argument</tt> if any of the characters used to
initialize the bits are anything other than <tt>0</tt> or <tt>1</tt>.
Also, <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> throws an allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).<br>
<h3><a name="destructor">Destructor</a></h3>
<b>Effects:</b> Releases the memory associated with this bitset
and destroys the bitset object itself.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
<h3><a name="member-functions">Member Functions</a></h3>
void <a name="swap">swap</a>(dynamic_bitset&amp; b);
<b>Effects:</b> The contents of this bitset and bitset <tt>b</tt>
are exchanged.<br>
<b>Postconditions:</b> This bitset is equal to the original <tt>b</tt>,
and <tt>b</tt> is equal to the previous version of this bitset.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="assign">operator=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; x)
<b>Effects:</b> This bitset becomes a copy of the bitset <tt>x</tt>.<br>
<b>Postconditions:</b> For all <tt>i</tt> in the range
<tt>[0,x.size())</tt>, <tt>(*this)[i] == x[i]</tt>.<br>
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
(Required by
<A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Assignable.html">Assignable</A>.)
void <a name="resize">resize</a>(size_type num_bits, bool value = false);
<b>Effects:</b> Changes the number of bits of the bitset to
<tt>num_bits</tt>. If <tt>num_bits > size()</tt> then the bits in the
range <tt>[0,size())</tt> remain the same, and the bits in
<tt>[size(),num_bits)</tt> are all set to <tt>value</tt>. If
<tt>num_bits < size()</tt> then the bits in the range
<tt>[0,num_bits)</tt> stay the same (and the remaining bits are
<b>Postconditions:</b> <tt>this-&gt;size() == num_bits</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).<br>
void <a name="clear">clear</a>()
<b>Effects:</b> The size of the bitset becomes zero.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
void <a name="push_back">push_back</a>(bool value);
<b>Effects:</b> Increases the size of the bitset by one, and sets the value of
the new most-significant bit to <tt>value</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).<br>
void <a name="append1">append</a>(Block value);
<b>Effects:</b> Appends the bits in <tt>value</tt> to the bitset
(appends to the most-significant end). This increases the size of the
bitset by <tt>block_size</tt>. Let <tt>s</tt> be the old size of the
bitset, then for <tt>i</tt> in the range <tt>[0,block_size)</tt>, the
bit at position <tt>(s + i)</tt> is set to <tt>((value >> i) &
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).<br>
template &lt;typename BlockInputIterator&gt;
void <a name="append2">append</a>(BlockInputIterator first, BlockInputIterator last);
<b>Effects:</b> This function provides the same end result as the following
code, but is typically more efficient.
for (; first != last; ++first)
<b>Requires:</b> The <tt>BlockInputIterator</tt> type must be a model
of <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">Input
Iterator</a> and the <tt>value_type</tt> must be the same type as
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).<br>
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="op-and-assign">operator&amp;=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; rhs)
<b>Requires:</b> <tt>this-&gt;size() == rhs.size()</tt>.<br>
<b>Effects:</b> Bitwise-AND all the bits in <tt>rhs</tt> with the
bits in this bitset. This is equivalent to:
for (size_type i = 0; i != this->size(); ++i)
(*this)[i] = (*this)[i] & rhs[i];
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
<pre>dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="op-or-assign">operator|=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; rhs)
<b>Requires:</b> <tt>this-&gt;size() == rhs.size()</tt>.<br>
<b>Effects:</b> Bitwise-OR's all the bits in <tt>rhs</tt>
with the bits in this bitset. This is equivalent to:
for (size_type i = 0; i != this->size(); ++i)
(*this)[i] = (*this)[i] | rhs[i];
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="op-xor-assign">operator^=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; rhs)
<b>Requires:</b> <tt>this-&gt;size() == rhs.size()</tt>.<br>
<b>Effects:</b> Bitwise-XOR's all the bits in <tt>rhs</tt>
with the bits in this bitset. This is equivalent to:
for (size_type i = 0; i != this->size(); ++i)
(*this)[i] = (*this)[i] ^ rhs[i];
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="op-sub-assign">operator-=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; rhs)
<b>Requires:</b> <tt>this-&gt;size() == rhs.size()</tt>.<br>
<b>Effects:</b> Computes the set difference of
this bitset and the <tt>rhs</tt> bitset. This is equivalent to:
for (size_type i = 0; i != this->size(); ++i)
(*this)[i] = (*this)[i] && !rhs[i];
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="op-sl-assign">operator&lt;&lt;=</a>(size_type n)
<b>Effects:</b> Shifts the bits in this bitset to the left by
<tt>n</tt> bits. For each bit in the bitset, the bit at position pos
takes on the previous value of the bit at position <tt>pos - n</tt>,
or zero if no such bit exists.<br>
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="op-sr-assign">operator&gt;&gt;=</a>(size_type n)
<b>Effects:</b> Shifts the bits in this bitset to the right by
<tt>n</tt> bits. For each bit in the bitset, the bit at position
<tt>pos</tt> takes on the previous value of bit <tt>pos + n</tt>, or
zero if no such bit exists.<br>
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
dynamic_bitset <a name="op-sl">operator&lt;&lt;</a>(size_type n) const
<b>Returns:</b> a copy of <tt>*this</tt> shifted to the left by <tt>n</tt>
bits. For each bit in the returned bitset, the bit at position pos
takes on the value of the bit at position <tt>pos - n</tt> of this
bitset, or zero if no such bit exists.
Note that the expression <tt>b &lt;&lt; n</tt> is equivalent to
constructing a temporary copy of <tt>b</tt> and then using
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).
dynamic_bitset <a name="op-sr">operator&gt;&gt;</a>(size_type n) const
<b>Returns:</b> a copy of <tt>*this</tt> shifted to the right by
<tt>n</tt> bits. For each bit in the returned bitset, the bit at
position pos takes on the value of the bit at position <tt>pos +
n</tt> of this bitset, or zero if no such bit exists. Note that the
expression <tt>b &gt;&gt; n</tt> is equivalent to constructing a
temporary copy of <tt>b</tt> and then using
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="set1">set</a>()
<b>Effects:</b> Sets every bit in this bitset to 1.<br>
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt><br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="flip1">flip</a>()
<b>Effects:</b> Flips the value of every bit in this bitset.<br>
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt><br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
dynamic_bitset <a name="op-not">operator~</a>() const
<b>Returns:</b> a copy of <tt>*this</tt> with all of its bits flipped.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="reset1">reset</a>()
<b>Effects:</b> Clears every bit in this bitset.<br>
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt><br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="set2">set</a>(size_type n, bool val = true)
<b>Effects:</b> Sets bit <tt>n</tt> if <tt>val</tt> is <tt>true</tt>,
and clears bit <tt>n</tt> if <tt>val</tt> is <tt>false</tt>. <br>
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt><br>
<b>Throws:</b> <tt>std::out_of_range</tt> if <tt>n &gt;=
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="reset2">reset</a>(size_type n)
<b>Effects:</b> Clears bit <tt>n</tt>.<br>
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt><br>
<b>Throws:</b> <tt>std::out_of_range</tt> if <tt>n &gt;= this-&gt;size()</tt>.
dynamic_bitset&amp; <a name="flip2">flip</a>(size_type n)
<b>Effects:</b> Flips bit <tt>n</tt>.<br>
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>*this</tt><br>
<b>Throws:</b> <tt>std::out_of_range</tt> if <tt>n &gt;= this-&gt;size()</tt>.
size_type <a name="size">size</a>() const
<b>Returns:</b> the number of bits in this bitset.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
size_type <a name="count">count</a>() const
<b>Returns:</b> the number of bits in this bitset that are set.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
bool <a name="any">any</a>() const
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>true</tt> if any bits in this bitset are set,
and otherwise returns <tt>false</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
bool <a name="none">none</a>() const
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>true</tt> if no bits are set, and otherwise
returns <tt>false</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.
bool <a name="test">test</a>(size_type n) const
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>true</tt> if bit <tt>n</tt> is set and
<tt>false</tt> is bit <tt>n</tt> is 0.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> <tt>std::out_of_range</tt> if <tt>n &gt;= this-&gt;size()</tt>.
reference <a name="bracket">operator[]</a>(size_type n)
<b>Returns:</b> a <tt>reference</tt> to bit <tt>n</tt>. Note that
<tt>reference</tt> is a proxy class with an assignment operator and a
conversion to <tt>bool</tt>, which allows you to use
<tt>operator[]</tt> for assignment. That is, you can write both <tt>x
= b[n]</tt> and <tt>b[n] = x</tt>. However, in many other respects the
proxy is not the same as the true reference type <tt>bool&amp;</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> <tt>std::out_of_range</tt> if <tt>n &gt;= this-&gt;size()</tt>.
bool <a name="const-bracket">operator[]</a>(size_type n) const
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>true</tt> if bit <tt>n</tt> is set. <br>
<b>Throws:</b> <tt>std::out_of_range</tt> if <tt>n &gt;= this-&gt;size()</tt>.
unsigned long <a name="to_ulong">to_ulong</a>() const
<b>Returns:</b> An <tt>unsigned long</tt> integer whose bits
corresponds to the bits in this bitset, as long as there are no bits
in the bitset that are set to 1 at a position greater than
<tt>sizeof(unsigned long) * CHAR_BIT</tt>.
<b>Throws:</b> <tt>std::overflow_error</tt> if the value of the bitset
can not be represented in an <tt>unsigned long</tt>.
bool <a name="op-equal">operator==</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; rhs) const
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>true</tt> if <tt>this-&gt;size() ==
rhs.size()</tt> and if for all <tt>i</tt> in the range
<tt>[0,rhs.size())</tt>, <tt>(*this)[i] == rhs[i]</tt>. Otherwise
returns <tt>false</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.<br>
(Required by <A
bool <a name="op-not-equal">operator!=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; rhs) const
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>!((*this) == rhs)</tt><br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.<br>
(Required by <A
bool <a name="op-less">operator&lt;</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; rhs) const
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>true</tt> if this bitset is lexicographically less
than <tt>rhs</tt>, and returns <tt>false</tt> otherwise. (See the
description of <a
lexicographical_compare</a> for a definition of lexicographic
ordering). <br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.<br>
(Required by
<A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/LessThanComparable.html">Less Than Comparable</A>.)
bool <a name="op-greater">operator&gt;</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; rhs) const
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>!((*this) < rhs || (*this) == rhs)</tt><br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.<br>
(Required by <A
href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/LessThanComparable.html">Less Than
bool <a name="op-less-equal">operator&lt;=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; rhs) const
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>(*this) < rhs || (*this) == rhs</tt><br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.<br>
(Required by
<A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/LessThanComparable.html">Less Than Comparable</A>.)
bool <a name="op-greater-equal">operator&gt;=</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; rhs) const
<b>Returns:</b> <tt>(*this) > rhs || (*this) == rhs</tt><br>
<b>Throws:</b> nothing.<br>
(Required by
<A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/LessThanComparable.html">Less Than Comparable</A>.)
<h3><a name="non-member-functions">Non-Member Functions</a></h3>
dynamic_bitset <a name="op-and">operator&amp;</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; a, const dynamic_bitset&amp; b)
<b>Requires:</b> <tt>a.size() == b.size()</tt><br>
<b>Returns:</b> A new bitset that is the bitwise-AND of the bitsets
<tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt>. Note that the expression <tt>b1 &amp;
b2</tt> is equivalent to creating a temporary copy of <tt>b1</tt>,
using <tt>operator&amp;=</tt>, and returning the temporary copy.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).
dynamic_bitset <a name="op-or">operator|</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; a, const dynamic_bitset&amp; b)
<b>Requires:</b> <tt>a.size() == b.size()</tt><br>
<b>Returns:</b> A new bitset that is the bitwise-OR of the bitsets
<tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt>. Note that the expression <tt>b1 &amp;
b2</tt> is equivalent to creating a temporary copy of <tt>b1</tt>,
using <tt>operator&amp;=</tt>, and returning the temporary copy.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).
dynamic_bitset <a name="op-xor">operator^</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; a, const dynamic_bitset&amp; b)
<b>Requires:</b> <tt>a.size() == b.size()</tt><br>
<b>Returns:</b> A new bitset that is the bitwise-XOR of the bitsets
<tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt>. Note that the expression <tt>b1 &amp;
b2</tt> is equivalent to creating a temporary copy of <tt>b1</tt>,
using <tt>operator&amp;=</tt>, and returning the temporary copy.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).
dynamic_bitset <a name="op-sub">operator-</a>(const dynamic_bitset&amp; a, const dynamic_bitset&amp; b)
<b>Requires:</b> <tt>a.size() == b.size()</tt><br>
<b>Returns:</b> A new bitset that is the set difference of the bitsets
<tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt>. Note that the expression <tt>b1 - b2</tt>
is equivalent to creating a temporary copy of <tt>b1</tt>,
using <tt>operator-=</tt>, and returning the temporary copy.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).
template &lt;typename CharT, typename Alloc&gt;
void <a name="to_string">to_string</a>(const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Allocator&gt;&amp; b,
<A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/basic_string.html">std::basic_string</A>&lt;Char,Traits,Alloc&gt;& s)
<b>Effects:</b> Copies a representation of <tt>b</tt> into the string
<tt>s</tt>. A character in the string is <tt>'1'</tt> if the
corresponding bit is set, and <tt>'0'</tt> if it is not. Character
position <tt>i</tt> in the string corresponds to bit position
<tt>b.size() - 1 - i</tt>. <br>
<b>Throws:</b> If memory is exhausted, the string will throw an
allocation error.<br>
<b>Rationale:</b> This function is not a member function taking zero
arguments and returning a string for a couple reasons. First, this
version can be slighly more efficient because the string is not
copied (due to being passed by value). Second, as a member function,
to allow for flexibility with regards to the template parameters of
<tt>basic_string</tt>, the member function would require explicit
template parameters. Few C++ programmers are familiar with explicit
template parameters, and some C++ compilers do not handle them
template &lt;typename Char, typename Traits, typename Block, typename Alloc&gt;
basic_ostream&lt;Char, Traits&gt;&amp;
<a name="op-out">operator&lt;&lt;</a>(basic_ostream&lt;Char, Traits&gt;&amp; os, const dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Alloc&gt;&amp; x)
Output a <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> to an output stream. This function
behaves as if it converts the <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> to a string and then
writes that string to the output stream. That is, it is equivalent to
std::basic_string&lt;Char, Traits&gt; s;
to_string(x, s):
os &lt;&lt; s;
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).
Also will throw <tt>std::ios_base::failure</tt> if there is a problem
writing to the stream.
template &lt;typename Char, typename Traits, typename Block, typename Alloc&gt;
<a name="op-in">operator&gt;&gt;</a>(basic_istream&lt;Char,Traits&gt;&amp; is, dynamic_bitset&lt;Block, Alloc&gt;&amp; x)
<b>Effects:</b> Extracts a <tt>dynamic_bitset</tt> from an input
stream. This function first skips whitespace, then extracts up to
<tt>x.size()</tt> characters from the input stream. It stops either
when it has successfully extracted <tt>x.size()</tt> characters, or
when extraction fails, or when it sees a character that is something
other than <tt>1</tt> (in which case it does not extract that
character). If extraction is successful, the function then assigns a
value to the bitset in the same way as if it were initializing the
bitset from a string. So, for example, if the input stream contains
the characters <tt>&quot;1100abc&quot;</tt>, it will assign the value
<tt>12ul</tt> to the bitset, and the next character read from the
input stream will be <tt>a</tt>.<br>
<b>Throws:</b> An allocation error if memory is exhausted
(<tt>std::bad_alloc</tt> if <tt>Allocator=std::allocator</tt>).
Also will throw <tt>std::ios_base::failure</tt> if there is a problem
reading from the stream.
<h3><a name="see-also">See also</a></h3>
<tt><A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/bitset.html">std::bitset</A></tt>,
<tt><A href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Vector.html">std::vector</A></tt>,
<TR valign=top>
<TD nowrap>Copyright &copy 2001</TD><TD>
<A HREF="../../../people/jeremy_siek.htm">Jeremy Siek</A>,
Indiana University (<A
<A HREF="http://freshsources.com">Chuck Allison</A>, Senior Editor, C/C++ Users Journal (<A HREF="mailto:cda@freshsources.com">cda@freshsources.com</A>)<br>
<!-- LocalWords: dynamic bitset alt gif iostream hpp int bitsets const ul ulong
<!-- LocalWords: STL LessThan alloc num typename BlockInputIterator html pos
<!-- LocalWords: npos bool rhs OR's XOR's val CharT istream ostream os siek
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