985 lines
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985 lines
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// Copyright Nat Goodspeed 2015.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/fiber/all.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/get.hpp>
// These are wait_something() functions rather than when_something()
// functions. A big part of the point of the Fiber library is to model
// sequencing using the processor's instruction pointer rather than chains of
// callbacks. The future-oriented when_all() / when_any() functions are still
// based on chains of callbacks. With Fiber, we can do better.
* Verbose
class Verbose {
Verbose( std::string const& d):
desc( d) {
std::cout << desc << " start" << std::endl;
~Verbose() {
std::cout << desc << " stop" << std::endl;
Verbose( Verbose const&) = delete;
Verbose & operator=( Verbose const&) = delete;
const std::string desc;
* Runner and Example
// collect and ultimately run every Example
class Runner {
typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::function< void() > > > function_list;
void add( std::string const& desc, std::function< void() > const& func) {
functions_.push_back( function_list::value_type( desc, func) );
void run() {
for ( function_list::value_type const& pair : functions_) {
Verbose v( pair.first);
function_list functions_;
Runner runner;
// Example allows us to embed Runner::add() calls at module scope
struct Example {
Example( Runner & runner, std::string const& desc, std::function< void() > const& func) {
runner.add( desc, func);
* example task functions
template< typename T >
T sleeper_impl( T item, int ms, bool thrw = false) {
std::ostringstream descb, funcb;
descb << item;
std::string desc( descb.str() );
funcb << " sleeper(" << item << ")";
Verbose v( funcb.str() );
boost::this_fiber::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds( ms) );
if ( thrw) {
throw std::runtime_error( desc);
return item;
std::string sleeper( std::string const& item, int ms, bool thrw = false) {
return sleeper_impl( item, ms, thrw);
double sleeper( double item, int ms, bool thrw = false) {
return sleeper_impl( item, ms, thrw);
int sleeper(int item, int ms, bool thrw = false) {
return sleeper_impl( item, ms, thrw);
* Done
// Wrap canonical pattern for condition_variable + bool flag
struct Done {
boost::fibers::condition_variable cond;
boost::fibers::mutex mutex;
bool ready = false;
typedef std::shared_ptr< Done > ptr;
void wait() {
std::unique_lock< boost::fibers::mutex > lock( mutex);
cond.wait( lock, [this](){ return ready; });
void notify() {
std::unique_lock< boost::fibers::mutex > lock( mutex);
ready = true;
} // release mutex
* when_any, simple completion
// Degenerate case: when there are no functions to wait for, return
// immediately.
void wait_first_simple_impl( Done::ptr) {
// When there's at least one function to wait for, launch it and recur to
// process the rest.
template< typename Fn, typename ... Fns >
void wait_first_simple_impl( Done::ptr done, Fn && function, Fns && ... functions) {
boost::fibers::fiber( [done, function](){
wait_first_simple_impl( done, std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// interface function: instantiate Done, launch tasks, wait for Done
template< typename ... Fns >
void wait_first_simple( Fns && ... functions) {
// Use shared_ptr because each function's fiber will bind it separately,
// and we're going to return before the last of them completes.
auto done( std::make_shared< Done >() );
wait_first_simple_impl( done, std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// example usage
Example wfs( runner, "wait_first_simple()", [](){
[](){ sleeper("wfs_long", 150); },
[](){ sleeper("wfs_medium", 100); },
[](){ sleeper("wfs_short", 50); });
* when_any, return value
// When there's only one function, call this overload
template< typename T, typename Fn >
void wait_first_value_impl( std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::buffered_channel< T > > chan,
Fn && function) {
boost::fibers::fiber( [chan, function](){
// Ignore channel_op_status returned by push():
// might be closed; we simply don't care.
chan->push( function() );
// When there are two or more functions, call this overload
template< typename T, typename Fn0, typename Fn1, typename ... Fns >
void wait_first_value_impl( std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::buffered_channel< T > > chan,
Fn0 && function0,
Fn1 && function1,
Fns && ... functions) {
// process the first function using the single-function overload
wait_first_value_impl< T >( chan,
std::forward< Fn0 >( function0) );
// then recur to process the rest
wait_first_value_impl< T >( chan,
std::forward< Fn1 >( function1),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// Assume that all passed functions have the same return type. The return type
// of wait_first_value() is the return type of the first passed function. It is
// simply invalid to pass NO functions.
template< typename Fn, typename ... Fns >
typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type
wait_first_value( Fn && function, Fns && ... functions) {
typedef typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type return_t;
typedef boost::fibers::buffered_channel< return_t > channel_t;
auto chanp( std::make_shared< channel_t >( 64) );
// launch all the relevant fibers
wait_first_value_impl< return_t >( chanp,
std::forward< Fn >( function),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// retrieve the first value
return_t value( chanp->value_pop() );
// close the channel: no subsequent push() has to succeed
return value;
// example usage
Example wfv( runner, "wait_first_value()", [](){
std::string result = wait_first_value(
[](){ return sleeper("wfv_third", 150); },
[](){ return sleeper("wfv_second", 100); },
[](){ return sleeper("wfv_first", 50); });
std::cout << "wait_first_value() => " << result << std::endl;
assert(result == "wfv_first");
* when_any, produce first outcome, whether result or exception
// When there's only one function, call this overload.
template< typename T, typename CHANP, typename Fn >
void wait_first_outcome_impl( CHANP chan, Fn && function) {
// Use std::bind() here for C++11 compatibility. C++11 lambda capture
// can't move a move-only Fn type, but bind() can. Let bind() move the
// channel pointer and the function into the bound object, passing
// references into the lambda.
[]( CHANP & chan,
typename std::decay< Fn >::type & function) {
// Instantiate a packaged_task to capture any exception thrown by
// function.
boost::fibers::packaged_task< T() > task( function);
// Immediately run this packaged_task on same fiber. We want
// function() to have completed BEFORE we push the future.
// Pass the corresponding future to consumer. Ignore
// channel_op_status returned by push(): might be closed; we
// simply don't care.
chan->push( task.get_future() );
std::forward< Fn >( function)
// When there are two or more functions, call this overload
template< typename T, typename CHANP, typename Fn0, typename Fn1, typename ... Fns >
void wait_first_outcome_impl( CHANP chan,
Fn0 && function0,
Fn1 && function1,
Fns && ... functions) {
// process the first function using the single-function overload
wait_first_outcome_impl< T >( chan,
std::forward< Fn0 >( function0) );
// then recur to process the rest
wait_first_outcome_impl< T >( chan,
std::forward< Fn1 >( function1),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// Assume that all passed functions have the same return type. The return type
// of wait_first_outcome() is the return type of the first passed function. It is
// simply invalid to pass NO functions.
template< typename Fn, typename ... Fns >
typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type
wait_first_outcome( Fn && function, Fns && ... functions) {
// In this case, the value we pass through the channel is actually a
// future -- which is already ready. future can carry either a value or an
// exception.
typedef typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type return_t;
typedef boost::fibers::future< return_t > future_t;
typedef boost::fibers::buffered_channel< future_t > channel_t;
auto chanp(std::make_shared< channel_t >( 64) );
// launch all the relevant fibers
wait_first_outcome_impl< return_t >( chanp,
std::forward< Fn >( function),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// retrieve the first future
future_t future( chanp->value_pop() );
// close the channel: no subsequent push() has to succeed
// either return value or throw exception
return future.get();
// example usage
Example wfo( runner, "wait_first_outcome()", [](){
std::string result = wait_first_outcome(
[](){ return sleeper("wfos_first", 50); },
[](){ return sleeper("wfos_second", 100); },
[](){ return sleeper("wfos_third", 150); });
std::cout << "wait_first_outcome(success) => " << result << std::endl;
assert(result == "wfos_first");
std::string thrown;
try {
result = wait_first_outcome(
[](){ return sleeper("wfof_first", 50, true); },
[](){ return sleeper("wfof_second", 100); },
[](){ return sleeper("wfof_third", 150); });
} catch ( std::exception const& e) {
thrown = e.what();
std::cout << "wait_first_outcome(fail) threw '" << thrown
<< "'" << std::endl;
assert(thrown == "wfof_first");
* when_any, collect exceptions until success; throw exception_list if no
* success
// define an exception to aggregate exception_ptrs; prefer
// std::exception_list (N4407 et al.) once that becomes available
class exception_list : public std::runtime_error {
exception_list( std::string const& what) :
std::runtime_error( what) {
typedef std::vector< std::exception_ptr > bundle_t;
// N4407 proposed std::exception_list API
typedef bundle_t::const_iterator iterator;
std::size_t size() const noexcept {
return bundle_.size();
iterator begin() const noexcept {
return bundle_.begin();
iterator end() const noexcept {
return bundle_.end();
// extension to populate
void add( std::exception_ptr ep) {
bundle_.push_back( ep);
bundle_t bundle_;
// Assume that all passed functions have the same return type. The return type
// of wait_first_success() is the return type of the first passed function. It is
// simply invalid to pass NO functions.
template< typename Fn, typename ... Fns >
typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type
wait_first_success( Fn && function, Fns && ... functions) {
std::size_t count( 1 + sizeof ... ( functions) );
// In this case, the value we pass through the channel is actually a
// future -- which is already ready. future can carry either a value or an
// exception.
typedef typename std::result_of< typename std::decay< Fn >::type() >::type return_t;
typedef boost::fibers::future< return_t > future_t;
typedef boost::fibers::buffered_channel< future_t > channel_t;
auto chanp( std::make_shared< channel_t >( 64) );
// launch all the relevant fibers
wait_first_outcome_impl< return_t >( chanp,
std::forward< Fn >( function),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// instantiate exception_list, just in case
exception_list exceptions("wait_first_success() produced only errors");
// retrieve up to 'count' results -- but stop there!
for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// retrieve the next future
future_t future( chanp->value_pop() );
// retrieve exception_ptr if any
std::exception_ptr error( future.get_exception_ptr() );
// if no error, then yay, return value
if ( ! error) {
// close the channel: no subsequent push() has to succeed
// show caller the value we got
return future.get();
// error is non-null: collect
exceptions.add( error);
// We only arrive here when every passed function threw an exception.
// Throw our collection to inform caller.
throw exceptions;
// example usage
Example wfss( runner, "wait_first_success()", [](){
std::string result = wait_first_success(
[](){ return sleeper("wfss_first", 50, true); },
[](){ return sleeper("wfss_second", 100); },
[](){ return sleeper("wfss_third", 150); });
std::cout << "wait_first_success(success) => " << result << std::endl;
assert(result == "wfss_second");
std::string thrown;
std::size_t count = 0;
try {
result = wait_first_success(
[](){ return sleeper("wfsf_first", 50, true); },
[](){ return sleeper("wfsf_second", 100, true); },
[](){ return sleeper("wfsf_third", 150, true); });
} catch ( exception_list const& e) {
thrown = e.what();
count = e.size();
} catch ( std::exception const& e) {
thrown = e.what();
std::cout << "wait_first_success(fail) threw '" << thrown << "': "
<< count << " errors" << std::endl;
assert(thrown == "wait_first_success() produced only errors");
assert(count == 3);
* when_any, heterogeneous
// No need to break out the first Fn for interface function: let the compiler
// complain if empty.
// Our functions have different return types, and we might have to return any
// of them. Use a variant, expanding std::result_of<Fn()>::type for each Fn in
// parameter pack.
template< typename ... Fns >
boost::variant< typename std::result_of< Fns() >::type ... >
wait_first_value_het( Fns && ... functions) {
// Use buffered_channel<boost::variant<T1, T2, ...>>; see remarks above.
typedef boost::variant< typename std::result_of< Fns() >::type ... > return_t;
typedef boost::fibers::buffered_channel< return_t > channel_t;
auto chanp( std::make_shared< channel_t >( 64) );
// launch all the relevant fibers
wait_first_value_impl< return_t >( chanp,
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// retrieve the first value
return_t value( chanp->value_pop() );
// close the channel: no subsequent push() has to succeed
return value;
// example usage
Example wfvh( runner, "wait_first_value_het()", [](){
boost::variant< std::string, double, int > result =
[](){ return sleeper("wfvh_third", 150); },
[](){ return sleeper(3.14, 100); },
[](){ return sleeper(17, 50); });
std::cout << "wait_first_value_het() => " << result << std::endl;
assert(boost::get< int >( result) == 17);
* when_all, simple completion
// Degenerate case: when there are no functions to wait for, return
// immediately.
void wait_all_simple_impl( std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::barrier >) {
// When there's at least one function to wait for, launch it and recur to
// process the rest.
template< typename Fn, typename ... Fns >
void wait_all_simple_impl( std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::barrier > barrier,
Fn && function, Fns && ... functions) {
[]( std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::barrier > & barrier,
typename std::decay< Fn >::type & function) mutable {
std::forward< Fn >( function)
wait_all_simple_impl( barrier, std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// interface function: instantiate barrier, launch tasks, wait for barrier
template< typename ... Fns >
void wait_all_simple( Fns && ... functions) {
std::size_t count( sizeof ... ( functions) );
// Initialize a barrier(count+1) because we'll immediately wait on it. We
// don't want to wake up until 'count' more fibers wait on it. Even though
// we'll stick around until the last of them completes, use shared_ptr
// anyway because it's easier to be confident about lifespan issues.
auto barrier( std::make_shared< boost::fibers::barrier >( count + 1) );
wait_all_simple_impl( barrier, std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// example usage
Example was( runner, "wait_all_simple()", [](){
[](){ sleeper("was_long", 150); },
[](){ sleeper("was_medium", 100); },
[](){ sleeper("was_short", 50); });
* when_all, return values
// Introduce a channel facade that closes the channel once a specific number
// of items has been pushed. This allows an arbitrary consumer to read until
// 'closed' without itself having to count items.
template< typename T >
class nchannel {
nchannel( std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::buffered_channel< T > > chan,
std::size_t lm):
chan_( chan),
limit_( lm) {
if ( 0 == limit_) {
boost::fibers::channel_op_status push( T && va) {
boost::fibers::channel_op_status ok =
chan_->push( std::forward< T >( va) );
if ( ok == boost::fibers::channel_op_status::success &&
--limit_ == 0) {
// after the 'limit_'th successful push, close the channel
return ok;
std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::buffered_channel< T > > chan_;
std::size_t limit_;
// When there's only one function, call this overload
template< typename T, typename Fn >
void wait_all_values_impl( std::shared_ptr< nchannel< T > > chan,
Fn && function) {
boost::fibers::fiber( [chan, function](){
// When there are two or more functions, call this overload
template< typename T, typename Fn0, typename Fn1, typename ... Fns >
void wait_all_values_impl( std::shared_ptr< nchannel< T > > chan,
Fn0 && function0,
Fn1 && function1,
Fns && ... functions) {
// process the first function using the single-function overload
wait_all_values_impl< T >( chan, std::forward< Fn0 >( function0) );
// then recur to process the rest
wait_all_values_impl< T >( chan,
std::forward< Fn1 >( function1),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// Return a shared_ptr<buffered_channel<T>> from which the caller can
// retrieve each new result as it arrives, until 'closed'.
template< typename Fn, typename ... Fns >
std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::buffered_channel< typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type > >
wait_all_values_source( Fn && function, Fns && ... functions) {
std::size_t count( 1 + sizeof ... ( functions) );
typedef typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type return_t;
typedef boost::fibers::buffered_channel< return_t > channel_t;
// make the channel
auto chanp( std::make_shared< channel_t >( 64) );
// and make an nchannel facade to close it after 'count' items
auto ncp( std::make_shared< nchannel< return_t > >( chanp, count) );
// pass that nchannel facade to all the relevant fibers
wait_all_values_impl< return_t >( ncp,
std::forward< Fn >( function),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// then return the channel for consumer
return chanp;
// When all passed functions have completed, return vector<T> containing
// collected results. Assume that all passed functions have the same return
// type. It is simply invalid to pass NO functions.
template< typename Fn, typename ... Fns >
std::vector< typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type >
wait_all_values( Fn && function, Fns && ... functions) {
std::size_t count( 1 + sizeof ... ( functions) );
typedef typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type return_t;
typedef std::vector< return_t > vector_t;
vector_t results;
results.reserve( count);
// get channel
std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::buffered_channel< return_t > > chan =
wait_all_values_source( std::forward< Fn >( function),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// fill results vector
return_t value;
while ( boost::fibers::channel_op_status::success == chan->pop(value) ) {
results.push_back( value);
// return vector to caller
return results;
Example wav( runner, "wait_all_values()", [](){
std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::buffered_channel< std::string > > chan =
[](){ return sleeper("wavs_third", 150); },
[](){ return sleeper("wavs_second", 100); },
[](){ return sleeper("wavs_first", 50); });
std::string value;
while ( boost::fibers::channel_op_status::success == chan->pop(value) ) {
std::cout << "wait_all_values_source() => '" << value
<< "'" << std::endl;
std::vector< std::string > values =
[](){ return sleeper("wav_late", 150); },
[](){ return sleeper("wav_middle", 100); },
[](){ return sleeper("wav_early", 50); });
std::cout << "wait_all_values() =>";
for ( std::string const& v : values) {
std::cout << " '" << v << "'";
std::cout << std::endl;
* when_all, throw first exception
// Return a shared_ptr<buffered_channel<future<T>>> from which the caller can
// get() each new result as it arrives, until 'closed'.
template< typename Fn, typename ... Fns >
typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type > > >
wait_all_until_error_source( Fn && function, Fns && ... functions) {
std::size_t count( 1 + sizeof ... ( functions) );
typedef typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type return_t;
typedef boost::fibers::future< return_t > future_t;
typedef boost::fibers::buffered_channel< future_t > channel_t;
// make the channel
auto chanp( std::make_shared< channel_t >( 64) );
// and make an nchannel facade to close it after 'count' items
auto ncp( std::make_shared< nchannel< future_t > >( chanp, count) );
// pass that nchannel facade to all the relevant fibers
wait_first_outcome_impl< return_t >( ncp,
std::forward< Fn >( function),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... );
// then return the channel for consumer
return chanp;
// When all passed functions have completed, return vector<T> containing
// collected results, or throw the first exception thrown by any of the passed
// functions. Assume that all passed functions have the same return type. It
// is simply invalid to pass NO functions.
template< typename Fn, typename ... Fns >
std::vector< typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type >
wait_all_until_error( Fn && function, Fns && ... functions) {
std::size_t count( 1 + sizeof ... ( functions) );
typedef typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type return_t;
typedef typename boost::fibers::future< return_t > future_t;
typedef std::vector< return_t > vector_t;
vector_t results;
results.reserve( count);
// get channel
boost::fibers::buffered_channel< future_t > > chan(
wait_all_until_error_source( std::forward< Fn >( function),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... ) );
// fill results vector
future_t future;
while ( boost::fibers::channel_op_status::success == chan->pop( future) ) {
results.push_back( future.get() );
// return vector to caller
return results;
Example waue( runner, "wait_all_until_error()", [](){
typedef boost::fibers::future< std::string > future_t;
std::shared_ptr< boost::fibers::buffered_channel< future_t > > chan =
[](){ return sleeper("wauess_third", 150); },
[](){ return sleeper("wauess_second", 100); },
[](){ return sleeper("wauess_first", 50); });
future_t future;
while ( boost::fibers::channel_op_status::success == chan->pop( future) ) {
std::string value( future.get() );
std::cout << "wait_all_until_error_source(success) => '" << value
<< "'" << std::endl;
chan = wait_all_until_error_source(
[](){ return sleeper("wauesf_third", 150); },
[](){ return sleeper("wauesf_second", 100, true); },
[](){ return sleeper("wauesf_first", 50); });
std::string thrown;
try {
while ( boost::fibers::channel_op_status::success == chan->pop( future) ) {
std::string value( future.get() );
std::cout << "wait_all_until_error_source(fail) => '" << value
<< "'" << std::endl;
} catch ( std::exception const& e) {
thrown = e.what();
std::cout << "wait_all_until_error_source(fail) threw '" << thrown
<< "'" << std::endl;
try {
std::vector< std::string > values = wait_all_until_error(
[](){ return sleeper("waue_late", 150); },
[](){ return sleeper("waue_middle", 100, true); },
[](){ return sleeper("waue_early", 50); });
std::cout << "wait_all_until_error(fail) =>";
for ( std::string const& v : values) {
std::cout << " '" << v << "'";
std::cout << std::endl;
} catch ( std::exception const& e) {
thrown = e.what();
std::cout << "wait_all_until_error(fail) threw '" << thrown
<< "'" << std::endl;
* when_all, collect exceptions
// When all passed functions have succeeded, return vector<T> containing
// collected results, or throw exception_list containing all exceptions thrown
// by any of the passed functions. Assume that all passed functions have the
// same return type. It is simply invalid to pass NO functions.
template< typename Fn, typename ... Fns >
std::vector< typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type >
wait_all_collect_errors( Fn && function, Fns && ... functions) {
std::size_t count( 1 + sizeof ... ( functions) );
typedef typename std::result_of< Fn() >::type return_t;
typedef typename boost::fibers::future< return_t > future_t;
typedef std::vector< return_t > vector_t;
vector_t results;
results.reserve( count);
exception_list exceptions("wait_all_collect_errors() exceptions");
// get channel
boost::fibers::buffered_channel< future_t > > chan(
wait_all_until_error_source( std::forward< Fn >( function),
std::forward< Fns >( functions) ... ) );
// fill results and/or exceptions vectors
future_t future;
while ( boost::fibers::channel_op_status::success == chan->pop( future) ) {
std::exception_ptr exp = future.get_exception_ptr();
if ( ! exp) {
results.push_back( future.get() );
} else {
exceptions.add( exp);
// if there were any exceptions, throw
if ( exceptions.size() ) {
throw exceptions;
// no exceptions: return vector to caller
return results;
Example wace( runner, "wait_all_collect_errors()", [](){
std::vector< std::string > values = wait_all_collect_errors(
[](){ return sleeper("waces_late", 150); },
[](){ return sleeper("waces_middle", 100); },
[](){ return sleeper("waces_early", 50); });
std::cout << "wait_all_collect_errors(success) =>";
for ( std::string const& v : values) {
std::cout << " '" << v << "'";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::string thrown;
std::size_t errors = 0;
try {
values = wait_all_collect_errors(
[](){ return sleeper("wacef_late", 150, true); },
[](){ return sleeper("wacef_middle", 100, true); },
[](){ return sleeper("wacef_early", 50); });
std::cout << "wait_all_collect_errors(fail) =>";
for ( std::string const& v : values) {
std::cout << " '" << v << "'";
std::cout << std::endl;
} catch ( exception_list const& e) {
thrown = e.what();
errors = e.size();
} catch ( std::exception const& e) {
thrown = e.what();
std::cout << "wait_all_collect_errors(fail) threw '" << thrown
<< "': " << errors << " errors" << std::endl;
* when_all, heterogeneous
template< typename Result, typename ... Futures >
Result wait_all_members_get( Futures && ... futures) {
// Fetch the results from the passed futures into Result's initializer
// list. It's true that the get() calls here will block the implicit
// iteration over futures -- but that doesn't matter because we won't be
// done until the slowest of them finishes anyway. As results are
// processed in argument-list order rather than order of completion, the
// leftmost get() to throw an exception will cause that exception to
// propagate to the caller.
return Result{ futures.get() ... };
// Explicitly pass Result. This can be any type capable of being initialized
// from the results of the passed functions, such as a struct.
template< typename Result, typename ... Fns >
Result wait_all_members( Fns && ... functions) {
// Run each of the passed functions on a separate fiber, passing all their
// futures to helper function for processing.
return wait_all_members_get< Result >(
boost::fibers::async( std::forward< Fns >( functions) ) ... );
// used by following example
struct Data {
std::string str;
double inexact;
int exact;
friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, Data const& data)/*=;
return out << "Data{str='" << data.str << "', inexact=" << data.inexact
<< ", exact=" << data.exact << "}";
// example usage
Example wam( runner, "wait_all_members()", [](){
Data data = wait_all_members< Data >(
[](){ return sleeper("wams_left", 100); },
[](){ return sleeper(3.14, 150); },
[](){ return sleeper(17, 50); });
std::cout << "wait_all_members<Data>(success) => " << data << std::endl;
std::string thrown;
try {
data = wait_all_members< Data >(
[](){ return sleeper("wamf_left", 100, true); },
[](){ return sleeper(3.14, 150); },
[](){ return sleeper(17, 50, true); });
std::cout << "wait_all_members<Data>(fail) => " << data << std::endl;
} catch ( std::exception const& e) {
thrown = e.what();
std::cout << "wait_all_members<Data>(fail) threw '" << thrown
<< '"' << std::endl;
// If we don't care about obtaining results as soon as they arrive, and we
// prefer a result vector in passed argument order rather than completion
// order, wait_all_members() is another possible implementation of
// wait_all_until_error().
auto strings = wait_all_members< std::vector< std::string > >(
[](){ return sleeper("wamv_left", 150); },
[](){ return sleeper("wamv_middle", 100); },
[](){ return sleeper("wamv_right", 50); });
std::cout << "wait_all_members<vector>() =>";
for ( std::string const& str : strings) {
std::cout << " '" << str << "'";
std::cout << std::endl;
* main()
int main( int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::cout << "done." << std::endl;