either changing assert(...) or BOOST_ASSERT(...) to BOOST_TEST
(in my code only)
or adding "return boost::report_errors();" where it was clearly
missing (and a pure bug, in anyone's code).
or changing BOOST_TEST to BOOST_CHECK where the integer library
was clearly using Boost.Test and not returning report_errors().
[SVN r37063]
either changing assert(...) or BOOST_ASSERT(...) to BOOST_TEST
(in my code only)
or adding "return boost::report_errors();" where it was clearly
missing (and a pure bug, in anyone's code).
[SVN r37057]
From Mark Rodgers Fri Dec 1 12:59:14 2006
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To: ahd6974-boostorg -at- yahoo.com [Edit - Delete]
Subject: Re: [boost] Reminder: Need your permission to correct license & copyright issues
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Gidday Andreas
Sure that's fine. I'm happy for you to do 1, 2 and 3.
Andreas Huber wrote:
> Hello Mark
> Quite a while ago it was decided that every file that goes into the
> 1.34 release of the Boost distribution (www.boost.org) needs uniform
> license and copyright information. For more information please see:
> <http://www.boost.org/more/license_info.html>
> You are receiving this email because several files you contributed
> lack such information or have an old license:
> boost/functional/functional.hpp
> boost/libs/functional/binders.html
> boost/libs/functional/function_test.cpp
> boost/libs/functional/function_traits.html
> boost/libs/functional/index.html
> boost/libs/functional/mem_fun.html
> boost/libs/functional/negators.html
> boost/libs/functional/ptr_fun.html
> boost/people/mark_rodgers.htm
> I therefore kindly ask you to grant the permission to do the
> following:
> 1. For the files above that already have a license text (all except
> mark_rodgers.htm), replace the license text with:
> "Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
> accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
> http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)"
> 2. For the file that does not yet have a license and copyright
> (mark_rodgers.htm) add the same license text as under 1. and add the
> following copyright:
> "(c) Copyright Mark Rodgers 2000"
> 3. (Optional) I would also want to convert all HTML files to conform
> the HTML 4.01 Standard by running them through HTML Tidy, see
> <http://tidy.sf.net>
> It would be great if you could grant me permission to do 1 & 2 and
> optionally also 3.
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> Andreas Huber
[SVN r36245]
extension implementation a little clearer. It also fixes a problem where the
visual C++ include once pragma was preventing the extensions from being loaded
on the second include.
[SVN r35314]