Makes it easier to see dependencies.
136 lines
4.2 KiB
136 lines
4.2 KiB
Copyright (c) 2007 Tobias Schwinger
Use modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/config.hpp>
# pragma warning(disable: 4244) // no conversion warnings, please
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/functional/lightweight_forward_adapter.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/blank.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <memory>
template <class Base = boost::blank>
class test_func : public Base
int val;
test_func(int v) : val(v) { }
template<class B>
test_func(test_func<B> const & that)
: val(that.val)
{ }
template<class B> friend class test_func;
int operator()(int & l, int const & r) const
return l=r+val;
long operator()(int & l, int const & r)
return -(l=r+val);
char operator()(int & l, int & r)
return l=r+val;
template <typename Sig>
struct result
typedef void type;
// ensure result_of argument types are what's expected
// note: this is *not* how client code should look like
template <class Self>
struct result< Self const(int&,int const&) > { typedef int type; };
template <class Self>
struct result< Self(int&,int const&) > { typedef long type; };
template <class Self>
struct result< Self(int&,int&) > { typedef char type; };
enum { int_, long_, char_ };
int type_of(int) { return int_; }
int type_of(long) { return long_; }
int type_of(char) { return char_; }
int main()
using boost::is_same;
using boost::result_of;
typedef boost::lightweight_forward_adapter< test_func<> > f;
typedef boost::reference_wrapper<int> ref;
typedef boost::reference_wrapper<int const> cref;
// lvalue,rvalue
BOOST_TEST(( is_same<
result_of< f(ref, int) >::type, long >::value ));
BOOST_TEST(( is_same<
result_of< f const (ref, int) >::type, int >::value ));
// lvalue,const lvalue
BOOST_TEST(( is_same<
result_of< f(ref, cref) >::type, long >::value ));
BOOST_TEST(( is_same<
result_of< f const (ref, cref) >::type, int >::value ));
// lvalue,lvalue
BOOST_TEST(( is_same<
result_of< f(ref, ref) >::type, char >::value ));
// result_of works differently for C++11 here, so compare
// with using it against test_func.
BOOST_TEST(( is_same<
result_of< f const (ref, ref) >::type,
result_of< test_func<> const (int&, int&) >::type >::value ));
using boost::noncopyable;
using boost::lightweight_forward_adapter;
int v = 0; boost::reference_wrapper<int> x(v);
test_func<noncopyable> f(7);
lightweight_forward_adapter< test_func<> > func(f);
lightweight_forward_adapter< test_func<noncopyable> & > func_ref(f);
lightweight_forward_adapter< test_func<noncopyable> & > const func_ref_c(f);
lightweight_forward_adapter< test_func<> const > func_c(f);
lightweight_forward_adapter< test_func<> > const func_c2(f);
lightweight_forward_adapter< test_func<noncopyable> const & > func_c_ref(f);
BOOST_TEST( type_of( func(x,1) ) == long_ );
BOOST_TEST( type_of( func_ref(x,1) ) == long_ );
BOOST_TEST( type_of( func_ref_c(x,1) ) == long_ );
BOOST_TEST( type_of( func_c(x,1) ) == int_ );
BOOST_TEST( type_of( func_c2(x,1) ) == int_ );
BOOST_TEST( type_of( func_c_ref(x,1) ) == int_ );
BOOST_TEST( type_of( func(x,x) ) == char_ );
BOOST_TEST( func(x,1) == -8 );
BOOST_TEST( func_ref(x,1) == -8 );
BOOST_TEST( func_ref_c(x,1) == -8 );
BOOST_TEST( func_c(x,1) == 8 );
BOOST_TEST( func_c2(x,1) == 8 );
BOOST_TEST( func_c_ref(x,1) == 8 );
return boost::report_errors();