It means previous pull-requests (#24) is still incomplete.
266 lines
9.5 KiB
266 lines
9.5 KiB
Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Joao Abecasis
Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Tobias Schwinger
Use modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/fusion/functional/invocation/invoke_function_object.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/container/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/container/list.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/size.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/begin.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/view/single_view.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/view/iterator_range.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/iterator/advance.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/algorithm/transformation/join.hpp>
#include "../compile_time/sfinae_friendly.hpp"
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
namespace fusion = boost::fusion;
template <typename T>
inline T const & const_(T const & t)
return t;
struct object {};
struct object_nc : boost::noncopyable {};
struct fobj
// Handle nullary separately to exercise result_of support
template <typename Sig>
struct result;
template <class Self, typename T0>
struct result< Self(T0) >
typedef int type;
template <class Self, typename T0, typename T1>
struct result< Self(T0, T1) >
typedef int type;
template <class Self, typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
struct result< Self(T0, T1, T2) >
typedef int type;
int operator()() { return 0; }
int operator()() const { return 1; }
int operator()(int i) { return 2 + i; }
int operator()(int i) const { return 3 + i; }
int operator()(int i, object &) { return 4 + i; }
int operator()(int i, object &) const { return 5 + i; }
int operator()(int i, object const &) { return 6 + i; }
int operator()(int i, object const &) const { return 7 + i; }
int operator()(int i, object &, object_nc &) { return 10 + i; }
int operator()(int i, object &, object_nc &) const { return 11 + i; }
int operator()(int i, object const &, object_nc &);
int operator()(int i, object const &, object_nc &) const;
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<fobj, sfinae_friendly::v1>));
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<fobj, sfinae_friendly::v2>));
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<fobj, sfinae_friendly::v3>));
struct nullary_fobj
typedef int result_type;
int operator()() { return 0; }
int operator()() const { return 1; }
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj, sfinae_friendly::v1>));
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj, sfinae_friendly::v2>));
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj, sfinae_friendly::v3>));
struct fobj_nc
: boost::noncopyable
// Handle nullary separately to exercise result_of support
template <typename T>
struct result;
template <class Self, typename T0>
struct result< Self(T0) >
typedef int type;
int operator()(int i) { return 14 + i; }
int operator()(int i) const { return 15 + i; }
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<fobj_nc, sfinae_friendly::v0>));
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<fobj_nc, sfinae_friendly::v1>));
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<fobj_nc, sfinae_friendly::v2>));
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<fobj_nc, sfinae_friendly::v3>));
struct nullary_fobj_nc
: boost::noncopyable
typedef int result_type;
int operator()() { return 12; }
int operator()() const { return 13; }
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj_nc, sfinae_friendly::v1>));
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj_nc, sfinae_friendly::v2>));
SFINAE_FRIENDLY_ASSERT((fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj_nc, sfinae_friendly::v3>));
typedef int element1_type;
typedef object element2_type;
typedef object_nc & element3_type;
int element1 = 100;
object element2 = object();
object_nc element3;
template <class Sequence>
void test_sequence_n(Sequence & seq, mpl::int_<0>)
// Function Objects
nullary_fobj f;
BOOST_TEST(f () == fusion::invoke_function_object(f , seq ));
BOOST_TEST(f () == fusion::invoke_function_object(f , const_(seq)));
// Note: The function object is taken by value, so we request the copy
// to be const with an explicit template argument. We can also request
// the function object to be pased by reference...
BOOST_TEST(const_(f)() == fusion::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj const >(const_(f), seq ));
BOOST_TEST(const_(f)() == fusion::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj const &>(const_(f), const_(seq)));
nullary_fobj_nc nc_f;
// ...and we further ensure there is no copying in this case, using a
// noncopyable function object.
BOOST_TEST(nc_f () == fusion::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj_nc &>(nc_f , seq ));
BOOST_TEST(nc_f () == fusion::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj_nc &>(nc_f , const_(seq)));
BOOST_TEST(const_(nc_f)() == fusion::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj_nc const &>(const_(nc_f), seq ));
BOOST_TEST(const_(nc_f)() == fusion::invoke_function_object<nullary_fobj_nc const &>(const_(nc_f), const_(seq)));
template <class Sequence>
void test_sequence_n(Sequence & seq, mpl::int_<1>)
fobj f;
BOOST_TEST(f(element1) == fusion::invoke_function_object(f , seq ));
BOOST_TEST(f(element1) == fusion::invoke_function_object(f , const_(seq)));
BOOST_TEST(const_(f)(element1) == fusion::invoke_function_object<fobj const >(const_(f), seq ));
BOOST_TEST(const_(f)(element1) == fusion::invoke_function_object<fobj const &>(const_(f), const_(seq)));
fobj_nc nc_f;
BOOST_TEST(nc_f(element1) == fusion::invoke_function_object<fobj_nc &>(nc_f, seq ));
BOOST_TEST(nc_f(element1) == fusion::invoke_function_object<fobj_nc &>(nc_f, const_(seq)));
BOOST_TEST(const_(nc_f)(element1) == fusion::invoke_function_object<fobj_nc const &>(const_(nc_f), seq ));
BOOST_TEST(const_(nc_f)(element1) == fusion::invoke_function_object<fobj_nc const &>(const_(nc_f), const_(seq)));
template <class Sequence>
void test_sequence_n(Sequence & seq, mpl::int_<2>)
fobj f;
BOOST_TEST(f (element1, element2) == fusion::invoke_function_object(f , seq));
BOOST_TEST(f (element1, const_(element2)) == fusion::invoke_function_object(f , const_(seq)));
BOOST_TEST(const_(f)(element1, element2) == fusion::invoke_function_object<fobj const>(const_(f), seq));
BOOST_TEST(const_(f)(element1, const_(element2)) == fusion::invoke_function_object<fobj const>(const_(f), const_(seq)));
template <class Sequence>
void test_sequence_n(Sequence & seq, mpl::int_<3>)
fobj f;
BOOST_TEST(f(element1, element2, element3) == fusion::invoke_function_object(f, seq));
BOOST_TEST(const_(f)(element1, element2, element3) == fusion::invoke_function_object<fobj const>(const_(f), seq));
template <class Sequence>
void test_sequence(Sequence & seq)
test_sequence_n(seq, mpl::int_<boost::fusion::result_of::size<Sequence>::value>());
void result_type_tests()
using boost::is_same;
BOOST_TEST(( is_same< boost::fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object< nullary_fobj, fusion::vector<> >::type, int >::value ));
BOOST_TEST(( is_same< boost::fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object< fobj, fusion::vector<element1_type> >::type, int >::value ));
BOOST_TEST(( is_same< boost::fusion::result_of::invoke_function_object< fobj, fusion::vector<element1_type,element2_type> >::type, int >::value ));
int main()
typedef fusion::vector<> vector0;
typedef fusion::vector<element1_type> vector1;
typedef fusion::vector<element1_type, element2_type> vector2;
typedef fusion::vector<element1_type, element2_type, element3_type> vector3;
vector0 v0;
vector1 v1(element1);
vector2 v2(element1, element2);
// Note: C++11 will pickup the rvalue overload for the d argument
// since we do not have all permutations (expensive!) for all const&
// and && arguments. We either have all && or all const& arguments only.
// For that matter, use std::ref to disambiguate the call.
vector3 v3(element1, element2, std::ref(element3));
vector3 v3(element1, element2, element3);
typedef fusion::list<> list0;
typedef fusion::list<element1_type> list1;
typedef fusion::list<element1_type, element2_type> list2;
typedef fusion::list<element1_type, element2_type, element3_type> list3;
list0 l0;
list1 l1(element1);
list2 l2(element1, element2);
list3 l3(element1, element2, element3);
return boost::report_errors();