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// Boost.Geometry Index
// Unit Test
// Copyright (c) 2016 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <rtree/test_rtree.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/io/wkt/read.hpp>
template <typename Point>
inline void fill(Point & pt, double x, double y)
bg::set<0>(pt, x);
bg::set<1>(pt, y);
template <typename Point>
inline void fill(bg::model::box<Point> & box, double x, double y)
bg::set<0, 0>(box, x);
bg::set<0, 1>(box, y);
bg::set<1, 0>(box, x + 20);
bg::set<1, 1>(box, y + 20);
template <typename Rtree>
void test_rtree()
typedef typename Rtree::value_type value_t;
Rtree rtree;
value_t v;
// This is not fully valid because both point's longitude and box's min
// longitude should be in range [-180, 180]. So if this stopped passing
// in the future it wouldn't be that bad. Still it works as it is now.
size_t n = 0;
for (double x = -170; x < 400; x += 30, ++n)
//double lon = x <= 180 ? x : x - 360;
double lon = x;
double lat = x <= 180 ? 0 : 30;
fill(v, lon, lat);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(rtree.size(), n + 1);
size_t vcount = 1; // x < 180 ? 1 : 2;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(rtree.count(v), vcount);
std::vector<value_t> res;
rtree.query(bgi::intersects(v), std::back_inserter(res));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res.size(), vcount);
for (double x = -170; x < 400; x += 30, --n)
//double lon = x <= 180 ? x : x - 360;
double lon = x;
double lat = x <= 180 ? 0 : 30;
fill(v, lon, lat);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(rtree.size(), n - 1);
size_t vcount = 0; // x < 180 ? 1 : 0;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(rtree.count(v), vcount);
std::vector<value_t> res;
rtree.query(bgi::intersects(v), std::back_inserter(res));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res.size(), vcount);
template <typename Value>
void test_value()
test_rtree<bgi::rtree<Value, bgi::linear<4> > >();
test_rtree<bgi::rtree<Value, bgi::quadratic<4> > >();
test_rtree<bgi::rtree<Value, bgi::rstar<4> > >();
template <typename Rtree>
void test_ticket_12413()
typedef typename Rtree::value_type pair_t;
typedef typename pair_t::first_type point_t;
Rtree rtree;
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(point_t(-1.558444, 52.38664), 792));
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(point_t(-1.558444, 52.38664), 793));
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(point_t(-2.088824, 51.907406), 800));
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(point_t(-1.576363, 53.784089), 799));
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(point_t(-77.038816, 38.897282), 801));
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(point_t(-1.558444, 52.38664), 794));
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(point_t(-0.141588, 51.501009), 797));
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(point_t(-118.410468, 34.103003), 798));
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(point_t(-0.127592, 51.503407), 796));
size_t num_removed = rtree.remove(std::make_pair(point_t(-0.127592, 51.503407), 796));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(num_removed, 1);
template <typename Point>
void test_cs()
test_value<bg::model::box<Point> >();
typedef std::pair<Point, unsigned> value_t;
test_ticket_12413<bgi::rtree<value_t, bgi::linear<4> > >();
test_ticket_12413<bgi::rtree<value_t, bgi::quadratic<4> > >();
test_ticket_12413<bgi::rtree<value_t, bgi::rstar<4> > >();
int test_main(int, char* [])
//test_cs<bg::model::point<double, 2, bg::cs::cartesian> >();
test_cs<bg::model::point<double, 2, bg::cs::spherical_equatorial<bg::degree> > >();
test_cs<bg::model::point<double, 2, bg::cs::geographic<bg::degree> > >();
return 0;