177 lines
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177 lines
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// Boost.Geometry
// Unit Test
// Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
// Contributed and/or modified by Vissarion Fysikopoulos, on behalf of Oracle
// Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle
// Contributed and/or modified by Adeel Ahmad, as part of Google Summer of Code 2018 program
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "test_formula.hpp"
#include "direct_cases.hpp"
#include "direct_cases_antipodal.hpp"
#include <boost/geometry/formulas/vincenty_direct.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/formulas/thomas_direct.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/formulas/karney_direct.hpp>
//#include <boost/geometry/formulas/series_expansion_direct.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/formulas/spherical.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/srs/srs.hpp>
#include <GeographicLib/Geodesic.hpp>
#include <GeographicLib/Constants.hpp>
inline void symmetrize_wrt_origin(expected_result & r)
r.lon2 = -r.lon2;
r.lat2 = -r.lat2;
r.reduced_length = -r.reduced_length;
inline expected_results symmetric_wrt_origin(expected_results r)
r.distance = -r.distance;
return r;
template <typename Result>
void check_direct(Result const& result, expected_result const& expected, expected_result const& reference,
double reference_error, bool check_reference_only = false)
check_direct_sph(result, expected, reference, reference_error, check_reference_only);
check_one(result.reduced_length, expected.reduced_length, reference.reduced_length, reference_error);
check_one(result.geodesic_scale, expected.geodesic_scale, reference.geodesic_scale, reference_error);
template <typename Result>
void check_direct_sph(Result const& result, expected_result const& expected, expected_result const& reference,
double reference_error, bool check_reference_only = false)
check_one(result.lon2, expected.lon2, reference.lon2, reference_error, true, check_reference_only);
check_one(result.lat2, expected.lat2, reference.lat2, reference_error, true, check_reference_only);
check_one(result.reverse_azimuth, expected.reverse_azimuth, reference.reverse_azimuth, reference_error, true, check_reference_only);
void test_all(expected_results const& results)
double const d2r = bg::math::d2r<double>();
double const r2d = bg::math::r2d<double>();
double lon1r = results.p1.lon * d2r;
double lat1r = results.p1.lat * d2r;
double distance = results.distance;
double azi12r = results.azimuth12 * d2r;
double lon1d = results.p1.lon;
double lat1d = results.p1.lat;
double azi12d = results.azimuth12;
// WGS84
bg::srs::spheroid<double> spheroid(6378137.0, 6356752.3142451793);
bg::srs::sphere<double> const sphere;
bg::formula::result_direct<double> result;
typedef bg::formula::vincenty_direct<double, true, true, true, true> vi_t;
result = vi_t::apply(lon1r, lat1r, distance, azi12r, spheroid);
result.lon2 *= r2d;
result.lat2 *= r2d;
result.reverse_azimuth *= r2d;
check_direct(result, results.vincenty, results.karney, 0.00000001);
typedef bg::formula::thomas_direct<double, true, true, true, true, true> th_t;
result = th_t::apply(lon1r, lat1r, distance, azi12r, spheroid);
result.lon2 *= r2d;
result.lat2 *= r2d;
result.reverse_azimuth *= r2d;
check_direct(result, results.thomas, results.karney, 0.0000001);
typedef bg::formula::thomas_direct<double, false, true, true, true, true> th_t1st;
result = th_t1st::apply(lon1r, lat1r, distance, azi12r, spheroid);
result.lon2 *= r2d;
result.lat2 *= r2d;
result.reverse_azimuth *= r2d;
check_direct(result, results.thomas1st, results.karney, 0.0000001);
typedef bg::formula::series_expansion_direct<double, true, true, true, true, 4> series;
result = series::apply(lon1r, lat1r, distance, azi12r, spheroid);
result.lon2 *= r2d;
result.lat2 *= r2d;
result.reverse_azimuth *= r2d;
check_direct(result, results.series, results.karney, 0.0000001);
result = bg::formula::spherical_direct<true, true>(lon1r, lat1r, distance,
azi12r, sphere);
result.lon2 *= r2d;
result.lat2 *= r2d;
result.reverse_azimuth *= r2d;
check_direct_sph(result, results.spherical, results.karney, 0.1);
typedef bg::formula::karney_direct<double, true, true, true, true, 2> ka_t;
result = ka_t::apply(lon1d, lat1d, distance, azi12d, spheroid);
check_direct(result, results.karney, results.karney, 0.0000001);
using namespace GeographicLib;
Geodesic geod(Constants::WGS84_a(), Constants::WGS84_f());
double foo = 0;
geod.Direct(lat1d, lon1d, azi12d, distance,
result.lat2, result.lon2, result.reverse_azimuth,
result.reduced_length, result.geodesic_scale, foo);
check_direct(result, results.karney, results.karney, 0.0000001);
void test_karney_antipodal(expected_results_antipodal const& results)
double lon1d = results.p1.lon;
double lat1d = results.p1.lat;
double distance = results.distance;
double azi12d = results.azimuth12;
// WGS84
bg::srs::spheroid<double> spheroid(6378137.0, 6356752.3142451793);
bg::formula::result_direct<double> result;
typedef bg::formula::karney_direct<double, true, true, true, true, 8> ka_t;
result = ka_t::apply(lon1d, lat1d, distance, azi12d, spheroid);
check_direct(result, results.karney, results.karney, 0.0000001, true);
int test_main(int, char*[])
for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_size; ++i)
if (expected[i].p1.lon == 0 && expected[i].p1.lat == 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_size_antipodal; ++i)
return 0;