245 lines
6.6 KiB
245 lines
6.6 KiB
// Boost.Geometry
// Unit Test
// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
// Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <geometry_test_common.hpp>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/util/range.hpp>
namespace bgt {
template <bool MutableIterator>
struct beginner
template <typename Range>
typename boost::range_iterator<Range>::type
operator()(Range & rng)
return boost::begin(rng);
template <>
struct beginner<false>
template <typename Range>
typename boost::range_iterator<Range const>::type
operator()(Range & rng)
return boost::const_begin(rng);
template <bool MutableIterator>
struct ender
template <typename Range>
typename boost::range_iterator<Range>::type
operator()(Range & rng)
return boost::end(rng);
template <>
struct ender<false>
template <typename Range>
typename boost::range_iterator<Range const>::type
operator()(Range & rng)
return boost::const_end(rng);
struct NonMovable
NonMovable(int ii = 0) : i(ii) {}
NonMovable(NonMovable const& ii) : i(ii.i) {}
NonMovable & operator=(NonMovable const& ii) { i = ii.i; return *this; }
bool operator==(NonMovable const& ii) const { return i == ii.i; }
int i;
NonMovable(NonMovable && ii);
NonMovable & operator=(NonMovable && ii);
struct CopyableAndMovable
CopyableAndMovable(int ii = 0) : i(ii) {}
CopyableAndMovable(CopyableAndMovable const& ii) : i(ii.i) {}
CopyableAndMovable & operator=(CopyableAndMovable const& ii) { i = ii.i; return *this; }
bool operator==(CopyableAndMovable const& ii) const { return i == ii.i; }
int i;
CopyableAndMovable(CopyableAndMovable && ii) : i(std::move(ii.i)) {}
CopyableAndMovable & operator=(CopyableAndMovable && ii) { i = std::move(ii.i); return *this; }
} // namespace bgt
namespace bgr = bg::range;
template <typename T, bool MutableIterator>
void test_all()
bgt::beginner<MutableIterator> begin;
bgt::ender<MutableIterator> end;
std::vector<T> v;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; ++i)
bgr::push_back(v, i);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; ++i)
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, i) == i);
std::vector<T> w;
std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), bgr::back_inserter(w));
BOOST_CHECK(v.size() == w.size() && std::equal(v.begin(), v.end(), w.begin()));
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::front(v) == 0);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(v) == 19);
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 20); // [0,19]
bgr::resize(v, 15);
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 15); // [0,14]
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(v) == 14);
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 14); // [0,13]
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(v) == 13);
typename std::vector<T>::iterator
it = bgr::erase(v, end(v) - 1);
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 13); // [0,12]
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(v) == 12);
BOOST_CHECK(it == end(v));
it = bgr::erase(v, end(v) - 3, end(v));
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 10); // [0,9]
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(v) == 9);
BOOST_CHECK(it == end(v));
it = bgr::erase(v, begin(v) + 2);
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 9); // {0,1,3..9}
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, 1) == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, 2) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(v) == 9);
BOOST_CHECK(it == bgr::pos(v, 2));
it = bgr::erase(v, begin(v) + 2, begin(v) + 2);
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 9); // {0,1,3..9}
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, 1) == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, 2) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(v) == 9);
BOOST_CHECK(it == bgr::pos(v, 2));
it = bgr::erase(v, begin(v) + 2, begin(v) + 5);
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 6); // {0,1,6..9}
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, 1) == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, 2) == 6);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(v) == 9);
BOOST_CHECK(it == bgr::pos(v, 2));
it = bgr::erase(v, begin(v));
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 5); // {1,6..9}
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, 0) == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, 1) == 6);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(v) == 9);
BOOST_CHECK(it == bgr::pos(v, 0));
it = bgr::erase(v, begin(v), begin(v) + 3);
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 2); // {8,9}
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, 0) == 8);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(v, 1) == 9);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(v) == 9);
BOOST_CHECK(it == bgr::pos(v, 0));
it = bgr::erase(v, begin(v), end(v));
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 0);
BOOST_CHECK(it == end(v));
void test_detail()
int arr[10] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
bgr::detail::copy_or_move(arr + 1, arr + 10, arr);
BOOST_CHECK(arr[0] == 1);
std::vector<int> v(10, 0);
bgr::detail::copy_or_move(v.begin() + 1, v.begin() + 10, v.begin());
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 10);
bgr::erase(v, v.begin() + 1);
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v) == 9);
bgt::NonMovable * arr2[10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
bgt::NonMovable foo;
arr2[1] = &foo;
bgr::detail::copy_or_move(arr2 + 1, arr2 + 10, arr2);
BOOST_CHECK(arr2[0] == &foo);
// Storing pointers in a std::vector is not possible in MinGW C++98
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
std::vector<bgt::NonMovable*> v2(10, (bgt::NonMovable*)NULL);
bgr::detail::copy_or_move(v2.begin() + 1, v2.begin() + 10, v2.begin());
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v2) == 10);
bgr::erase(v2, v2.begin() + 1);
BOOST_CHECK(boost::size(v2) == 9);
template <class Iterator>
void test_pointers()
int arr[10] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
boost::iterator_range<Iterator> r1(arr, arr + 10);
std::pair<Iterator, Iterator> r2(arr, arr + 10);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::front(r1) == 0);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::front(r2) == 0);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(r1) == 9);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::back(r2) == 9);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(r1, 5) == 5);
BOOST_CHECK(bgr::at(r2, 5) == 5);
int test_main(int, char* [])
test_all<int, true>();
test_all<int, false>();
// Storing non-movable elements in a std::vector is not possible in some implementations of STD lib
test_all<bgt::NonMovable, true>();
test_all<bgt::NonMovable, false>();
test_all<bgt::CopyableAndMovable, true>();
test_all<bgt::CopyableAndMovable, false>();
test_pointers<int const*>();
return 0;