2012-11-12 22:30:19 +00:00

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|(logo)|__ ``read_graphml``
.. Copyright (C) 2006 Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Authors: Tiago de Paula Peixoto
.. |(logo)| image:: ../../../boost.png
:align: middle
:alt: Boost
__ ../../../index.htm
void read_graphml(std::istream& in, MutableGraph& graph,
dynamic_properties& dp, size_t graph_index = 0);
The ``read_graphml`` function interprets a graph described using the
GraphML_ format and builds a BGL graph that captures that
description. Using this function, you can initialize a graph using
data stored as text.
The GraphML format can specify both directed and undirected graphs, and
``read_graphml`` differentiates between the two. One must pass
``read_graphml`` an undirected graph when reading an undirected graph;
the same is true for directed graphs. Furthermore, ``read_graphml``
will throw an exception if it encounters parallel edges and cannot add
them to the graph.
To handle attributes expressed in the GraphML format, ``read_graphml``
takes a dynamic_properties_ object and operates on its collection of
property maps. The reader passes all the properties encountered to
this object, using the GraphML attribute names as the property names,
and with the appropriate C++ value type based on the GraphML attribute type
definition. Graph properties are also set with the same
dynamic_properties_ object, where the key type is the type of the graph itself.
If the file contains multiple graphs, the ``graph_index`` parameter controls
which graph will be loaded. It defaults to ``0``, meaning that the first graph
in the file will be loaded. If ``graph_index`` is greater than or equal to the
number of graphs in the file, an empty graph will be returned.
- The type of the graph must model the `Mutable Graph`_ concept.
- The type of the iterator must model the `Multi-Pass Iterator`_
- The property map value types must be default-constructible.
.. contents::
Where Defined
struct graph_exception : public std::exception {
virtual ~graph_exception() throw();
virtual const char* what() const throw() = 0;
struct bad_parallel_edge : public graph_exception {
std::string from;
std::string to;
bad_parallel_edge(const std::string&, const std::string&);
virtual ~bad_parallel_edge() throw();
const char* what() const throw();
struct directed_graph_error : public graph_exception {
virtual ~directed_graph_error() throw();
virtual const char* what() const throw();
struct undirected_graph_error : public graph_exception {
virtual ~undirected_graph_error() throw();
virtual const char* what() const throw();
struct parse_error : public graph_exception {
parse_error(const std::string&);
virtual ~parse_error() throw() {}
virtual const char* what() const throw();
std::string statement;
std::string error;
Under certain circumstances, ``read_graphml`` will throw one of the
above exceptions. The three concrete exceptions can all be caught
using the general ``graph_exception`` moniker when greater precision
is not needed. In addition, all of the above exceptions derive from
the standard ``std::exception`` for even more generalized error
The ``bad_parallel_edge`` exception is thrown when an attempt to add a
parallel edge to the supplied MutableGraph fails. The GraphML format
supports parallel edges, but some BGL-compatible graph types do not.
One example of such a graph is ``boost::adjacency_list<setS,vecS>``,
which allows at most one edge can between any two vertices.
The ``directed_graph_error`` exception occurs when an undirected graph
type is passed to ``read_graph``, but the graph defined in the GraphML
file contains at least one directed edge.
The ``undirected_graph_error`` exception occurs when a directed graph
type is passed to ``read_graph``, but the graph defined in the GraphML
file contains at least one undirected edge.
The ``parse_error`` exception occurs when a syntax error is
encountered in the GraphML file. The error string will contain the
line and column where the error was encountered.
Building the GraphML reader
To use the GraphML reader, you will need to build and link against
the "boost_graph" library. The library can be built by following the
`Boost Jam Build Instructions`_ for the subdirectory ``libs/graph/build``.
- On successful reading of a graph, every vertex and edge will have
an associated value for every respective edge and vertex property
encountered while interpreting the graph. These values will be set
using the ``dynamic_properties`` object. Some properties may be
``put`` multiple times during the course of reading in order to
ensure the GraphML semantics. Those edges and vertices that are
not explicitly given a value for a property (and that property has
no default) will be given the default constructed value of the
value type. **Be sure that property map value types are default
- Nested graphs are supported as long as they are exactly of the same
type as the root graph, i.e., are also directed or undirected. Note
that since nested graphs are not directly supported by BGL, they
are in fact completely ignored when building the graph, and the
internal vertices or edges are interpreted as belonging to the root
- Hyperedges and Ports are not supported.
See Also
.. _GraphML:
.. _`Mutable Graph`: MutableGraph.html
.. _`Multi-Pass Iterator`: ../../iterator/index.html
.. _dynamic_properties: ../../property_map/doc/dynamic_property_map.html
.. _write_graphml: write_graphml.html
.. _Boost Jam Build Instructions: ../../../more/getting_started.html#Build_Install