2009-06-05 01:47:37 +00:00

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|(logo)|__ ``write_graphml``
.. Copyright (C) 2006 Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Authors: Tiago de Paula Peixoto
.. |(logo)| image:: ../../../boost.png
:align: middle
:alt: Boost
__ ../../../index.htm
template<typename Graph>
write_graphml(std::ostream& out, const Graph& g, const dynamic_properties& dp,
bool ordered_vertices=false);
template<typename Graph, typename VertexIndexMap>
write_graphml(std::ostream& out, const Graph& g, VertexIndexMap vertex_index,
const dynamic_properties& dp, bool ordered_vertices=false);
This is to write a BGL graph object into an output stream in the
GraphML_ format. Both overloads of ``write_graphml`` will emit all of
the properties stored in the dynamic_properties_ object, thereby
retaining the properties that have been read in through the dual
function read_graphml_. The second overload must be used when the
graph doesn't have an internal vertex index map, which must then be
supplied with the appropriate parameter.
.. contents::
Where Defined
OUT: ``std::ostream& out``
A standard ``std::ostream`` object.
IN: ``VertexListGraph& g``
A directed or undirected graph. The
graph's type must be a model of VertexListGraph_. If the graph
doesn't have an internal ``vertex_index`` property map, one
must be supplied with the vertex_index parameter.
IN: ``VertexIndexMap vertex_index``
A vertex property map containing the indexes in the range
IN: ``dynamic_properties& dp``
Contains all of the vertex, edge, and graph properties that should be
emitted by the GraphML writer.
IN: ``bool ordered_vertices``
This tells whether or not the order of the vertices from vertices(g)
matches the order of the indexes. If ``true``, the ``parse.nodeids``
graph attribute will be set to ``canonical``. Otherwise it will be
set to ``free``.
This example demonstrates using BGL-GraphML interface to write
a BGL graph into a GraphML format file.
enum files_e { dax_h, yow_h, boz_h, zow_h, foo_cpp,
foo_o, bar_cpp, bar_o, libfoobar_a,
zig_cpp, zig_o, zag_cpp, zag_o,
libzigzag_a, killerapp, N };
const char* name[] = { "dax.h", "yow.h", "boz.h", "zow.h", "foo.cpp",
"foo.o", "bar.cpp", "bar.o", "libfoobar.a",
"zig.cpp", "zig.o", "zag.cpp", "zag.o",
"libzigzag.a", "killerapp" };
int main(int,char*[])
typedef pair<int,int> Edge;
Edge used_by[] = {
Edge(dax_h, foo_cpp), Edge(dax_h, bar_cpp), Edge(dax_h, yow_h),
Edge(yow_h, bar_cpp), Edge(yow_h, zag_cpp),
Edge(boz_h, bar_cpp), Edge(boz_h, zig_cpp), Edge(boz_h, zag_cpp),
Edge(zow_h, foo_cpp),
Edge(foo_cpp, foo_o),
Edge(foo_o, libfoobar_a),
Edge(bar_cpp, bar_o),
Edge(bar_o, libfoobar_a),
Edge(libfoobar_a, libzigzag_a),
Edge(zig_cpp, zig_o),
Edge(zig_o, libzigzag_a),
Edge(zag_cpp, zag_o),
Edge(zag_o, libzigzag_a),
Edge(libzigzag_a, killerapp)
const int nedges = sizeof(used_by)/sizeof(Edge);
typedef adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, directedS,
property< vertex_color_t, string >,
property< edge_weight_t, int >
> Graph;
Graph g(used_by, used_by + nedges, N);
graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator v, v_end;
for (tie(v,v_end) = vertices(g); v != v_end; ++v)
put(vertex_color_t(), g, *v, name[*v]);
graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator e, e_end;
for (tie(e,e_end) = edges(g); e != e_end; ++e)
put(edge_weight_t(), g, *e, 3);
dynamic_properties dp;"name", get(vertex_color_t(), g));"weight", get(edge_weight_t(), g));
write_graphml(std::cout, g, dp, true);
The output will be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<graphml xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<key id="key0" for="node""name" attr.type="string" />
<key id="key1" for="edge""weight" attr.type="int" />
<graph id="G" edgedefault="directed" parse.nodeids="canonical" parse.edgeids="canonical" parse.order="nodesfirst">
<node id="n0">
<data key="key0">dax.h</data>
<node id="n1">
<data key="key0">yow.h</data>
<node id="n2">
<data key="key0">boz.h</data>
<node id="n3">
<data key="key0">zow.h</data>
<node id="n4">
<data key="key0">foo.cpp</data>
<node id="n5">
<data key="key0">foo.o</data>
<node id="n6">
<data key="key0">bar.cpp</data>
<node id="n7">
<data key="key0">bar.o</data>
<node id="n8">
<data key="key0">libfoobar.a</data>
<node id="n9">
<data key="key0">zig.cpp</data>
<node id="n10">
<data key="key0">zig.o</data>
<node id="n11">
<data key="key0">zag.cpp</data>
<node id="n12">
<data key="key0">zag.o</data>
<node id="n13">
<data key="key0">libzigzag.a</data>
<node id="n14">
<data key="key0">killerapp</data>
<edge id="e0" source="n0" target="n4">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e1" source="n0" target="n6">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e2" source="n0" target="n1">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e3" source="n1" target="n6">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e4" source="n1" target="n11">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e5" source="n2" target="n6">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e6" source="n2" target="n9">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e7" source="n2" target="n11">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e8" source="n3" target="n4">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e9" source="n4" target="n5">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e10" source="n5" target="n8">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e11" source="n6" target="n7">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e12" source="n7" target="n8">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e13" source="n8" target="n13">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e14" source="n9" target="n10">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e15" source="n10" target="n13">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e16" source="n11" target="n12">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e17" source="n12" target="n13">
<data key="key1">3</data>
<edge id="e18" source="n13" target="n14">
<data key="key1">3</data>
See Also
- Note that you can use GraphML file write facilities without linking
against the ``boost_graph`` library.
.. _GraphML:
.. _dynamic_properties: ../../property_map/doc/dynamic_property_map.html
.. _read_graphml: read_graphml.html
.. _VertexListGraph: VertexListGraph.html