158 lines
4.4 KiB
158 lines
4.4 KiB
// (C) Copyright Andrew Sutton 2009
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0 (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
IMPORTANT: this file should not be tested - it creates invalid graphs/sequences
which *do* crash at runtime - this seems to be the intent, but it's not
clear why or whether the file should be retained.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include "typestr.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
// The purpose of this test is simply to provide a testing ground for the
// invalidation of iterators and descriptors.
template <typename Graph>
void make_graph(Graph& g)
// Build a simple (barbell) graph.
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
Vertex u = add_vertex(10, g);
Vertex v = add_vertex(20, g);
add_edge(u, v, 100, g);
// Invalid iterators and descriptors will cause a segfault.
template <typename Graph, typename Iterator, typename Descriptor>
void test(Graph& g, Iterator i, Descriptor d, string const& str)
int x;
cout << "... " << str << " iter" << endl;
x = g[*i];
// cout << "... " << x << endl;
cout << "... " << str << " desc" << endl;
x = g[d];
// cout << "... " << x << endl;
template <typename Graph>
void invalidate_edges()
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor Edge;
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator EdgeIterator;
Graph g;
// The actual test. These are valid here.
EdgeIterator i = edges(g).first;
Edge e = *i;
// Add a vertex, see what breaks.
test(g, i, e, "edges");
template <typename Graph>
void invalidate_vertices()
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator VertexIterator;
Graph g;
// The actual test. These are valid here.
VertexIterator i = vertices(g).first;
Vertex v = *i;
// Add a vertex, see what breaks.
test(g, i, v, "vertices");
template <typename Graph>
void invalidate_out_edges()
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor Edge;
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::out_edge_iterator OutIterator;
Graph g;
// The actual test. These are valid here.
OutIterator i = out_edges(*vertices(g).first, g).first;
Edge e = *i;
// Add a vertex, see what breaks.
test(g, i, e, "out edges");
template <typename Graph>
void invalidate_adj_verts()
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator AdjIterator;
Graph g;
// The actual test. These are valid here.
AdjIterator i = adjacent_vertices(*vertices(g).first, g).first;
Vertex v = *i;
// Add a vertex, see what breaks.
test(g, i, v, "adjacent vertices");
int main()
typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS, int, int> VVU;
cout << "vecS vecS undirectedS" << endl;
typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, bidirectionalS, int, int> VVB;
cout << "vecS vecS bidirectionals" << endl;
// If you comment out the tests before this, then adj_verts test will
// run without segfaulting - at least under gcc-4.3. Not really sure why,
// but I'm guessing it's still not generating valid results, and shouldn't
// be taken as an indicator of stability.
typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, int, int> VVD;
cout << "vecS vecS directedS" << endl;
// invalidate_edges<VVD>();
// invalidate_out_edges<VVD>();
// invalidate_adj_verts<VVD>();
typedef adjacency_list<listS, vecS, directedS, int, int> LVD;
cout << "listS vecS directedS" << endl;
// invalidate_edges<LVD>();
// invalidate_out_edges<LVD>();
// invalidate_adj_verts<LVD>();