
276 lines
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/* This file is a boost.test unit test and provides tests the internal dependency graph
* Created on: 06.10.2015
* Author: Stefan Hammer <>
* License: Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
* accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE subgraph_add
// std lib includes
#include <iostream>
// include boost components
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/iteration_macros.hpp>
// include header
#include <boost/graph/subgraph.hpp>
using namespace boost;
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("simple subgraph");
typedef subgraph< adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, directedS,
no_property, property< edge_index_t, int > > > Graph;
const int N = 6;
Graph G0(N);
enum { A, B, C, D, E, F}; // for conveniently refering to vertices in G0
Graph& G1 = G0.create_subgraph();
Graph& G2 = G1.create_subgraph();
BOOST_CHECK(&G1.parent() == &G0);
BOOST_CHECK(&G2.parent() == &G1);
enum { A1, B1, C1 }; // for conveniently refering to vertices in G1
enum { A2, B2, C2 }; // for conveniently refering to vertices in G2
add_vertex(C, G1); // global vertex C becomes local A1 for G1
add_vertex(E, G1); // global vertex E becomes local B1 for G1
add_vertex(F, G1); // global vertex F becomes local C1 for G1
add_vertex(C, G2); // global vertex C becomes local A2 for G2
add_vertex(E, G2); // global vertex E becomes local B2 for G2
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G0) == 6);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 3);
std::cerr << num_vertices(G1) << std::endl;
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 2);
// add edges to root graph
add_edge(A, B, G0);
add_edge(B, C, G0);
add_edge(B, D, G0);
add_edge(E, F, G0);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G0) == 4);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G1) == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G2) == 0);
// add edges to G1
add_edge(A1, B1, G1);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G0) == 5);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G1) == 2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G2) == 1);
// num_vertices stays the same
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G0) == 6);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 2);
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("subgraph add edges");
typedef subgraph< adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, directedS,
no_property, property< edge_index_t, int > > > Graph;
typedef Graph::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
const int N = 3;
Graph G0(N);
Graph& G1 = G0.create_subgraph();
Graph& G2 = G1.create_subgraph();
BOOST_CHECK(&G1.parent() == &G0);
BOOST_CHECK(&G2.parent() == &G1);
// add vertices to G2
Vertex n1 = add_vertex(0, G2);
Vertex n2 = add_vertex(1, G2);
// check if the global vertex 2 is equal to the returned local vertex
if (G2.find_vertex(0).second) {
BOOST_CHECK(G2.find_vertex(0).first == n1);
} else {
BOOST_ERROR( "vertex not found!" );
if (G2.find_vertex(1).second) {
BOOST_CHECK(G2.find_vertex(1).first == n2);
} else {
BOOST_ERROR( "vertex not found!" );
// and check if this vertex is also present in G1
if (G1.find_vertex(0).second) {
BOOST_CHECK(G1.local_to_global(G1.find_vertex(0).first) == 0);
} else {
BOOST_ERROR( "vertex not found!" );
if (G1.find_vertex(0).second) {
BOOST_CHECK(G1.local_to_global(G1.find_vertex(1).first) == 1);
} else {
BOOST_ERROR( "vertex not found!" );
// num_vertices stays the same
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G0) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 2);
// add vertices to G1
Vertex n3 = add_vertex(2, G1);
// check if the global vertex 2 is equal to the returned local vertex
if (G1.find_vertex(2).second) {
BOOST_CHECK(G1.find_vertex(2).first == n3);
} else {
BOOST_ERROR( "vertex not found!" );
// num_vertices stays the same
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G0) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 2);
// add vertices to G1
Vertex n4 = add_vertex(G1);
// check if the new local vertex is also in the global graph
// check if the new local vertex is not in the subgraphs
// num_vertices stays the same
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G0) == 4);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 4);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 2);
// add vertices to G0
Vertex n5 = add_vertex(G0);
// check if the new local vertex is not in the subgraphs
// num_vertices stays the same
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G0) == 5);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 4);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 2);
typedef std::map<graph_traits<Graph::graph_type>::vertex_descriptor, graph_traits<Graph::graph_type>::vertex_descriptor>::iterator v_itr;
std::cerr << "All G0 vertices: " << std::endl;
for(v_itr v = G0.m_local_vertex.begin(); v != G0.m_local_vertex.end(); ++v) {
std::cerr << G0.local_to_global(v->first) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "All G1 vertices: " << std::endl;
for(v_itr v = G1.m_local_vertex.begin(); v != G1.m_local_vertex.end(); ++v) {
std::cerr << G1.local_to_global(v->first) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "All G2 vertices: " << std::endl;
for(v_itr v = G2.m_local_vertex.begin(); v != G2.m_local_vertex.end(); ++v) {
std::cerr << G2.local_to_global(v->first) << std::endl;
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("subgraph add edges");
typedef subgraph< adjacency_list< vecS, vecS, directedS,
no_property, property< edge_index_t, int > > > Graph;
typedef Graph::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
const int N = 3;
Graph G0(N);
Graph& G1 = G0.create_subgraph();
Graph& G2 = G1.create_subgraph();
BOOST_CHECK(&G1.parent() == &G0);
BOOST_CHECK(&G2.parent() == &G1);
// add vertices
add_vertex(0, G2);
add_vertex(1, G2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 2);
// add edge to G0 which needs propagation
add_edge(0, 1, G0);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G0) == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G1) == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G2) == 1);
// num_vertices stays the same
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G0) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 2);
// add edge to G0 without propagation
add_edge(1, 2, G0);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G0) == 2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G1) == 1);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G2) == 1);
// num_vertices stays the same
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G0) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 2);
// add vertex 2 to G2/G1 with edge propagation
Vertex n = add_vertex(2, G2);
BOOST_CHECK(G2.local_to_global(n) == 2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G0) == 2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G1) == 2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G2) == 2);
// num_vertices stays the same
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G0) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 3);
// add edge to G2 with propagation upwards
add_edge(0, 2, G2);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G0) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G1) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_edges(G2) == 3);
// num_vertices stays the same
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G0) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G1) == 3);
BOOST_CHECK(num_vertices(G2) == 3);
typedef std::map<graph_traits<Graph::graph_type>::vertex_descriptor, graph_traits<Graph::graph_type>::vertex_descriptor>::iterator v_itr;
std::cerr << "All G0 vertices: " << std::endl;
for(v_itr v = G0.m_local_vertex.begin(); v != G0.m_local_vertex.end(); ++v) {
std::cerr << G0.local_to_global(v->first) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "All G1 vertices: " << std::endl;
for(v_itr v = G1.m_local_vertex.begin(); v != G1.m_local_vertex.end(); ++v) {
std::cerr << G1.local_to_global(v->first) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "All G2 vertices: " << std::endl;
for(v_itr v = G2.m_local_vertex.begin(); v != G2.m_local_vertex.end(); ++v) {
std::cerr << G2.local_to_global(v->first) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "All G0 edges: " << std::endl;
BGL_FORALL_EDGES(e, G0, Graph) {
std::cerr << source(e, G0) << "->" << target(e, G0) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "All G1 edges: " << std::endl;
BGL_FORALL_EDGES(e, G1, Graph) {
std::cerr << source(e, G1) << "->" << target(e, G1) << std::endl;
std::cerr << "All G2 edges: " << std::endl;
BGL_FORALL_EDGES(e, G2, Graph) {
std::cerr << source(e, G2) << "->" << target(e, G2) << std::endl;