Xiang Fan 95f8f74a2c Enable building boost.hana with VS2107 15.8 (with five source workarounds)
Here is the test result:

 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1103

Here are the details of the source workarounds:

 1. Active issues we are working on
 a. Multiple copy/move ctors
 VC doesn't correctly handle multiple copy/move ctors.
 The workaround is under macro BOOST_HANA_WORKAROUND_MSVC_MULTIPLECTOR_106654.

 b. Forward declaration of class template member function returning decltype(auto) (this issue is exposed by a recent change in boost 1.68)
 To deduce the actual return type, the compiler expects the function definition to be on the pending list for temploid, which isn't always the case when generic lambda is involved.

 2. Issues fixed in the development branch of MSVC
 Parsing template id
 VC sometimes incorrectly parses a comparison operation as a template id.
 The workaround is under macro BOOST_HANA_WORKAROUND_MSVC_RDPARSER_TEMPLATEID_616568.

 3. Issues fixed conditionally
 a. Empty base optimization
 VC doesn't always do EBO (empty base optimization). Changing this will break the ABI of MSVC and we provide a __declspec(empty_bases) to enable EBO.
 We have a blog post on this: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/03/30/optimizing-the-layout-of-empty-base-classes-in-vs2015-update-2-3/.
 Some tests in hana have static_assert on the size of certain types which relies on EBO being applied:


 The workaround is under macro BOOST_HANA_WORKAROUND_MSVC_EMPTYBASE.

 b. Variadic macro expansion
 The implementation of variadic macro isn't conformant and the macro expansion often results in incorrect result.
 The issue is fixed under /experimental:preprocessor and isn't on by default yet.
 We have a blog post on this: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2018/07/06/msvc-preprocessor-progress-towards-conformance/.

 The workaround is under macro BOOST_HANA_WORKAROUND_MSVC_PREPROCESSOR_616033.

Here is the list of files impacted by the source workarounds:






1. There are some warnings which I don't fix. I will likely address them in a separate PR. They look legit and don't impact the build and tests.
2. Appveyor currently doesn't provide 15.8 Preview 5 which contains all the compiler fixes we made in the previous months. I plan to update appveyor.yml after Appveyor provides 15.8 RTM.
2018-08-22 16:59:34 -07:00

370 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2017
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/hana/and.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/core/when.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/detail/wrong.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/equal.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/eval_if.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/functional/compose.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/functional/infix.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/functional/partial.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/fwd/concept/integral_constant.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/fwd/core/to.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/fwd/less.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/not.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/or.hpp>
#include <boost/hana/tuple.hpp>
#include <support/tracked.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace boost { namespace hana {
// Misc
namespace test {
struct laws;
template <int i>
struct for_each_n_t {
static_assert(i > 0, "can't use for_each_n with i < 0");
template <typename Xs, typename F>
constexpr auto operator()(Xs const& xs, F const& f) const {
hana::partial(for_each_n_t<i - 1>{}, xs),
hana::partial(hana::partial, f)
template <>
struct for_each_n_t<1> {
template <typename Xs, typename F>
constexpr auto operator()(Xs const& xs, F const& f) const {
hana::for_each(xs, f);
template <int i>
constexpr for_each_n_t<i> for_each_n{};
auto foreach = hana::for_each;
constexpr auto foreach3 = for_each_n<3>;
constexpr auto foreach2 = for_each_n<2>;
struct implies_t {
template <typename P, typename Q>
constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(P&& p, Q&& q) const {
return hana::or_(hana::not_(static_cast<P&&>(p)),
constexpr auto implies = hana::infix(implies_t{});
struct iff_t {
template <typename P, typename Q>
constexpr decltype(auto) operator()(P&& p, Q&& q) const {
return hana::and_(implies(p, q), implies(q, p));
constexpr auto iff = hana::infix(iff_t{});
template <typename Cond, typename F>
constexpr decltype(auto) only_when_(Cond cond, F f) {
return hana::eval_if(cond, f, [](auto){ });
// A type with a constructor that must not be instantiated.
// This is to make sure we don't instantiate something else than
// the copy-constructor of the elements inside a container when we
// copy the container.
struct trap_construct {
trap_construct() = default;
trap_construct(trap_construct const&) = default;
trap_construct(trap_construct&) = default;
trap_construct(trap_construct&&) = default;
template <typename X>
trap_construct(X&&) {
"this constructor must not be instantiated");
// A move-only type. Useful for testing containers.
struct move_only {
move_only() = default;
move_only(move_only const&) = delete;
move_only(move_only&&) = default;
// InjectionResult
struct InjectionResult { };
template <int i, typename ...X>
struct injection_result {
using hana_tag = InjectionResult;
static constexpr int injection_id = i;
hana::tuple<X...> args;
Tracked tracker;
template <typename ...Y, typename = decltype(tuple<X...>{std::declval<Y>()...})>
constexpr explicit injection_result(Y&& ...y)
: args{static_cast<Y&&>(y)...}, tracker{i}
{ }
//! A monotonic injective function.
//! This is used in the unit tests, where we often just need a function
//! which preserves equality and order, but which also satisfies the
//! following law for all `Injection`s `f` and `g`:
//! @code
//! f(x) == g(x) if and only if f === g
//! @endcode
//! where `===` means _was created by the same call to `injection`_.
//! This allows creating several such functions in the unit tests while
//! conserving precious information such as the fact that
//! `f(g(x)) != g(f(x))`.
template <int i>
struct _injection {
template <typename ...X>
constexpr auto operator()(X&& ...x) const {
return injection_result<i,
typename std::decay<X>::type...
} // end namespace test
template <>
struct equal_impl<test::InjectionResult, test::InjectionResult> {
template <typename X, typename Y>
static constexpr auto apply(X x, Y y) {
return hana::and_(
hana::bool_c<X::injection_id == Y::injection_id>,
hana::equal(x.args, y.args)
template <>
struct less_impl<test::InjectionResult, test::InjectionResult> {
template <typename X, typename Y>
static constexpr auto apply(X x, Y y) {
static_assert(X::injection_id == Y::injection_id,
"can't order the result of two different injections");
return hana::less(x.args, y.args);
// Integer
namespace test {
enum class Policy : int {
// One of those is mandatory
Constant = 1 << 0
, Constexpr = 1 << 1
, Runtime = 1 << 2
// Those are optional
, Tracked = 1 << 3
, Comparable = 1 << 4
, Orderable = 1 << 5
constexpr bool operator&&(Policy a, Policy b) {
return static_cast<int>(a) && static_cast<int>(b);
constexpr bool operator&&(Policy a, bool b) {
return static_cast<int>(a) && b;
constexpr bool operator&&(bool a, Policy b) {
return a && static_cast<int>(b);
constexpr bool operator||(Policy a, Policy b) {
return static_cast<int>(a) || static_cast<int>(b);
constexpr bool operator||(Policy a, bool b) {
return static_cast<int>(a) || b;
constexpr bool operator||(bool a, Policy b) {
return a || static_cast<int>(b);
constexpr bool operator!(Policy a) {
return !static_cast<int>(a);
constexpr Policy operator|(Policy a, Policy b) {
return static_cast<Policy>(static_cast<int>(a) | static_cast<int>(b));
constexpr Policy operator&(Policy a, Policy b) {
return static_cast<Policy>(static_cast<int>(a) & static_cast<int>(b));
template <Policy policy, typename = void>
struct Integer { };
template <Policy policy>
struct Integer<policy, std::enable_if_t<!!(policy & Policy::Constant)>> {
using value_type = int;
template <int i, Policy policy, typename = void>
struct integer {
!!(policy & (Policy::Constant | Policy::Constexpr | Policy::Runtime))
, "You must choose at least one of Constant, Constexpr and Runtime.");
static constexpr int value = i;
constexpr operator int() const { return value; }
using hana_tag = Integer<policy>;
Tracked tracker{i};
template <int i, Policy policy>
struct integer <i, policy, std::enable_if_t<!!(policy & Policy::Constexpr)>> {
static constexpr int value = i;
constexpr operator int() const { return value; }
using hana_tag = Integer<policy>;
template <int i>
struct eq : integer<i, Policy::Comparable | Policy::Runtime> { };
template <int i>
struct ct_eq : integer<i, Policy::Comparable | Policy::Constant> { };
template <int i>
struct cx_eq : integer<i, Policy::Comparable | Policy::Constexpr> { };
template <int i>
struct ord : integer<i, Policy::Orderable | Policy::Runtime> { };
template <int i>
struct ct_ord : integer<i, Policy::Orderable | Policy::Constant> { };
template <int i>
struct cx_ord : integer<i, Policy::Orderable | Policy::Constexpr> { };
template <int i>
struct _constant
: integer<i, Policy::Constant | Policy::Comparable | Policy::Orderable>
{ };
// Model of Constant/IntegralConstant
template <test::Policy policy>
struct IntegralConstant<test::Integer<policy>> {
static constexpr bool value = static_cast<bool>(policy & test::Policy::Constant);
template <test::Policy policy, typename C>
struct to_impl<test::Integer<policy>, C, when<
(policy & test::Policy::Constant) &&
: embedding<is_embedded<typename C::value_type, int>::value>
template <typename N>
static constexpr auto apply(N const&) {
return test::integer<N::value, policy>{};
// Model of Comparable
template <test::Policy p1, test::Policy p2>
struct equal_impl<test::Integer<p1>, test::Integer<p2>, when<
// both Comparable or Orderable
(p1 & (test::Policy::Comparable | test::Policy::Orderable)) &&
(p2 & (test::Policy::Comparable | test::Policy::Orderable)) &&
// one Constexpr and the other Constant, or both Constexpr
(((p1 & test::Policy::Constant) && (p2 & test::Policy::Constexpr)) ||
((p1 & test::Policy::Constexpr) && (p2 & test::Policy::Constant)) ||
((p1 & test::Policy::Constexpr) && (p2 & test::Policy::Constexpr)))
>> {
template <typename X, typename Y>
static constexpr bool apply(X const&, Y const&)
{ return X::value == Y::value; }
template <test::Policy p1, test::Policy p2>
struct equal_impl<test::Integer<p1>, test::Integer<p2>, when<
// both Comparable or Orderable
(p1 & (test::Policy::Comparable | test::Policy::Orderable)) &&
(p2 & (test::Policy::Comparable | test::Policy::Orderable)) &&
// either one is Runtime
((p1 & test::Policy::Runtime) || (p2 & test::Policy::Runtime))
>> {
template <typename X, typename Y>
static bool apply(X const&, Y const&)
{ return X::value == Y::value; }
// Model of Orderable
template <test::Policy p1, test::Policy p2>
struct less_impl<test::Integer<p1>, test::Integer<p2>, when<
// both Orderable
(p1 & test::Policy::Orderable) && (p2 & test::Policy::Orderable) &&
// one Constexpr and the other Constant, or both Constexpr
(((p1 & test::Policy::Constant) && (p2 & test::Policy::Constexpr)) ||
((p1 & test::Policy::Constexpr) && (p2 & test::Policy::Constant)) ||
((p1 & test::Policy::Constexpr) && (p2 & test::Policy::Constexpr)))
>> {
template <typename X, typename Y>
static constexpr bool apply(X const&, Y const&)
{ return X::value < Y::value; }
template <test::Policy p1, test::Policy p2>
struct less_impl<test::Integer<p1>, test::Integer<p2>, when<
// both Orderable
(p1 & test::Policy::Orderable) && (p2 & test::Policy::Orderable) &&
// either one is Runtime
((p1 & test::Policy::Runtime) || (p2 & test::Policy::Runtime))
>> {
template <typename X, typename Y>
static bool apply(X const&, Y const&)
{ return X::value < Y::value; }
}} // end namespace boost::hana