* introduce offset for faster linearization of non-growing axes * added traits::is_inclusive and constexpr bool inclusive() methods for builtin axes * bug fixes for fill method when weight array is used with non-inclusive axis and when growing axes are used * bug fix of axis::options::test(...) * coverage tested with gcc-8, updated CONTRIBUTING.md with coverage info
178 lines
5.6 KiB
178 lines
5.6 KiB
// Copyright 2015-2017 Hans Dembinski
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <array>
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test_trait.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/axis.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/axis/ostream.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/axes.hpp>
#include <limits>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "std_ostream.hpp"
#include "throw_exception.hpp"
using namespace boost::histogram;
int main() {
// dynamic axis_get with tuples
auto a1 = axis::integer<>(0, 1);
auto a2 = axis::integer<>(1, 2);
auto tup = std::make_tuple(a1, a2);
using E1 = axis::variant<axis::integer<>*>;
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_SAME(decltype(detail::axis_get(tup, 0)), E1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(detail::axis_get(tup, 0), a1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(detail::axis_get(tup, 1), a2);
BOOST_TEST_NE(detail::axis_get(tup, 0), a2);
// sequence equality
using R = axis::regular<>;
using I = axis::integer<>;
using V = axis::variable<>;
auto r = R(2, -1, 1);
auto i = I(-1, 1);
auto v = V{-1, 0, 1};
std::vector<axis::variant<R, I, V>> v1 = {r, i};
std::vector<axis::variant<R, I>> v2 = {r, i};
std::vector<axis::variant<R, I>> v3 = {i, r};
std::vector<axis::variant<I, R>> v4 = {r, i};
std::vector<axis::variant<R, I>> v5 = {r, r};
std::vector<R> v6 = {r, r};
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v1, v2));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v1, v4));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v5, v6));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(v1, v3));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(v2, v3));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(v3, v4));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(v1, v5));
auto t1 = std::make_tuple(r, i);
auto t2 = std::make_tuple(i, r);
auto t3 = std::make_tuple(v, i);
auto t4 = std::make_tuple(r, r);
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(t1, v1));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(t1, v2));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(t1, v4));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v1, t1));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v2, t1));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v4, t1));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(t2, v3));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v3, t2));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(t4, v5));
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(t4, v6));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(t1, t2));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(t2, t3));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(t1, v3));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(t1, v3));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(t3, v1));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(t3, v2));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(t3, v3));
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(t3, v4));
// sequence assign
using R = axis::regular<>;
using I = axis::integer<>;
using V = axis::variable<>;
auto r = R(2, -1, 1);
auto i = I(-1, 1);
auto v = V{-1, 0, 1};
std::vector<axis::variant<R, V, I>> v1 = {r, i};
std::vector<axis::variant<I, R>> v2;
std::vector<R> v3 = {r, r};
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(v2, v1));
detail::axes_assign(v2, v1);
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v2, v1));
detail::axes_assign(v2, v3);
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v2, v3));
auto t1 = std::make_tuple(r);
detail::axes_assign(v3, t1);
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v3, t1));
auto t2 = std::make_tuple(r, i);
detail::axes_assign(v2, t2);
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(v2, t2));
auto t3 = std::make_tuple(R{3, -1, 1}, i);
BOOST_TEST_NOT(detail::axes_equal(t2, t3));
detail::axes_assign(t2, t3);
BOOST_TEST(detail::axes_equal(t2, t3));
// axes_rank
std::tuple<int, int> a;
std::vector<int> b(3);
std::array<int, 4> c;
const std::tuple<int> d;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(detail::axes_rank(a), 2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(detail::axes_rank(b), 3);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(detail::axes_rank(c), 4);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(detail::axes_rank(d), 1);
// bincount overflow
auto v = std::vector<axis::integer<>>(
100, axis::integer<>(0, (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)() - 2));
BOOST_TEST_THROWS(detail::bincount(v), std::overflow_error);
// has_growing_axis
struct growing {
auto update(int) { return std::make_pair(0, 0); }
using T = growing;
using I = axis::integer<>;
using A = std::tuple<I, T>;
using B = std::vector<T>;
using C = std::vector<axis::variant<I, T>>;
using D = std::tuple<I>;
using E = std::vector<I>;
using F = std::vector<axis::variant<I>>;
// value_types
using R = axis::regular<float>;
using I = axis::integer<int>;
using CI = axis::category<int>;
using CS = axis::category<std::string>;
using A = std::vector<axis::variant<R, I, CS>>;
using B = std::vector<axis::variant<CS, I, CI, R>>;
using C = std::tuple<I, R, CS>;
using D = std::tuple<CS, I, CI, R>;
using Expected = boost::mp11::mp_list<int, float, std::string>;
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_SAME(detail::value_types<A>, Expected);
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_SAME(detail::value_types<B>, Expected);
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_SAME(detail::value_types<C>, Expected);
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_SAME(detail::value_types<D>, Expected);
return boost::report_errors();