Hans Dembinski 30899cb45d
Merged upgraded display.hpp code into histogram/ostream.hpp
supports all axis bin types and gracefully handles histograms with accumulators
2019-10-17 00:58:37 +02:00

175 lines
4.9 KiB

// Copyright 2015-2018 Hans Dembinski
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <boost/core/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test_trait.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/axis.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/axis/ostream.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/histogram.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/ostream.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "std_ostream.hpp"
#include "throw_exception.hpp"
#include "utility_histogram.hpp"
using namespace boost::histogram;
template <typename Tag>
void run_tests() {
// arithmetic operators
auto a = make(Tag(), axis::integer<int, use_default, axis::option::none_t>(0, 2));
auto b = a;
auto c = a + b;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(c.at(0), 1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(c.at(1), 1);
c += b;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(c.at(0), 1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(c.at(1), 2);
auto d = a + b + c;
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_SAME(decltype(d), decltype(a));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d.at(0), 2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d.at(1), 3);
auto d2 = d - a - b - c;
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_SAME(decltype(d2), decltype(a));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d2.at(0), 0);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d2.at(1), 0);
d2 -= a;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d2.at(0), -1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d2.at(1), 0);
auto d3 = d;
d3 *= d;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d3.at(0), 4);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d3.at(1), 9);
auto d4 = d3 * (1 * d); // converted return type
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_FALSE((boost::core::is_same<decltype(d4), decltype(d3)>));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d4.at(0), 8);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d4.at(1), 27);
d4 /= d;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d4.at(0), 4);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d4.at(1), 9);
auto d5 = d4 / d;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d5.at(0), 2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d5.at(1), 3);
auto e = 3 * a; // converted return type
auto f = b * 2; // converted return type
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_FALSE((boost::core::is_same<decltype(e), decltype(a)>));
BOOST_TEST_TRAIT_FALSE((boost::core::is_same<decltype(f), decltype(a)>));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(e.at(0), 3);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(e.at(1), 0);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(f.at(0), 0);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(f.at(1), 2);
auto r = 1.0 * a;
r += b;
r += e;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(r.at(0), 4);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(r.at(1), 1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(r, a + b + 3 * a);
auto s = r / 4;
r /= 4;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(r.at(0), 1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(r.at(1), 0.25);
// arithmetic operators with mixed storage: unlimited vs. vector<unsigned>
auto ia = axis::integer<int, axis::null_type, axis::option::none_t>(0, 2);
auto a = make(Tag(), ia);
a(0, weight(2));
a(1, weight(2));
auto b = a;
auto c = make_s(Tag(), std::vector<int>(), ia);
c(0, weight(2));
c(1, weight(2));
auto a2 = a;
a2 += c;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(a2, (a + b));
auto a3 = a;
a3 *= c;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(a3, (a * b));
auto a4 = a;
a4 -= c;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(a4, (a - b));
auto a5 = a;
a5 /= c;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(a5, (a / b));
// arithmetic operators with mixed storage: vector<unsigned char> vs. vector<unsigned>
auto ia = axis::integer<int, axis::null_type, axis::option::none_t>(0, 2);
auto a = make_s(Tag(), std::vector<unsigned long>{}, ia);
auto c = make_s(Tag(), std::vector<unsigned>(), ia);
a(0, weight(2u));
a(1, weight(2u));
auto b = a;
c(0, weight(2u));
c(1, weight(2u));
auto a2 = a;
a2 += c;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(a2, (a + b));
auto a3 = a;
a3 *= c;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(a3, (a * b));
auto a4 = a;
a4 -= c;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(a4, (a - b));
auto a5 = a;
a5 /= c;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(a5, (a / b));
// add operators with weighted storage
auto ia = axis::integer<int, axis::null_type, axis::option::none_t>(0, 2);
auto a = make_s(Tag(), std::vector<accumulators::weighted_sum<>>(), ia);
auto b = make_s(Tag(), std::vector<accumulators::weighted_sum<>>(), ia);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(a.at(0).variance(), 1);
b(weight(3), 1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(b.at(1).variance(), 9);
auto c = a;
c += b;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(c.at(0).value(), 1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(c.at(0).variance(), 1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(c.at(1).value(), 3);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(c.at(1).variance(), 9);
auto d = a;
d += b;
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d.at(0).value(), 1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d.at(0).variance(), 1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d.at(1).value(), 3);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(d.at(1).variance(), 9);
// bad operations
auto a = make(Tag(), axis::integer<>(0, 2));
auto b = make(Tag(), axis::integer<>(0, 3));
BOOST_TEST_THROWS(a += b, std::invalid_argument);
BOOST_TEST_THROWS(a -= b, std::invalid_argument);
BOOST_TEST_THROWS(a *= b, std::invalid_argument);
BOOST_TEST_THROWS(a /= b, std::invalid_argument);
int main() {
return boost::report_errors();