353 lines
9.4 KiB
353 lines
9.4 KiB
// (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2007-2012. Distributed under the Boost
// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// See http://www.boost.org/libs/interprocess for documentation.
#include <boost/interprocess/detail/config_begin.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/offset_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/detail/type_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/pointer_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/core/lightweight_test.hpp>
using namespace boost::interprocess;
class Base
class Derived
: public Base
class VirtualDerived
: public virtual Base
void test_types_and_conversions()
typedef offset_ptr<int> pint_t;
typedef offset_ptr<const int> pcint_t;
typedef offset_ptr<volatile int> pvint_t;
typedef offset_ptr<const volatile int> pcvint_t;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<pint_t::element_type, int>::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<pcint_t::element_type, const int>::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<pvint_t::element_type, volatile int>::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<pcvint_t::element_type, const volatile int>::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<pint_t::value_type, int>::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<pcint_t::value_type, int>::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<pvint_t::value_type, int>::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<pcvint_t::value_type, int>::value));
int dummy_int = 9;
{ pint_t pint(&dummy_int);
pcint_t pcint(pint);
BOOST_TEST(pcint.get() == &dummy_int);
{ pint_t pint(&dummy_int);
pvint_t pvint(pint);
BOOST_TEST(pvint.get() == &dummy_int);
{ pint_t pint(&dummy_int);
pcvint_t pcvint(pint);
BOOST_TEST(pcvint.get() == &dummy_int);
{ pcint_t pcint(&dummy_int);
pcvint_t pcvint(pcint);
BOOST_TEST(pcvint.get() == &dummy_int);
{ pvint_t pvint(&dummy_int);
pcvint_t pcvint(pvint);
BOOST_TEST(pcvint.get() == &dummy_int);
pint_t pint(0);
pcint_t pcint(0);
pvint_t pvint(0);
pcvint_t pcvint(0);
pint = &dummy_int;
pcint = &dummy_int;
pvint = &dummy_int;
pcvint = &dummy_int;
{ pcint = pint;
BOOST_TEST(pcint.get() == &dummy_int);
{ pvint = pint;
BOOST_TEST(pvint.get() == &dummy_int);
{ pcvint = pint;
BOOST_TEST(pcvint.get() == &dummy_int);
{ pcvint = pcint;
BOOST_TEST(pcvint.get() == &dummy_int);
{ pcvint = pvint;
BOOST_TEST(pcvint.get() == &dummy_int);
pint = 0;
BOOST_TEST(pint == 0);
BOOST_TEST(0 == pint);
pint = &dummy_int;
BOOST_TEST(0 != pint);
pcint = &dummy_int;
BOOST_TEST( (pcint - pint) == 0);
BOOST_TEST( (pint - pcint) == 0);
template<class BasePtr, class DerivedPtr>
void test_base_derived_impl()
typename DerivedPtr::element_type d;
DerivedPtr pderi(&d);
BasePtr pbase(pderi);
pbase = pderi;
BOOST_TEST(pbase == pderi);
BOOST_TEST(!(pbase != pderi));
BOOST_TEST((pbase - pderi) == 0);
BOOST_TEST(!(pbase < pderi));
BOOST_TEST(!(pbase > pderi));
BOOST_TEST(pbase <= pderi);
BOOST_TEST((pbase >= pderi));
void test_base_derived()
typedef offset_ptr<Base> pbase_t;
typedef offset_ptr<const Base> pcbas_t;
typedef offset_ptr<Derived> pderi_t;
typedef offset_ptr<VirtualDerived> pvder_t;
test_base_derived_impl<pbase_t, pderi_t>();
test_base_derived_impl<pbase_t, pvder_t>();
test_base_derived_impl<pcbas_t, pderi_t>();
test_base_derived_impl<pcbas_t, pvder_t>();
void test_arithmetic()
typedef offset_ptr<int> pint_t;
const int NumValues = 5;
int values[NumValues];
//Initialize p
pint_t p = values;
BOOST_TEST(p.get() == values);
//Initialize p + NumValues
pint_t pe = &values[NumValues];
BOOST_TEST(pe != p);
BOOST_TEST(pe.get() == &values[NumValues]);
//ptr - ptr
BOOST_TEST((pe - p) == NumValues);
//ptr - integer
BOOST_TEST((pe - NumValues) == p);
//ptr + integer
BOOST_TEST((p + NumValues) == pe);
//integer + ptr
BOOST_TEST((NumValues + p) == pe);
BOOST_TEST(pint_t(&p[NumValues]) == pe);
BOOST_TEST(pint_t(&pe[-NumValues]) == p);
//ptr -= integer
pint_t p0 = pe;
p0-= NumValues;
BOOST_TEST(p == p0);
//ptr += integer
pint_t penew = p0;
penew += NumValues;
BOOST_TEST(penew == pe);
penew = p0;
for(int j = 0; j != NumValues; ++j, ++penew);
BOOST_TEST(penew == pe);
p0 = pe;
for(int j = 0; j != NumValues; ++j, --p0);
BOOST_TEST(p == p0);
penew = p0;
for(int j = 0; j != NumValues; ++j){
pint_t p_new_copy = penew;
BOOST_TEST(p_new_copy == penew++);
p0 = pe;
for(int j = 0; j != NumValues; ++j){
pint_t p0_copy = p0;
BOOST_TEST(p0_copy == p0--);
void test_comparison()
typedef offset_ptr<int> pint_t;
const int NumValues = 5;
int values[NumValues];
//Initialize p
pint_t p = values;
BOOST_TEST(p.get() == values);
//Initialize p + NumValues
pint_t pe = &values[NumValues];
BOOST_TEST(pe != p);
BOOST_TEST(pe.get() == &values[NumValues]);
BOOST_TEST(p != pe);
BOOST_TEST(p == p);
BOOST_TEST((p < pe));
BOOST_TEST((p <= pe));
BOOST_TEST((pe > p));
BOOST_TEST((pe >= p));
bool test_pointer_traits()
typedef offset_ptr<int> OInt;
typedef boost::intrusive::pointer_traits< OInt > PTOInt;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<PTOInt::element_type, int>::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<PTOInt::pointer, OInt >::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<PTOInt::difference_type, OInt::difference_type >::value));
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((ipcdetail::is_same<PTOInt::rebind_pointer<double>::type, offset_ptr<double> >::value));
int dummy;
OInt oi(&dummy);
if(boost::intrusive::pointer_traits<OInt>::pointer_to(dummy) != oi){
return false;
return true;
struct node
offset_ptr<node> next;
void test_pointer_plus_bits()
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::intrusive::max_pointer_plus_bits< offset_ptr<void>, boost::move_detail::alignment_of<node>::value >::value >= 1U));
typedef boost::intrusive::pointer_plus_bits< offset_ptr<node>, 1u > ptr_plus_bits;
node n, n2;
offset_ptr<node> pnode(&n);
BOOST_TEST(ptr_plus_bits::get_pointer(pnode) == &n);
BOOST_TEST(0 == ptr_plus_bits::get_bits(pnode));
ptr_plus_bits::set_bits(pnode, 1u);
BOOST_TEST(1 == ptr_plus_bits::get_bits(pnode));
BOOST_TEST(ptr_plus_bits::get_pointer(pnode) == &n);
ptr_plus_bits::set_pointer(pnode, &n2);
BOOST_TEST(ptr_plus_bits::get_pointer(pnode) == &n2);
BOOST_TEST(1 == ptr_plus_bits::get_bits(pnode));
ptr_plus_bits::set_bits(pnode, 0u);
BOOST_TEST(0 == ptr_plus_bits::get_bits(pnode));
BOOST_TEST(ptr_plus_bits::get_pointer(pnode) == &n2);
ptr_plus_bits::set_pointer(pnode, offset_ptr<node>());
BOOST_TEST(ptr_plus_bits::get_pointer(pnode) ==0);
BOOST_TEST(0 == ptr_plus_bits::get_bits(pnode));
ptr_plus_bits::set_bits(pnode, 1u);
BOOST_TEST(1 == ptr_plus_bits::get_bits(pnode));
BOOST_TEST(ptr_plus_bits::get_pointer(pnode) == 0);
int main()
return ::boost::report_errors();
#include <boost/interprocess/detail/config_end.hpp>
//Offset ptr benchmark
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp>
#include <boost/timer.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
template<class InIt,
class Ty> inline
Ty accumulate2(InIt First, InIt Last, Ty Val)
{ // return sum of Val and all in [First, Last)
for (; First != Last; ++First) //First = First + 1)
Val = Val + *First;
return (Val);
template <typename Vector>
void time_test(const Vector& vec, std::size_t iterations, const char* label) {
// assert(!vec.empty())
boost::timer t;
typename Vector::const_iterator first = vec.begin();
typename Vector::value_type result(0);
while (iterations != 0) {
result = accumulate2(first, first + vec.size(), result);
std::cout << label << t.elapsed() << " " << result << std::endl;
int main()
using namespace boost::interprocess;
typedef allocator<double, managed_shared_memory::segment_manager> alloc_t;
std::size_t n = 0x1 << 26;
std::size_t file_size = n * sizeof(double) + 1000000;
managed_shared_memory segment(open_or_create, "MyMappedFile", file_size);
alloc_t alloc_inst(segment.get_segment_manager());
vector<double, alloc_t> v0(n, double(42.42), alloc_inst);
time_test(v0, 10, "iterator shared: ");
std::vector<double> v1(n, double(42.42));
time_test(v1, 10, "iterator non-shared: ");
return 0;