* Check that liblzma has lzma_threads when building * Fix has_lzma_cputhreads.cpp location
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130 lines
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# Boost.Iostreams Library Build Jamfile
# (C) Copyright 2008 CodeRage, LLC (turkanis at coderage dot com)
# (C) Copyright 2004-2007 Jonathan Turkanis
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt.)
# See http://www.boost.org/libs/iostreams for documentation.
project /boost/iostreams : source-location ../src ;
# The biggest trick in this Jamfile is to link to zlib and bzip2 when
# needed. To configure that, a number of variables are used, which must
# be set by user with 'path-constant' either in Boost's root Jamfile, or
# in user-config.jam.
# For each library with either link to existing binary, or build
# a library from the sources.
import modules ;
import os ;
import path ;
import ac ;
local debug = [ MATCH (--debug-configuration) : [ modules.peek : ARGV ] ] ;
local libraries-to-install = boost_iostreams ;
for local v in NO_COMPRESSION
$(v) = [ modules.peek : $(v) ] ;
if $(NO_COMPRESSION) != 1 && $(NO_ZLIB) != 1
using zlib : : <build-name>boost_zlib <tag>@tag ;
zlib-requirements =
[ ac.check-library /zlib//zlib : <library>/zlib//zlib
<source>zlib.cpp <source>gzip.cpp ] ;
if [ os.environ ZLIB_SOURCE ]
alias boost_zlib : /zlib//zlib ;
libraries-to-install += boost_zlib ;
if $(debug)
ECHO "notice: iostreams: not using zlib compression " ;
if $(NO_COMPRESSION) != 1 && $(NO_BZIP2) != 1
using bzip2 : : <build-name>boost_bzip2 <tag>@tag ;
bzip2-requirements =
[ ac.check-library /bzip2//bzip2 : <library>/bzip2//bzip2
<source>bzip2.cpp ] ;
if [ os.environ BZIP2_SOURCE ]
alias boost_bzip2 : /bzip2//bzip2 ;
libraries-to-install += boost_bzip2 ;
if $(debug)
ECHO "notice: iostreams: not using bzip compression " ;
if $(NO_COMPRESSION) != 1 && $(NO_LZMA) != 1
using lzma ;
exe has_lzma_cputhreads : ../build/has_lzma_cputhreads.cpp /lzma//lzma ;
explicit has_lzma_cputhreads ;
lzma-requirements =
[ ac.check-library /lzma//lzma : <library>/lzma//lzma
<source>lzma.cpp ]
[ check-target-builds has_lzma_cputhreads
if $(debug)
ECHO "notice: iostreams: not using lzma compression " ;
if $(NO_COMPRESSION) != 1 && $(NO_ZSTD) != 1
using zstd ;
zstd-requirements =
[ ac.check-library /zstd//zstd : <library>/zstd//zstd
<source>zstd.cpp ] ;
if $(debug)
ECHO "notice: iostreams: not using zstd compression " ;
local sources = file_descriptor.cpp mapped_file.cpp ;
lib boost_iostreams
: $(sources)
: <link>shared:<define>BOOST_IOSTREAMS_DYN_LINK=1
: <link>shared:<define>BOOST_IOSTREAMS_DYN_LINK=1
boost-install $(libraries-to-install) ;