370 lines
13 KiB
370 lines
13 KiB
// (C) Copyright Antony Polukhin, 2012-2019.
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// See http://www.boost.org/libs/config for most recent version.
// Testing lexical_cast<> performance
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/chrono.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <boost/container/string.hpp>
// File to output data
std::fstream fout;
namespace boost {
inline std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& in, boost::array<char,50>& res) {
in >> res.begin();
return in;
template <class OutT, class InT>
static inline void test_lexical(const InT& in_val) {
OutT out_val = boost::lexical_cast<OutT>(in_val);
template <class OutT, class InT>
static inline void test_ss_constr(const InT& in_val) {
OutT out_val;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << in_val;
if (ss.fail()) throw std::logic_error("descr");
ss >> out_val;
if (ss.fail()) throw std::logic_error("descr");
template <class OutT, class CharT, std::size_t N>
static inline void test_ss_constr(const boost::array<CharT, N>& in_val) {
OutT out_val;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << in_val.begin();
if (ss.fail()) throw std::logic_error("descr");
ss >> out_val;
if (ss.fail()) throw std::logic_error("descr");
template <class OutT, class StringStreamT, class CharT, std::size_t N>
static inline void test_ss_noconstr(StringStreamT& ss, const boost::array<CharT, N>& in_val) {
OutT out_val;
ss << in_val.begin(); // ss is an instance of std::stringstream
if (ss.fail()) throw std::logic_error("descr");
ss >> out_val;
if (ss.fail()) throw std::logic_error("descr");
/* reseting std::stringstream to use it again */
template <class OutT, class StringStreamT, class InT>
static inline void test_ss_noconstr(StringStreamT& ss, const InT& in_val) {
OutT out_val;
ss << in_val; // ss is an instance of std::stringstream
if (ss.fail()) throw std::logic_error("descr");
ss >> out_val;
if (ss.fail()) throw std::logic_error("descr");
/* reseting std::stringstream to use it again */
struct structure_sprintf {
template <class OutT, class BufferT, class InT>
static inline void test(BufferT* buffer, const InT& in_val, const char* const conv) {
sprintf(buffer, conv, in_val);
OutT out_val(buffer);
template <class OutT, class BufferT>
static inline void test(BufferT* buffer, const std::string& in_val, const char* const conv) {
sprintf(buffer, conv, in_val.c_str());
OutT out_val(buffer);
struct structure_sscanf {
template <class OutT, class BufferT, class CharT, std::size_t N>
static inline void test(BufferT* /*buffer*/, const boost::array<CharT, N>& in_val, const char* const conv) {
OutT out_val;
sscanf(in_val.cbegin(), conv, &out_val);
template <class OutT, class BufferT, class InT>
static inline void test(BufferT* /*buffer*/, const InT& in_val, const char* const conv) {
OutT out_val;
sscanf(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(in_val), conv, &out_val);
template <class OutT, class BufferT>
static inline void test(BufferT* /*buffer*/, const std::string& in_val, const char* const conv) {
OutT out_val;
sscanf(in_val.c_str(), conv, &out_val);
template <class OutT, class BufferT>
static inline void test(BufferT* /*buffer*/, const boost::iterator_range<const char*>& in_val, const char* const conv) {
OutT out_val;
sscanf(in_val.begin(), conv, &out_val);
struct structure_fake {
template <class OutT, class BufferT, class InT>
static inline void test(BufferT* /*buffer*/, const InT& /*in_val*/, const char* const /*conv*/) {}
static const int fake_test_value = 9999;
template <class T>
static inline void min_fancy_output(T v1, T v2, T v3, T v4) {
const char beg_mark[] = "!!! *";
const char end_mark[] = "* !!!";
const char no_mark[] = "";
unsigned int res = 4;
if (v1 < v2 && v1 < v3 && v1 < v4) res = 1;
if (v2 < v1 && v2 < v3 && v2 < v4) res = 2;
if (v3 < v1 && v3 < v2 && v3 < v4) res = 3;
fout << "[ "
<< (res == 1 ? beg_mark : no_mark)
if (v1) fout << v1;
else fout << "<1";
fout << (res == 1 ? end_mark : no_mark)
<< " ][ "
<< (res == 2 ? beg_mark : no_mark)
if (v2) fout << v2;
else fout << "<1";
fout << (res == 2 ? end_mark : no_mark)
<< " ][ "
<< (res == 3 ? beg_mark : no_mark)
if (v3) fout << v3;
else fout << "<1";
fout << (res == 3 ? end_mark : no_mark)
<< " ][ "
<< (res == 4 ? beg_mark : no_mark)
if (!v4) fout << "<1";
else if (v4 == fake_test_value) fout << "---";
else fout << v4;
<< (res == 4 ? end_mark : no_mark)
<< " ]";
template <unsigned int IetartionsCountV, class ToT, class SprintfT, class FromT>
static inline void perf_test_impl(const FromT& in_val, const char* const conv) {
typedef boost::chrono::steady_clock test_clock;
test_clock::time_point start;
typedef boost::chrono::milliseconds duration_t;
duration_t lexical_cast_time, ss_constr_time, ss_noconstr_time, printf_time;
start = test_clock::now();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < IetartionsCountV; ++i) {
lexical_cast_time = boost::chrono::duration_cast<duration_t>(test_clock::now() - start);
start = test_clock::now();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < IetartionsCountV; ++i) {
ss_constr_time = boost::chrono::duration_cast<duration_t>(test_clock::now() - start);
std::stringstream ss;
start = test_clock::now();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < IetartionsCountV; ++i) {
test_ss_noconstr<ToT>(ss, in_val);
test_ss_noconstr<ToT>(ss, in_val);
test_ss_noconstr<ToT>(ss, in_val);
test_ss_noconstr<ToT>(ss, in_val);
ss_noconstr_time = boost::chrono::duration_cast<duration_t>(test_clock::now() - start);
char buffer[128];
start = test_clock::now();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < IetartionsCountV; ++i) {
SprintfT::template test<ToT>(buffer, in_val, conv);
SprintfT::template test<ToT>(buffer, in_val, conv);
SprintfT::template test<ToT>(buffer, in_val, conv);
SprintfT::template test<ToT>(buffer, in_val, conv);
printf_time = boost::chrono::duration_cast<duration_t>(test_clock::now() - start);
boost::is_same<SprintfT, structure_fake>::value ? fake_test_value : printf_time.count()
template <class ToT, class SprintfT, class FromT>
static inline void perf_test(const std::string& test_name, const FromT& in_val, const char* const conv) {
const unsigned int ITERATIONSCOUNT = 100000;
fout << " [[ " << test_name << " ]";
perf_test_impl<ITERATIONSCOUNT/4, ToT, SprintfT>(in_val, conv);
fout << "]\n";
template <class ConverterT>
void string_like_test_set(const std::string& from) {
typedef structure_sscanf ssc_t;
ConverterT conv;
perf_test<char, ssc_t>(from + "->char", conv("c"), "%c");
perf_test<signed char, ssc_t>(from + "->signed char", conv("c"), "%hhd");
perf_test<unsigned char, ssc_t>(from + "->unsigned char", conv("c"), "%hhu");
perf_test<int, ssc_t>(from + "->int", conv("100"), "%d");
perf_test<short, ssc_t>(from + "->short", conv("100"), "%hd");
perf_test<long int, ssc_t>(from + "->long int", conv("100"), "%ld");
perf_test<boost::long_long_type, ssc_t>(from + "->long long", conv("100"), "%lld");
perf_test<unsigned int, ssc_t>(from + "->unsigned int", conv("100"), "%u");
perf_test<unsigned short, ssc_t>(from + "->unsigned short", conv("100"), "%hu");
perf_test<unsigned long int, ssc_t>(from + "->unsigned long int", conv("100"), "%lu");
perf_test<boost::ulong_long_type, ssc_t>(from + "->unsigned long long", conv("100"), "%llu");
// perf_test<bool, ssc_t>(from + "->bool", conv("1"), "%");
perf_test<float, ssc_t>(from + "->float", conv("1.123"), "%f");
perf_test<double, ssc_t>(from + "->double", conv("1.123"), "%lf");
perf_test<long double, ssc_t>(from + "->long double", conv("1.123"), "%Lf");
perf_test<boost::array<char, 50>, ssc_t>(from + "->array<char, 50>", conv("1.123"), "%s");
perf_test<std::string, structure_fake>(from + "->string", conv("string"), "%Lf");
perf_test<boost::container::string, structure_fake>(from + "->container::string"
, conv("string"), "%Lf");
struct to_string_conv {
std::string operator()(const char* const c) const {
return c;
struct to_char_conv {
const char* operator()(const char* const c) const {
return c;
struct to_uchar_conv {
const unsigned char* operator()(const char* const c) const {
return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(c);
struct to_schar_conv {
const signed char* operator()(const char* const c) const {
return reinterpret_cast<const signed char*>(c);
struct to_iterator_range {
boost::iterator_range<const char*> operator()(const char* const c) const {
return boost::make_iterator_range(c, c + std::strlen(c));
struct to_array_50 {
boost::array<char, 50> operator()(const char* const c) const {
boost::array<char, 50> ret;
std::strcpy(ret.begin(), c);
return ret;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
BOOST_ASSERT(argc >= 2);
std::string output_path(argv[1]);
output_path += "/results.txt";
fout.open(output_path.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app);
fout << "[section " << BOOST_COMPILER << "]\n"
<< "[table:id Performance Table ( "<< BOOST_COMPILER << ")\n"
<< "[[From->To] [lexical_cast] [std::stringstream with construction] "
<< "[std::stringstream without construction][scanf/printf]]\n";
// From std::string to ...
// From ... to std::string
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("string->char", 'c', "%c");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("string->signed char", static_cast<signed char>('c'), "%hhd");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("string->unsigned char", static_cast<unsigned char>('c'), "%hhu");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("int->string", 100, "%d");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("short->string", static_cast<short>(100), "%hd");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("long int->string", 100l, "%ld");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("long long->string", 100ll, "%lld");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("unsigned int->string", static_cast<unsigned short>(100u), "%u");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("unsigned short->string", 100u, "%hu");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("unsigned long int->string", 100ul, "%lu");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("unsigned long long->string", static_cast<boost::ulong_long_type>(100), "%llu");
// perf_test<bool, structure_sscanf>("bool->string", std::string("1"), "%");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("float->string", 1.123f, "%f");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("double->string", 1.123, "%lf");
perf_test<std::string, structure_sprintf>("long double->string", 1.123L, "%Lf");
string_like_test_set<to_uchar_conv>("unsigned char*");
string_like_test_set<to_schar_conv>("signed char*");
string_like_test_set<to_array_50>("array<char, 50>");
perf_test<int, structure_fake>("int->int", 100, "");
perf_test<double, structure_fake>("float->double", 100.0f, "");
perf_test<signed char, structure_fake>("char->signed char", 'c', "");
fout << "]\n"
<< "[endsect]\n\n";
return 0;