
78 lines
2.2 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Lorenzo Caminiti
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
# (see accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or a copy at
# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
# Home at http://www.boost.org/libs/local_function
import testing ;
# Sun does not automatically detect type-of emulation mode (force it).
project : requirements <toolset>sun:<define>BOOST_TYPEOF_EMULATION ;
run add_cxx11_lambda.cpp ;
run add_global_functor.cpp ;
run add_local_functor.cpp ;
run add_phoenix.cpp ;
run const_block.cpp ;
compile-fail const_block_error.cpp : <variant>debug : ;
run const_block_error.cpp : <variant>release : ;
compile-fail const_block_error_cxx11_lambda.cpp ;
run expensive_copy_cxx11_lambda.cpp ;
run expensive_copy_local_function.cpp ;
run gcc_access.cpp ;
run gcc_lambda.cpp ;
run gcc_cxx11_lambda.cpp ;
run gcc_square.cpp ;
run gcc_store.cpp ;
run impl_pp_keyword.cpp ;
run impl_tparam_tricks.cpp ;
run n2529_this.cpp ;
run n2550_find_if.cpp ;
compile-fail noncopyable_cxx11_lambda_error.cpp ;
run noncopyable_local_function.cpp ;
run phoenix_factorial.cpp ;
run phoenix_factorial_local.cpp ;
# Only compile but do not run profiling programs (they take a long time to run).
exe profile_global_functor : profile_global_functor.cpp
: <library>/boost/chrono//boost_chrono
exe profile_cxx11_lambda : profile_cxx11_lambda.cpp
: <library>/boost/chrono//boost_chrono
exe profile_local_function : profile_local_function.cpp
: <library>/boost/chrono//boost_chrono
exe profile_local_function_inline : profile_local_function_inline.cpp
: <library>/boost/chrono//boost_chrono
exe profile_local_functor : profile_local_functor.cpp
: <library>/boost/chrono//boost_chrono
exe profile_phoenix : profile_phoenix.cpp
: <library>/boost/chrono//boost_chrono
run scope_exit.cpp ;