When a user defines an output operator for std::basic_ostream and a pointer to a user-defined type, that operator use to be ignored because of the implicit cast to const void* that happened when operator<< for formatting_ostream or record_ostream was called. We now forward the pointer type to the operator<< for std::ostream, so it is either cast then or user's operator<< is picked. Fixes https://github.com/boostorg/log/issues/84.
480 lines
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480 lines
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* Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2015.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
* http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* \file src_record_ostream.cpp
* \author Andrey Semashev
* \date 23.08.2015
* \brief This header contains tests for the log record formatting output stream.
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE src_record_ostream
#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <string_view>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/string_view.hpp>
#include <boost/log/core/record.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/record_ostream.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions/message.hpp>
#include <boost/log/attributes/value_extraction.hpp>
#include "char_definitions.hpp"
#include "make_record.hpp"
namespace logging = boost::log;
namespace expr = boost::log::expressions;
namespace {
struct unreferencable_data
unsigned int m : 2;
unsigned int n : 6;
enum my_enum
one = 1,
two = 2
// The following static constants don't have definitions, so they can only be used in constant expressions.
// Trying to bind a reference to these members will result in linking errors.
static const int x = 7;
static const my_enum y = one;
m = 1;
n = 5;
template< typename CharT >
struct test_impl
typedef CharT char_type;
typedef test_data< char_type > strings;
typedef std::basic_string< char_type > string_type;
typedef std::basic_ostringstream< char_type > ostream_type;
typedef logging::basic_record_ostream< char_type > record_ostream_type;
template< typename StringT >
static void width_formatting()
// Check that widening works
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type strm_fmt(rec);
strm_fmt << strings::abc() << std::setw(8) << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << strings::abc() << std::setw(8) << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
// Check that the string is not truncated
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type strm_fmt(rec);
strm_fmt << strings::abc() << std::setw(1) << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << strings::abc() << std::setw(1) << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
template< typename StringT >
static void fill_formatting()
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type strm_fmt(rec);
strm_fmt << strings::abc() << std::setfill(static_cast< char_type >('x')) << std::setw(8) << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << strings::abc() << std::setfill(static_cast< char_type >('x')) << std::setw(8) << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
template< typename StringT >
static void alignment()
// Left alignment
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type strm_fmt(rec);
strm_fmt << strings::abc() << std::setw(8) << std::left << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << strings::abc() << std::setw(8) << std::left << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
// Right alignment
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type strm_fmt(rec);
strm_fmt << strings::abc() << std::setw(8) << std::right << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << strings::abc() << std::setw(8) << std::right << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
template< typename StringT >
static void rvalue_stream()
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type(rec) << strings::abc() << std::setw(8) << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC() << std::flush;
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << strings::abc() << std::setw(8) << (StringT)strings::abcd() << strings::ABC();
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
static void output_unreferencable_data()
unreferencable_data data;
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type strm_fmt(rec);
strm_fmt << data.m << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << data.n << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << unreferencable_data::x << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << unreferencable_data::y;
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << static_cast< unsigned int >(data.m) << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << static_cast< unsigned int >(data.n) << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << static_cast< int >(unreferencable_data::x) << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << static_cast< int >(unreferencable_data::y);
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type(rec) << data.m << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << data.n << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << unreferencable_data::x << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << unreferencable_data::y << std::flush;
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << static_cast< unsigned int >(data.m) << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << static_cast< unsigned int >(data.n) << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << static_cast< int >(unreferencable_data::x) << static_cast< char_type >(' ') << static_cast< int >(unreferencable_data::y);
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
static void formatting_params_restoring()
record_ostream_type strm_fmt;
logging::record rec = make_record();
strm_fmt << std::setw(8) << std::setfill(static_cast< char_type >('x')) << std::hex << 15;
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << std::setw(8) << std::setfill(static_cast< char_type >('x')) << std::hex << 15;
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
// Check that the formatting flags are reset for the next record
logging::record rec = make_record();
strm_fmt << 15;
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << 15;
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
} // namespace
// Test support for width formatting
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(width_formatting, CharT, char_types)
typedef test_impl< CharT > test;
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE width_formatting< const CharT* >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE width_formatting< typename test::string_type >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE width_formatting< boost::basic_string_view< CharT > >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE width_formatting< std::basic_string_view< CharT > >();
// Test support for filler character setup
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(fill_formatting, CharT, char_types)
typedef test_impl< CharT > test;
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE fill_formatting< const CharT* >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE fill_formatting< typename test::string_type >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE fill_formatting< boost::basic_string_view< CharT > >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE fill_formatting< std::basic_string_view< CharT > >();
// Test support for text alignment
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(alignment, CharT, char_types)
typedef test_impl< CharT > test;
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE alignment< const CharT* >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE alignment< typename test::string_type >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE alignment< boost::basic_string_view< CharT > >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE alignment< std::basic_string_view< CharT > >();
// Test support for rvalue stream objects
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(rvalue_stream, CharT, char_types)
typedef test_impl< CharT > test;
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE rvalue_stream< const CharT* >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE rvalue_stream< typename test::string_type >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE rvalue_stream< boost::basic_string_view< CharT > >();
test::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE rvalue_stream< std::basic_string_view< CharT > >();
// Test output of data to which a reference cannot be bound
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(output_unreferencable_data, CharT, char_types)
typedef test_impl< CharT > test;
// Test that formatting settings are reset for new log records
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(formatting_params_restoring, CharT, char_types)
typedef test_impl< CharT > test;
namespace my_namespace {
class A {};
template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT >
inline std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, A const&)
strm << "A";
return strm;
class B {};
template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT >
inline std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, B&)
strm << "B";
return strm;
template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT >
inline std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, B*)
strm << "B*";
return strm;
template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT >
inline std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, const B*)
strm << "const B*";
return strm;
class C {};
template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT >
inline std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, C const&)
strm << "C";
return strm;
enum E { eee };
template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT >
inline std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, E)
strm << "E";
return strm;
} // namespace my_namespace
// Test operator forwarding
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(operator_forwarding, CharT, char_types)
typedef CharT char_type;
typedef std::basic_string< char_type > string_type;
typedef std::basic_ostringstream< char_type > ostream_type;
typedef logging::basic_record_ostream< char_type > record_ostream_type;
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type strm_fmt(rec);
const my_namespace::A a = my_namespace::A(); // const lvalue
my_namespace::B b; // lvalue
strm_fmt << a << b << my_namespace::C(); // rvalue
strm_fmt << my_namespace::eee;
strm_fmt << &b << (my_namespace::B const*)&b;
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << a << b << my_namespace::C() << my_namespace::eee << &b << (my_namespace::B const*)&b;
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
namespace my_namespace2 {
class A {};
template< typename CharT >
inline logging::basic_record_ostream< CharT >& operator<< (logging::basic_record_ostream< CharT >& strm, A const&)
strm << "A";
return strm;
class B {};
template< typename CharT >
inline logging::basic_record_ostream< CharT >& operator<< (logging::basic_record_ostream< CharT >& strm, B&)
strm << "B";
return strm;
class C {};
template< typename CharT >
inline logging::basic_record_ostream< CharT >& operator<< (logging::basic_record_ostream< CharT >& strm, C const&)
strm << "C";
return strm;
class D {};
template< typename CharT >
inline logging::basic_record_ostream< CharT >& operator<< (logging::basic_record_ostream< CharT >& strm,
D const&
strm << "D";
return strm;
enum E { eee };
template< typename CharT >
inline logging::basic_record_ostream< CharT >& operator<< (logging::basic_record_ostream< CharT >& strm, E)
strm << "E";
return strm;
} // namespace my_namespace2
// Test operator overriding
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(operator_overriding, CharT, char_types)
typedef CharT char_type;
typedef std::basic_string< char_type > string_type;
typedef std::basic_ostringstream< char_type > ostream_type;
typedef logging::basic_record_ostream< char_type > record_ostream_type;
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type strm_fmt(rec);
const my_namespace2::A a = my_namespace2::A(); // const lvalue
my_namespace2::B b; // lvalue
strm_fmt << a << b << my_namespace2::C() << my_namespace2::D(); // rvalue
strm_fmt << my_namespace2::eee;
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << "ABCDE";
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));
// Test that operator<< returns a record_ostream
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE(operator_return_type, CharT, char_types)
typedef CharT char_type;
typedef std::basic_string< char_type > string_type;
typedef std::basic_ostringstream< char_type > ostream_type;
typedef logging::basic_record_ostream< char_type > record_ostream_type;
logging::record rec = make_record();
record_ostream_type strm_fmt(rec);
// The test here verifies that the result of << "Hello" is a record_ostream, not std::ostream or logging::formatting_ostream.
// The subsequent << A() will only compile if the stream is record_ostream.
strm_fmt << "Hello " << my_namespace2::A();
string_type rec_message = logging::extract_or_throw< string_type >(expr::message.get_name(), rec);
ostream_type strm_correct;
strm_correct << "Hello A";
BOOST_CHECK(equal_strings(rec_message, strm_correct.str()));