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[section:uniform_dist Uniform Distribution]
``#include <boost/math/distributions/uniform.hpp>``
namespace boost{ namespace math{
template <class RealType = double,
class ``__Policy`` = ``__policy_class`` >
class uniform_distribution;
typedef uniform_distribution<> uniform;
template <class RealType, class ``__Policy``>
class uniform_distribution
typedef RealType value_type;
uniform_distribution(RealType lower = 0, RealType upper = 1); // Constructor.
: m_lower(lower), m_upper(upper) // Default is standard uniform distribution.
// Accessor functions.
RealType lower()const;
RealType upper()const;
}; // class uniform_distribution
}} // namespaces
The uniform distribution, also known as a rectangular distribution,
is a probability distribution that has constant probability.
The [@ continuous uniform distribution]
is a distribution with the
[@ probability density function]:
[expression f(x) =1 / (upper - lower) [sixemspace] for lower < x < upper]
[expression f(x) =zero [sixemspace] for x < lower or x > upper]
and in this implementation:
[expression 1 / (upper - lower) [sixemspace] for x = lower or x = upper]
The choice of /x = lower/ or /x = upper/ is made because statistical use of this distribution judged is most likely:
the method of maximum likelihood uses this definition.
There is also a [@ *discrete* uniform distribution].
Parameters lower and upper can be any finite value.
The [@ random variate]
/x/ must also be finite, and is supported /lower <= x <= upper/.
The lower parameter is also called the
[@ location parameter],
[@ that is where the origin of a plot will lie],
and (upper - lower) is also called the [@ scale parameter].
The following graph illustrates how the
[@ probability density function PDF]
varies with the shape parameter:
[graph uniform_pdf]
Likewise for the CDF:
[graph uniform_cdf]
[h4 Member Functions]
uniform_distribution(RealType lower = 0, RealType upper = 1);
Constructs a [@
uniform distribution] with lower /lower/ (a) and upper /upper/ (b).
Requires that the /lower/ and /upper/ parameters are both finite;
otherwise if infinity or NaN then calls __domain_error.
RealType lower()const;
Returns the /lower/ parameter of this distribution.
RealType upper()const;
Returns the /upper/ parameter of this distribution.
[h4 Non-member Accessors]
All the [link math_toolkit.dist_ref.nmp usual non-member accessor functions]
that are generic to all distributions are supported: __usual_accessors.
The domain of the random variable is any finite value,
but the supported range is only /lower/ <= x <= /upper/.
[h4 Accuracy]
The uniform distribution is implemented with simple arithmetic operators and so should have errors within an epsilon or two.
[h4 Implementation]
In the following table a is the /lower/ parameter of the distribution,
b is the /upper/ parameter,
/x/ is the random variate, /p/ is the probability and /q = 1-p/.
[[Function][Implementation Notes]]
[[pdf][Using the relation: pdf = 0 for x < a, 1 / (b - a) for a <= x <= b, 0 for x > b ]]
[[cdf][Using the relation: cdf = 0 for x < a, (x - a) / (b - a) for a <= x <= b, 1 for x > b]]
[[cdf complement][Using the relation: q = 1 - p, (b - x) / (b - a) ]]
[[quantile][Using the relation: x = p * (b - a) + a; ]]
[[quantile from the complement][x = -q * (b - a) + b ]]
[[mean][(a + b) / 2 ]]
[[variance][(b - a) [super 2] / 12 ]]
[[mode][any value in \[a, b\] but a is chosen. (Would NaN be better?) ]]
[[kurtosis excess][-6/5 = -1.2 exactly. (kurtosis - 3)]]
[h4 References]
* [@ Wikpedia continuous uniform distribution]
* [@ Weisstein, Weisstein, Eric W. "Uniform Distribution." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.]
* [@]
[endsect] [/section:uniform_dist Uniform]
Copyright 2006 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at